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Junkie: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 18

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Just get to the point,” I snap.

  “Not yet. But you’ll find out soon enough.” He disconnects the call, and I pull the phone away, trying to call back, but the unknown number restricts me.

  “Wha—What happened? Who was that? What did they say?” Luna is standing behind me, and I dread having to turn around and show her the worry resting deep in my eyes. I face her, and the brave mask I’m trying to hold in place slips at the raw fear staring back at me.

  “Was that him? Vi—Vincent? How did he get your number? Oh god.”

  “Listen. We need to stay calm—”

  “Stop telling me to stay calm! He found me! He knows about you! I can’t have anything happen to you!”

  I grab her and shake her. I don’t know what else to do. My own nerves are frayed and on edge. “Stop. You need to stop. Getting upset does nothing.”

  “What did he say? Is he going to take the money?”

  It takes me a moment to reply. I’m not sure I have the answer. “I’m not sure. He was talking in circles.”

  “What does that mean? Is he going to take it? Does he want more?” Oh…he wants more. The problem is I’m afraid of what that more is. I bring her to my chest, needing the comfort of her to quiet my own worries. “I’m not sure. He said he would be in touch and hung up.”

  The alarm on my phone causes us both to jump, the sound signaling it’s time to get up. “Shit.”

  “What do we do?”

  “We play it cool for now. We go about the day. I need you to stay close to me at all times. And we wait ’til he calls back. That’s all we can do.”

  She’s silent for some time before she speaks. “Maybe we call the police? I can come clean with what I did, and maybe they can help—”

  “No. You’re not turning yourself in.”


  “Don’t even think about it. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve paid your dues for the wrong that’s been done. You don’t deserve jail. Dammit, you deserve someone to love you and keep you safe.”

  Her body stiffens in my arms. She tries to pull back, but I don’t allow it. “Cash.” She says my name, and I dip, placing my lips to the top of her head. “Cash.” Her sweet voice is laced with worry, confusion, yet there’s hope she heard me right. I allow her to move a hairsbreadth so our eyes meet. She doesn’t speak. She doesn’t know how to ask, so I do it for her.

  “Yes. You heard me right. I know it sounds crazy, but I am. Luna, I’m in love with you. And there’s no way I’m letting you leave me after I just got you.” Her bottom lip begins to quiver, and I bend down, placing mine over hers. I kiss away her fear, the taste of her tears on my lips. “We do this together, okay? I love you. Nothing is going to happen to you.” She falls apart in my arms, and I lift her up, our bodies still soaking wet, and carry her to the bed. I rest her gently against the mattress, blanketing my body over hers. “Talk to me. What are you thinking?” I need to know. I need to know if she feels the same. If she trusts me to protect her.

  “Oh, Cash, I love you too. I’m not sure what it is to truly love someone, but if this ache inside me, this warmth, this consuming need I have for you that makes it hard to breathe at times is it, then yeah, I love you too.”

  Her words feed my soul, gluing some of the cracked pieces back together. I crush my mouth over hers, and finally, she surrenders. She’s mine. Finally mine.

  After a proper shower and a weak attempt to get some food down, we walk hand-in-hand into the raceway. Reporters are brutal with their flashing lights and screaming questions. I tuck Luna into my side as we fight through the crowd to get in. Once the doors shut behind us, Beckett and Jimmy appear.

  “Wow, on time. Fancy that,” Beckett says, his tone chipper, until he catches my scowl and tired eyes. “Jesus, what’s wrong? Have you been drinking?”

  “No. I swear. I’m fine. Just didn’t sleep well.” I steal a peek at Jimmy who’s eyeing me curiously. “Let’s get this over with.” I strut down the corridor toward the locker room, Luna still locked next to me.

  “Luna,” Jimmy cuts in. “Why don’t you grab some breakfast in the VIP lounge? Cash and I are gonna—”

  “She stays with me,” I growl.

  “Actually,” Luna pipes in. “That’s a great idea. I’ll let you and Jimmy talk and prepare. I’m gonna grab some coffee.” I eye her with concern. I don’t want her to leave my side. If I don’t have an eye on her, I can’t protect her. How the hell are you going to race and do that? Fuck. More strain settles in as I stare at her.

