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Downfall of the Empress

Page 5

by Amanda Clover


  Androse moaned as he thrust into his newest slut. The young woman gasped and cried out, her plush breasts bounced on her chest, her face tight with pleasure. If it was fake, Androse hardly cared. All that mattered to him was her eager submission to his royal cock. Her back was on his throne, a crown from a place in the treasure pile askew on her brown locks, shifting every time he pushed into her again.

  “That’s it! Take it, whore! You like that? You like taking your emperor’s cock?”

  “Oh yes!” she gasped. “Yes! My emperor! More. More! Fuck me! Fuck my cunt!”

  Androse roared with laughter as he hilted within her, his portly belly resting against her mons. He shuddered as he came, the young woman moaning as he pumped his seed into her clutching folds. “Mnnn! Yes. That’s a good whore. You love it, don’t you? You’d crawl across broken glass for the chance of my seed. For even a glimmer of the opportunity to carry the heir to Istanov!”

  “Oh yes. Yes,” panted the woman. She lay, sprawled back, her generous chest heaving as she gazed up at the emperor. “Anything… Oh my lord…”

  Androse barked a laugh and suddenly reached out, grabbing her hair. She yelped in pain as he yanked her hair back. “And what makes you think you’re worthy of carrying the royal heir?” he demanded, his mercurial mood switching sharply. He grinned in delight of torment, his cock stirring once more at the pain and fear in her eyes. “Well? Answer! Or maybe I should make you crawl across some broken glass.”

  “M-my emperor. I… I don’t know if… if Im worthy. Only you can judge, my emperor…”

  Androse cocked a brow, considering her words. Then he laughed again. “Well done! You’re not as stupid as you seem. Exactly, whore! Only I can determine who’s worthy to bear my seed. Not the Red Mages. Not Heimsvak. No one!”

  “Oh y-yes my emperor,” the woman moaned, lifting her hips, grinding her cunny against his cock. “Only you rule Istanov! Only you can guide it!”

  “Hm! You surprise me, whore. I didn’t think you’d catch on so quick. Maybe I should give you a title. Gods above know the ones who have them don’t deserve them. But first,” Androse grinned, beginning to thrust into her once again. “I believe further proof of your loyal service is requi-“

  A knock on the great doors called his attention. Panting, he glanced back. “What!”

  “My emperor,” his chamberlain intoned from the other side. “There is news from Kirinovo.”

  Androse’s eyes sparked. Without another word he unsheathed his cock from the whore, leaving her on the throne, his cum dribbling from her well fucked cunt. Androse did up his robe as he crossed the floor and opened the door. “What?”

  The chamberlain, a thin man with a dour expression like all the joy had been sucked from his face decades past, bowed. His eyes flicked to the woman panting on the throne but he said nothing. “My emperor. We received a message from some of our scouts who were watching the city. Our losses in their ranks are- “

  “Do I look like I fucking care?” Androse interrupted impatiently. His jowls shook with eagerness as his hands tightened, fingers curled like claws in his eagerness. “Tell me what happened! What happened to the city?”

  The chamberlain nodded, his head bobbing on his long neck. “Yes, my emperor. It appears that Kirinovo has fallen to the Duke of Ashes and his forces.”

  “And my sister?” Androse eagerly said. “What happened to her? Do we know?”

  “One man managed to escape the city, my emperor, and brought news before he died of his wounds. It seems she did not escape the fall,” the chamberlain said dully.

  Androse threw back his head and roared with laughter, his stomach jiggling with his cruel mirth. “I knew it! Ah ha! The stupid whore! I knew she’d fail. She should never have turned on me. Ah ha ha! At last. At last! It’s all coming together! All of my enemies shall fall! All of Istanov shall be mine once more! Ah ha ha ha! Laugh with me, chamberlain!”

  “Aha,” the chamberlain said dutifully.

  “Now all will know I am the sole ruler of Istanov! No one will question me ever again!”

  “Shall I bring your refreshments to celebrate, my emperor,” the chamberlain asked.

  “Yes! Bring me wine! Oh, and find me another slut. This one’s getting a bit loose for my cock.”

  Still laughing, Androse slammed the door in the man’s face and whirled about. He swept back towards the throne and the panting woman on it. Grabbing her arm, Androse yanked her off the throne and took the seat himself.

  “Here, slut. I tire of your cunt. Use your mouth.”

