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The Summoner's Path (D'Vaire, Book 10)

Page 10

by Jessamyn Kingley

  Chapter 13

  Dre’Kariston gave Somerly a quick kiss, then teleported them to his bedroom at D’Vaire. He took Somerly’s mouth a second time once they were alone and thrust his tongue deftly against the dragon’s. His mate’s body liquefied against him. Holding him tight in his arms, Dre’Kariston didn’t pull away until his cock hardened. Dragging his lips down Somerly’s jaw to his ear, he whispered, “I love the way you kiss.”

  Somerly snuggled closer to him and rested his chin on Dre’Kariston’s shoulder. “I feel the same way about you.”

  “How was your day?”

  “Better now.”

  Dre’Kariston ran his hands down Somerly’s back and when he reached his ass, gave it a squeeze, then took two steps away from the tempting dragon. “You’re the best part of my day.”

  Somerly smiled. “Thanks, but you’re still a tease.”

  “A little anticipation never hurts.”

  “It’s been over two weeks since we met. That’s some pretty long foreplay.”

  “Exciting, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Lovely, really.”

  Dre’Kariston chuckled at Somerly’s irritation. “I don’t know, it feels strange to think about sex at two in the afternoon.”

  “It’s ten at night for me. I should be fucked and tucked into bed to sleep.”

  “Is traveling here at night becoming an issue for you?”

  “I don’t get as much sleep as I used to, but I’m doing okay. I don’t want to stop coming, so I can deal with being tired sometimes.”

  “I don’t mind if you come here and need to take a nap or something.”

  “You can’t watch me sleep. I probably look like a weirdo with my mouth hanging open and shit.”

  “I’m pretty sure I can find some way to entertain myself without unnerving you by watching you sleep.”

  “Okay, then I might take you up on the offer to take the occasional nap.”

  Dre’Kariston reached out and caressed Somerly’s chin in his fingers. “Want to take one now?”

  Somerly stepped close and hugged Dre’Kariston. He snaked his arms around the dragon and held him tight. “I might need a little help falling asleep.”

  “What do you want?”

  When Dre’Kariston felt Somerly’s hardness poking him, he understood exactly what was on his mind. “I need to come.”

  “I think I can handle that.”

  “About time,” Somerly muttered as he stepped back and tugged his top over his head. Then he tackled the buttons of Dre’Kariston’s shirt.

  “You’re in a hurry,” Dre’Kariston teased. He cupped Somerly’s sex through his faded jeans. Somerly moaned a little and jerked his body upward.

  “I don’t want you to think I suck in bed. Well, actually I do suck, and I like to suck. What I mean is I don’t want you getting the idea I’m bad at sex, but I’m not going to last long. Okay?”

  “I’m glad to hear you suck,” Dre’Kariston replied as he stroked Somerly. “I’m not going to last long myself, which is rather disappointing because I wanted to be inside you. But I’ll never make it.”

  “But we’ll do that soon, right? I’ve been dreaming about you filling me up.”

  “No worries on that score. I’m going to fuck you.”

  Somerly was finally finished fumbling with Dre’Kariston’s buttons, so he shrugged out of his shirt. Once it hit the floor, he grabbed the waistband of Somerly’s jeans and yanked him close. He stabbed his tongue through Somerly’s lips and took his mouth in a deep, heated kiss. Somerly’s hands found their way to Dre’Kariston’s back, and the dragon’s fingernails bit into his skin.

  When Somerly started making mewling noises, Dre’Kariston tugged open the button of Somerly’s pants, then unzipped them. The thin cotton barrier of his underwear didn’t bother Dre’Kariston as he once again fondled his dick.

  “Do you like that?” he whispered.

  “Feels good. I want to touch you too.”

  “Be my guest.”

