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A Dragon's Treasure

Page 9

by Lorelei Moone

  Unlike her own, Saras' scars were invisible, hidden deep beneath that flawless skin.

  She craved him. As though their affections were the only way to uncover the truth.

  He placed his hand on her shoulder, then let it travel upwards. Slow, but determined, he guided her face towards his.

  Ordinarily she might have taken the lead. She was so used to being in control.

  But in his hands, she was weak. And she didn't even mind it.

  His lips touched hers and fogged her mind. Perfection, perhaps more so because they weren't perfect themselves. The only difference was that Rhea's wounds were visible for all the world to see.

  Saras' touch burned into her skin. She felt it more keenly on the grazes and cuts hadn't yet fully healed. Bittersweet pain. She wished it would never stop.

  "Love me," she begged.

  Saras grabbed her neck and pushed her firmly against the wall.

  "Trust me?" he asked.

  She nodded, though her knees grew weak.

  "I asked if you trust me," he repeated himself.

  "Yes," Rhea whispered, confirming her submission to him.

  His grip on her tightened, but not enough to hurt her. He kissed her helpless lips and pressed his hard body up against hers. She got the message loud and clear. This was what he had brought her here for. To take her in a place of beauty.

  He moved with confidence and purpose as he diverted his kisses away from her lips and down the side of her neck.

  This was a different side of him. There was no more doubt in his actions, no more hesitation in his voice. She'd seen glimpses of him like this when he'd flirted with her in the beginning. This wasn't Saras, the human. The dragon was in control now and he wanted just one thing.


  Her body as well as her soul.

  A fire awoke within her, which extinguished any reluctance of her own.

  What they were about to do, out here in the cold of the highest balcony of Black Mountain, wasn't just unorthodox, it was forbidden.

  That made it all the better.

  In the face of this creature from another world, Rhea laughed at the concepts of decorum and propriety. Human constructs, as Saras might say. They did not have any use for either of them.

  What their bodies needed was release. They deserved it.

  His hands fumbled with her bodice, as hers undid his belt. The cold winds that whistled around the tower just heightened Rhea's arousal.

  Her nipples grew hard against his chest.

  She was ready.

  "Rhea, I need to know," Saras asked.


  "Will you be by my side, always?"

  This wasn't a flirtation, his tone was dead serious.

  Rhea could hardly breathe, such was the intensity of the moment. "I'm already yours," she spoke at last.

  "Are you sure? There's no coming back from this," he said.

  Rhea swallowed hard and nodded. She was ready for whatever he had in mind.

  He found a sharp edged stone in the wall beside her, and in one smooth move swiped his hand across it to make a cut.

  She'd seen too much blood lately, but this was different. A single drop emerged, so rich, almost luminescent in the fading light.

  "Now you," he encouraged her.

  Rhea followed his example, and made a cut in her own palm. Rhea flinched when Saras' hand first touched his. Blood against blood. Fingers intertwined. She expected not to feel anything much, but she did. His blood was hot, almost painfully so. An incredible power emanated from it.

  A power that her body absorbed, sending her into a fresh high.

  Overwhelmed and incapacitated, Rhea was a mere spectator as Saras showered her with further affections. He kept a tight grip on her hand, raising her arm above her head as he covered her upper body with kisses. But he didn't intend to stop at just that.

  With his left hand, he started to explore her further. Rhea gasped with pleasure as he touched her most intimate parts.

  Her head was spinning and her knees buckled underneath her. But that did neither discourage nor disturb her lover.

  He simply lifted her up and guided her legs around his waist. When he entered her, Rhea all but lost her senses in the fog of desire.

  There was nothing to say, nothing to do, except to act on instinct.

  To allow their most primal impulses to take the lead and simply enjoy the ride.

  He took her on the balcony, thrusting into her as the last rays of light vanished behind the horizon.

  But he was not easily sated, and neither was she. Their bodies craved more.

  Faster and faster he moved, feverishly so.

  Rhea's body was taken over by even more sensations she'd never experienced before. Pleasure, bordering on pain. Like an itch impossible to scratch. Every thrust of his came closer and closer.

  It felt so good, and yet so inadequate.

  "More," she gasped.

  The rough stone wall scraped against her backside with every movement, which only intensified her pleasure. With her arm tightly clinging to his shoulder, she angled her hips upward to receive him better.

  That made all the difference, to her as well as him.

  They were one now. Two bodies, one soul.

  Deeper and deeper he penetrated her, finally able to reach that spot that had felt so elusive before. Harder and faster, building up to a manic pace.

  It had felt so good before already, but now it blew her mind. Every little scratch added up to all those that came before, her body filling with sweet energy, desperate to burst free.

  From her lower abdomen to her fingertips, the top of her head down to her toes. Rhea could no longer contain it, and cried out loudly into the darkness.

  Saras joined in, his primal roar echoed against the castle walls like thunder.

  They had reached their destination. Their love made flesh.

  Tears ran down Rhea's face, but in between failed attempts to catch her breath, she couldn't stop smiling.

