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It Ain't Me, Babe

Page 27

by Tillie Cole

  This is why he has been missing from his home. He has been abducted, I thought, staring at his beaten, bloodied body.

  “Get on your knees!” the man leading the group shouted in a deep, rigid voice. A second man leapt at the bed and aggressively gripped my arm.

  “You too, whore!”

  His hand slipped into my hair and, wrapping it around his fist, he threw me to the floor. My scalp screamed in pain as I was roughly pushed between Styx and Rider, who were braced on their knees with heads down.

  As I hit the floor, the sheet covering my body slipped away and a pained hiss slipped through Styx’s teeth. I risked a glance to see him glowering my way; death stalked his hazel eyes as he stared daggers at the man above me… the man who was staring at my exposed flesh. I was bare, for all to see. The room grew silent and I heard Rider suck in a sharp breath. When I glanced up in his direction, his brown eyes roved lustfully along my frame.

  The man in charge walked to the door and grabbed my black robe from the peg on the back of the door. He threw it at my face.

  “Cover yourself, whore,” he ordered. With shaky hands, I wrapped it around my body, tying the belt in a double knot.

  “Put your hands behind your backs.” I did as ordered but the leader rapped the butt of his gun on the side of Styx’s jaw when he refused. “All of you! Now!”

  Tears ran down my cheeks as Styx reluctantly did as he was told. I could see his throat working, his chest heaving and his lips shut tight. He was trying to speak. He was trying to speak but could not. My heart broke for him.

  I met his seething stare and tried to reassure him that I was okay. It did not work. The tendons in his neck pulsed with rage and his face turned bright red.

  Three of the men took ties from their pockets and, roughly grasping our wrists, bound them together. The plastic ties were too strong to break.

  We were now their captives.

  Rider swayed and leaned against me, his body covered in blood and mud. He was so tired he could barely hold his head up straight.

  The men in balaclavas stood over us. All dressed in black, they aimed their guns at our heads but Styx kneeled up straight, defiant, his eyes promising revenge and retribution. Even outnumbered, Styx’s strength and courage shone through.

  The leader saw the challenge in Styx’s stance and laughed a long, harrowing laugh—my blood turned to ice. That laugh. I would recognize that laugh anywhere.

  A whimper escaped my throat and the leader of the hooded group turned his head in my direction. He walked toward me slowly and crouched low. I sensed both Rider and Styx stiffen. The two men I loved most flanked me. But they could not protect me from this man. I believed, no, I knew he would find me in the end.

  The man slowly lifted his hand and swiftly removed his balaclava. All of the air in my lungs left my body. “Brother Gabriel,” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  I could hear Styx grind his teeth in anger beside me as Gabriel smiled the widest smile; his hand stroked his long, brown beard.

  “Salome,” he said very slowly, my name a curse on his tongue. “You’ve been a very bad, very insolent woman.” He tutted and waggled his index finger in my face as though reprimanding a simple child. “We’ve been searching for you for a very long time.” He turned to the others and laughed. “And here we find you, soiling yourself with his seed.” Gabriel pointed at Styx. “In the place we despise the most… with the people we have been working so hard to bring down.”

  I did not understand what he was saying. How could The Order know of the Hangmen? How had they been trying to bring the Hangmen down? I flashed a glance to Styx; his expression mirrored my confusion. I remained stoic toward Gabriel, my face acquiring the same blank expression I had adopted for many, many years. I was proficient in the art of hiding my emotions.

  “Now here’s what’s gonna happen,” Gabriel announced, interrupting my inner musings. “You’re gonna come back with us. You’re gonna shut that mouth like a good lil’ woman and repent for your whoring ways. You’ve tainted your purity with this sinner.” He snarled and curled his lip. “You still have his semen dripping down your thighs.”

  One of the men pushed his gun barrel along Styx’s temple. Styx looked ready to erupt in fiery rage.

  “Then you’re gonna finally marry Prophet David, as revealed by the Lord, and seal our people’s place in Paradise.”

  I inhaled a shaky breath and closed my eyes, only to snap them back open and glare straight into Gabriel’s eyes. “I will do as you have requested,” I meekly conceded. I had to swallow the lump rising in my throat when Styx thrashed around in protest. The guard struck him on the stomach with his gun. Styx took the hit without a flinch.

