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The Best of Gene Stratton-Porter

Page 25

by Gene Stratton-Porter

  Freckles looked the Boss in the eyes and began to laugh.

  “Well thank heaven!” said McLean.

  “Now it’s me turn,” said Freckles. “I don’t know as I ought to be asking you, and yet I can’t see a reason good enough to keep me from it. It’s a thing I’ve had on me mind every hour since I’ve had time to straighten things out a little. May I be asking you a question?”

  McLean reached over and took Freckles’s hand. His voice was shaken with feeling as he replied: “Freckles, you almost hurt me. Will you never learn how much you are to me—how happy you make me in coming to me with anything, no matter what?”

  “Then it’s this,” said Freckles, gripping the hand of McLean strongly. “If this accident, and all that’s come to me since, had never happened, where was it you had planned to send me to school? What was it you meant for me to do?”

  “Why, Freckles,” answered McLean, “I’m scarcely prepared to state definitely. My ideas were rather hazy. I thought we would make a beginning and see which way things went. I figured on taking you to Grand Rapids first, and putting you in the care of my mother. I had an idea it would be best to secure a private tutor to coach you for a year or two, until you were ready to enter Ann Arbor or the Chicago University in good shape. Then I thought we’d finish in this country at Yale or Harvard, and end with Oxford, to get a good, all-round flavor.”

  “Is that all?” asked Freckles.

  “No; that’s leaving the music out,” said McLean. “I intended to have your voice tested by some master, and if you really were endowed for a career as a great musician, and had inclinations that way, I wished to have you drop some of the college work and make music your chief study. Finally, I wanted us to take a trip through Europe and clear around the circle together.”

  “And then what?” queried Freckles breathlessly.

  “Why, then,” said McLean, “you know that my heart is hopelessly in the woods. I never will quit the timber business while there is timber to handle and breath in my body. I thought if you didn’t make a profession of music, and had any inclination my way, we would stretch the partnership one more and take you into the firm, placing your work with me. Those plans may sound jumbled in the telling, but they have grown steadily on me, Freckles, as you have grown dear to me.”

  Freckles lifted anxious and eager eyes to McLean.

  “You told me once on the trail, and again when we thought that I was dying, that you loved me. Do these things that have come to me make any difference in any way with your feeing toward me?”

  “None,” said McLean. “How could they, Freckles? Nothing could make me love you more, and you never will do anything that will make me love you less.”

  “Glory be to God!” cried Freckles. “Glory to the Almighty! Hurry and be telling your mother I’m coming! Just as soon as I can get on me feet I’ll be taking that ring to me Angel, and then I’ll go to Grand Rapids and be making me start just as you planned, only that I can be paying me own way. When I’m educated enough, we’ll all—the Angel and her father, the Bird Woman, you, and me—all of us will go together and see me house and me relations and be taking that trip. When we get back, we’ll add O’More to the Lumber Company, and golly, sir, but we’ll make things hum! Good land, sir! Don’t do that! Why, Mr. McLean, dear Boss, dear father, don’t be doing that! What is it?”

  “Nothing, nothing!” boomed McLean’s deep bass. “Nothing at all!”

  He abruptly turned, and hurried to the window.

  “This is a mighty fine view,” he said. “Lake’s beautiful this morning. No wonder Chicago people are so proud of their city’s location on its shore. But, Freckles, what is Lord O’More going to say to this?”

  “I don’t know,” said Freckles. “I am going to be cut deep if he cares, for he’s been more than good to me, and Lady Alice is next to me Angel. He’s made me feel me blood and race me own possession. She’s talked to me by the hour of me father and mother and me grandmother. She’s made them all that real I can lay claim to them and feel that they are mine. I’m very sorry to be hurting them, if it will, but it can’t be changed. Nobody ever puts the width of the ocean between me and the Angel. From here to the Limberlost is all I can be bearing peaceable. I want the education, and then I want to work and live here in the country where I was born, and where the ashes of me father and mother rest.

  “I’ll be glad to see Ireland, and glad especial to see those little people who are my kin, but I ain’t ever staying long. All me heart is the Angel’s, and the Limberlost is calling every minute. You’re thinking, sir, that when I look from that window I see the beautiful water, ain’t you? I’m not.

  “I see soft, slow clouds oozing across the blue, me big black chickens hanging up there, and a great feather softly sliding down. I see mighty trees, swinging vines, bright flowers, and always masses of the wild roses, with the wild rose face of me Ladybird looking through. I see the swale rocking, smell the sweetness of the blooming things, and the damp, mucky odor of the swamp; and I hear me birds sing, me squirrels bark, the rattlers hiss, and the step of Wessner or Black Jack coming; and whether it’s the things that I loved or the things that I feared, it’s all a part of the day.

  “Me heart’s all me Swamp Angel’s, and me love is all hers, and I have her and the swamp so confused in me mind I never can be separating them. When I look at her, I see blue sky, the sun rifting through the leaves and pink and red flowers; and when I look at the Limberlost I see a pink face with blue eyes, gold hair, and red lips, and, it’s the truth, sir, they’re mixed till they’re one to me!

