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Boys of Brayshaw High

Page 17

by Meagan Brandy


  No. Not thinking about that.

  I tap her on the shoulder, and she jolts, releasing him with a pop as she jumps to her feet.

  Maddoc doesn’t even flinch, not even a blink as he sluggishly drags his eyes to mine.

  “You think you’re allowed to get jealous?” he rasps, the alcohol making his tongue slip a bit. “You better reel that shit in quick, Snow. Not sure what role you think you play here, but pathetic girlfriend isn’t it.”

  He glances at the girl, then looks pointedly at his dick.

  And the chick actually takes a small step for him, ready to drop back to her knees, but when my feet take an involuntary step toward her, she freezes where she stands.

  “I got you,” I start, purposely waiting to the last second to pull my glare from hers to his. “You want me to let you entertain this bitch.”

  His lips part, ready to pop off, I’m sure, but his drunken state has him a step behind.

  “And don’t claim nobody lets you do anything because hear me, big man. I’d pull her and any other girl away from you by her neck, if I wanted.” I look back to the girl whose eyes are wide and rattled. “But I’m thinking that won’t be necessary.”

  Her cheeks heat under my stare and she tries to stand tall and proud, but her shoulders hunch instead. She ducks her head before hustling off, as she should.

  I shift my eyes back to Maddoc.

  He stares, his head still dropped back, dick out and all. But with the shadow of the cabin over him, he’s not completely exposed.

  When I make no move, suddenly a little uncertain of how to handle the big man, he shifts his legs and stands to his full height.

  His pants slip a little, so he grasps a hold of the waist to keep them up, but he doesn’t tuck himself back into his boxers.

  There’s a challenge in his eyes. He doesn’t think I’ll do it, and really there’s no reason for me to, especially when it might still be wet from some bitch’s spit, yet I step forward anyway.

  I grab the edge of his shirt and lift it, my eyes locked on his as I grip the fabric of his boxers and pull it toward me.

  My fingers only graze the silky skin of his dick when he jerks backward to tuck himself in, falling over slightly as he does.

  I reach for him and at first, he tenses and I think he’ll be stubborn and pull away, but in the next second, he welcomes me, hugging his body to mine. I spin around in his arms, and start for the cabin, keeping my hands on his around my waist to keep us steady, but every few feet he jolts to a stop and buries his head farther into my neck.

  He’s mumbling something against my skin, but I couldn’t make it out if I tried.

  When we make it in the door, I lock it behind me and head toward Maddoc’s room.

  Once in his doorway, he tugs away from me. He kicks his shoes off, falling against the wall with a hard thud as he does, then pushes off, throws his blanket down and angrily drops onto the mattress. He makes sure to face the wall away from where I stand.

  With a roll of my eyes, I leave him there and run upstairs to lock the back door.

  Fuck these partygoers – nobody’s coming in tonight.

  I decide on a warm shower, quickly washing, then just stand under the warm spray until my skin is wrinkled. I climb out, pull a T-shirt over my head and some pajama shorts on.

  I peek in on the boys who are all in the same spot I left them and then head for bed.

  Unfortunately for me, I spend the next hour staring at the ceiling unable to erase the picture of Maddoc being touched and pleased by that girl. Pressure builds in my chest and I try to take a deep breath to rid myself of it, but it doesn’t work. It’s annoying.

  With a groan, I smack my palms against my comforter right as a loud bang has me jumping.

  My eyes dart to the doorway.

  Maddoc stands there glaring as he stumbles into my room, but I don’t move.

  He loudly props his ass on the wall, using it as leverage to keep him standing as he yanks his shirt over his head, and I lay back, admiring the way his muscles tighten as he does. Next to go are his jeans.

  He kicks them off and stands there frowning at me in nothing but boxers.

  Then he shuts and locks my door.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I ask.

  His lips make a firm line.

  “You think I’ll let you come in here and climb in bed when you only pulled your dick from some chick’s mouth a bit ago and only after I made it happen?”

