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Illegal Use of Hands

Page 18

by Desiree Holt

  The carved muscle look continued down his long legs but what drew her attention was a most impressive cock. Thick and long, swollen with obvious need, it rose from the nest of dark blond curls at his groin and pointed upward, as if searching for her warmth. The head was a dark plum color and on its slit sat a tiny bed of fluid. Staring at it, Sarah couldn’t help licking her lips.

  “Like what you see?” Beau’s voice was husky with lust.

  She could only nod and curl her fingers into the palms of her hands. Her clothes felt way too tight on her. She wanted to be as naked as he was.

  As if she’d said the words aloud he knelt at her feet and eased her sandals off, setting them aside. Next came the jeans, his knuckles caressing her skin as he pushed them down her legs. He paused for a moment when she was down to her bra and panties, his gaze skimming over every inch of her. She felt as if he’d brushed the flame of a candle over her skin.

  Raising his hands he reached behind her to unhook her bra, cupping her now bare breasts in his palm, a look almost of awe in his face.

  “Gorgeous,” he breathed. “Just gorgeous.”

  He flicked his fingernails over her nipples, setting off a series of tingles in the taut, pebbled buds before giving them each a light pinch. Then he eased her back on the bed so he could slip her panties slowly down her thighs. When he nudged her thighs apart so he could take in the full view of her sex, the look he gave her sent electricity crackling through her again. Oh, god, this man had the ability to set her on fire with just a look.

  Gripping her thighs he pushed her legs further apart, bent his head and drew his tongue very slowly along the slit between the lips of her sex. Then he did it again, and again. Each time he touched her she shivered and the walls of her sex fluttered with need. When he lifted her legs and pushed them back, leaving her wide open to him, she nearly came just from the image in her mind.

  Then he went to work on her, thumbs peeling back her swollen lips, tongue licking and lapping, thrusting into her hot channel then backing out to flick back and forth across her overly sensitized clit. He pulled the swollen bud into his mouth, sliding two fingers inside her and curling them to reach that sweet hot spot that triggered her response. He did it once, then twice, and without warning her release exploded.


  It usually took her so much longer than this, but Beau Perini had her champing at the bit almost from the moment he sat down with her. By the time they’d reached her room her body had been more than ready for him. For anything. He rode her through the climax, driving his fingers in and out in a slow, steady movement, sucking and nibbling on her clit until he set off another climax, shorter but no less intense.

  She gave a cry of protest when he stood up and moved away from her. He looked down at her and grinned.

  “Just taking care of business.” He reached for his wallet, extracting a string of three condoms.

  Sarah ran her tongue over her lower lip. “So you had big plans for tonight?”

  “Not until you came along.” He lifted her long enough to yank down the covers then arranged her the way he wanted her and came down beside her. “I just always like to be prepared.”

  She’d thought he would just get right to business again, but Beau continued to surprise her. He took her mouth in a kiss that was as sweet as it was hot. He brushed his lips over hers in a teasing back and forth movement that started the sparks all over again. When he eased his tongue inside her the same heat as before rushed through her system like a wildfire.

  She threw herself into the kiss, every stroke of his tongue against hers ramping up the sensations swamping her. She only broke the contact when once again he’d kissed her breathless. Sliding a hand between them she tried to reach for his cock, her fingertips just brushing the velvet head. She managed to grip the tip of it before Beau locked his fingers around her wrist and slipped her hand free.

  “One more squeeze from you and it’s all over but the celebrating, sugar. Later you’ll get your turn.”

  She stared up at him, stunned. “Later?”

  “Just so you know, we’re just getting started here.”

  Sarah caught her breath. Just getting started?

  Then what was left of rational thought flew from her brain. Beau went to work on her body again, her neck, her ear lobes, her nipples, her breasts, down to the heated place between her thighs where her pussy screamed in both protest and a demand for attention. He didn’t miss one inch of her body as he traveled his mouth over it, licking and sucking and nibbling. She was ready to scream by the time he reached for one of the condoms, rose up enough to sheath himself and lifted her legs to his shoulders.

  He prodded at her opening with the head of his cock, slowly moving his hips forward as he eased himself inside her. Her inner walls stretched to accommodate his girth, a not unpleasant sensation. She dug her heels into his shoulders, pulling herself up to him, trying to help him as he slowly filled her.

  “Breathe,” he whispered. “Deep breaths. You can take me. I can feel your body getting used to me.”

  So could she. The more he slid inside her, the more she opened for him and the easier it became. Then he was completely enclosed in her, his shaft filling every inch of her inner space. Then he began to move, so slowly she wanted to scream, sliding in and backing off until she was out of her mind crazy with need.

  She lost track of everything except the thrust and retreat of his cock, the movement of his hips, and the hot, sexy words he kept murmuring to her.

  “Look at me,” he commanded in that deep, raspy voice.

  She locked her gaze with his and the hunger and heat she saw in there singed every nerve and fried her brain cells. No thinking only feeling. And soon it was just her body and his and the smooth ride he was taking her on. The first orgasm hit before she even realized it, a shock since the one he brought her to with his mouth had been intense. She vibrated around him, moaning his name as she dug her heels into him again.

