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Out of Time the Grand Quest

Page 15

by Christopher Douglass

  “It’s really only a little scary when you are in the moment. And it does hurt a little, but not for long. It is nothing like the pain of giving birth. Even if you don’t love the guy, it can still be pleasurable.”

  “Wait, you mean you’ve already--you know, done it?”

  “Of course. Me and my husband have done it quite a few times.”

  Kimi couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows at that. “You’re married? But you’re only sixteen!”

  “Seventeen actually, and yes I am. Of course, it was an arranged marriage, I wouldn’t have chosen him myself. But I’ve come to love him over the last year. And he is surprisingly a really good father. You wouldn’t think it by looking at him.”

  “Wait, you have a child too?”

  “Yep. My son Adam will turn one next month.”

  “But-- if you have a family, why did you come on quest? Especially if you know you aren’t all that strong of a mage.”

  “It is precisely because I’m a relatively weak mage that I came on quest.”

  Kimberly’s brow furrowed, “I don’t understand.”

  “You’re an outsider. I don’t mean that to be offensive, but just a statement. You don’t understand all the ins and outs of our society. You might identify with some of them, or grasp a few points, but not all of it. Even if my son turns out to be the next Grand Wizard, he is stigmatized for being the son of two weak mages. Opportunities will be closed to him on that basis alone. I had to claw my way up from the gutters to earn my position. I mean that literally.

  “My mother was the mistress of a powerful mage. She was thrown out when he found her heavy with his child. He didn’t want the responsibility of raising it. She was weaker than I am. So, I was born on the streets. My mother raised me until I was four and finally died from a coughing disease. I was lucky, an old man took me in, otherwise I probably would have died on my own. The family was poor, and all of them were also weak mages. Everyone pitched in to make ends meet. I grew up in that household with my husband, so I knew what kind of person he was. Richard, the old man who took me in, was like a father to me. He was the one who decided to marry me off to Harry. I had no say in the matter, for I had nothing to call my own. Everything I had, Richard had provided for me. I was indebted to him.

  “I fully expect to die out here on quest. But whether I live or die is of no matter. Just the fact that I have gone on quest, has elevated my son’s standing, and the standing of my husband and his family. A mage like me could never elevate my son or our standing in the community to the level going on quest did. Even if I were to slave away for the next fifty years at it. When he grows up, he will have more prospects for marriage among the stronger mages, more influential connections, and better job options among other things.

  Kimberly hadn’t realized how important this whole quest thing actually was. It had more consequences tied to it than just stabilizing the time stream. No wonder some people went on quest without partners. Licking her lips, she wondered if she should ask the next question on her mind.

  “What about Jasmine and Isabelle? They are weak too, why did they come on quest?”

  “If I tell you, you won’t think badly of them will you?”


  “You promise?”

  “Yeah, I promise.”

  “They came on quest to find husbands.”

  Kimi raised her eyebrow at that. She didn’t see why that would make her think badly of them. “What?”

  “Jasmine and Isabelle, they--- they are partners. I don’t mean just contract partners, but bed partners. On Atlantis it’s not such a big deal, at least, that’s what Jasmine says. She became a mediator after her partner over there died, so she wanted to die too. But she didn’t want to take her life, she wanted it to mean something. And dying on quest was a worthwhile endeavor. Once she came over here and made a contract with Isabelle, that all changed.

  “But over here, that kind of thing is looked down upon. When the people from the last town they were in found out, they had a mob after them. They were chased out of town as everyone tried to kill them for their “unnatural” ways. Me and Emry were the only ones who knew their secret. They kept their trysts secret and we helped when we could.

  “They realize they still need to propagate the species, and sire a new generation. They aren’t dumb. But they can’t get husbands because their powers are weak. And even if they did, there would be no way to hide their desires for the other. But if they survive the quest, they can find husbands who will allow them to have their liaison, as long as they do their duty and give birth to a child. Even if the town they lived in found out, they would be heroes and permitted their partnership because they saved the world.”

  Bree twiddled her thumbs a bit, looking at her lap and then back up at Kimi. “You- you don’t hate them now do you? You promised you wouldn’t.”

  Kimi smiled, shaking her head back and forth slightly. “No. In my time there is a lot of that going on. Men loving men and women loving women. Sure, there is still a lot of controversy over it. Those who think it is wrong, a sin against God, those who don’t care, and those who actively try to kill or harm such men and women. I’ve always been of the belief that there is no harm to me in it if two women want to get together. It doesn’t change how I live. They don’t have some disease that will be passed on to me if I breath the same air, or eat the same food, or something stupid like that.”

  Bree let out a small sigh of relief, her shoulders dropping as the tension left her frame.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll let them know how you feel on the subject. They’ve been trying not to be too cuddly around you because they didn’t want you freaking out. Between you and me, I don’t think Jasmine is completely stable yet. You saw how she got earlier at the temple? She freaks out like that from time to time, and can be a bit clingy at the oddest moments. But once she realizes Isabelle is around, or holding her hand, she calms down. She doesn’t talk about how her previous partner died, but I think it was more traumatic for her than she lets on.”