  “As… as my emperor wishes,” the woman gasped. She took his slick shaft and stroked him, her delicate fingers working him back up to full mast. Androse moaned, easing back in the throne as the brunette fondled his cock, stroking the sagging flesh of his balls. Her tongue slowly ran up his length, stroking the underside and flicking the head. Androse moaned as her soft lips kissed the tip of his cock. As her lips parted and engulfed the head of his shaft.

  “Oh yessss,” Androse moaned as the young woman bobbed atop his cock. “Yes, that’s it! Suck your emperor. Oh what a privilege you have, taking the cock of your ruler. Your master! Mnnn! Keep at it, whore. Oh yes. Fuck. So eager. Hmmnnn… Pleasure your master. What an honor you have! You get to taste the seed of the one true ruler of Istanov!” He cackled, his eyes glimmering as he stared at the vaulted ceiling, the banners of the former realms of the empire still hanging even though their capitals had been reduced to ruins. The emperor began to laugh again, the sound ringing hollowly in the throne room filled with gold and memories of the dead.

  Fate of the Fallen Empress

  The click of the Duke’s cane echoed among the ruined halls of Kirinovo’s palace. The bodies of its defenders had been strung up in the rafters, their blood dripping down, plinking off the floor and echoing through the once grand hall. For a moment the Duke paused, admiring the gruesome display. His smile widened when he saw the former lord of the city among their number, amulet of office dangling from his throat, rings glittering feebly from his fingers.

  “Survivors?” he asked, resuming his walk.

  The Red Witch smirked as she followed. “A few maybe managed to run into the woods, but that’s the beauty of a siege. Practically all of them were already stuck inside the city.”

  “Yes,” the Duke mused. “The last city. Only Moskov remains. And once it falls.” He chuckled. “At last, Istanov will be no more. And this land will truly be the kingdom of monsters.”

  The Red Witch scoffed. “As if it will be able to hold out! They have to be running out of food by now, and they only have the home guard to defend it! This country is ours!”

  “What a time to be alive,” Lugin sighed from among the rafters, breathing out a cloud of winding dark smoke.

  “Indeed,” the Duke said wistfully. “At long last, this accursed empire will fall.”

  “So, I guess you’ll finally have all you wanted,” the Red Witch said.

  The Duke glanced her way as they stepped over the shattered doors and into the next hall, where broken windows shone like ragged teeth and shredded banners hung limp in the dead air. “All? Oh no. You underestimate me.”

  The Red Witch cocked her head. As they moved down the corridor, sounds could be made out. A heavy thumping and muffled cries. “What do you mean?”

  “Did you think Istanov alone was enough? No. Not at all. This world is infested, my dear. Infested by a vermin called man. A foul, wretched thing whose only purpose is to be purged utterly. And I won’t be satisfied until they are wiped from this world. Until every stain of its kind has been expunged.”

  The Red Witch cocked a brow as Lugin fluttered after them. “You mean…”

  “Exactly,” the Duke breathed, tilting back his head, staring dreamily into the air and the future only he could see. “Once Moskov has fallen, we shall move on. Move to Cleavegrad and seize it! And from there, Heimsvak shall be next. The kingdom will be overrun. Its cities pulle
d down. Its people enslaved and bred until not a drop of human blood stains this world. Until the monster is all that remains.

  “And then?” the Duke mused, raising his hands as if lifting the future out of the darkness of uncertainty. “Then, across the seas. To the lands of deserts and jungles. To Ctharne where the huntresses hide on their little island, plotting their little plots. Humanity will fall. Not only their cities and nations. No. All of humanity. They will be wiped clean from this world.”

  The Red Witch gave a low whistle. “That’s shooting for the stars.”

  “True. But,” the Duke smirked as they reached an intact door. “Who can stop us?”

  He pushed it open, revealing what lay within. It had once been the stables where the baron’s horses had been kept, but now an entirely different kind of animal was within.

  Damera kneeled among the straw, her expression rapturous as a minotaur plunged his massive cock into her overstuffed cunt. Her breasts swayed beneath her as she sawed back, her plump bottom spanked by the minotaur’s hip as he thrust into her, his veiny cock slick with cum and pre.

  They were far from alone. Gertlings, orcs, and even a couple of wulfen lounged around the room, spent, naked. The evidence of their mating with the moaning former empress stained the floor and straw. Her body was splattered with cum, her ass drooling with their oily seed, her tits painted with it along with the strange, runic markings.

  The Duke smirked, walking up to the insatiable empress. He touched the tip of his cane to her chin, tilting back her head. “Well, empress? How are you?”