  Then he backed off again, slowed his pace, and started the rhythm all over again. He took her up and over three times before he finally threw his head back, his body stiffened and he pulsed inside her with his orgasm. Spent he eased her legs down, slid from the grasp of her body and padded off to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. When he came back to the bed he lifted the covers and slid in beside her, turning her so she was cradled in his arms and her head tucked up against his shoulder.

  “So sweet,” he murmured against her hair. “So soft. So sexy.” He stroked her arm. “Sleep, Sarah. Rest. We’re far from finished here.”

  She came awake slowly in the morning, as if her body was waking up piece by piece. She ached pleasantly in a number of places, the sensations reminding her of the night before and she smiled as memories came rushing back. She kept her eyes closed, remembering the thickness of Beau’s cock inside her, the way he felt when she wrapped her fingers around him or took him into her mouth She could not believe all that they had done, including using all three condoms. Beau Perini was a real animal. He had certainly helped her finish off her celebration in fine style.

  With her eyes still closed she rolled over, she stretched out a hand to touch him and found…empty space. And sheets where the warmth of a body had long since faded. Raising herself up on one elbow she looked around the room. No sign of him and his clothes were gone. Was he in the bathroom? No, the door was wide open and the room was empty.

  Throwing the covers back she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Little twinges accompanied her sudden movements but she ruthlessly suppressed them. Where was he? Had he just left? She checked the nightstand and the dresser for a note but found nothing. Anger building, she prowled the room, looking for any place he might have left even a short goodbye message but nothing.

  Lifting the receiver on the room phone she started to call the front desk and ask for Mr. Perini’s room, then slammed it down. She didn’t even know if he’d been staying in the hotel. Besides, if he hadn’t seen fit to at lea
st say goodbye, why did she even want to talk to him.

  Sarah plopped down on the bed again and ran her fingers through her disheveled hair. She could hardly believe it. The son of a bitch had left her. Just walked out without even a thank you or any word at all. That asshole! Well it just served her right. Falling into bed like that with Beau Perini because she was left celebrating by herself? She’d have done better to go to bed with a bottle of wine.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did she continue to make stupid decisions where men were concerned. Would she never, ever learn?

  She was probably just another notch on the bedpost to him, another of those professional athletes who collected women like some people collected baseball cards. Well, fine. She didn’t need him, anyway. She had a life to get back to and a career to build. But if she ever saw the jackass again he’d better look out because she never forgot something like this.

  Not ever.

  Chapter Two

  Six years later

  Beau Perini scrubbed his hands over his face and raked his fingers through his unruly hair. Every bone in his body ached from yesterday’s practice and he would have sold his soul for two more hours of sleep. But with a three-year-old in the house, even with a nanny in place, early rising was the norm. Beau was determined that his son would always come first no matter what the circumstances.

  Coffee. That’s what he needed. In sweat pants and tee shirt he made his way to the kitchen and the single serving coffee maker.

  “Hi, Daddy!”

  Toby waved to him from his high chair where he was entertaining his three-year-old self with a few pieces of dry cereal. Babs, the nanny, was at the sink, Although Beau realized calling her a nanny barely covered what she did. She ran everything in the house including him.

  “Hi yourself.” He bent down and kissed the little boy’s smooth forehead.

  “Ceweal.” He held up one of the little circles. “Daddy have?”

  Beau tried not to grimace. Right now nothing, not even the cereal, appealed to him. “Not this morning, son.”

  Toby grinned. “Okay.” He popped the tidbit into his mouth.

  Oh, to be so at ease with life, Beau thought. He took down a mug from the cupboard and filled it with fresh coffee. The first sip scalded his tongue but he didn’t care. It gave his energy cells a real good jolt.

  “Toby needs some new clothes,” Babs told him. “I swear he grows one size a month. Anyway, I thought he and I could have a shopping party this afternoon.”

  “Bless you.” He walked up beside her and kissed her cheek. “Don’t ever leave me. I’d fall apart.”

  She laughed. “No you wouldn’t. You’d just find my next replacement.”

  “Impossible.” He nudged her to turn around so she could look at his face. “I don’t think there’s another person I’d say this to, but you’re irreplaceable.” When she just flipped a hand at him he shook his head. “I mean this. I have no idea what Toby and I would do without you. Especially—“ he broke off the sentence and shook his head.

  “Especially with the phone calls starting again?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Especially with that.”

  Babs scooped the eggs she’d been scrambling into a bowl, added a spoon and carried it to the high chair with a spoon. Toby clapped his pudgy little hands and reached into the bowl with his fingers. Without missing a beat, Babs lifted his hand, closed his fingers around the spoon and sat down to police the meal.

  “She’s been calling an awful lot lately,” Babs commented. “What does she want now?”

  Babs had been with Beau and Toby ever since he’d tossed Lacey Everhart out of the house, filed for divorce and received sole custody. He’d given her a more than generous financial settlement for a woman who spent the nights he was gone screwing any available male. She’d bitched like crazy because it was paid to her monthly instead of a lump sum, but he knew she’d have blown it all. Just as she was doing now.