  “I’ll be fine. Promise. I’ll see you out there.” I’m hesitant to let her go, but with Becks and Jimmy witnessing our silent debate, I’ll be forced to answer questions I’m not ready to, so I have no choice but to nod and let her go. I force myself in the direction of the locker room and away from Luna, each step feeling heavy. The unease settling in my stomach tells me to turn around. This doesn’t feel right.

  “So, I got some intel on Vincent Leoni.” I stumble but catch myself, then grab Jimmy and toss him into the locker room. “Jesus! What’s your problem?”

  “I don’t want anyone overhearing you. What did you find out?” I’m in his face, jittery and feening for answers. I’m on zero sleep and hyped up on negative adrenaline. “Well?” I need fucking answers!

  “Geez, give me a second. You okay, man?” I’m not right and he can sense it. “Are you in some sort of trouble—”

  “What did you find out! Shit, I’m sorry. Listen, I can’t tell you right now. I just need to know what you found out. And I need your discretion on this, okay?”

  “Yeah, sure. I called an old buddy living down in Columbus. He travels back and forth to Cleveland on occasion, but he knows the ins and outs. He said Leoni owns most of the Ohio drug circuit. Mean ass motherfucker. Take no prisoners kinda dude. I’m telling ya, the shit he told me, I’d stay away from whatever it is that has you lookin’ into him. He’s not a man to inquire about.”

  Too late for that. “Did he say anything about any stir-ups in his organization? Crew?”

  “He said there’s been whispers about a deal gone bad. He has some bounties out searching for someone who stole from him. Made it known no one steals from Vincent Leoni and lives to tell about it. All sounded very mobster movie.”

  The color drains from my face, and I pray Jimmy doesn’t take note. Fuck. They don’t plan on having Luna pay her debt, they want her dead. “Fuck.”

  “Fuck what? Man, you okay? Should I get Becks—”

  “No! Listen to me. Keep this between us. And I need another favor.”


  “I need you to watch Luna until I’m done with testing. Don’t let her out of your sight. Can you do that?”

  “Keep an eye on a pretty lady? Done.”

  I slap him on the shoulder. “Thanks. I owe you.”

  Beckett starts yelling at us that it’s time, so we break apart. I hurry to dress and walk out, plastering a fake smile on my face and waving to reporters. I need to get on and off this track and get back to Luna.

  “Slow the fuck down, Cash. Not sure what you’re trying to prove, but slow it the fuck down,” Becks growls through the mic as I take the bend too sharp.

  “Fuck,” I grunt. My tires hiss. My radius is off, riding the apex too tight.

  “Get the fuck off that track,” Becks snaps, and I don’t argue. My head’s not right. It’s nowhere near where it should be. I pull off and climb out, searching for Luna. Instead of Jimmy, a rookie crew member runs up to collect my helmet.

  “Where’s Jimmy?” I ask.

  “Not sure. Someone said the crates with the floor jacks went missing so he went to find out.”

  “Is Luna with him? Do you know if you saw Luna—”

  “Where the fuck is your head at out there?” Beckett interrupts. “You pull that shit tomorrow and you’re sure to lose the race.” I push past him in search of Luna. My eyes scan the stands through the mob of repo
rters and onlookers, but I don’t see her. “Are you even listening to me?”

  “I am. Have you seen Luna?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? We have a huge race tomorrow—one that will set the precedence for your racing future, I might add—and you’re worried about where your girlfriend is?” My own anger skyrockets at the way he talks about her. As if she’s nothing. She is goddamn everything.

  “I know I fucked up on the bend. I was too close to the inside. It won’t happen tomorrow.”

  “It better not. Cash, if this is about the anniversary—”

  “It’s not.” That is the furthest thing from my mind right now.

  “Well, word has it Justice Miles has been on his game at the turn-in point. He’s going for the qualifying line instead of the defensive line. You need to be ready. He gets you on that, no amount of throttle will put you in the lead. Hear me?”

  “Got it. I just need a minute. Then I’ll be back out there.” He doesn’t believe me, but he nods, letting me walk away.