  “Yeah, I do.” His response is instant, and I almost want to laugh.

  Always so sure. I kinda like that about him, the little prickhead.

  He reaches for my lamp but then his glossy stare meets mine. Even in his drunken state, he remembers me and the dark don’t get along and he leaves the little light alone.

  Even though I’m irritated with him for reasons I don’t care to play out, my damn body shakes anticipating his as he lowers himself onto the bed.

  Maddoc slides under the covers until his skin is flush against mine.

  His hand lands on my ass and he slowly slides it down until his fingers hit the apex of my thigh and he pulls, wrapping my leg around his hip, moving in until his dick is against me.

  My muscles tighten against his hard-on, and a low, rumbly moan leaves him, but he makes no other move. He lays there, body pressed to mine, hands on my bare skin, and falls asleep.

  And for some reason, with the sound of his steady breathing and warm skin heating mine, my body grows lax.

  Sleep comes easier than it should.

  Quick, heavy footsteps sound behind me and then the board on the back deck creaks with a single foot planted.

  I don’t turn around but take another drink from my coffee cup. “Morning.”

  When there’s no sound but retreating steps I grin and wait.

  It only takes a few minutes before Royce meets me outside, instant hot chocolate I made with him in mind in hand.

  He drops beside me with a grumbled, “Thanks.”

  I nod, still not looking his way. “You thought I was running around somewhere, didn’t you?”

  “Yup.” He shrugs, and I appreciate his honesty. “The fuck was that yesterday?”

  This time, I shrug. “I went for a walk, got asked to play a quick game, so I did.”

  “If you wanted to play a game, you should have come with us.”

  “And creep on your basketball game? No.” I take another drink. “You guys needed a legit practice or workout or whatever Captain said. And I’m fine doing my own thing.”

  “Well, your own thing was stupid.”

  “Hey. They’re not my enemies, they’re yours.” I grow defensive and when his head snaps my way, mine follows.

  “Our enemies are your enemies.”

  “Says fucking who?”

  Before he can answer, Maddoc steps out on the deck, his shirt still off despite the chill, and I lose my train of thought.

  His torso, God ... so long and strong. Deep cut ridges meet at the center and spread out across his ribs, but those damn hip bones are what have me stuck. Every damn time.

  “Says you.”

  When he speaks my gaze flies to his, and a cocky gleam shines back.

  I can’t say I hate this playful side he’s giving glimpses of.

  “And us. You’re Brayshaw whether you want to be or not, because we said. Your actions only solidify it to outside eyes.”

  There we go, that’s more like the big man.

  I roll my eyes.

  Captain joins us then, lifting his coffee cup in thanks. “It’s true, Raven. You publicly chose us on more than one occasion.”

  “I only did what anybody would do.”

  I look between the three and grow self-conscious as their facial expressions shift from angrily irritated to ... more. Frownless.

  “What?” I snap, setting my mug down and jumping to my feet.

  Captain, the nurturer, takes my vacated spot beside Royce and Maddoc steps forw
ard. “That’s where you’re wrong. Nobody in our world helps because they want to. There’s always a reason. We talked about this already.”

  “Well, I didn’t have a reason.”

  This time when I look between the three, they’re grinning. I mean, Maddoc more drops his stare to the old wood beneath him, but the other two definitely grin and I shift on my feet.

  Royce sets his cup down and then hauls himself at me. Laughing, he wraps himself around my back and lifts me off the floor with a tight squeeze. “That’s the point, RaeRae. You’ve got something we wanna figure out,” he teases in a purposely dirty voice.

  Maddoc smacks the back of Royce’s head, and he releases me with a laugh.

  I shove him farther away, but can’t completely keep the smile at bay so I quickly grab my cup and dip back inside.

  I’m pouring a refill when Maddoc’s chest hits my back.

  For a moment, he just stands there, his hot breath to my neck causing goose bumps on my skin and a heavy beating in my chest.

  “What?” I ask, a little breathier than I wanted.