  “I think she’s run out of guys to pay the freight,” Beau said, taking a healthy swallow of his coffee.

  “You know,” Babs pointed out, “you don’t have to take her calls. You can let them go to voice mail, or I can pick up.”

  “I just want to make sure she doesn’t show up here and make a fuss in front of Toby.”

  “There is that.” She guided Toby’s hand with the spoon again. “It’s not my place to say, but I was never sure why you married her anyway. I wouldn’t have thought she was your type.”

  Neither did he. But with her rich auburn hair, long legs, brilliant green eyes and creamy complexion she reminded him so much of another woman he hadn’t been able to resist. Unfortunately she had turned out to be all flash and no substance. Worse than that, a fortune hunter who wanted the publicity and recognition that came with being married to a star football player. He didn’t realize until it was too late that she had the morals of an alley cat and was less than a pale imitation of the woman he hadn’t been able to get out of his brain all these years.

  God, he wished he could stop thinking about her. He’d lost count of the number of nights he’d lain in bed reliving their one night together. He could still taste her on his lips, still remember the feel of her silk skin beneath his hands, still breathe in the scent of peaches that wafted around her in a light cloud. He hadn’t been able to eat one since then without thinking of her. Worse yet, every time he bit into one his cock also remembered and stood at rigid attention. Made it a little difficult if he was out in public.

  Why had he ever walked away from her? He’d made a terrible, terrible mistake with her. He’d had the absolute best night of his life and he’d walked away without leaving so much as a note. What class. He’d been kicking himself in the ass ever since. But he was just in the early years of his career then, the world was his for the taking, and he hadn’t wanted to tie himself down.

  Then Lacey had blown into his life. By that time he’d realized what a mistake he’d made with Sarah. He spent a lot of miserable nights reliving the biggest blunder of his life. Lacey reminded him on the surface so much of the woman he’d let get away. He’d just jumped without looking, despite warnings from his friends who took a better measure of her than he did. Before he turned around he was married, a father, and had a wife who couldn’t seem to entertain herself when he was away except in someone else’s bed. It didn’t take him long to realize what he’d picked was a very cheap imitation of Sarah York, cheap being the operative word. What had he been thinking?

  The team had not been happy with the mess in the papers that followed but they’d cleaned it up. When he became a free agent a couple of years later and the Tampa Bay Sharks went after him, he’d jumped at the chance. A fresh start for him and for Toby. They had a new city, a beautiful new home he’d bought as soon as the ink was dry on the contract, and best of all, Babs had agreed to relocate with him. Unfortunately Lacey had heard about it although the big announcement wasn’t until today. Now she was here in Tampa haunting him again.

  If only he hadn’t been such an idiot about Sarah. He could at least have kept in touch with her, and who knew what would have happened then. Maybe when he’d been a little more settled, when—

  Yeah, right, asshole. So she should, what, hang around until you’d finished sowing your wild oats? Are you wearing your selfish tee shirt? He often thought about trying to locate her. She was an attorney and the bar association had records. Only now he was divorced with full custody of a toddler. Did she want someone with all that baggage?

  “Beau?” Babs’ voice broke into his thoughts.

  He gave himself a mental shake. “Yeah. Sorry. What?”

  “What time is the press conference today?”

  Oh, yeah. His big coming out party. Chris Davidson, the owner of the Tampa Bay Sharks, had insisted on making a big deal out of it. For the money they were paying him he’d stand on his head naked if they wanted. Well, maybe not naked. But he’d make sure to give them their money’s worth on and off the field.

sp; “Two thirty,” he told her. “Early enough to let the television guys get it back to their stations and on the six o’clock news.”

  “I guess they want to start the hype for their big new star as early as they can,” she teased.

  Beau snorted. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  “Just be your usual charming self and you’ll be a hit.”

  He laughed. “I’ll do my best.”

  “You know,” she mused, “it’s a good thing they have security at their headquarters. I wouldn’t put it past that crazy bimbo to try and crash the party.”

  Just the thought of it made his stomach cramp. That’s all he would need. He’d come here to start a brand new life for Toby and himself. A fresh start, away from the taint of his crazy ex-wife. He had to figure out a way to deal with that before it got out of hand.

  “I’m going to work out for a while,” he told Babs. “I’ll feed myself when I’m through.” He kissed Toby’s forehead. “You be good on your date with Babs, little guy. Be a real gentleman.”

  “He always is,” Babs told him. “Good luck today.”


  When he bought the house he’d added on a huge room in the back that he used as a workout room. He’d had the Shark’s trainer help him select the equipment for it. Off season he tried to spend a couple of hours in it every day, just to keep himself in shape. Today it would provide him the necessary opportunity to work off the frustration building in his system.

  And maybe kill the images of Sarah York that continued to haunt him.


  “Getting settled in?”

  At the sound of the male voice Sarah York looked up from her desk to see her new boss, Chris Davidson, lounging in her doorway. She pushed aside the contract she’d been looking at and smiled at him.


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