  I pleaded, “Let Rider and Styx go. Please.”

  Gabriel laughed. “Now, Salome, that’s not your call to make.”

  “Please! They are innocent. Just let them go!”

  One by one, the brothers in the room revealed their faces—all the elders: Gabriel, Noah, Moses… and Jacob. His gray eyes fixed on mine and he stalked toward me, stopping behind Gabriel, then smiled wide. I felt as though hundreds of spiders were crawling over my flesh and I shuddered in revulsion.

  “Salome. We meet again,” he hissed, coldly.

  “Jacob,” I spat out, disgust coiling my stomach. His years of abuse flooded into my mind’s eye. I squeezed my eyes, trying to stem the flow of horrific memories: the touching, the taking… the shame.

  With a roar, Styx jumped to his feet and charged at Jacob. I screamed as Styx launched into him, and in a tangled mess, the two of them hit the floor. Styx maneuvered himself to stamp his foot across Jacob’s jaw. I heard a dull popping sound, followed by Noah swatting his gun on the back of Styx’s head. Styx crumpled flat to the ground.

  Jacob jumped to his feet, holding his injured jaw and I watched as he clicked it back into place. Jacob made to charge at Styx and Rider edged closer to me, his large chest shielding me from view.

  “Enough!” Gabriel ordered. The brothers instantly froze. “Secure him to the bedpost!”

  Brother Noah pushed Styx into the bedpost and tied him securely. Styx thrashed wildly, but the bed did not move. I met his wild eyes and mouthed, I love you.

  Styx stilled.

  “So you want me to save these men, Salome? These fallen savages?”

  Gabriel pointed at Rider and Brother Moses reached down, dragging him to his feet. Rider swayed on unsteady feet.

  “No! Please! Do not harm him!” I cried.

  Gabriel spun Rider in his arms and Rider glanced down at me, a strange expression on his face. Was he tormented… conflicted… regretful?

  Gabriel removed a large knife from the inside of his boot and held it in the air. “You want me to save this savage, huh?” Gabriel was clearly enjoying himself. Rider appeared numb.

  My cheeks were wet with tears. I watched as Gabriel took his knife and ripped apart Rider’s hand ties. I felt like I could not breathe. Gabriel was going to kill him. I was about to watch the two men I cared for most die before my very eyes.

  Gabriel gripped at Rider’s arm and he spun his victim around, knife braced to strike at Rider’s throat. I heard Styx take a loud, expectant breath and I followed suit.

  Gabriel moved closer to Rider. “Are you ready to die?”

  Rider glared at Gabriel impassively. Why was he not fighting back? I wanted to scream at him to fight back, but my voice found no sound.

  Gabriel stood still as he watched for Rider’s reaction, then abruptly dropped his knife to the floor with a clatter and spread his arms wide. “Brother Cain! It is so good to see you again!”

  My eyes widened as Rider straightened. A huge smile graced his face, his injuries suddenly seeming painless and all his tiredness was forgotten. “Brother Gabriel!” he responded in kind, as they embraced.

  Each heartbeat in my chest was louder and more pronounced than the next. Everything around me slowed to half speed as I watched Rider and Gabriel basking in a joyous reunion

  Gabriel’s words suddenly sounded in my ears. Brother Cain, it is good to see you again…


  I slumped to the floor, depleted. My body had collapsed in shock. My eyes denied the scene before me; Rider embracing the elders one after the other. Brother Cain, it is good to see you again…

  My eyes looked to Styx. His eyes looked to me.

  Rider’s the rat. Rider’s the fuckin’ rat! He communicated with his gaze.

  Rider’s a disciple? I relayed back.


  Brother Cain? BROTHER… CAIN!

  “No,” I barely croaked. The elders and Rider all turned to meet the sound and I met Rider’s now-alien brown eyes. I found more energy and queried, “You are Brother Cain? You are Prophet David’s nephew? The heir of The Order?”

  Rider just stared. He was a stranger to me now. Cain was the disciple who would inherit The Order when Prophet David passed. Rider is Brother Cain. Rider does not exist.

