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Rory: Finding His Match (Big 3 Security Book 4)

Page 8

by Pj Fiala

  "This time, I intend to watch you."

  Gawd. Right now she couldn't even form words.

  He lifted her and her legs immediately wrapped around his hips as he carried her to the bedroom. Periodically he nipped at her throat, her jaw and her earlobe, just enough to feel but not to cause pain and she wanted more.

  He lay her on the bed, his voice now gruff and rugged, just as she liked it. "Take your clothes off while I watch you. On the bed. I want to see you wiggle around."

  The dimness of the light in this room lent itself to romance. Small shafts of light filtered in from the living room and a small night light on the wall added a yellowish hue to the room. She could see his features as she unbuttoned her blouse, slowly and he pulled his shirt over his head in a millisecond and let it drop to the floor.

  Wriggling out of her blouse, he smiled and undid the button and zipper of his pants, pushing them down his sexy, firm hips and stepping out of them, his eyes never left her body. She arched her back to unfasten her bra and he smiled, though it was Cheshire cat like, he was a man whose prey was performing for him. As soon as her bra loosened, she pulled it off and let it lay on the bed, her hands immediately began unbuttoning her slacks and she wasn't sure who was more eager, him or her.

  His briefs came off and he stood before her like a stone god, his muscles still perfectly formed, though he was a fuller version of the boy she knew in years past, he was now incredibly sexy and so sure of himself. He excited her. His full thick cock stood at the ready and she couldn't wait for him to enter her because she remembered the feeling of him filling her and it was simply perfection.

  Wiggling out of her pants she quickly tucked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down her legs, now almost panting with excitement.

  "Spread your legs, Red, show me."

  She did as he asked and was greeted with a sexy smile.

  "Simply perfection." He husked out and then his fingers toyed with her curls, at first lightly brushing them, which caused her to squirm, then firmer as he parted her folds, dipped his forefinger inside of her and spread her juices along the outside and around her clit. She couldn't stop the moan that escaped her throat and his grin told her he liked that. Dipping his finger in again he slid in and out a few times, each time going in deeper and pulling out only slightly.

  His wet fingers toyed with her clit, adding pressure as she squirmed, "Show me your boiling point, Red."

  She moved her hips so his fingers found that perfect spot and he began manipulating her clit in earnest, sending her spiraling out of control and finally crying out her orgasm.

  Before her eyes opened, he climbed over her, both of his legs between hers. "That was fantastic. You should see your face when you cum, Red, it's stunning."

  He positioned his cock at her entrance while looking into her eyes. Her legs raised to wrap around his waist and he grinned. "Now, I'm going to watch you again while I cum."

  He pushed inside of her and the feeling was glorious. She felt full and the sensations as his cock filled and pulled out and filled her again sending shivers down her arms and legs. They were a perfect match size wise and after a few thrusts he ground himself against her swollen clit and her eyes rolled back it felt so fantastic.

  He chuckled and she opened her eyes to see he was still watching her, and his pace increased. His thrusts grew firmer, and if possible, he went in deeper. His left arm moved down to under her right leg, lifting her slightly and she felt him seat himself fully inside of her and she moaned. She thought he said "yes" but she couldn't be sure where his voice began and hers did. They were in unison, both of them breathing heavily, both of them working to give the other pleasure while achieving it for themselves, too.

  "I'm close, Red, come on."

  His thrusts now showed his eagerness to climax and she moved her hips so he hit her clit in the perfect way. It only took a few thrusts and her head flew back as she moaned her climax and he thrust once more and let his release flow. A few small thrusts later they were both spent, and their heavy breathing lulled her to a blissful sleep.


  Sliding the pizza he'd just made into the oven, he set the timer then pulled two beers from the refrigerator. He'd done it, he'd lost his heart to Red again. This time it would likely hurt more when she left. He heard his shower shut off and knew she'd be out soon, just in time to eat, then they'd likely just chill. They still had some evidence to look over and hopefully they'd call it an early night. The brief nap they'd taken a while ago would only last for so long.

  His phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket.

  Glancing briefly at the read out, he answered, "Hey Jared, what have you found?"

  Red walked out of the bedroom, her long red hair damp from the shower but she looked fresh faced and happy. Relaxed and satisfied. Damn, he loved that look on her.

  "So, for some reason Maggie's kid's birth records are sealed. Why does someone do that? My thinking is baby daddy is married."

  "That's what I figured with all the secrecy."

  "Yeah, so anyway, I'll keep digging, I've got a couple other ideas, just giving you an update."

  "Thanks, Jared." The line was already dead before he got the words out of his mouth.

  Red came into the kitchen, a soft smile on her face and he handed her one of the beers he'd just opened. Her warm fresh smelling body pressed against his and her lips landed on his in a soft wet kiss. When she pulled away his lips tingled.

  "So, no news?"

  "Naw, just that the baby's birth records are sealed, but he's still working on it."

  He turned and saw that he hadn't wiped the light dusting of flour from making the pizza crust off the counter and grabbed the dish cloth off the sink. Wiping a swath through the flour, he pulled open the door that held the waste basket and swept the flour into the basket.