  “I’m afraid it will be hurting some, but I have the feeing that I can be making my dear people understand, so that they will be willing to let me come back home. Send Lady O’More to put these flowers God made in the place of these glass-house ilegancies, and please be cutting the string of this little package the Angel’s sent me.”

  As Freckles held up the package, the lights of the Limberlost flashed from the emerald on his finger. On the cover was printed: “To the Limberlost Guard!” Under it was a big, crisp, iridescent black feather.

  A Girl of the Limberlost

  To all girls of the Limberlost in general and one Jeanette Helen Porter in particular



  Wherein Elnora Goes to High School and Learns Many Lessons Not Found in Her Books


  Wherein Wesley and Margaret Go Shopping, and Elnora’s Wardrobe Is Replenished


  Wherein Elnora Visits the Bird Woman, and Opens a Bank Account


  Wherein the Sintons Are Disappointed, and Mrs. Comstock Learns that She Can Laugh


  Wherein Elnora Receives a Warning, and Billy Appears on the Scene


  Wherein Mrs. Comstock Indulges in “Frills,” and Billy Reappears


  Wherein Mrs. Comstock Manipulates Margaret and Billy Acquires a Residence


  Wherein the Limberlost Tempts Elnora, and Billy Buries His Father


  Wherein Elnora Discovers a Violin, and Billy Disciplines Margaret


  Wherein Elnora Has More Financial Troubles, and Mrs. Comstock Again Hears the Song of the Limberlost


  Wherein Elnora Graduates, and Freckles and the Angel Send Gifts


  Wherein Margaret Sinton Reveals a Secret, and Mrs. Comstock Possesses the Limberlost


  Wherein Mother Love Is Bestowed on Elnora, and She Finds an Assistant in Moth Hunting


  Wherein a New Position Is Tendered Elnora, and Philip Ammon Is Shown Limberlost Violets


  Wherein Mrs. Comstock Faces the Almighty, and Philip Ammon Writes a Letter


the Limberlost Sings for Philip, and the Talking Trees Tell Great Secrets


  Wherein Mrs. Comstock Dances in the Moonlight, and Elnora Makes a Confession


  Wherein Mrs. Comstock Experiments with Rejuvenation, and Elnora Teaches Natural History


  Wherein Philip Ammon Gives a Ball in Honour of Edith Carr, and Hart Henderson Appears on the Scene


  Wherein the Elder Ammon Offers Advice, and Edith Carr Experiences Regrets


  Wherein Philip Ammon Returns to the Limberlost, and Elnora Studies the Situation


  Wherein Philip Ammon Kneels to Elnora, and Strangers Come to the Limberlost


  Wherein Elnora Reaches a Decision, and Freckles and the Angel Appear


  Wherein Edith Carr Wages a Battle, and Hart Henderson Stands Guard


  Wherein Philip Finds Elnora, and Edith Carr Offers a Yellow Emperor

  Chapter 1

  Wherein Elnora Goes to High School and Learns Many Lessons Not Found in Her Books

  “Elnora Comstock, have you lost your senses?” demanded the angry voice of Katharine Comstock while she glared at her daughter.

  “Why mother!” faltered the girl.

  “Don’t you ‘why mother’ me!” cried Mrs. Comstock. “You know very well what I mean. You’ve given me no peace until you’ve had your way about this going to school business; I’ve fixed you good enough, and you’re ready to start. But no child of mine walks the streets of Onabasha looking like a play-actress woman. You wet your hair and comb it down modest and decent and then be off, or you’ll have no time to find where you belong.”

  Elnora gave one despairing glance at the white face, framed in a most becoming riot of reddish-brown hair, which she saw in the little kitchen mirror. Then she untied the narrow black ribbon, wet the comb and plastered the waving curls close to her head, bound them fast, pinned on the skimpy black hat and opened the back door.

  “You’ve gone so plumb daffy you are forgetting your dinner,” jeered her mother.

  “I don’t want anything to eat,” replied Elnora.

  “You’ll take your dinner or you’ll not go one step. Are you crazy? Walk almost three miles and no food from six in the morning until six at night. A pretty figure you’d cut if you had your way! And after I’ve gone and bought you this nice new pail and filled it especial to start on!”

  Elnora came back with a face still whiter and picked up the lunch. “Thank you, mother! Good-bye!” she said. Mrs. Comstock did not reply. She watched the girl follow the long walk to the gate and go from sight on the road, in the bright sunshine of the first Monday of September.

  “I bet a dollar she gets enough of it by night!” commented Mrs. Comstock.