  Somerly’s dark eyes met his; they were so dilated Dre’Kariston could hardly see the blue, and he loved the flush covering his cheeks. Gazes locked, Somerly undid Dre’Kariston’s jeans and pushed them down to his thighs. He did the same with his underwear, then wrapped his hand around Dre’Kariston’s length. The touch of his mate was a heady experience, and Dre’Kariston didn’t want to be the only one enjoying their interlude. He shoved Somerly’s remaining clothing down to expose his cock. It was an angry red at the tip and jutting straight up so it rested against the taut muscles of his stomach.

  “Let’s get some lube and finish this,” Dre’Kariston said.

  Somerly nodded but continued to fondle him.

  “You have to let go,” Dre’Kariston teased.

  “I really would prefer to keep it.”

  Dre’Kariston chuckled as he extricated himself from Somerly’s clever fingers. “Too bad, it’s mine. Now get those pants off and climb up on the bed.”

  Without any argument, Somerly did exactly what Dre’Kariston asked in about four seconds. Dre’Kariston pushed his pants and underwear to the floor, then stepped out of his clothing. He walked over to the bedside table and fished out the bottle of lube he was using more often than at any point in his life. Since he met Somerly, he was jerking it so much he was mildly afraid the damn thing was going to fall off.

  Dre’Kariston lay down next to Somerly and was rewarded with a friendly dragon nuzzling close. Their bodies were so similar in height that their cocks came into immediate contact. Somerly moaned and thrust against him.

  “Lube isn’t going to help if it stays in the bottle,” Dre’Kariston joked softly.

  Somerly rolled to his back and bending his knees, spread his legs wide. His dark eyes were full of need. Changing his mind about fucking him, Dre’Kariston tossed the lube aside and got onto his hands and knees. He crawled over his mate and, as slow as he could manage, lowered his body onto Somerly’s. Every nerve ending sang with joy with each inch of skin that met the dragon’s. This was a homecoming his soul had waited for since he’d first learned what the word mate meant.

  When he was lying flush against Somerly, he took his mouth in an aggressive kiss as he rocked against him. Their cocks rubbed alongside each other and Dre’Kariston wasn’t going to last long. Somerly’s arms came tight around him and he quickly found a rhythm that allowed him to thrust up as Dre’Kariston ground down. They were locked in a race in which they’d both be the victor.

  Somerly was muttering incoherently against Dre’Kariston’s lips as tingles danced down his spine. His balls were straining to blow, but Dre’Kariston wouldn’t give in to his climax until he was certain the man beneath him found his. The sensation of the smooth glide of Somerly’s sex against his was so tantalizing that Dre’Kariston was unable to keep from moving more forcefully against him. Somerly didn’t seem to mind as he too picked up the pace.

  Too tangled in desire to continue their kiss, Dre’Kariston pulled his mouth away to bite down on Somerly’s jaw. While his wish was to make Somerly find fulfillment first, he was growing increasingly afraid he was going to lose the battle to keep himself in check. Their sweat-soaked bodies were flying him closer to the edge.

  Without any idea where the compulsion came from he barked out, “Somerly, come.”

  The words had no more than fallen from his lips when Somerly did exactly as he was asked. He shouted as his body tensed beneath Dre’Kariston. With one final surge against Somerly, Dre’Kariston gave into the driving demand inside. He roared, and his muscles locked as his seed shot out. His orgasm was a dizzying experience of a magnitude he’d never enjoyed before. When his mind was finally freed from the indescribable bliss, he huffed out a breath and found Somerly smiling beneath him.

  “So worth the wait,” Somerly murmured.

  Dre’Kariston let out a breathless chuckle and leaned close to drop a sweet kiss on his lips. “I agree.”

  Somerly’s hand swept over Dre’Kariston’s da
mp back and while he should’ve probably fished for something to clean up their mess since the dragon wasn’t used to a sorcerer who preferred magic for that sort of thing, he instead found himself holding his mate close. “You were amazing.”

  “You told me to come. I really liked that. It made me do so immediately.”

  “I don’t even know where that came from.”

  “Do it again sometime.”

  Dre’Kariston moved his head from where he’d buried it into a pillow to kiss Somerly’s cheek. “If you liked it, I will.”

