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Mindspace - Complete Series

Page 44

by A. K. DuBoff

  “Ah, so that’s why they thought we’d be a good match.”

  “I am excited to learn more about your abilities,” Jasmine said.

  Kira looked down. “I’ll be honest, Jasmine. You seem friendly, and certainly knowledgeable, but I don’t see how we could possibly get to know each other on any deep level in the next few minutes.”

  “I agree, Kira. This is a big decision for both of us—for you, especially, since it would be your first pairing. I would never want you to feel rushed, but the present circumstances don’t allow for standard vetting.”

  “Yeah, that’s been made clear.”

  “From my side,” Jasmine continued, “I have reviewed the facts regarding the aliens, and my assessment is that you are the Guard’s best chance to interface with whatever may be in Gaelon. I believe I can help you safely complete that mission, so I am willing to try this pairing if you are.”

  Kira smiled. “A spur-of-the-moment AI pairing wouldn’t be the most surprising thing that’s happened to me in the last two weeks.”

  “You really have had quite the month.”

  “If you’re willing to move forward knowing all of that, then who am I to say ‘no’?” Kira took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Kira,” Jasmine said. “I look forward to getting properly acquainted after I’m embedded in the deepest recesses of your mind and there’s no going back.”


  “I’m joking, Kira! I may not be organic, but I do have a sense of humor.”

  Kira laughed. “Well played. The test remains if you’ll be able to withstand my unmitigated snark.”

  “Challenge accepted.”

  Kira’s anxiety from before the introduction began to dissipate. Jasmine would still be a stranger inside her head, but she could see them becoming good friends in time. “All right, I guess I’ll see you on the other side. Or… inside?”

  “Something like that. Try to relax.”

  “I’m feeling better already.” Kira removed the headset and then poked her head out of the room. She spotted Doctor Elric at a nearby workstation. “Doctor, we’re agreed,” she told him. “Let’s move forward with the pairing.”

  The doctor returned to her exam room. “That wasn’t a very long talk.”

  “That’s all we needed.”

  “Very well. I’ll make the final preparations.” Elric turned his attention to the medpod in the room, where the surgery would take place. The device looked entirely too simple from the outside, considering everything it could do.

  Kira took a calming breath while she waited for Doctor Elric’s instructions. I’m still going to be me. Jasmine will be someone to talk to when I’m bored. Though she was trying to be lighthearted about it, the reality was that having a constant companion in her mind would be a huge change, standard procedure or not. She’d still have private thoughts, but not like she could before. She hoped Jasmine would respect those boundaries.

  “Okay, all set,” Elric said. He beckoned Kira over.

  “Will it hurt?” she asked, approaching the pod.

  “A little discomfort is to be expected, considering you’ll be cut open and fitted with new augmentations.”

  Kira paled. “I guess I hadn’t thought about that part.”

  “Don’t dwell on it. The incision sites will be fully closed by the time you wake up. You can expect your nerves to be over-reactive for a bit afterward, but I know for a fact that you’ve been through much worse.”

  “I’m sure I can handle it,” Kira said.

  “The procedure will only take about two hours,” Doctor Elric explained. “We’ll install a communication chip in your brain for the AI interface before we begin the pairing. The main AI hardware installation will begin inside your rib cage, followed by the hardwire connection along your spinal column to the neural communication chip. The AI consciousness will then be transferred to your new hardware. Finally, you’ll get a dose of specialized med-nano to aid the AI in evaluating your physiological state and make sure there won’t be any conflicts with your Robus nanites—think of it as a super-charged version of your standard immune support nanotech.”

  Kira’s eyes widened. “All that in two hours?”

  “It’s an efficient system,” he assured her. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded.

  “Please undress and climb inside.”

  Kira took a deep breath in a vain attempt to calm her lingering nerves and began stripping down. Once naked, she quickly climbed into the medpod to avoid standing on the cold tile.

  As she reclined inside, the space seemed much more like a coffin than a sophisticated medical device. What am I so worried about? This is a standard procedure in other parts of the Empire. She focused on her breathing.

  The medpod’s lid sealed her inside.

  “Stay still and try to breathe normally,” Doctor Elric said over an internal comm. “You may feel a tingle as you start to go under.”

  Kira did as she was instructed. She felt a tickle along her spine as her eyelids grew heavy. Calm darkness enveloped her.

  When the medpod’s lid popped open, it didn’t feel like more than a minute had passed.