  Alice exclaimed, "That's it. That's what's been bugging me."

  A quick glance saw her staring at the counter. He stopped wiping and waited for her to continue.

  "It's been bugging me since we were at the Limitless building. Now I know what it is. By two of the dock doors the dust on the floor had been disturbed. Like the loading docks are still being used. Did you notice that?"

  "No, I didn't notice that, I was looking around for crates with drugs in them."

  "Well they aren't going to leave that laying around, and since you called Maggie earlier to inquire, there was time for anything to be moved, except a stack of folders in the big office upstairs and whatever it was that Delhurst picked up and tossed in the garbage can. Everything else was pristine. Too pristine for an empty building."

  He watched her mind working and it was a marvel. "Don't you think they'd keep it clean for showings?"

  Her nose scrunched a bit before she replied. "Maybe, but the loading docks are just that. Industrial and I've been in a ton of buildings, Ace, they're usually not so clean."

  "Okay. I'm following."

  "So, Maggie calls whoever from the Santarino family hired her and says, 'We have a showing today, and the party is pre-approved.' Then, whoever is still using the building runs over quickly and removes anything they don't want the party to see. Could we be lucky enough to have cameras in the area?"

  "I can check but Limitless is out there by itself and we can't record private property without permission."

  "How about truck rental places or a warehouse where large trucks are stored. Something that could move large quantities."

  "How large do you think these shipments are?"

  "Usually it’s not the drugs they need all the space for. Drugs are shipped inside coffee cans and other aromatic substances to throw off the drug sniffing dogs. They are often transported with other products to mask their detection They're also packaged smaller and placed into boxes and crates here and there. I made a big bust a couple of years ago and the drugs were wrapped up tight, stuffed into balloons, tied, and then tucked in olive jars."

  "Let me make a coupl
e of calls." He was still holding his phone from Jared's call, so he tapped the Captain's name and waited. Alice walked into the living room and stared blankly out the window, but he knew her mind was working.

  "Captain, do we have cameras anywhere near the Limitless building?"

  "The closest place we have is the convenience store a half mile down the road."

  "Can you have someone check it for any large trucks coming or going around the Limitless building this afternoon after you got me the bank pre-approval so I could go in as a potential buyer?"

  "I'll have Callan check it out and give you a call."

  "Thanks, Captain."

  He ended the call and walked to the office to check on trucking companies in the area. He could hear Red's footsteps going upstairs and he chuckled to himself, she was restless.

  His internet browser began populating the area trucking companies, most of which weren't actual trucking companies at all, but had used the keywords in their ads to manipulate searches. As he scrolled through, one larger company jumped out at him as he remembered they'd had financial issues last year, and he wondered if they were still in business. Rush Trucking was located on the outer edge of town on the way to Indianapolis. It wouldn't surprise him if they resorted to hauling illegal substances to save their company, and because of their location, no eyebrows would be raised as they headed in that direction out of town. But they'd be running to Indy and likely other stops in between. Which reminded him to ask Red if there were towns between Lynyrd Station and Indianapolis that were also experiencing a surge of drug activity.

  Her footsteps sounding on the stairs as she ran down them, as if she were in a hurry. Her head popped around the door and she said, "I've got to go back, Ace. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I have to go."

  "Wait, Red. It's dangerous and you'd be breaking and entering."

  "Maybe, but I have a sneaking suspicion about something, and I just have to check it out."

  He stood and walked to her, his hands landed on her shoulders, "Don't jeopardize the investigation, Red."

  "I won't. I've done this before. I'll go in and satisfy my hunch, then sneak out and figure out a way to get back in there with a warrant. And, if there are people around and I see something, maybe I'll get lucky."

  "Not if you're trespassing."

  "Then, as you said before, a broken window just may get us what we need to go in and thoroughly search."

  "I'll tell you what, if there's a trucking company they're using, we'll find a way to stop and search one of the trucks once they leave the property."

  She kissed him quickly as she laughed. "Now you're talking big guy!"

  He followed her from the office and grinned at the excitement in her voice. Turning the oven off and grabbing his keys from the cupboard, he followed her out to the garage and hopped in the car. They were officially investigating and no doubt breaking and entering, but it was the closest he'd felt to a solution to this catastrophic drug problem since it had started again shortly after the Santarinos were killed. And, as he backed his car from the garage the weirdest thought crossed his mind. Red had always been like this, eager and ready to go into a mission. She had confidence in herself that he hadn't had in himself back then. Did this mean he'd grown up?


  Rory was quiet as they drove, which was fine, she needed the time to prepare herself. Times like this were when her confidence could easily turn into bravado and she could get herself killed. Of course, that would be bad, but what would be worse was to get Rory killed and have to live with it. He wasn't used to this stuff like she was. Indy and her territory were so much larger than Lynyrd Station, not that he wasn't used to making big moves. His training in the Marines had taught him well, and some of the missions they'd gone on during their time in the service reminded her of how strong and true he was. But they were different when it came to things like this. She wanted to blast in and take names, he wanted to think things through and go by the book. Hopefully, they could meet somewhere in the middle. Normally, her fellow DEA agents managed to restrain her gangbuster approach.