  Sobs ripped up my throat and I broke down right there on the floor. I could hear the sounds of Styx thrashing around again, trying in vain to break free to get to me, to comfort me. I could not handle it anymore. I could not take any more loss.

  “Get her. We need to move out.” Rider’s—no—Cain’s command broke me from my sorrowful thoughts. Rising to my knees, I shuffled over to Styx, throwing myself into his body, slick with exertion. “Styx… I love you… I love you.”

  Styx growled and snarled as he fought to be free, fought to wrap his arms around my waist. His lips moved as if trying to speak but in vain—only silence… only silence. His words would not come and I could see the frustration on his face.

  “Baby, look at me. LOOK AT ME!” I shouted as his desperate eyes met mine. I pleaded, “Do not try and find me.” He frantically shook his head. I pleaded again, “Please. Do not look for me. They will never let me go again. I will never be free of this life. Let me go… Let me go. Protect yourself, protect the club… your brothers.”

  Suddenly, large hands gripped my arms. I fought against the strong hold, smashing my lips to Styx’s, needing that connection. I tried to savor his smoky taste, his musky scent. But our fleeting touch was over too soon. I was lifted off my feet and into a tight iron grasp: Cain.

  “Noah, Moses, send the Hangmen a message,” Cain commanded and the elders closed in on Styx.

  “No! NO!” I screamed over and over. “I love you, Styx. I love you!”

  Rider carried me out of Styx’s room and to the stairwell that led to the yard. “Damn you to hell, Cain. Damn you to hell!” I yelled as I fought to get free.

  Cain stopped and slammed me against the wall and his blazing eyes bored into mine. “I’m already in hell! This is fuckin’ hell! Seeing you with him… is hell! I’m bringing you back home, away from this sinful place! Back to our people! And away from him!”

  Anger blazed through my body. Before I even knew what I had done, I spit in his face. Cain froze as my saliva trickled down his cheek, then into his beard.

  “I hate you! How can you take me back to that den of evil after what they did to me for years? You told me you loved me! That was a lie! If you loved me, you would not take me back there. You might as well kill me. JUST KILL ME NOW!”

  Cain leaned in real close and once more slammed my back against the hard cement wall, the action robbing me of my breath. “That’s the fuckin’ problem, Salome. I do love you. I’m not meant to. It is forbidden. I was meant to free you for my uncle. Deliver you to Prophet David. And I must. It is the will of the Lord. But I do fuckin’ love you and it is my burden to bear.”

  I was even more confused. “What? If you love me, you should let me go. Please…” For a moment, the Rider I knew and loved as my best friend stared back at me, but when Moses, Noah, and Gabriel dragged Styx through the bedroom door, the cold Brother Cain persona reasserted itself.

  “Styx!” I screamed as they dragged his bleeding body past me, my heart slamming against my ribs. His head, weak from the pounding he had just taken, lifted at my words. “STYX!” I cried out louder. My body crumpled against the wall… I could not get free. My heart broke as the elders hauled Styx into the yard, and all the time, he fought his restraints, fighting to get back to me.

  He will always try to protect me, I thought.

  I refocused and stared at Cain. “I will never forgive you for this, Brother Cain,” I hissed, my voice steely and even.

  For a moment, a flash of pain sped across Cain’s face as Brother Jacob stopped beside us. Cain straightened my left arm. “Do it!” he ordered Jacob, sternly.

  My attention moved to Jacob and I watch helplessly as he held out a long needle and injected it into my outstretched arm.

  As my consciousness began to fade, I fought against Cain’s hold. “Never… never… forgive you…”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I couldn’t speak.

  I couldn’t get the words out to say a damn word. Rider. Fuckin’ RIDER! He was one of them. All this time, years of being Road Captain… five years of riding with the Hangmen, front line at gun runs and deals… and he was one of them!


  “Noah, Moses, send the Hangmen a message,” Rider hissed as he grabbed Mae and dragged her from the room. All I saw was a red misty tunnel.

  “Styx! I love you… I love you!” Mae cried, tears pouring down her cheeks.

  Rider is taking her from me!

  Mae! I wanted to scream, but the words wouldn’t come. The words were a cluster, a fuckin’ lump in my throat, choking me, lodged in place, refusing to move.