  “I liked everything.”

  “Me too. We should get cleaned up, so you can take your nap.”

  “I’m feeling pretty loose and sleepy right now.”

  With a grin, Dre’Kariston lifted his weight off his tired man. He couldn’t resist reuniting their lips for another soft kiss; then he climbed off the sexy dragon and left the bed altogether. It didn’t take him long to grab a washcloth and wet it under the faucet. Returning to the bedroom, he found Somerly still lying there with his legs spread wide.

  “I might take a picture of you like that, so I can use it when I jerk off,” he told Somerly as he crossed the space and carefully swiped away the remnants of their lovemaking.

  “Rather perverted of you.”

  “I can’t help it—you look damn good naked.”

  “So do you. I like that we’re of a similar height. It made having sex that way perfect.”

  Dre’Kariston walked over and tossed the now-soiled cloth into the bathroom, then crawled back onto the mattress with Somerly. He grabbed the throw from the bottom of the bed and covered them both with it. After Somerly was once again wrapped in his arms, Dre’Kariston answered him. “You know something…after I was reunited with my brother and started taking stock of all the dragons around me, I was a bit disappointed they were all so tall. I’m sure it’s not a problem for my brother, but I much prefer someone a little closer to my own height.”

  “I’m glad you’re not disappointed. Not everyone’s okay with the fact that I’m super short for a dragon.”

  “I’m sorry. That’s not right. It’s completely out of your control.”

  Somerly grimaced, so Dre’Kariston kissed his nose. “Yeah, not everyone understands that.”

  “Is your father the same height? Did you inherit it from him?”

  “No, he’s a couple of inches over six feet like most dragons. I asked him once if my mother was short, but he won’t discuss her.”

  “Which leaves you with no way of knowing if you got it from her. That has to be a little disappointing.”

  “It is, but I don’t like to press the issue. I don’t like upsetting my father.”

  “I understand. You don’t want to stress him out.”

  With a smile, Somerly responded, “Exactly. I’m glad you get it.”

  “I think you’re a good son who loves your dad. I like that about you.”

  “I’m not sure I can agree. I’ve kept things from him, and I’m not sure he’d ever understand why.” Somerly’s eyes left his and his voice was full of sadness.

  “You don’t think he’ll ever accept me as your mate?”

  “This is totally ruining our first sexual experience,” Somerly blurted out.

  “I disagree. We’re talking about things important to us both, which will only bring us closer as a couple. Just as the amazing sex we had a few minutes ago did and I’d like to know where your thought process is with telling your dad about us. It’s important to our future, assuming we’ll have one.”

  “It’s complicated. I don’t know what he’ll do. I’m scared.”

  Dre’Kariston stroked his cheek. “This thing between us is still new. You don’t have to make any tough decisions yet. We’ll just keep getting to know one another and worry about the road ahead later. How’s that?”

  “You’re probably the most understanding person I’ve ever met.”

  “Well, I did just have really great sex. I’m not normally in this good of a mood.”

  Somerly laughed. “You’re the best, Dre’Kariston. The absolute best.”

  “I think you might be biased.”

  “Well, you aren’t the only one who had sex just now. I might feel different a bit later.”

  “Time for your nap.”

  “Is it all right if I use you as a pillow while I have a rest?”

  Dre’Kariston pressed a kiss on Somerly’s lips. “Absolutely.”

  “Turn on the TV or something, though. Don’t watch me.”

  With a rueful shake of his head, Dre’Kariston reached over and grabbed the remote off the bedside table. He found a comedy show he liked and cuddled Somerly close while the dragon nestled in to get some sleep. Stretching out in front of him was an eternity of times just like this one, with Somerly at his side. It was tantalizing, and he hoped it was something they could manage to attain. He put his trust in Fate and yearned for Somerly to want the same thing out of his life.