  “Ha… ah… nnn… ha…” Damera panted.

  “Are you enjoying your new role? Isn’t being a monster’s cum dumpster far better than being some petty ruler?”

  “Oh… nnn! Yes! Yes! Monster cock is so… so good,” Damera gasped, arching as the minotaur shifted, impaling her well stretched pussy at a brand-new angle.

  “Oh? You mean you don’t want to be an empress anymore? You don’t want to fight against the monster hordes? But what about your nation? Your people?”

  “F-fuck! They n-need fucking! Need monster c-cock! Need to be fucked! Should… should breeeed!” Damera wailed as she came, her mouth a wide O of ecstasy as her juices squirted from around the mighty cock claiming her. “Oh gooooods! Yes! Yes! Empress c-couldn’t c-compare! Monster bitch so much better! Ah! Nnnn! Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck monster sluuuut!”

  The Duke laughed, removing his cane from her chin, stepping back and admiring his long-time foe as she was claimed again and again with the thrusting, veiny shaft of her bestial mate. Branded by sorcery and pleasure. Her defiance coming all to nothing under the pleasure of the monster.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” the Red Witch asked him.

  “Naturally.” He glanced her way, in particular at her slit, which she was already openly stroking. “And it appears you are as well. Why hold back? This is what we’ve been fighting for.”

  The Red Witch cackled and stepped forward. Brazenly she grabbed Damera by the hair and shoved the empress’s face into her cunt. The sorceress moaned as Damera’s eager tongue plunged into her hot cunt, licking her out eagerly and with a slavish devotion that made the witch’s juices run hot and quick.

  “Oh fuuuck yes! Yes! Right there you filthy slut. Mnnn!”

  The minotaur gave a sudden bellow, his balls tightening as he came, stuffing the empress with his virile seed. Damera moaned into the witch’s pussy as she came with him, her stomach distending from the sheer amount of cum stuffed into her. Yet she endured it. She took it. Her body was no longer that of a mere mortal. She had become more, and yet, less. Cursed to be the perfect pleasure slave. The ultimate creature of raw pleasure and sensual corruption.

  The minotaur panted, unsheathing his hose of a cock. He slumped back among the straw, resting like the rest of the monsters within.

  “Aw, poor thing!” the Red Witch crooned. “Your slutty cunt is empty! Well!” she giggled. “We can’t have that. Lugin!”

  “Oh finally!” the imp cackled. He flapped down behind the empress, Damera eagerly accommodating the imp’s size by lowering her cum stuffed ass and pussy to his level. The imp grinned despite the stew of cum stuffing the empress’s holes. “Oh baby, I have been looking forward to this!”

  “Stop… mnnn… preening and fuck the poor slut,” the Red Witch gasped, grinding her cunt against the empress’s face, panting as the empress’s nose nestled against the tuft of hair above her mons.

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” Lugin said as he lined up his cock and pushed forward.

  Damera moaned in pleasure as the imp’s manhood stuffed her. It was so good. She felt so empty, so useless if a cock wasn’t within her. Wasn’t sawing into her and fucking her. Her nipples stiffened with delight, her ass began to beat back against the imp, forcing the diminutive demon to cling to her plush bottom lest he be thrown back from the empress’s eagerness to be fucked.

  “Ohhhh gods!” Damera moaned, her eyes shining, empty as midnight pools. But her body more than compensated, eagerly fucking herself against the demon. “Oh gods! Gods yes! Yes! Fuck me! Breed me! Fill my human cunt with your cum! Stuff my womb with your young! Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yessss!”

  Damera screamed in joy as she came again, a sound muffled as the Red Witch cruelly shoved the empress’s face back into her cunt. The witch moaned, humping the empress’s face while her ass was claimed by the imp.

  The Duke watched it all with a cruel smile. The two human women, fallen. Serving his dark plan eagerly. One a slave, broken, mated, and eager for more. The other mad, cruel, but more than happy to denigrate her own kind for her own pleasure.

  The Duke closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of the eager mating raptly, his head moving side to side as if to an orchestra’s crescendo. His smile widened as the Red Witch moaned, cumming, her juices dripping from Damera’s chin, all to pool on the cold stone of the stable floor.

  With the empress reduced to a plaything, all that remained standing between the Duke and his ultimate victory in Istanov was the pathetic emperor and the Red Mages. A few smaller pockets of scattered resistance remained, but if Moskov fell they would have no hope of relief. The last humans west of the Barrier Mountains would soon learn their lesson.




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