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Something Missing (The True Love Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Hazel Robinson

  “Max, you shouldn’t have kept it from me.” “I’m sorry. Can’t we just forget this who mess, baby?” Susan sat for a moment lost in her hurt and thoughts.

  Mistaking her silence, he started to walk out of the room. “Wait!” She jumped up “I’m sorry. I understand.”

  He nodded. “Don’t be. I really wouldn’t hurt you.” Max kissed her forehead. “Now let’s get this stuff upstairs.” Max picked up the box and carried it upstairs.

  As Max lugged the boxes up into the loft, she set about making a cup of tea. A text message pinged on her phone; the number read unknown. The text read, “Can we talk?” Her heart quickened. She knew exactly who it was. She snuck outside into the garden and dialed the number.

  “Hello?” the women’s voice answered.

  Susan, not wanting to exchange pleasantries, darted straight to the point. “Why do you want to see Max?”

  The line was silent for a moment before the women responded, “Why I want to see Max has nothing to do with you!”

  Susan felt her anger rising. “Now you listen to me! I’m his fiancée and I’m carrying his baby, so it has everything to do with me.”

  The women cackled, “Oh, Sweetie, your silly girl, all I need to do is click my fingers and he’d come running back. He can’t resist me! He never could. I know just how to make him tick.”

  Susan paced to the bottom of the garden. “Who the hell do you think you are? Max has told me about you. I know all about your so-called charms; you’re nothing but a slapper that tried to ruin his life. Well guess what? He wants nothing to do with you.”

  The phone went dead, leaving Susan unnerved. ‘He couldn’t resist her he never could.’ Had Max been telling her the whole truth? She felt there was more to the story: more he was hiding.

  “Hey, who are you talking to out here?” Max asked from the doorway.

  Susan jumped and stuffed the phone back into her pocket. “No one, I was just trying to get hold of Polly.”

  Max crossed his arms over his chest and pulled his shoulders back. “She’s inside! Said she tried calling you but couldn’t get through.”

  “I bet we both tried ringing at the same time,” Susan lied, walking past him into the kitchen to a chirpy Polly making coffee.

  “Hey Poll.”

  “Hi, yourself. How’s bump?”

  Susan gave a weak smile and stroked her tummy. “Good.”

  “Excellent news. Feeling alright? You look a bit peaky?”

  “Sickness is a mare. Actually, I could really do with some fresh air – fancy a walk?” Susan asked, raising her eyebrows in secret communication.

  Polly put her spoon down, “Yeah, sure! We’ll have a cuppa when we get back then.”

  They left Max looking slightly bemused. Susan hadn’t mentioned anything about feeling sick all morning. He liked Polly a lot, he’d always respect her for looking after Susan during the dark times, but it didn’t stop the sense of jealousy he felt about their closeness; he knew that they’d be talking about the letter.

  As soon as they were out of the sight of the house, Polly stopped Susan in her tracks. “Okay, what is up? You’re acting really weird”

  Susan took a deep breath. “Oh, Polly, why is my life always so complicated?”

  Polly laughed, “Because you mostly make it complicated, honey. What’s happened now?”

  “Max got a letter from an ex earlier. When I asked him about it, we ended up in an argument and he walked out. I couldn’t help myself, I called her.”

  “Oh, Susan!” Polly groaned. “Why?”

  “Yeah, I know – possibly not the smartest move, but I couldn’t help it!” She sat down on a bench, her legs aching from the walk up the hill. “When I rang her and told her to leave him alone, she laughed at me. She told me I was stupid to think she couldn’t get him back. She said he could never resist her. I think he’s hiding more from me.”

  Polly put her arm around her. “Are you sure she isn’t just a jealous ex that’s pissed off? Because that’s what it sounds like to me.”

  “I don’t know Poll, she sounded so sure of herself; like all she needed to do was click her fingers and he would go running.”

  “Susan, I’m sure it’s nothing. He only has eyes for you and this little one.” Her hand stretched over Susan’s tummy.

  Susan looked down taking the moment in. Polly would always be here to put things right to lead her in the right direction. “Yeah, you're right I’m just over reacting, what would I do without you?”

  Polly let out a laugh. “You’d be alright.”

  “Hmm, I’m not so sure.”

  “Anyway,” Polly said, changing direction, “I came to talk to you about Dillon.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry Poll, I’m such a crappy friend - I haven't even asked you about your date or anything. How did it go?”

  “Well, I think I’m a little more experienced than him, if you know what I mean!

  It’s all a little Mrs. Robinson.” “Hot!” Susan interrupted.

  Polly nudged her playfully on the arm, “But I really like him, and we have a great time together. Just then, the sky opened, and large raindrops fell. “Come on, I’ll tell you more when we get back to your house. It’s going to pour it down.”

  The two of them walked arm in arm. Susan was comforted by Polly’s thoughts on the matter. She was right about Isabelle; she was just a jealous ex looking for a reaction. Susan had given her just what she was looking for.

  In two days, Max and she would be alone together – no one else to interrupt them. They would be alone to be a proper couple with no stress and no complications. Susan had big plans for the weekend. Plans that involved reconnecting both mentally and physically. News of the baby, and all the complications around it had really got between them, and not just emotionally.

  When they arrived back at the house, Max was sat in the office. “Hey, Max, do you want a cuppa?” Susan asked.

