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Unexpected Chances (Fairshore Series Book 2)

Page 2

by Christina Butrum

  “I wanted to come over when I heard the news, but decided it was best to let you and him be alone for a while,” Bailey admitted. She held out a wrapped box and said, “But I wanted to make sure and bring this over for Zach.”

  Amelia grabbed the box and said, “Bailey, you didn’t have to get him anything.”

  Bailey wiped a tear off her cheek. “I know that, but I wanted to. Anna was a sweet lady. I feel so bad for his loss.”

  Amelia nodded. “Me, too. I don’t know how much more he can take. It’s been rough for the last few months.”

  “I’m fine,” Zach said as he sat forward on the couch. “Hi, Bailey.”

  Bailey cleared her throat. “Hi, Zach. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Zach sat back on the couch and said, “I believe she missed my grandpa. A year was too long for her to live without him.”

  Amelia’s heart broke at Zach’s explanation. She nodded and wiped the tears away. “You’re probably right. She missed him like crazy.”

  “She’s in a better place now. She’s no longer suffering in pain and she’s reunited with the love of her life. I can be selfish and mourn her loss, but I know she’s in a better place.” Zach wrapped an arm around Amelia and kissed the side of her forehead.

  Amelia wrapped her arm around him and melted into his embrace. He was logical. He was everything she wasn’t. He was everything she needed. Her heart still ached for him, but she felt comforted by his words. She nodded and said, “You’re right.”

  Amelia handed him the gift Bailey had brought. Bailey said, “It isn’t much, but I wanted to give it to you.”

  Zach unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside the box was a ceramic plaque with a saying about heaven and loved ones becoming guardian angels. Zach took it out of the box and admired it. He looked at Bailey and said, “Thank you so much.”

  Bailey nodded. “I know it isn’t much, but…”

  Zach interrupted her, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  He placed it next to the entertainment center. After he looked at it for a while, he turned to Bailey and Amelia and said, “Thank you for everything. Thanks for being here for me.”

  Amelia smiled and grabbed his hand. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for however long you need me to be.”

  Zach leaned and aligned his lips with hers. “You’re not going anywhere. I not only need you, but I want you for the rest of my life.”

  Amelia swung her arms around his neck and kissed him. “That sounds perfectly fine to me.”

  Bailey cleared her throat. “For the record, I’m not going anywhere either.”

  Zach walked to Bailey and embraced her in a hug. “I’m happy to hear that, Bai. I don’t want you to go anywhere. Amelia and I need you around here. Someone’s got to keep us sane.”

  Bailey smiled and said, “That’s fine with me.”

  Amelia smiled and stated, “You better never leave me. Neither of you.”

  Chapter Five

  Amelia kept a close eye on Zach. It amazed her how he had handled the death of his grandmother. She could not imagine the death of a loved one, or what she would do. She watched him as he sat on the couch. Her thoughts distracted her.

  “Hey, babe. What’re you doing?” Zach asked as he looked at her.

  Amelia dismissed her thoughts and focused her attention on him.

  “What’re you thinking about?” Zach asked. He patted the cushion next to him and said, “Come sit down next to me.”

  Amelia walked to the couch nonchalantly and sat down next to him. He rested his hand on her leg and asked, “Are you okay?”

  Amelia thought it was silly of him to ask her that. She should be the one to ask him. She nodded her head. She did not want to talk about Anna’s death, but there was a to-do list a mile long. She decided she would wait another day to discuss the upcoming funeral arrangements and the business. Maybe she would wait until Zach mentioned it.

  “What’re your plans today?” Zach asked. “I’m thinking about going to the grocery store to see how it’s holding up. I want to make sure the winter isn’t destructing it.”

  Since Anna’s Deli closed for the winter, they had checked on the building every other week. They hadn’t checked on it for a few weeks. With the furniture store and the doctor appointments for Anna, they had lost track of their to-do list. Anna’s doctor appointments sent nearly everything to the bottom of the list. It was time to get everything back in order.