  “You know what...” he whispers slowly. “You left me in bed today.”

  “I woke up. You didn’t.”

  And I needed some air because my lungs were full of citrus and pine, full of Maddoc.

  “Right,” he murmurs. “And yesterday, you left my bed when I told you I’d be back. That meant stay put. You didn’t.”

  I curl my toes to keep myself from fidgeting. “Maybe next time say what you mean instead?”

  “I’m guessing it would have made no difference.” His hand comes up and my eyes follow as he grips my hair, pulling it behind me. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

  “You’re right.” I clear my throat and reach for the creamer, but he snags it before I can, so I finally spin to face him.

  He smirks and makes quick work of setting the creamer bottle beside us and lifts me onto the countertop.

  My eyes widen.

  Okay, we’re doing this whole flirty thing. Not good since I can’t quite think straight this early ... and having six-foot-something of solid man meat in front of me isn’t helping. Even sitting here like this, I still have to tip my head back to fully look at him.

  Pouty lips, high cheek bones and wild ass green eyes, emerald in color at the moment. Thick, dark lashes and darker brows.

  He’s a good-looking bastard.

  There’s that smirk again...

  He hands me my steaming cup of coffee and lifts the plastic Coffee-mate jug, pouring it in until I tell him to stop.

  He frowns at it. “Can you even call that coffee?”

  “It’s my version of half and half. Half coffee, half the goods. We can’t all shoot shit straight like you, big man.”

  He stares at me, so I take a drink and look off before meeting his eyes again.


  “You slept.”

  When my brows pull in, he shifts closer, tipping his head back a bit.

  “Without your knife, Raven. You slept, sound a-fucking-sleep, without your security.”

  “I was tired.”

  He smirks and steps back. “Right.”

  Right. Right?

  “Stop looking at me like that,” I snap when my stomach starts to feel knotted.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you know me. You don’t, and you shouldn’t try to.” I slide down and make my way into the living room in hopes of settling the rattled feeling I’ve got going on right as the others come inside.

  I don’t want to be understood, just as much as I can’t afford to let anyone in.

  I want to be able to walk away when I’m ready.

  I look back to Maddoc who now leans against the counter staring after me.

  Yeah, he could be a problem.

  “So tonight’s heat night,” Royce announces.

  “Heat night?” I ask.

  “Yup. Tonight is all outdoor, no cabins, no clothes. Only the hot tubs and campfires or fire pits to keep you warm.” Royce does a little shimmy with his shoulders. “Or another body.”

  I scoff. “Yeah, pass. I’ll chill in here.”


  I look to Captain. “Why not?”

  “Cabins are off-limits all around. Anyone found indoor during the party has to sleep outdoor in screw-you row.”

  “Do I even wanna know what you’re talking about?”

  “Anybody found indoors, has to sleep on the ground in a row of sleeping bags that have been fucked in at least once this weekend. All lights have to be turned out at dusk and if any lights are seen inside the cabins, people rush in and pull you out and then you’re screwed.”

  “One, that’s dumb. Two, I lose by default. No swimsuit, so unless I run around in a thong and bra ...”

  “Not opposed to that but ...” Royce trails off and then runs off.

  I look to the other two for answers, but they give me nothing, and just as quick as he went, Royce bounds back up the stairs tossing me a bag.

  My head snaps back as it hits my face and chest. I look from it to him and he shakes his hand my way.

  I peek inside and a laugh leaves me, my hand lifting to cover my mouth as I shake my head.

  “You like it?” He grins, and I look to him, smiling.

  I pull out a skimpy ass, blood red bikini.

  “There is no fucking way, ever. Never.” I laugh, setting it in my lap so I can grab my cup again.

  “What?!” He hops to his feet, looking entirely too adorably clueless. “Why? You’d look bangin’ in that.”

  “More like bangable ... as in easy.”

  The boys chuckle, but Royce frowns and moves to drop on the coffee table directly in front of me. “A swimsuit doesn’t make someone look easy,” he calls me out on my judgment.