  “Hey, Cash?” An intern on the team waves at me. “You have a call in the pit. They said it’s important.” What the fuck? I jog over into the pit and thank the kid before putting the phone to my ear.

  “Here are my terms.”

  Vincent Leoni. “How’d you get this line?”

  “Tomorrow, you will win the race. You will finish first, and no less than seven seconds before Justice Miles. I have a lot of money riding on it, as do you. I suggest doing better at practice.”

  He’s watching or has eyes on me. I scan my crew to the grandstand. “You watching me? Why don’t you come out and say hello?” Maybe if I weed him out, I can…what? Stop him?

  “I’m currently busy entertaining, but thanks for the offer.”

  His inside messages are starting to aggravate me. “What do you want, Leoni?”

  “I told you. Win the race or else.”

  “Or else what?” I’m sick of this cat and mouse game.

  “She dies.” Luna’s shrilling scream slices through the phone. “We’ll be in touch.” And the line goes dead.


  Nothing tastes right. The coffee is bland. My stomach churns at the thought of putting any food inside it. I try a bite of a donut, but end up spitting it out. When I throw it in the trash, I notice my hands are shaking. My eyes scan the room, making sure no one is finding interest in me as I search for a table hidden in the corner. I need to get ahold of myself. This is not like me to break down like this. You’ve never been in this much trouble before either. I shake off the realization of the shitstorm I’ve created and gotten Cash into.

  I hate myself for getting him involved. Now, he’s carrying the weight of my mistakes.

  Luna, I’m in love with you.

  I shake my head. How can he love someone like me? He’s risking his entire career to help me. My chest expands as I take in a deep breath. I love you. Nothing is going to happen to you. For once in my life, there’s this certainty deep in my soul, and I believe him. Trust him. Love him with all my heart. Another deep breath. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find someone like Cash. But maybe it wasn’t luck. Maybe it was fate. Maybe I was always meant to end up here. Well not here exactly, because I truly hope my life plan wasn’t supposed to be to steal a drug cartel’s car and run for my life, putting everyone I come in contact with within harm’s way. I’m hoping enough time has passed for him to talk with Jimmy because I’m not sure I can wait any longer. I get up and toss my coffee cup, turning the corner and running into someone.

  “Oh god, I’m so sorry—”


  My brain stutters for a quick second, then my eyes bulge from their sockets and light up in shock. “Jade?” There’s something off about him.

  “Jade, how did you—”

  “I saw you on TV. With that racer. I had to come find you and warn you.” He’s jittery and talking too fast. “Hey…um, can we go somewhere private, like out of here? There are too many people listening. I really need to talk to you.”

  “Wh—Why did you need to come find me? How did you know—?”

  “Like I said, TV.” His eyes bounce around the room. Mine do the same, worried someone will take interest in us. Jade seems off. Almost strung out on something. He’s swaying back and forth and antsy.

  “So, can we go…talk? I’m in a hurry.”

  Bells instantly start blaring in my head. Unease creeps up my spine. My instincts are screaming something’s wrong. “Jade, slow down. Seriously, you’re freaking me out. How did you get here? Are you on something?”

  “No, of course not. I’m just worried about you. After the race, you disappeared. Cops have been asking questions. They know who you are. They came to my place asking about the race. The dead bodies—”

  “Shhh…” I hiss, dragging him into a more secure area.

  “Luna, they’re looking for you. I came to help you. Please, we need to talk. Let’s go.” He grabs my arm, his palms clammy against my skin, but I don’t move. This isn’t right. Something seems off. If my radar was going off a little bit earlier, it’s pinging off the charts now.

  I rip my arm out of his grip. “Jade, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why don’t you wait here with me? I’ll get Cash, he’ll help. He’s going to help.” My brain is screaming to get away from him. This isn’t my friend. His breathing is erratic, and his hands keep dragging through his wild hair.

  “You need to fucking come with me!” he raises his voice. He reaches forward capturing my arm again, tugging me forward. A group of reporters walk by catching their attention.