  Turning down the road that led them to Limitless, she said, "Is there a back way in?"

  His head twisted from side to side, then responded. "I can do better than a back way in."

  Easing his car down the road he turned on to a lane, which was obscured by brush, over-grown trees and shrubs. He drove slowly a few feet in, then switched his headlights off. The moon was high in the sky which offered them some light, but she struggled to see any sort of driveway or path.

  "How do you know where you're going?"

  He chuckled, "I used to bring girls back here to park when I was much younger. Years ago, this was the farmland my great-grandparents owned. As generations passed, the land was sold off and no one takes care of it anymore."

  She didn't like hearing that he'd brought girls back here to make out with, but of course it was likely that he'd had plenty of them in his day. She still thought he was the most handsome man she'd ever met.

  He stopped the car, turned off the ignition, and they sat in silence for a few moments. Soon her eyes adjusted, and she could see through a copse of trees some lights higher in the sky.

  "That's the Limitless building and the lights are lighting the parking lot. But we can make our way on foot to the other side of the building by the loading docks without being seen, hopefully."


  As her eyes adapted and the light breeze moved some of the leaves and branches here and there, she could see a bit more of the parking lot and agreed that walking across it would certainly call attention.

  "Red, hang tight for a minute."

  He reached up to the over-head light and popped the cover from it. Unscrewing the lightbulb inside, he set it in the cup holder, the cover next to it.

  "When you get out of the car, the only thing that will illuminate it is the dash lights for a minute, don't slam your door but close it quickly."

  "Here, let's do this."

  She shrugged out of her jacket and pushed it onto the dash, covering the lights.

  She could see his smile in the darkness of the car, his teeth glistened in the moonlight. He leaned forward and kissed her quickly, then opened his car door and hopped out, quickly pushing it to latch. Following suit, she mimicked his movements.

  Walking to the front of the car as soon as she reached Rory, he took her hand and led her through the tall weeds easily and quietly, or as quietly as they could with their feet crunching on the downed brush and branches.

  As they turned a corner, she could see the Limitless building come into view, her eyes scanning the area to see if anyone were guarding the perimeter of the building. Looking along the top of the building she didn't see any cameras which was a good sign because they wouldn't want evidence of their illegal activities for others to see. One thing she felt confident about, there was illegal activity going on there, she could feel it. All her years in the DEA told her that.

  Nearing the edge of the wooded area they had walked through, Rory crouched down to look the area over. She did the same and surveyed the area around the loading docks. It didn't appear that anything looked any differently than it had earlier today, but she just had to go in. She stood and began making her way toward the back of the building. There weren't as many lights in the back of the building as in front, but there were two shining in the back. Deciding she could stay between them to get to a door just under the closest light to them, she moved that way. She could hear Rory's steps behind her, so she kept going forward. Just before she stepped out of the tall grass concealing their position, Rory tugged at her hand.

  Leaning in he whispered, "What's your plan?"

  "I'm going inside." From her back pocket she pulled out a lock picking tool she'd used dozens of times. "Then, I'm first going upstairs to see what that stack of files was on the credenza; after that I'm going down to the loading docks to see what I can find down there. The fact that Delhurst picked up
a piece of something and threw it away when everything else was spotless tells me someone was a little sloppy."

  “You think Delhurst is dirty?”

  “I don’t know, what do you think?”

  He shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t know that much about him.”

  She heard him inhale. "Red, you go upstairs, I'll check out the loading dock. If we split up the work, we won't have to be in there as long, the less time the better."

  "Okay." Unable to resist the rush she felt just working with him, she stood up on her toes and kissed his lips, brushing her breasts against his chest which earned her a tight squeeze from him and hard nipples for her. Ending their kiss, she turned and quickly made her way to the building, Rory close behind her.


  Trying not to be impressed he watched as Red made quick work of the lock, then slipped inside the door. He locked it behind them and watched as she made her way to the staircase that would take her up two floors. She didn't look back and part of him felt sadness that her instincts and training took over and he was in second place once again. That is if he'd ever been in first place with her at all.

  Pulling his phone out, he switched on the flashlight and began walking to the loading docks to see the dust disturbance Red mentioned earlier. Shining his light on the floor to see what she meant, it did appear as if something had been dragged or pushed to the dock, then slid off into a truck or something else. Not seeing any equipment in the area, no forklifts or pallet jacks, if something was going on here, it was all done by hand.

  The second dock door looked the same as the first, a fine line where the dust had been wiped away from the doorway on both sides of the door. He continued walking the perimeter of the room, his footsteps sounding incredibly loud in the vastness of the empty space, the sound bouncing off one cement wall after another magnifying with each bounce. A metal door hidden behind the staircase caught his attention and he remembered seeing it earlier, but for some reason they never went inside. Making his way across the vacant room, he stopped just before the door and listened for any sounds coming from behind door number one. Testing to see if the door was locked, he smiled when the knob turned, and he quietly pulled the door open.


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