  A knock on the wall outside her room interrupted their conversation. A man, naked from the waist up, entered with eyes downcast.

  “O mighty Pharaoh, this humble one requests permission to speak.”


  “This humble one was sent to inform you. The one named Caesar has entered the palace. If it pleases you, your presence would be welcome upon the throne to greet him.”

  “Your message is heard. You may leave.”

  The messenger bowed lower, backing out of the room once more. Kimberly got to her feet, offering Bree a hand up with a half grin.

  “It seems despite my thoughts on the matter, I can’t back out of whatever happens. It’s my own fault for putting this into motion without really thinking too hard on the consequences. If I have to sleep with him, then I guess I will. Maybe I can get away with saying something like I am the queen’s stand in and mouthpiece, since she has had so many assassination attempts. It might work. I just have to get through the day right? Maybe it won’t be so bad. I mean, how many people can say they slept with a king? Ok, well, maybe he isn’t really a king, but he is the ruler of Rome, so he is equal to one.”

  Bree left the room first, looking over her shoulder and nibbling her lower lip but not saying anything. Her eyes softened and her head dipped in Kimi’s direction, then she was gone. Kimi started towards the archway, trying to get her churning stomach under control. Despite her brave words, she was still terrified. How did rulers manage to be rulers? Kimi chided herself at that thought. Of course, rulers were brought up learning how to rule, she was just an imposter who had thrown herself into the position. As she made her progress down the hall, servants and guards fell into step behind her like shadows. Never in front where they might do some good as shields, that would be disrespectful to the Pharaoh. Seating herself upon the throne, her entourage posted themselves next to, and behind, the chair.

  This setting was nothing like t
he movies. There were no court functionaries loitering around, no heralds to announce Caesar, no fancy fabrics adorning walls. This was just a simple room made of stone lit with tallow candles and open windows. Not that there were no people around, but many looked to be servants, only a few looked to be high ranking officials of some kind.

  Julius Caesar walked into the room unannounced, followed by his own personal guards. He was actually quite handsome, the pictures she had seen of him not far from the mark. Short cropped black hair, a fine chiseled chin and a wide but flat nose that gave the impression of being slightly squashed. He gave her a small bow, his eyes never leaving her face. He wore a sword at his side, something she felt was strange, but wasn’t sure why. It made sense for even a great military leader and ruler to be armed, especially in these times. Still, it seemed odd. Kimi dipped her head to the side, returning his greeting as one ruler to another.

  Throwing his arms wide, Caesar spoke. “We of Rome greet you Pharaoh Cleopatra with empty palms.”

  “We of Egypt greet you Caesar with open palms.”

  Caesar’s brow furrowed and Kimi held her breath, wondering what mistake she had made already. She let it out again when Caesar shook his head slightly and continued as if nothing was wrong.

  “We are thankful to you for capturing Pompey for us. And for your cooperation in returning him to us unharmed. While we are rivals, there is an order to things that must be maintained. He must be judged for his crimes. Such wisdom is the note of a worthy ruler. And might I say, a beautiful one as well.”

  “I--We thank you for the compliment. It is our wish to have a strong and fruitful alliance with Rome. The exploits of Julius Caesar are already legendary. It is our honor to have you amongst our court. May you find your stay pleasant and my people welcoming.”

  “We are honored by your honor. It will still take some time transporting the prisoner back to the boat and securing him. If it is not an imposition we will accept your hospitality and stay the day, partaking of the welcome of your people. If you will excuse us Pharaoh, there are matters to which we must attend. May we impose upon your presence at a later time? There is much we would discuss with you privately.”

  “We will be waiting patiently for such an occasion to speak privately.”

  “As you wish.”

  With another bow of the head, he turned on his heel and left, his guards following behind silently. Kimberly sat in her throne a while longer, until she was sure her legs wouldn’t give way. When she believed she could walk back to her room without falling, Kimi stood. Her body servants and guards posted themselves outside her room as she entered. The moment she was alone, she let her body slump as she expelled a long breath. Dropping into a pile of cushions, she reclined into the reed backing. It didn’t take long for Bree and the others to come in.

  Both Kimi and Jasmine opened their Maps at the same time. It was a faint hope, but as she expected, the condition for success had not disappeared, nor had the words to fix the timeline appeared.

  “Why hasn’t anything changed! You successfully met with Caesar for the first time didn’t you?”

  “I think it is because our first meeting isn’t over. That greeting at court was just that, an official greeting. In a way, I didn’t meet Caesar himself, I met the ruler. Just like he didn’t meet Cleopatra, but the Pharaoh. I was afraid that would be the case, but I had to hope.”

  “Then when will you meet him personally?”

  “I have a feeling it will be soon. Within the next few hours to be exact.”


  Jasmine suddenly seemed to realize the importance of that statement, her eyes widening and her mouth opening. “Oh! Will you be able to go through with it? Bree told us what you were thinking about earlier.”

  “I don’t know. If it comes to it, I have to-- right? I’ve really got no choice in the matter.”

  “Don’t think you have to do it for us. If we fail because you can’t sleep with him that’s fine. We can learn to live here. We don’t want you to feel obligated or anything.”