  She shook and quivered with the aftershocks of her release. Steam rose from both their sweaty bodies.

  Saras finally let go of her hand as he caught his breath too.

  Rhea instinctively checked her palm. She was accustomed to fast healing, but what she saw still shocked her. The cut had entirely vanished. It hadn't even left the slightest mark.

  "Interesting," she mumbled.

  Saras smiled knowingly and wrapped both his arms around her to carry her inside.

  The room inside the tower was basic, but that didn't matter. The most important thing was there: a bed.

  Saras lay her down on top of the sheets and just looked at her for a moment.

  "You know you saved me, right?" he said.

  Rhea sighed and closed her eyes. "Come lie with me."

  He positioned himself beside her and placed one arm protectively across her chest. Then he rested his head against her shoulder.

  They had broken the rules together. Their bodily union should have only taken place after marriage. But it hadn't felt wrong. In fact, it felt like the only right thing in the whole world right now.

  Partners in crime.

  The formalities would follow. They were only a confirmation of everything they already knew.

  She couldn't explain why, but somehow Rhea felt powerful, almost invincible now. The fog had lifted. What had seemed so very important earlier in the day no longer mattered.

  Her job, Broc's approval—all those things had faded into the background.

  Rhea was overcome with a clarity she hadn't felt before. Like all the pieces of the puzzle were finally matching up.

  Together, they'd figure out everything. How to defeat the Sea Folk, and keep the Black Isles safe once and for all.

  It seemed so easy now.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Their love had reached its peak. No longer were they two separate entities, floating through life alone.

  She'd given herself to him, as he had given himsel
f to her.

  This proud woman, who had never played second fiddle to any man, had submitted to him. He didn't take it lightly, old-fashioned as he was.

  That was why he had taken the Blood Bond with her, before crossing any boundaries. Only once their union was formalized had he taken the next step. And what a step it had been.

  To come together with a singular focus of pleasure, it truly was magic. As he'd already suspected before, love made the world turn. And now he no longer had to walk this earth alone.

  Unfortunately for him, that had unintended implications.

  They couldn't stay up there in the tower forever. Despite Rhea's outburst in his cell, she was still general. She had responsibilities that stretched beyond just keeping him company. He did not begrudge her that. Now that they had bonded, there was no need to rush anymore.

  When Rhea first mentioned it, Saras had no intention of attending the festivities. But after she left, his mind hadn't allowed him any rest.

  In her presence, he'd felt a calm he hadn't known all his life. As they lay on that bed together, in between the pillow talk, he'd even enjoyed a peaceful, dreamless nap.

  But once she was gone, he was as lost as ever.

  He craved her company so much he had no other choice but to go down there. His vow to stay in the dungeons by himself forever was but a distant memory. Everything had changed the moment she had given herself to him.

  The consummation of their love had sealed their bond forever. He was no longer Saras, the tragic lone dragon, but part of a new order. His darker side had been pacified, his madness somewhat cured. He would follow her to the end of the earth if he had to.

  Tonight, he only had to follow her to the feast. That was hardly as grand a sacrifice as it had initially felt like to him. Still, he struggled with doubts on his way down from the tower. But the closer he got, the faster and more determined his steps became.

  The feast had already begun when Saras entered the Great Hall. It was a lavish spread, especially considering the hardships the people of Black Isle had been through these last few days. Still, they did not miss the opportunity for a party. Something to learn from, perhaps?

  Saras found an empty seat near the doors from where he could see her. His Rhea sat next to the king. She was every bit as glorious here, surrounded by all these people as she had been naked in his arms.

  In human form, he did not attract attention, for which he was grateful. In his true form, he was accustomed to people staring at him in horror, perhaps even fleeing from him. Luckily this was not the case now.

  But his anonymity was short-lived.

  "Saras!" Rhea called out from across the crowd.

  He flinched instinctively as people turned to look at him.

  How pitiful. He was a dragon. More powerful than anyone in this room. Older than the oldest of them, including the Elders. He had lived so many lifetimes, and he would live countless more. Why fear these creatures? Why shy away from them?

  Flashes of fire filled his mind's eye. Glimpses of death and destruction. No, stop it!

  He stood up, his heart beating so hard he could feel it in his throat. The smile on Rhea's face gave him strength. She was genuinely pleased to find him here.

  "I am here," he spoke.

  The Great Hall was quiet. Not even a whisper filled the air.

  "I am Saras, the dragon."

  Saras opened his eyes to look at his captive audience.

  Scarred, weather-beaten faces stared back at him. Every one of them appeared older than he did, funnily enough.

  The silence continued. Saras was unsure if it lasted only seconds or even hours.

  Finally one man stood, his chalice raised high in the air.

  "I was facing off against two of the enemy. They had me cornered. My weapon had blunted, and my arms were aching with exhaustion. If they hadn't retreated, I would not be among you today."

  Saras blinked and cocked his head to the side. Not the welcome he had expected from this particular crowd.

  "I raise a toast to you, my friend. Saras, the dragon. For saving my life."

  The crowd roared.