  The door to the hallway closed and two of the bearded fucks approached. I bared my teeth, fought against the restraints, but the fuckers kept coming. I promised myself if they got any closer I’d head butt the bastards, crush their noses, fracture their jaws… anything.

  “So. You’re the famous Hangmen Mute?” The first one taunted.

  I just stared, trying to goad them into coming closer.

  They looked at each other and laughed. “I’m thinking, by his silence, we got it right. Funny, he doesn’t seem so tough on his knees, begging like a bitch.”

  Movement up ahead caught my eye and I spotted Jacob pacing. He was glaring at me, snarling. So this is the pedo, I thought. This was the sick fuck who’d raped my woman. Raped her at the age of eight.

  His lip lifted in a knowing smirk, his jaw clicking at the movement. He stepped forward, crouching right in front of me, and started to taunt me.

  “She was so tight all those years ago.”

  I tensed, my muscles feeling as though they were ripping apart.

  “She fought me at first. Struggled to get free, but the trap kept her in her place. She squealed at first, you know, when I ripped through her virginity. But, she soon learned to enjoy me.” His head lowered, as did his voice. “I fucked her in every hole, in every way humanly possible… and she was always dripping wet for more.”

  Fury boiled my blood. I lunged forward, sinking my teeth into the side of his neck, ripping off a chunk of his flesh and spitting it on the floor at his feet. The taste of copper filled my mouth. He roared in pain, and I smiled as his blood trickled down my chin.

  The other two brothers attacked, punching, hitting, kicking me in the ribs. I held Jacob in a stare, smiling as the bothers’ blows down rained on me.

  “Moses, Noah, take him outside,” Gabriel ordered as Jacob held his neck, still glaring at me in shock.

  Moses and Noah gripped me by my arms and dragged me through the door.


  Mae was held up against the wall by Rider. His face far too close to hers. She looked so damn scared.

  Our entrance to the hallway caught her attention and her wary wolf eyes snapped to mine. “Styx!” she screamed. “STYX!”

  Work. Speak. Come on. Just talk. Anything. One word. Only one word. A sound. Something… FUCK! I tensed my chest as I tried to push the words up my throat. I could feel them lurking, moc
king me, but they just wouldn’t come.

  The two shits holding me were towing me past Mae so quickly I couldn’t get the words out in time. I couldn’t speak to my woman. Reassure her. I couldn’t help her. I was choking.


  “Jacob. Do it!” I heard Rider order. Planting my feet to the ground, I managed to turn just in time to see Jacob plunge a huge needle into Mae’s arm.

  “Never… never… forgive you,” Mae mumbled as she fell unconscious, the pain of her tone mirrored in Rider’s face. Within a few short seconds, Mae was gone and I was being pushed down the stairs and out the door into the yard, the summer night sticky and too humid to fuckin’ breathe.

  “Gate!” Moses commanded. Noah nodded and we halted at the front gate. One of the bastards reached behind me to cut my hand ties. Taking advantage of this brief freedom, I swung my fists into their ugly faces, one by one, only to be tackled to the ground from behind.

  “Stay the fuck down,” a deep voice threatened.


  “Tie him up,” Rider ordered. I was lifted off the ground and spread out against the metal bars of the gate. My wrists were bound to the sides and my muscles burned with the movement. Finally, my feet were tied together at the ankles with cable.

  I laughed internally at the messed-up position they had me in. Nice touch… Jesus-lovin’ pricks.

  My fingers stretched and curled, but I couldn’t get free. And then Jacob arrived, holding a towel to his neck, blood drenching the cloth. I smiled until Rider looked my way.

  “She secure?” He checked.


  “She’s secure,” Jacob replied, glowering my way.

  Rider stared just a touch too long at Jacob. His eyes tightened just a second too long. If Brother Cain loved Mae as much as he claimed he did, he’d scalp that sadistic fucker for raping her… for years and years of sadistic abuse. If Rider didn’t come through, I’d make sure I got my fuckin’ revenge someday. This time nothing on Earth would stop me from finding Mae. She was fuckin’ everything to me. Some messed-up cult weren’t taking her away.


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