  I smile. Good for him. And he’s right, but it’s different when people think you’re trashy already. The more skin you show, the more they’re convinced you’re everything they assumed, fighting for attention and whatnot.

  “Is it sexy?” He raises a brown brow. “Hell yeah. Did I pick the smallest one I could find? Fuck yeah,” he admits, and I laugh. “But for real, you can pull this shit off like no other, I know it.”

  “Thank you, but no.”

  “Man.” He moves to sit beside me on the couch. “Fine.” He pulls another bag from under his hoodie and tosses it in my face with a pout.

  I knock him with my shoulder and open the second bag, pulling out a sexy but sleek black one piece with the sides cut out at the curve of the stomach. It’s not far off from something I might choose for myself, not that I could ever afford it.

  It must show, my approval for the sassy piece, because Royce scoffs playfully.

  “Great.” Royce hits his knees and pulls himself up. He walks over to Maddoc and shoves him on his way out the slider door. “Course she likes the grandma suit you picked out.”

  I look to Maddoc who meets my stare a minute before following Royce outside.


  Captain’s sigh has me looking his way right as he leans forward, placing his forearm on the little kitchen counter. “Careful, Raven. He’s ‘bout there, and when he hits that point, others better stay the fuck back. Don’t feed into it if you’re not ready for what’ll follow.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  He eyes me a minute. “Maddoc doesn’t get possessive. Ever.”

  “Bullshit. Everyone said from the get-go he was a bossy bastard.”

  “Bossy is different, and you know it. I’m talking the way he steps closer to you when you step closer to someone else, us included. Or how he doesn’t like you and Bass hanging out, or how he gets crazed when someone puts hands on you. Or—”

  “Okay, packman.” I laugh mockingly. “Enough nonsense.”

  “I’m just saying his sights are set, and at this point, I’m not sure anything could keep him from getting what he wants.”

  “What, me?” My eyes widen jeeringly. “Big deal.”

/>   Captain frowns, his stare bouncing between mine. “You don’t care?”

  “That your boy wants to fuck me? Negative. It’s natural, all part of how the male brain works. They see something they like, and everything goes triggery and a big fat neon sign blinks in their heads, flashing ‘mine’ ‘mine’ ‘mine’ over and over again.” He laughs, but I’m not playing. “But what your boy and every other needs to learn is just because your mind is telling you something belongs to you ... doesn’t make it true.”

  “You saying you wouldn’t fuck him?”

  A smile takes over instantly. “I’m not saying that at all.”

  Captain throws his head back laughing, and I laugh with him.

  The other two pop their heads back in, deep frowns on their faces as they look between the two of us, Maddoc stepping in and disappearing down the stairs a moment later.

  That only makes us laugh harder.

  Royce scoffs and then steps back out when his phone rings.

  Captain looks to me with a grin. “Shit’s about to get real interesting.”

  “Only one more day, Cap, then it’s all back to normal.”


  “Well, back to your kind of normal. I’m still waiting for the tin man to show up.”

  “Why, so you can give him a heart?” he jokes.

  “Nah.” Leaving Royce’s suit of choice on the couch, I hold on to the other as I stand. “I’m more one to disappoint, living proof some of us really were built without the love tick.”

  “Love tick?”

  “Yup. Something beats in there, but it’s incapable of giving, unworthy of receiving. Just a little off.”

  “That’s some morbid shit, Raven.”

  “Yeah.” I shrug. “But still true.”

  I leave him upstairs and head for my room, but when I find Maddoc lying across my comforter, I fold my arms and lean against the doorframe.

  “Don’t stand there and stare, Raven.” He doesn’t bother opening his eyes to confirm. “Get over here. Sleep.”

  “I just had two cups of coffee.”


  A laugh bubbles out of me. I glance behind me when the other two shuffle back this way, each disappearing into their rooms, neither caring to know what I’m standing here for. Two loud bangs sound, their headboards hitting the wall, indicating they’ve dropped onto the beds.


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