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I Got Your Back- Teflon & Tatiana’s Love Story

Page 5

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Teflon,” I just had to introduce myself. The fact that she was pregnant didn’t even bother me for some reason. As sexy as she was I would raise that muthafucka as my own.

  “Tatiana.” She half smiled as her eyes darted from mine to Groove and then Merce. “Are you guys here to see Brevin?” she removed her hand from my grasp. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, no matter how hard I tried, and I could tell my gaze made her uncomfortable.

  “Yeah, tell him that we’ll be in the den area and that I have Teflon and Merce with me.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and turned to leave, but not before we made awkward eye contact again. How did a nigga like Brevin bag that? I will never fucking know. I shook my head and exhaled as I followed Groove and Merce to the den.

  “That’s Brevin’s girl?” I quizzed as soon as we sat down in the den.

  “Yep, Tatiana Drew. She’s beautiful, huh?” Groove smirked.

  “Nigga, that’s a fucking understatement,” I looked towards the entrance of the den as if she were right there. Shit I wish she were right there.

  I usually liked my girls thick and Tatiana wasn’t, but she was just as fine to me. Her skin color was golden but with a hint of cinnamon, something I hadn’t seen before. She had a mole on her left cheek and her brown eyes were a beautiful shade of chocolate. Her breasts weren’t big and neither was her butt, but she wasn’t skinny per say. She was small but perfect. I’d never been so horny in my life.

  “Good afternoon fellas, sorry to take so long.” Brevin walked in with his pretty ass girl right behind him.

  “It’s cool,” Merce responded but my attention was focused on Tatiana. Her name was even sexy. I’d heard the name plenty of times, but this time it sounded different.

  “Would you guys like something to drink? I will be making lunch once I get dressed,” she offered. Her voice was sweet and sexy coming from her full lips.

  “Yeah baby, bring us some Hennessy please,” Brevin kissed her lips before coming to sit down like us. “So Teflon and Merce, my man Groove here told me a lot about you two.”

  “He told us a lot about you too. We know your last people got blazed,” Merce squinted his eyes, wanting an explanation. The one Groove gave wasn’t good enough for either of us.

  “Yeah I um, made some poor choices. You know niggas get in their feelings when you fuck their bitch and take over their territory.”

  This nigga had Tatiana and was fucking other bitches? Wow. I mean I wasn’t any better for how I dogged Kayla, but it made me cringe knowing that this nigga was doing Tatiana dirty. I definitely wanted to fuck his bitch, but she deserved better than that, just like Kayla. Tatiana was the type you married and stayed on the good foot with. She didn’t need to be with a nigga like me nor Brevin.

  “Well we don’t mind coming on board as long as the money is right, but we would prefer it if…”

  I lost my train of thought when Tatiana entered the den with our drinks. She removed my glass from the tray, and when she handed it to me, I made sure to touch her small soft hands with mine. We looked into one another’s eyes but she was quick to lose that eye contact. I could already imagine pinning her hands behind her head as I beat her pussy up while she called out my name. I took a gulp of my drink to calm my dick down.

  “You would prefer it if what?” Brevin quizzed as Tatiana finished passing the drinks out.

  “If you didn’t do things that put your life in jeopardy.”

  “Understandable, so do we have a deal?”

  “What will the money be like?” Merce quizzed.

  “For small jobs $30,000 and for big jobs it’ll be $120,000. That’s the cap,” he responded.

  “You got a deal,” I said.

  “Great, where are you guys staying? Have you found a place to live yet?”

  “Nah, we booked a hotel for the time we’ll be here. We’ll be looking though for sure,” Merce replied.

  “Why don’t you guys stay here until then? I’m hot right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if these niggas found out where I lived. I got seven bedrooms, fully furnished with personal bathrooms in each. I have a chef, maid, a—“

  “Sounds good,” I cut him off. I didn’t care if this was a one-bedroom shack in Buckeye-Shaker, the fact that Tatiana lived here was the only amenity I needed.

  “Cool, cool.” Brevin chuckled excitedly with his scaredy cat ass.