  “Take it slow,” Elric said, coming to stand over her. “How do you feel?”

  “Fine—” Kira started to reply but cut off as soon as she tried to sit up. Sharp pain stabbed her head and radiated along her spine. “Gah!”

  The doctor placed a hand on her bare shoulder, urging her to lay back down. “Your nerves were just reknitted. The sensitivity will subside within an hour.”

  Kira remained motionless for several minutes, giving her senses time to adjust. I thought I’d feel more different. Where is—

  Kira recognized Jasmine’s voice in her mind even though she wasn’t hearing it with her ears this time.

  Whoa! Kira’s pulse spiked with the sudden appearance of the mental presence.


  Kira replied, trying to parse out the difference between her private thoughts and the internal speech.


  Kira realized she was still reclined in the medpod.

  She tried to sit up again, slower this time. The initial physical discomfort she’d experienced had faded to a dull ache in her neck and back. She climbed out of the device.

  Doctor Elric handed her the shipsuit and undergarments she’d removed before the procedure. “I’ll let you get dressed.” He departed.

  Kira began donning her clothes. she asked Jasmine in her mind.

  The AI chuckled—an odd sensation behind Kira’s eyes that almost made her feel like she had to sneeze.


  Jasmine said.


  Jasmine told her.

  Kira finished dressing in her shipsuit and then left the exam room. She found Doctor Elric talking to a nurse.

  Elric dismissed the nurse. “Feeling better?” he asked Kira.

  “Yes. Jasmine and I have been getting to know each other better.”

  “Ah, good.” The doctor smiled. “Any lingering pain?”

  “Not too bad. That first jolt was the worst.”

  He nodded. “It should all be gone soon. Jasmine will be able to help with future pain regulation, once you two finish syncing.”

  “I’m more interested to see how she deals with my impulsiveness,” Kira replied.

  Jasmine gave
a mental nod—a far less disorienting sensation than a laugh.





  Kira laughed out loud.

  Doctor Elric gave her a quizzical look.

  “Poor Jasmine is coming to terms with the insanity that is my life,” Kira explained.

  “Ah.” The doctor nodded. “Good luck with that.”

  Kira asked her new AI friend.


  “Is there anything else, Doctor?” Kira asked Elric. “I’d like to let Major Sandren know I’m ready for the mission.”

  Elric nodded. “I’ve gone over your post-pairing scans, and everything looks to be in order. I’ll clear you for duty, but come in for a check-up when you return from Gaelon.”

  “Yes, Doctor. See you then.”

  Kira headed for the interface terminal outside of Medical so she could send Sandren a message.

  Jasmine said.



  Kira smiled.

  Jasmine sent a copy of Kira’s medical clearance to Major Sandren, and an acknowledgement soon came back that the Raven would depart for Gaelon in half an hour.

  Kira headed to her quarters to retrieve her travel bag. While she was there, she also wanted to let Leon know the procedure had gone off without trouble; that kind of personal communication didn’t feel right to be relayed by Jasmine.

  >>Paring complete!<< she wrote Leon. >>I’m officially a ‘tech head’. Departing for Gaelon now.<<

  He took a moment to message back. >>Do you have time for a proper goodbye?<<

  >>No, but I’ll see you soon. Try to stay out of trouble.<<

  >>You, too. Be careful, Kira.<<


  She grabbed her travel bag from next to the door and headed out.

  As she made the trek from the residential area to the docking location of the Raven, Kira could sense Jasmine’s fascination of seeing sights for the first time that had become commonplace to Kira after so many years.

  Kira said.


  Kira thought she detected a hint of concern in the AI’s mental tone.


  Kira asked.



  Jasmine replied.



  Kira smirked.

  She arrived at the Raven and used the gangway to board the craft. It deposited her on the residential level, and she walked down the short hall to the cabin she shared with her team.

  The other soldiers were unpacking their travel bags when Kira opened the door.

  “Hey,” Kira greeted them.

  “Is it done?” Nia asked.

  Kira nodded. She set down her bag on her bunk in the lower left of the room. “Yep. I’d like to introduce you to Jasmine.”

  The AI connected to the comm system inside the cabin. “Pleasure to meet you,” Jasmine greeted.

  “You’re in for quite a ride,” Kyle replied.

  “It’s only been a few minutes since our pairing, but I’ve gotten that distinct impression,” the AI said.

  “It’ll be nice finally having an AI on the team,” Nia added. “Sometimes it would be nice to have extra help with the hacks.”