  Chapter 14

  Tugging on his tie because it wanted to strangle him, Somerly stood awkwardly with a glass of champagne in his hand. He hated the stuff and had already choked down an obligatory sip. None of the revelers around him appeared to notice that one of the guests of honor wanted to be anywhere but in the crowded ballroom. Somerly’s engagement party was in full swing, and he peered up at the tall dragon standing next to him. Lucretia was wearing a purple dress that showed off her figure but like Somerly, her face held no joy.

  “Do you feel as odd as I do?” Somerly ventured to ask.

  Her gray eyes swung down to his and she nodded. “It’s rather weird. I can’t say I understand their jubilation. I hardly know these people.”

  “Including me.”

  Lucretia frowned. “I suppose that will change when we’re married.”

  “I’m struggling to picture myself as a married man.”

  “It’s what our fathers want.”

  Somerly let his gaze leave her to travel to his only parent. King Boian was sporting a bright smile and having an animated conversation with Lucretia’s mother and father. “My dad is very pleased our courts will be allies.”

  “My parents as well. They’d like grandchildren right away. It’s all they talk about.”

  It was impossible for Somerly to imagine cradling a baby in his arms, let alone going about making one with Lucretia, but he refused to disappoint his father. “Do you think you’ll like living at Court Ethelin after our marriage?”

  “That’s still up for negotiation.”

  That was news to Somerly. His father hadn’t mentioned anything about him leaving the only home he’d ever known. He couldn’t imagine it and wondered what would happen to his best friend Lex if he wasn’t there. “It is?”

  “Yes, our court’s larger and the Varius name more respected. My parents don’t want our children to be Ethelin dragons. He believes your father’s simply pressing the issue to get more money out of them.”

  “Your parents are paying my dad?”

  “Of course. These kinds of marriages aren’t love matches. We hardly know one another. Did you think different?”

  Somerly’s thoughts immediately went to the warlock he was growing increasingly crazy about. “Not at all. I simply believed both families were interested in a political alliance.”

  “Oh, they are—but nothing’s so simple as that. A great many things need to be worked out. My brother’s set to marry the daughter of King Kestledraconis. With the three Consilium dragon courts united, we hope to be a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps we can finally have a voice among the wizards.”

  “I didn’t realize there were but three courts in the Consilium.”

  “All the others went to join the Council. They follow the Emperor who has lost his way and caves to magickind instead of showing our strength as dragons.”

  “Are magickind and shifters not equal? Fate gave us all our abilities.”

  “I had no idea you still believed in Fate. Is that not like bel
ieving in the Tooth Fairy?”

  Somerly wasn’t sure how to respond to Lucretia’s question. Many among the Consilium no longer believed in Fate, but she gave him Dre’Kariston. There was no way to truthfully ignore her presence in his life. Deciding honesty was the best policy when it came to the woman you were being asked to marry, Somerly said, “I’m afraid I do believe in Fate.”

  “You’re free to think for yourself, but I won’t allow our children to be brought up believing in fairy tales.”

  “No, of course not,” Somerly muttered. The idea of children was still such a foreign concept; he wasn’t going to get into an argument about beliefs in a crowded ballroom with his future wife.

  “Good. I’m willing to overlook the height thing because the blood tests came back showing it wasn’t rooted in a genetic cause, but I won’t have my children being raised improperly.”

  “How do you know my height doesn’t have a genetic cause?” Somerly wondered what else he was going to learn while he spoke with this stranger.

  “Your memory must be faulty. You do remember giving a bit of blood to be sampled?”

  “Yeah, I thought you had to do that for the marriage license.”

  “We had more drawn than necessary for that. We needed to be assured your abnormality wouldn’t be passed on to any offspring.”

  “If my height isn’t rooted in genetics, why am I short?”

  Lucretia stared at him for several long minutes. “You’ll have to ask your father.”

  “Has he an answer, then?”

  “Somerly, speak to your father about it.”

  “Very well,” he responded, though he doubted his father would answer any questions. He’d asked a million times over the years about why he was small for a dragon and had never received any information from his parent. Somerly doubted anything about that would change; King Boian wasn’t a man to be pressed about a subject.


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