  Like I said before, I had plenty of reasons to come back here and Tatiana had just been added to that list. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do, but I just knew that I had to be close to her. I didn’t wanna be her man because she deserved better than me, but I had to have her in my circle one way or another.



  That night…

  I’d just finished taking a nice shower, and when I walked into the bedroom, Brevin was coming in. I smiled at him uncomfortably because my thoughts had me oozing with guilt. That man earlier, Teflon, had me feeling things I should only feel for Brevin. I didn’t even know his ass, but I wanted to be in his presence. I wanted to know everything there was to know about him.

  “Did you have fun?” I asked Brevin as I began to spread lotion all over my legs.

  “Fun? I guess. We mainly talked business and stuff. I told them they could stay here, Merce and Teflon, in the guest bedrooms. I didn’t introduce you huh?”

  “No need, Groove did,” I half lied.

  He smiled and neared me, before kissing on my neck. I wasn’t in the mood, well I was, but not for him. And now hearing that Teflon would be staying here in this home with us had me feeling very hot and very bothered.

  “I’m gonna get a snack,” I nudged Brevin off me and darted towards the door. I heard him groan but I ignored it. Suddenly he was the least of my worries.

  I made my way down the hall, checking the two bedrooms located down there. No one was inside, so I went downstairs to check those. The very last door was cracked open and when I walked by I saw him. He was the sexiest nigga I’d ever seen. He had smooth brown skin, kinky hair, a scruffy beard, and beautiful slanted eyes. He had to be half Asian or something. He was very tall, taller than Brevin so about 6’4, and at the moment his shirt was off so I could see his tattoos, abs, and strong chest. I felt like a voyeur as I watched him unpack things. My eyes traveled down his strong arms, admiring his sleeve and the iced out watch on his wrist. I hated the fact that I was so attracted to him because I couldn’t do anything about it.

  “You just gonna stand there like a creep?” he snapped me back to reality. I said nothing for a few moments before entering his room, embarrassed.

  “I just wanted to make sure everything was to your liking.”

  “It is thank you.” He bit down on his plump bottom lip and let his eyes travel down my frame. I had on a short silk nightgown with the matching robe. The way he looked at me prompted me to close the robe over myself. “Well goodnight, Teflon.”

  “Wait, come sit down for a second.”

  “It’s 1am.”

  “I didn’t ask for the time shorty. Come sit down please. Don’t make me beg and know that I will beg you.”

  Moving my hair to the other side of my head nervously, I made my way over to him and sat down on the bed. His cologne, which I recognized to be Valentino, permeated the air, making my center salivate slightly. I blinked constantly as he took me in, gazing at me as if I were a painting.

  “Where did you come from?” I asked, hoping to pull his eyes from wandering all over me.

  “I’m from here, originally, born and raised, but I moved to California for work. That shit blew over so I’m back to work for your man.”


  “Can I?” he asked, referring to the small bulge in my stomach.

  “Umm, sure, I guess so.” I nodded nervously. I was so skittish that you’d think I’d never been around a man in my life.

  He pulled the belt of my robe to open it, and I held my breath because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. He t
ook his big hand and placed it against my stomach gently before rubbing. Brevin had never done that and I didn’t mind until now. Teflon stared at my stomach as he caressed it, making a small smile creep onto my face.

  “How long before it gets here?” he questioned with his eyes still locked on my belly.

  “About four and some change.” I chuckled.

  “You look beautiful pregnant, breathtaking even,” he looked deeply into my eyes, making my breathing become shallow.

  “Thank you.” I pushed my hair behind my ears. “Do you have any children?” my eyes followed him as he stood up and began removing his jeans… he was so fucking tall like Brevin. “Oh let me go—“

  “No, stay. I promise I won’t flash you, I’m just getting ready to go shower. I like your company baby girl.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “That’s now, give it time. And to answer your question, no I don’t have any kids.”

  “Oh, do you want them?” I tried to keep my attention on his eyes, but seeing that V, which I knew led down to his manhood, temporarily snatched my eyes from his.