  Another man stood up. His right shoulder and arm were bright red and inflamed. Burn wounds. Saras could hardly bear to look at him.

  "I lost my brother in the battle. Your fire burned the Sea Folk scum that took his life. To Saras, the dragon!"

  Tears stung the corner of his eye, but Saras did not turn away from them. He had to take it all in, every moment of it. The tide was turning.

  At the far end of the hall, Rhea raised her chalice too. "The enemy had me tied up. They would have taken me prisoner and I would have never seen these isles again if it wasn't for you. To Saras, the dragon!"

  Beside her, King Broc stood too, with his drink in the air. "What use is a toast if his glass is empty? Someone, get our guest of honor some wine!" he demanded, then he turned solemn. "You may be from another time, one which even the oldest among us only know of through myth and legend. But we are all of these Isles, same as you. We are your brothers and sisters. And we welcome you into our midst."

  Hearing these words and seeing them reflected in the faces of so many present here for this feast inspired a strange sensation in Saras' chest. Pride, perhaps? Or more likely, relief.

  He never wanted to face these people; he'd feared their judgment.

  All this time, he’d judged himself much more harshly than they felt the need to.

  Rhea had been right, though he hadn't wanted to hear it at the time. They had lost so much during the battle that they were now eager to embrace a new face in their midst.

  Indeed there was hope for him here, among these people.

  Rhea gestured at him to join her at the main table. He did so, gladly accepting the full chalice of wine someone offered him along the way. Some others thanked him directly as he walked past them. Yet others greeted him with a pat on the back.

  How trusting these people were. His terrible powers seemed to leave them unfazed. Perhaps it was the wine they had imbibed already, adding to their courage.

  As he took his seat, almost everyone was once again focused on the feast itself rather than his presence here. Saras took a moment to scan his new surroundings. Seated beside Rhea, who in turn sat next to the king, he truly was in the middle of the action now.

  Another familiar face smiled at him from across the table. Queen Kelly, who had visited him with Rhea at the moment he'd woken up for the first time.

  Welcome, Saras. Her voice filled his head.

  You… Rhea said you're a witch, so this is your power? He wondered.

  Kelly grinned wider, but still did not speak aloud.

  I might not be a fighter like everyone else here, but it's not a bad talent to have.

  Saras smiled back at her. The last time this had happened, he’d thought he'd lost his mind.

  So it was you who guided me during the battle?

  Couldn't let our general get captured by the enemy, could I?

  That was something the two of them could easily agree on.

  I never realized the two of you were friends, Saras wondered.

  It's a work in progress. She's starting to grow on me. Kelly raised her cup in his direction, a gesture which he reciprocated.

  "You're very quiet. What's on your mind?" Rhea asked.

  Saras stopped looking in Kelly's direction and instead focused again on the only reason he was here today. He would have still been hiding in his cell if it wasn't for Rhea. "Oh, nothing. Just glad to be here."

  "Told you so."

  Outspoken as ever. Saras had to chuckle. As much as he'd dreaded this moment, now he was happy to have emerged. Feasts in the Great Hall, like the olden days. The Great Hall might look different after the renovation his actions had inspired all those years ago, but the ritual was much the same.

  What about the stories, and songs? Would he know any of them, or had those changed too?

  Sure enough, a gruff looking man emerged from the crowd
and started tapping his hand rhythmically on the table. Others joined in, stomping their boots on the ground, and banging cutlery against their cups.

  "Don't know many songs 'bout dragons, but I dedicate this one to you, Saras!" the man said.

  He hummed the starting notes of a tune Saras had never heard before. Then, he began to sing.

  "Down below the mountain, in a cell deeper than deep,

  A creature, fierce and powerful, blissfully asleep.

  He must not be awoken, unless the need is dire,

  For if he is roused, he will blanket the Isles in fire."

  Saras glanced at Rhea, who looked horrified, making the entire situation even more comical. A song, dedicated to him? It was enough to wake his morbid sense of humor.

  "Oh calm down," Saras whispered. "I think it's rather sweet."

  Encouraged by the first singer, more of the crowd joined in, and soon everyone was singing and humming along as they repeated the same words over and over.

  "I think it needs more verses," Saras remarked under his breath, as even he was tapping along with his foot. "I'd better start work on that. Now that I'm back in this world, I'll have plenty of time for it."

  Rhea smiled back at him. "That's an excellent idea. It's not exactly accurate anymore."

  "And I could use your help."

  Rhea studied his face for a moment, before turning serious. "First I'd like your help with something."

  Saras nodded. It was obvious what she was going to say. "The war. I know it's still hanging over all our heads."

  "I've come up with a solution that doesn't involve fighting. A diplomatic approach. Would you be open to that?" Rhea asked.

  Saras stared into her eyes. "I know it means a lot to you."

  "It's my legacy."

  How could he refuse? These people had opened their arms to him, and accepted him as one of their own. And from the start he took issue with having to fight. If her idea prevented a future invasion, it meant neither he nor anyone else on these isles would ever fight again.

  "Yes. Of course," he said, then added in a lighter tone, "The good news is, now we have all the time in the world to do both!"


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