  Amelia nodded and said, “That’s a good idea.” She turned toward him and grabbed his hand. She felt Zach’s eyes as he watched her struggle to find the right words to say. When she spoke, her voice shook with emotion. “Zach, I want to make sure you’re okay…”

  He interrupted her, “I’m fine.” He kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes. She could see the pain and the emotion he held back. “If I wasn’t, I’d tell you.”

  A tear fell from her cheek. She focused on him. “Promise?” She watched him as he swallowed hard. She knew he choked down the emotion that had tried to escape. “Zach, I can’t imagine the loss of a loved one. I’ve never experienced losing someone I care wholeheartedly about.” When he did not interrupt her, she continued, “I know you have to be hurting. I know you have to be feeling lost, confused, and angry.”

  He said nothing, but he watched her as she talked. She watched as his eyes filled with tears. “I want you to know I’m here for you. Whatever you need me for, I’m here. You don’t have to hide your hurt and anger from me.”

  He squeezed her hand as he fought to find the words to say. His swollen red eyes watched her as he fought to hold back the tears. The tears streamed down his face as he gasped and sobbed. Amelia knew this was the breaking point. This is what he needed to do. She cradled him in her arms and silently cried with him. No words were spoken. She allowed him to drain the emotion he had tried to bottle up deep inside.

  She held him tight as his body convulsed from the uncontrollable sobs. She prayed for comfort to find him. She prayed the angels would wrap their wings around him and gently soothe his anger and hatred. She was afraid for him. Death had taken away the last person he had known in his family. His guidance and support had been taken away, and she feared what this meant for him. She prayed he would be okay.

  * * *

  Amelia sat next to Zach on the couch for what seemed like forever. She knew he was numb to his surroundings. She held him gently and allowed him time to collect his thoughts. Silence filled the living room as they sat together.

  They had received a phone call from Dr. Bohage an hour ago. She had taken the phone into the other room so Zach wouldn’t hear the conversation. Dr. Bohage had asked her how Zach was doing. She explained they were getting through this the best they could. Dr. Bohage explained signs of depression in full detail. Amelia had agreed to make an appointment right away if the signs and symptoms were expressed by Zach. Amelia trusted Dr. Bohage with his medical expertise. She promised she would keep an eye on Zach and let the doctor know if anything alarmed her.

  Zach groaned as he stretched his arms above his head. Amelia watched as he opened his eyes and looked at her. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said with a raspy voice.

  Amelia smiled. She glanced at the clock – 1:53. She glanced back at him and chuckled. “It’s no longer morning, Zach. You’ve slept a while.”

  Zach rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock in disbelief. He smirked and said, “Maybe so, but you’re still beautiful.”

  Amelia smiled. She leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek. “You’re too sweet.”

  She was glad he was still his normal self. No worries about depression.

  “I can be,” he said as he tackled her and pinned her to the couch. “You make it easy for me.”

  She giggled as he straddled her and plastered her face and neck with his kisses. She playfully pushed him away, but he came back for more. She laughed and pushed at him as he tickled her.

  Their playful escapade was interrupted by the shrill
ringing of the phone. Amelia slid out from under Zach. As she sprinted to the phone, she looked back at him and blew him a kiss. His eyes watched her dart to the kitchen.

  She grabbed the phone from its cradle and answered it on its fourth ring, “Hello?”

  Her mother’s voice answered, “Amelia Jean?”

  She peeked around the doorway. Zach flipped through a magazine. She guessed it was her Home and Garden magazine. She took the phone conversation to the other side of the kitchen. She wanted to make sure she was out of earshot of Zach.

  “Amelia? Are you there?”

  “Hi, Mom,” Amelia responded. “I’m here.”

  “Okay, good. I thought I lost you for a minute,” her mother stated. “How’s everything going there?”