  “Yeah I do, but I don’t know if I will get them. I want kids with a woman that I’m willing to marry and I don’t know if I will find that.”

  His statement turned me off, because I knew that meant he was just like Brevin. He was nothing but a player and oddly that had me feeling some type of way. I had a man so why was I worried about Teflon’s affairs anyway? Instead of responding, I just rose to my feet, ready to leave.

  “Leaving already?” he raised a brow.

  “Yes, it’s very late. I’m tired and I have to be up early for pregnancy yoga. You have a goodnight Teflon.” I half smiled, retying my robe.

  “Aye, thank you for talking to me.” He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his perfect lips to kiss the back of it. “Try to make visiting me a habit, Tatiana.”

  My chest rose and fell slowly but roughly as his hand held onto mine. It felt so good and so right even though it was wrong. He was pulling me in and so quickly. I refused to engage with a man who was no different than the guy I was pregnant by though.

  “I will do what I can.”

  “Okay,” he replied so lowly that it was almost inaudible.

  His already slanted eyes were low, so I knew he was high and it looked so sexy on him. He watched me the whole time until I closed the bedroom door behind me. Once I did, I inhaled sharply with my eyes closed. Teflon staying here was gonna be bad for my health.



  I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times, before realizing my dick was hard as fuck and that what had just happened was a dream. I hadn’t been able to get Tatiana off my fucking mind since the first time I saw her ass. Granted it had only been less than twenty-four hours, but still that was odd for me. Any woman that wasn’t Kayla only stayed on my mind when she was on my dick. Once I nutted I never thought about the bitch again. But Tatiana, I hadn’t even touched her, well not in the way that I wanted to, yet her little ass was planted firmly in my mind.

  After getting over the fact that I didn’t actually fuck, I had only dreamt about it, I reached for my phone on the nightstand. As usual, my lock screen was covered with texts, phone calls, and Instagram DMs. I saw Kayla had hit me a few times, so I decided to return her call while I gathered my shit for another shower.

  For some reason for as long as I can remember, I’ve always taken a shower at night and one in the morning. I felt dirty when I only did one of them.

  “Hey I’m guessing you made it since you never called to tell me,” Kayla answered.

  “Sorry about that Kay, I got busy as soon as I touched down. But yes I’m safe and sound here in this mansion.”


  “Yeah the guy I’m working for is allowing Merce and me to stay here until we find our own place.”

  “I know you’re hating that arrangement,” she chuckled. Not as much as you’d think.

  “Yeah, you know me. But look I have some shit to take care of Kay, so I will talk to you some time later aight?”


  “Kayla, I thought we were over? We can’t act like we’re in a relationship when we’re not. Have a good day baby girl and I will hit you sooner than later.”

  “Fuck you, Tre’Wayne.” She hung up in my face.

  She confused the fuck out of me I swear. She was the main one wanting to end shit with me, but now she was mad because I didn’t want to text and talk all damn day? I didn’t do that shit when we were together, so why would I do it now that weren’t? I didn’t know her reasoning and honestly I didn’t really care. I left Kayla and our relationship problems back in California.

  I dug through my bag for some boxers, a white polo, some dark jeans, socks, and then my all white Chucks. I was never a flashy dresser, but I was a clean one if that made sense. Once I had my outfit laid out, I brushed my teeth and then hopped into the shower. I put on my clothes, and as I was putting lotion on my elbows, I heard a knock at the door.

  “Come in!” I yelled out.

  “I just finished getting dressed too.” Merce cheesed widely before coming over to dap me up. “I’m about to go run an errand with Groove though, you wanna come?”

  “It depends. Is Tatiana still here?”

  “Nigga I don’t know. Maybe, she does live here. Why does it matter though?” he beamed, already knowing the answer to his question. “You gon’ fuck the man’s girl in his own damn house, Tef?”

  “I ain’t say nothing about fucking, I just wanna be her friend. You know be a shoulder to lean on and if she happens to want some dick too… I will turn her down.”

  “Turn her down? Nigga, what pipe is you smoking. She bet not come to me begging for some dick because I’m gon’ fuck the shit out of her,” he sucked his teeth before we both laughed.