  “But I don’t want to be stuck here either. I still have to save Maria. I promised to bring her back. And I promised Jordon I would do whatever I could to make it back to him. So whether I want my first time to be with Caesar or not, if that’s how I get back, than that is what I will do.”

  “I wish there was something we could do, but I’m too stupid to think of anything.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I may be working myself up over nothing. The condition for success doesn’t say anything about sleeping with him, just meeting with him.”

  “Ok, if you say so.”

  Kimi didn’t miss the sideways glances the three women shared with each other. Nor could she get the feeling her attempt to soothe their worries were hollow.

  Chapter 14: The Ides of Caesar

  “Thank you for taking the time to see me.”

  “It is nothing. You said you had private matters to discuss. I am open to your words if it will make Egypt greater.”

  Kimberly’s guts did another flip as the bodyguard bowed himself out of the room, leaving her and Caesar alone. She was glad she was already reclining in a reed divan near the window to watch the fading sun. It allowed her to hide just how terrified she really was. Caesar smiled, and Kimi couldn’t help but be charmed just a little as he took a seat by her feet. He was confident, she had to give him that. With an air about him that said he had no doubt he could have any woman he wanted. He didn’t make a move on her though, his actions retaining a professional distance that still managed to seem sensual.

  “My condolences on the loss of your husband. I heard he was killed in the fighting with Pompey, leaving you the sole ruler. It is a shame that he left one as lovely as you a widow. I can well believe the claims of your people that you are an ageless goddess.”

  Now that Kimi had more time to study him, she saw the gray in his hair. She remembered that this man was almost fifty-three. And Cleopatra was supposed to be twenty-one at the time of this meeting. Though he really didn’t look it. Only a few lines marked his face, and the gray in his hair was only sporadic strands, easily overlooked. She could admit to herself he was handsome, though that didn’t make her any less nervous or fearful. In fact it made her feel even more so.

  “It was no great loss. He was of the mind to kill Pompey and offer you his head in order to gain favor. I disagreed. A live captive is usually always more useful than a dead one.”


  “Well, there are exceptions, do you not agree? Political statements being one of them.”

  “I do agree. Though, I am intrigued to find you believe that way. Many can not see past the moment at the potential in the future. I suppose, that is what makes you beloved by your people. That ability to see such potential. Though, if rumor is to be believed, your hold on the throne is not as strong as it could be. While you have convinced many you are Isis reborn, we both know that is not truth. If you were, your claim to the throne as sole ruler would not be contested as it is. I am no fool, I am well aware you apprehended Pompey as a way to indebt me to you. You would use that debt to have me back your claim to the throne.”

  “Indeed, tales of your brilliance are not exaggerated. That was exactly my thought. I do not wish to share the throne with my younger brother Ptolomy the fourteenth if I do not have to.”

  “But such a thing goes against your traditions does it not? That say a woman must rule in a subservient position to a man?”

  “I am not much of a subservient type of woman. I desire power, just like any man. I do not see why I must bow to one when they have less wit in their head than they do between their legs.”

  “No, one who could hold this land together as long as you have is definitely not a subservient type.”

  He moved then, leaning forward to climb over top of her, trapping Kimi’s body between his hands as his face came close to hers.

  “So tell me my beautiful Cleopatra, just how are you going to convi
nce me to back your claim? You must know such an offering as a single political criminal will not sway me. No matter how much I might desire him in shackles, he is just one man. Not worth all of Egypt.”

  His voice lowered towards the end as he bent forward to kiss her. Clenching her fist she parted her lips to accept him. This was for the mission. For getting them all back safely. She would endure this. As the hint of his lips touched hers, she couldn’t go through with it. With a shove she pushed him away, toppling him backwards as she slid out from underneath to stand a distance away. Frantically she tried to think of a good reason for her actions.

  “You cannot have me that easily. I am not that easy to subvert. Did I not say I do not see a reason to bow to any man? Even you. But I suppose if you were to back my claim you could have me. A single man is not worth all of Egypt to you, but what of a single woman?”

  Caesar’s arms wrapped around her waist suddenly, pulling her in close to his stomach as he smelled her hair.

  “You play hard to get. Though your youthfulness truly is captivating. You do not seem the twenty-one cycles of your age. Though your smell, your body, and your youth are tantalizing, how am I to judge if it is worth the weight of my words if I cannot assess what it is I am getting? A basic principle of war is to know as much about your enemy as possible before you attack.”

  His hand came up under her shirt to fondle her breast. Despite herself, Kimberly was getting sucked into the heat of the moment. A tingling sensation traveling through her body. She was breathing heavily and her body was loosening, almost melting against him and his expert touch. Her mind was foggy and it was hard to concentrate. As he turned her head to the side in order to kiss her, some of her senses came back. Their lips touched briefly before she was again able to step away. She knew he had let her, his muscles had been strong, he was still a warrior. He could have stopped her if he had wanted. Turning to face him she arched an eyebrow.

  “Ah but this is negotiation, not war. And one rule of negotiation is to hold as much back as possible while getting as much as possible in return. I have no guarantee you would back your words if I were to let you taste of my fruits.”


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