  Elnora walked by instinct, for her eyes were blinded with tears. She left the road where it turned south, at the corner of the Limberlost, climbed a snake fence and entered a path worn by her own feet. Dodging under willow and scrub oak branches she came at last to the faint outline of an old trail made in the days when the precious timber of the swamp was guarded by armed men. This path she followed until she reached a thick clump of bushes. From the debris in the end of a hollow log she took a key that unlocked the padlock of a large weatherbeaten old box, inside of which lay several books, a butterfly apparatus, and a small cracked mirror. The walls were lined thickly with gaudy butterflies, dragonflies, and moths. She set up the mirror and once more pulling the ribbon from her hair, she shook the bright mass over her shoulders, tossing it dry in the sunshine. Then she straightened it, bound it loosely, and replaced her hat. She tugged vainly at the low brown calico collar and gazed despairingly at the generous length of the narrow skirt. She lifted it as she would have cut it if possible. That disclosed the heavy high leather shoes, at sight of which she seemed positively ill, and hastily dropped the skirt. She opened the pail, removed the lunch, wrapped it in the napkin, and placed it in a small pasteboard box. Locking the case again she hid the key and hurried down the trail.

  She followed it around the north end of the swamp and then entered a footpath crossing a farm leading in the direction of the spires of the city to the northeast. Again she climbed a fence and was on the open road. For an instant she leaned against the fence staring before her, then turned and looked back. Behind her lay the land on which she had been born to drudgery and a mother who made no pretence of loving her; before her lay the city through whose schools she hoped to find means of escape and the way to reach the things for which she cared. When she thought of how she appeared she leaned more heavily against the fence and groaned; when she thought of turning back and wearing such clothing in ignorance all the days of her life she set her teeth firmly and went hastily toward Onabasha.

  On the bridge crossing a deep culvert at the suburbs she glanced around, and then kneeling she thrust the lunch box between the foundation and the flooring. This left her empty-handed as she approached the big stone high school building. She entered bravely and inquired her way to the office of the superintendent. There she learned that she should have come the previous week and arranged about her classes. There were many things incident to the opening of school, and one man unable to cope with all of them.

  “Where have you been attending school?” he asked, while he advised the teacher of Domestic Science not to telephone for groceries until she knew how many she would have in her classes; wrote an order for chemicals for the students of science; and advised the leader of the orchestra to hire a professional to take the place of the bass violist, reported suddenly ill.

  “I finished last spring at Brushwood school, district number nine,” said Elnora. “I have been studying all summer. I am quite sure I can do the first year work, if I have a few days to get started.”

  “Of course, of course,” assented the superintendent. “Almost invariably country pupils do good work. You may enter first year, and if it is too difficult, we will find it out speedily. Your teachers will tell you the list of books you must have, and if you will come with me I will show you the way to the auditorium. It is now time for opening exercises. Take any seat you find vacant.”

  Elnora stood before the entrance and stared into the largest room she ever had seen. The floor sloped to a yawning stage on which a band of musicians, grouped around a grand piano, were tuning their instruments. She had two fleeting impressions. That it was all a mistake; this was no school, but a grand display of enormous ribbon bows; and the second, that she was sinking, and had forgotten how to walk. Then a burst from the orchestra nerved her while a bevy of daintily clad, sweet-smelling things that might have been birds, or flowers, or possibly gaily dressed, happy young girls, pushed her forward. She found herself plodding across the back of the auditorium, praying for guidance, to an empty seat.

  As the girls passed her, vacancies seemed to open to meet them. Their friends were moving over, beckoning and whispering invitations. Every one else was seated, but no one paid any attention to the white-faced girl stumbling half-blindly down the aisle next the farthest wall. So she went on to the very end facing the stage. No one moved, and she could not summon courage to crowd past others to several empty seats she saw. At the end of the aisle she paused in desperation, while she stared back at the whole forest of faces most of which were now turned upon her.

  In a flash came the full realization of her scanty dress, her pitiful little hat and ribbon, her big, heavy shoes, her ignorance of where to go or what to do; and from a sickening wave which crept over her, she felt she was going to become very ill. Then out of the mass she saw a pair of big, brown boy eyes, three seats from her, and there was a message in them. Without moving his body he reached forward and with a pencil touched the back of the seat before him. Instantly Elnora took another step which brought her to a row of vacant front seats.

  She heard
laughter behind her; the knowledge that she wore the only hat in the room burned her; every matter of moment, and some of none at all, cut and stung. She had no books. Where should she go when this was over? What would she give to be on the trail going home! She was shaking with a nervous chill when the music ceased, and the superintendent arose, and coming down to the front of the flower-decked platform, opened a Bible and began to read. Elnora did not know what he was reading, and she felt that she did not care. Wildly she was racking her brain to decide whether she should sit still when the others left the room or follow, and ask some one where the Freshmen went first.

  In the midst of the struggle one sentence fell on her ear. “Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.”

  Elnora began to pray frantically. “Hide me, O God, hide me, under the shadow of Thy wings.”

  Again and again she implored that prayer, and before she realized what was coming, every one had arisen and the room was emptying rapidly. Elnora hurried after the nearest girl and in the press at the door touched her sleeve timidly.

  “Will you please tell me where the Freshmen go?” she asked huskily.

  The girl gave her one surprised glance, and drew away.

  “Same place as the fresh women,” she answered, and those nearest her laughed.

  Elnora stopped praying suddenly and the colour crept into her face. “I’ll wager you are the first person I meet when I find it,” she said and stopped short. “Not that! Oh, I must not do that!” she thought in dismay. “Make an enemy the first thing I do. Oh, not that!”


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