  “Oh excuse me; if you guys are hungry there is breakfast over in the kitchen.”

  The Greek goddess herself walked into my bedroom looking even sexier than she did yesterday, which at the time I thought was impossible. She had on a light pink dress that clung to her small frame, accentuating her pregnant belly, which was still rather small. Her dark brown curly hair was down, sweeping the top of her shoulders. I loved super long hair, but the fact that hers wasn’t didn’t bother me. She was nothing like the women I usually gravitated towards, so I was a bit confused on why I was so captivated by her. I mean yeah her face was beyond beautiful, but I preferred my women to be stacked. She wasn’t though, yet she was perfect to me.

  “Thank you,” Merce and I replied in unison as we both smiled at her. She gave us a half smile and left out of the room.

  “That nigga Brevin is a fool to let niggas be around her,” Merce said exactly what I was thinking. “Anyway, I will be back, hopefully that nigga Brevin will be awake by then.”

  “Or not.” I chuckled as we both left out of the room.

  We made our way downstairs to see Tatiana sitting at the table with another pretty ass girl. Got damn, where the fuck were they when I lived here? I mean Cleveland had some bad ones, but these two right here were on some other shit. Shorty at the table had a golden brown complexion, dark auburn hair, appeared to have a small frame like Tatiana, and big pretty eyes. I looked over to Merce and I could tell he was thinking exactly what I was.

  “Merce,” he introduced himself to her and I wanted to go and pick her jaw up for her. I don’t know why she was gaping at this ugly ass nigga. I laughed to myself at my thoughts.

  “Jadynn,” she finally replied.

  “Nice to meet you,” Merce bit down on his lip as he continued to look down into her eyes. “Oh this is my boy Teflon.”

  I shook her hand and then started making myself a plate as Merce left out. Jadynn watched him the whole way and then turned to look at Tatiana. I wasn’t sure what the look meant exactly, but I was sure it had something to do with her being attracted to my boy.

  “So what do you ladies have planned for t
oday?” I sat next to Tatiana purposely.

  “Well we have to work on an event we’re throwing at Mellow Nightclub. It’s for the new Cincinnati Bengals player Jason Coral,” Tatiana explained.

  “Yeah, you and your friend should come. We can get you a ticket,” Jadynn offered.

  “I don’t really know if that’s my scene,” I stuffed some bacon into my mouth as my eyes ran amuck all over Tatiana.

  “Same thing Brevin says. He never comes so I didn’t expect you to want to come either. You guys are in the same boat.” Tatiana grinned.

  “You know what get us the tickets, Jadynn.”

  Upon hearing that Brevin wouldn’t be there, I suddenly wanted to go. I would be alone with Tatiana and that’s exactly what I needed. I didn’t give a fuck if Brevin knew I was checking for his girl, but I knew she cared.

  I could tell right off the bat that she was one of those girls who stayed faithful to men who didn’t deserve it, like Kayla. The only difference here was that she made me want to do better. It was sad to say, considering the fact that Kayla never made me want to try. I’d thought about it, but Tatiana had me actually willing to put forth some effort. She gave me some newfound faith in myself. Anyway, having her away from Brevin may make her open up to me some more.

  “Great, one for you and one for Merce,” Jadynn flashed her pretty smile and nodded giddily. I turned my attention to Tatiana and we both gave each other a smirk.

  That same evening…

  “Man, take his drunk ass upstairs,” Merce scoffed to Groove.

  Merce, Groove, Brevin and I all went to one of Brevin’s groupie’s house to chill. None of us wanted to go, but because Merce and I were getting paid to make sure nobody killed his weak ass, we had to accompany him. It was cool because we did get to play cards and shit, and it got even better when Brevin and old girl went to the room and let us be.

  It did bother me to know he was cheating on my future wife, but I wasn’t one to talk. Kayla would slap the shit out of me if I tried to point the finger at Brevin. Anyhow, this nigga got twisted as fuck and almost threw up on me until I put a gun to his head and told him he’d better swallow it.


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