  “Really?” Kyle shook his head. “I’ve always liked going it alone. I live for the challenge.”

  “A partnership doesn’t diminish your individual abilities,” Jasmine pointed out over the comm.

  “No offense meant,” Kyle hastily amended.

  “None taken. I know that not everyone enjoys a pairing. I will strive to be a productive member of your team, in whatever capacity will be mutually beneficial.”

  Kira mentally asked the AI.

  Jasmine replied with a mental wink.

  “If you can help keep Kira from transforming into a Robus against her will, I’m happy to have you along,” Ari said.

  “We can use the transit time to get synced,” Jasmine suggested. “I have reviewed all of Kira’s medical records, and I have some ideas for how to regulate the transformation.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Kira agreed. she added privately.


  Kira returned her attention to her teammates. “Now that introductions are out of the way, I think we need to address something that no one has wanted to say aloud.”

  Each of the soldiers sat down on their respective bunks.

  “We’re up against something entirely new here,” Kira began when everyone was situated. “What we witnessed with Colonel Kaen and Chancellor Hale was only one facet of this race’s capabilities. We know they can take over people with a compatible TR, but they have also swayed a number of individuals to work with them of their own free will. The ability to be so persuasive suggests a high level of social awareness that is contrary to Kaen’s experience with Nox.”

  “Yeah, it sounded like Nox was really bad at blending in, once it asserted itself,” Kyle agreed.

  “A clear distinction,” Kira confirmed. “When I talked to Nox, it seemed annoyed with our social constructs. Yet, Reya was adept at working within those systems to build what appears to be an elaborate distribution system throughout the Elvar Trinary, and maybe beyond.”

  “People each possess different skillsets,” Nia pointed out. “It’s not unreasonable to assume that the Gaelons, or whatever we want to call them, would have variation in their individual proclivities, as well.”

  Kira nodded. “You’re absolutely right. Where I’m going with this is that we’re working with a sample size of two right now. We have no idea what other variations there are—how strong they might be or how good at manipulating—but they’re smart. Monica didn’t come up with the alien hybrid nanites on her own; she was using information that the Gaelons relayed to her.” She paused. “You know, we really need a better name for these guys.”

  “It’s not suitably evil-sounding,” Nia agreed.

  “Their actions may appear evil from our vantage, but who’s to say this isn’t a cultural misunderstanding?” Kyle countered. “I’m not sure it’s fair to paint them squarely as the bad guys.”

  “Remember what they did to Hale, making her a prisoner in her own mind for decades?” Kira pointed out.

  Kyle held up his hands. “I retract my statement. Evil-sounding name, it is.”

  “Gaels?” Ari suggested, but he immediately scrunched up his nose and shook his head.

  “Lons, maybe?” Nia ventured.

  “Still doesn’t have a good ring to it,” Kyle said. “Maybe trying to pull in the system name isn’t the r
ight way to go. Perhaps something having to do with their traits instead?”

  Kira nodded. “They whisper in people’s minds, try to control them.”

  “The ‘Whispers’, or ‘Controllers’…” Ari shook his head. “No, that’s not right.”

  “What about ‘Trol’, short for ‘control’?” Kyle suggested.

  Nia tilted her head. “Too on point?”

  Kira considered it. “You know, it does have that ‘mysterious baddie’ quality to it. I like it.”

  “Watch, they’ll declare they have their own name that’s something terrible, like the Fooferies,” Ari said through an amused snort.

  “Stars! And then we’d have to use the official designation.” Kira groaned. “Let’s hit it hard with ‘Trols’ now, while we can, and hope it sticks.”

  “I’m for it,” Kyle agreed, followed by Nia and Ari voicing their support.

  Jasmine interjected privately.





  Kira was silent for a moment.


  Her AI did, indeed, have a jokester streak. I better keep Jasmine in my good graces or Ari will have a source with access to way too much material.

  Considerations for another time.

  “The point is,” Kira said, trying to get back on topic, “now more than ever, we’ll need to have each other’s backs.”

  “How do we attack an enemy we can’t see?” Ari asked, always seeming to think with his gun.

  Kira smiled at the huge soldier. “They have a physical presence, even if it’s something different than what we’re used to. We’ll find what it is and figure out how to disable them.”

  “Not destroy?” Kyle questioned.

  “That’s not for us to decide at this juncture,” Kira replied. “We’re investigating a new lifeform. It’s not right to take the fate of a race lightly, even though they did paint a giant target on their telepathic backs.”


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