  The last time Amelia had talked to her mother was a week after Christmas. Zach and Amelia had traveled to Linford and stayed at her parents’ house for a few nights. The visit had gone well. They had told her parents they had planned for Zach to move in with her. Her parents had approved of him when they had met him in the fall. It was also agreed they would keep the Australian Shepherd puppy until further notice. Amelia had told her parents she would love to have the pup with her, but with how hectic her life was, she wouldn’t have time for her.

  “Rough, Mom,” Amelia admitted. She knew her mother was a worrier, but she decided to keep her in the loop. “He’s taking her death fairly well, but I’m still worried about him.” Her mother’s silence encouraged her to continue on, “Doctor Bohage called today and told me to watch for signs of depression.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” her mother stated.

  “Maybe not, but I’m keeping a close eye on him. His grandpa and grandma were all he had left, Mom,” Amelia explained. It pained her to talk about it. She peeked around the corner of the kitchen doorway. She cringed at the thought of Zach hearing her conversation. He was in the same spot as he was a while ago. He slowly flipped through another magazine. She walked to the counter in the kitchen and leaned on it. “He has let out a lot of emotion, but I’m still worried about him.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with worrying, dear. It means you care,” her mother assured her.

  “I feel so bad for him.”

  “Just hang in there. He needs you now more than ever. You’re a strong woman. I know you’ll do fine,” her mother encouraged her.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Amelia said.

  “Let me know if you need any help with the funeral arrangements,” her mother demanded. “I’ll talk to you later. I love you.”

  “Thanks. I love you, too.” Amelia hung the phone in its cradle and walked into the living room.

  Zach’s eyes watched her as she walked toward him. His eyes were normal, the swelling had disappeared. “Who was that?”

  Amelia was lost in thought and startled by his question. She met his eyes with hers and said, “My mom.”

  “How are they doing?”

  “They’re doing fine. She called to check on you,” Amelia admitted.

  Zach smiled. Amelia walked to the couch and sat next to him. “Did you tell her I’m fine?”

  Amelia nodded. “In a roundabout way, yes.”

  Zach shook his head. “All of this worrying about me is for the birds. There’s no need to worry about me.”

  Amelia shrugged. “You can’t blame us, can you?”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her close to him. “Thank you.” He kissed the side of her face. “I love you, Amelia.”

  “And I love you,” Amelia confirmed.

  Chapter Six

  Zach returned to work at his furniture store the day after Anna passed away. He had told Amelia work helped clear his mind. She had agreed with him. She found there was no sense in an argument she knew she wouldn’t win.

  When she heard him drive away from the house, she called Bailey. She requested Bailey’s assistance in the funeral arrangements. Bailey told her she would be over shortly.

  A light knock sounded at the front door and Bailey walked inside. “Amelia?”

  “Come on in!” Amelia hollered from the kitchen. “I’m in the kitchen.”

  Bailey entered the kitchen doorway. “What’re you doing?”

  Amelia had finished the dishes and had swept the floor. “Just cleaning up a bit. This kitchen was a bit messy,” Amelia stated.

  Bailey laughed. “You don’t have to worry about that with me and you know it.”

  Amelia swept the last bit of dirt into the dust pan and emptied it into the trash can. She put the broom and dust pan in the closet and shut the door. “Have a seat.”

  She pulled a chair away from the dining room table and sat down. She pulled a packet of papers from a manila envelope and handed them to Bailey. She assumed Bailey could help them, since she had handled her father’s funeral and expenses.

  Bailey grabbed the papers and thumbed through them. She remained silent as she read each page. She spoke in a hushed tone, “Do you have a lawyer?”

  Amelia’s heart raced and her thoughts stirred. “Why do we need a lawyer?”

  Bailey shook her head and patted Amelia’s hand. “A lawyer isn’t a bad thing. It’s just these papers state Anna had a will and has left Zach with a large sum of money for an inheritance, along with her properties.”

  Wide-eyed, Amelia took the papers from Bailey and looked them over. She had no idea these papers said anything about an inheritance. “So the funeral costs should be taken care of?”