  “Jade, stop! What’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?” I’m forced to follow him, to avoid making a scene. My eyes search out anyone I recognize in hopes they see the panic in my eyes and stop us. “Jade, stop. I’ll talk to you, but here. Cash will know I’m gone. He’ll come looking for me.” I hope my words sink in that people will know I’m missing if he tries anything. What is he going to try? My mind is shot from what’s going on. Am I accusing my only friend of being the enemy? Confusion, mixed with panic swirl in my head. “Jade, please, you’re starting to hurt me.”

  “It’s not safe in here, Luna. Anyone can hear.” Or no one if he gets me away from other people.

  I trip over my own shoe as he picks up the pace. “Jade, slow down.” I plead, tugging at my arm, but his grip is brutal.

  “Just out here, Luna.” We stop at a side exit that opens to the loading dock. When the door pops open, the bright sun blinds me, causing me to cover my eyes until they adjust. By the time I remove my hand, it’s too late. My other bicep is captured by a large hand, and my head shoots to the right.

  “What? What is—?”

  “Shut up bitch, and walk. Scream and I’ll shoot you.” Something sharp is jabbed into my back. My eyes shoot to Jade.

  “What did you do?” Any hope of getting out of this unscathed dies when overwhelming guilt peers back at me.

  “I’m sorry. I had to. They made me. They said they weren’t going to hurt you. Just talk to you.” His shoulders slump in exhaustion.

  I bring my attention to the goon bruising my arm. “You’re in a crowded speedway. Someone will see. You can’t take me out of here without someone seeing.”

  The goon laughs, his large hand reaching forward to grip the back of my neck. His fingers press violently against a pressure point. I lose my balance. “Scream and I’ll go back and shoot your pretty boytoy for the inconvenience.”

  I falter in my step. The mention of him snubs out the fire in me to fight. “He has nothing to do with this. I’ll talk. Whatever you want to know. I have the money for the race. I’ll race more until I pay it all back. Please…” My voice shakes.

  The farther away we walk from the speedway, the more the pit in my stomach grows. “Where are we going? Why can’t we just talk—”

  A black car pulls up and stops in front of us.

  “No, no, no.” Eyes wild, I begin to flail in his grip,
pulling at his hands. “I’m not getting in that car.” If I do, I’m as good as dead. Dread seizes my body. I jam my heel into the ground, refusing to get any closer. I start to kick and scream, hoping someone will hear me, but the captive hold he has around my neck steals my breath along with my voice. My eyes burn, and I can’t focus enough to see if anyone’s around us.

  “Hey, you said you weren’t going to hurt her!” Jade howls, coming to my rescue, but he’s shoved into the parked sedan. His legs buckle, and he collapses to the ground.

  The driver side back door opens, and I thrust myself backwards. “I’m not getting in that car!” I shriek. My lungs swell with terror. A man dressed in a long suit coat steps out. The first and last thing I see are his knuckles coated in gold rings as his fist cocks back and slams into my face.


  Running through the corridor, I plow into crowds until I make it to the garage where the intern last saw Jimmy. She has to be with him. He wouldn’t leave her alone. When I throw myself through the doors, I wrestle through a small crowd to find Jimmy, who’s wiping blood off his head. “What the fuck happened? Where’s Luna?”

  Everyone turns at my outburst, but Jimmy’s gaze confirms the worst. She’s not here. “Everyone, get out,” Jimmy barks, and people begin to scatter until it’s just us. “Cash—”

  “Where the fuck is she?” My voice cracks.

  “I don’t know. I went to go grab her like you asked from the lounge, but someone came at me telling me there was a fire in the garage. Someone had set fire to the floor jacks. So, I took off. When I got here, some kid came out of nowhere and took a wrench to my head. The only thing he said while I went down was ‘call the cops and her throat will be sliced before they even show.’ I tried, Cash. I tried, but he hit me again, and I was out cold.”

  My mind spins as dread freezes me to my spot. I feel like I’m on a roller coaster and can’t get off. A sharp pain radiates inside me. I grab for my chest, preparing for it to splinter in half. Hearing her scream. I hoped, prayed, it was just a coincidence. They didn’t have her. She was here. She was safe. But now that all my fears have taken flight and I know the truth, I sway on my feet, throwing my hand to the wall for support as I crack.


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