  Bailey nodded. “They should be. Anna had a life insurance policy for $100,000. All of the expenses should be considered paid.”

  Amelia’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank God.” She glanced at Bailey who watched her intently. “I mean…with the costs and everything…” Amelia stammered through an explanation.

  Bailey rested a hand on Amelia’s arm and said, “I understand what you meant.”

  Amelia nodded and silently muttered, “Of course.”

  She read each paper in silence. As she read, the words sank deep, but were as clear as mud to her. She understood some of it, but most of it was like foreign language to her.

  “I’m not understanding any of this,” Amelia confessed.

  “Unless you’re a lawyer, or you’ve gone through this before, you wouldn’t understand it,” Bailey assured her. “It’s best to contact a lawyer, which looks like Anna had one provided already from the looks of this page here.”

  Bailey pointed to the paper which stated a lawyer, Lux Hamilton, had been retained and had been paid in full to take care of everything.

  “Should I call him to make sure?” Amelia asked.

  “I don’t see what it would hurt,” Bailey said.

  Amelia grabbed the phone and dialed the number provided on the paper. Within three rings, Lux’s receptionist answered, “Lux Hamilton’s Law Firm. How may I help you?”

  “Can I speak to Lux Hamilton, please?” Amelia asked impatiently. She tapped her pen on the table.

  “May I tell him who’s calling?” The receptionist asked in a polite tone.

  “Amelia Edwards,” Amelia stated. “In regard to the death of Anna Gallagher.”

  “Okay, one moment, please,” the receptionist stated before she placed Amelia on hold.

  Elevator music blared through the speaker of the phone. Amelia held the phone away from her ear. Bailey laughed and suggested, “They should either turn it down or change the music.”

  Amelia nodded in agreement. Within a couple minutes, a man’s voice boomed through the phone, “This is Lux.”

  He sounded like he was at least fifty years old and overweight. Amelia pictured him with jowls and a double neck. His voice created the image in her mind. “Hi, Lux. My name is Amelia Edwards.” She continued, saying, “I’m calling in regard to the death of Anna Gallagher.”

  “Ah, yes, she will definitely be missed,” he stated. “Are you her family?”

  Amelia hesitated and then said, “Well, no, but I’m the gir
lfriend of her grandson, Zach. I just figured I could call and try to…”

  He interrupted her, “That’s fine, Amelia. Did you receive the packet of papers in a manila envelope?”


  “Okay, everything has been taken care of. Anna had paid me to take care of the expenses and the inheritance. Zach shouldn’t have to worry about anything. Anna’s will was very specific to what she wanted,” he clarified. “Zach should expect an inheritance check in the mail. It could take longer than a few weeks to receive, though. The amount of this inheritance is on page four of the document I sent.”

  Amelia glanced at the amount on page four and she felt faint. “What about her business and her house?”

  “Oh, yes, I almost forgot. The properties are fully paid for. Zach can decide what he would like to do with the grocery store and her estate. Again, everything is in good standing. There should be nothing left to worry about,” he confirmed. “If Zach has any questions tell him to give me a call, I’d love to help.”

  “Thank you so much, Lux,” Amelia stated before she hung the phone in its cradle. She looked at Bailey. She shook her head. “I can’t believe it,” Amelia admitted. “This seems so unreal.”

  “Anna was a smart woman. I’m glad she took care of this before she passed away,” Bailey said.

  “I wonder what this means for the future,” Amelia mumbled.

  “You’ll never know what the future holds, but you do know there’s nothing to worry about,” Bailey stated.

  As Bailey’s words struck true, Amelia thought about Crazy Courtney. It had been a few months since their last encounter with her. She wondered if she would resurface with the news of Anna’s death.

  * * *

  Zach unlocked the door and hung his coat on the hook. “Amelia, are you home?”

  Silence flooded the house. The house was dark until he turned on the living room light. There was no sign Amelia was home. He walked into the kitchen. He flipped on the light and looked at the table where she usually left notes to him. The table was bare.


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