  “Can you come here a minute, baby?” Max replied. Susan gave Polly a quick smile and left her to make the coffee.

  “What’s up Max?” she asked, stretching her arm over his shoulder and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  Max spun around in his office chair and faced her, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a serious stare. “Are you sure everything is good between us?”

  “Sure,” she nodded, “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “I thought you might still be mad with me, what with you going for a walk with Polly.”

  Susan gave a sigh of relief. “Yeah, Max we’re fine! We won’t be if you keep asking though.” He looked at her and sighed. “Okay,” he said raising his hand.

  “Anyway, what are you up to?” she asked deflecting.

  Max turned the computer screen in her direction to show her a beautiful hotel on the screen.

  “I’ve seen that place before,” she said. “It’s just out of town. Why are you showing me this?”

  “Well,” he pulled Susan onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. “This is where we are going to spend our wedding night. We’ll have our wedding on the beach and then head over to this place for a meal, and then we’ll spend the night there – just the three of us.”

  Susan's mouth fell open into a big smile. “Max, I don't know what to say.”

  He pulled her mouth down to his and kissed her. She could feel the passion in it and wished that they were in the house alone. Her body ached for him. He pulled away from her. “I have another surprise.”

  Her hand stroked his thigh and she felt him stiffen under her touch. “Yes, you have!” she purred.

  He giggled into her neck. “Easy tiger!”

  “I can’t help it – it’s the hormones!” she pouted.

  “Anyway, that’s not the surprise I’m on about – I spoke with the registrar and she can fit us in in six weeks on the twelfth.”

  “Oh, my God, Max!” she squealed. “That’s amazing. The twelfth – that’s going to be our wedding day!”

ring all the commotion, Polly poked her head around the door.

  “Hey, what’s all the excitement?”

  Susan turned to her. “Max has set the date with the registrar – the twelfth of next month!”

  Max tipped her off her knee and spun his chair around. “Off you go – go and talk flowers or something, I’ve got work to do,” he said, laughing.

  They headed back into the kitchen, Susan dancing in a cloud of giddiness.

  “Whoa, the twelfth of next month – that’s soon. How are you going to organize a wedding in that time?”

  Susan’s smile dropped into a pout. “Well I was hoping you would be helping me out on the planning, being chief bridesmaid and all that.”

  Polly had a tear in her eye. “Oh, my little sister all grown up!”

  Susan noted the term little sister and smiled. Yes, that’s exactly what Polly was, she was the sister she never had. It felt wonderful that she had defined it at last.

  “Polly,” she held her hand to her chest. “You are my sister and I love you.”

  “I love you to. And Max – I know I’ve had some doubts, but never about him,

  Susan; Max and you are perfect together.”

  Max walked in beaming with joy. His eyes sparkled when they met Susan’s.

  Polly, suddenly feeling a bit of gooseberry, smiled and headed towards the door,

  “Anyway, honey, I’m going to go. I’m meeting up with Dillon for… for drinks.” She winked and Susan laughed. “You two have fun celebrating. I’ll talk to Beth later about organizing your hen night.”

  Susan grabbed hold of her arm. “Please, no fuss; I have everything I need right here.” Her eyes darted around the room from Polly to Max and back to Polly.

  Polly gave a little nod. “Okay then, see ya later!”


  The cold weather had crept in. Susan wrapped herself up on the couch. Max had left for work early that morning and Susan had the whole day to herself with nothing to do. Polly and Beth had taken control of the wedding arrangements, for which she was very grateful, and she was looking forward to a day resting – getting herself ready for their weekend away starting tomorrow. She was so looking forward to it.

  The whole Isabelle letter had really shaken things up between them; it had been so out of the blue and unexpected. Neither had spoken about it since yesterday afternoon and she was happy to put it behind her. She hadn’t told Max that she’d phoned Isabelle. She knew that would not go down well. Hungry, she threw the cover off and headed to the kitchen to make lunch. When she opened the fridge, she saw Max’s packed lunch box still on the shelf. It would make a good excuse to make a visit, she thought.

  She put her coat on and headed out the door with the intention of gate-crashing his lunchtime. The walk to the garage felt further than usual but then again, she was more pregnant than the last time she made the walk.

  She walked in and saw Dillon glance at her nervously. He was in the garage alone. There was no sign of Max anywhere.

  “Where is Max?”

  At first, he tried to shrug as if he didn’t know but Susan put her hand on her hip and gave him the death stare. Dillon pointed to the cafe across the street.

  “He went out for lunch, some chick wanted him to show her where to get a cuppa from.”

  Susan walked into the office and placed the lunch-box on the desk. “Oh, some chick did! Did she? And what did this chick look like, Dillon?”

  “I didn’t really take any notice,” he lied. “Blonde I think, and tall.” Dillon fidgeted with the wrench he was holding. “Look, Max is a good man, maybe you shouldn’t be busting his balls so much.” Dillon said, looking awkward.

  Susan glared at him but didn’t answer. She left, feeling the rage building up inside her. She thought about storming into the cafe and demanding to know what was going on. It was obvious it was Isabelle. Instead, she hovered outside the cafe window looking for him. He was smiling, almost laughing. She couldn’t see the woman’s face, but she could see her long blonde hair. She watched as Max took a sip of his coffee, his eyes fixed on the women. Her heart sank when he leant forward and kissed her on the cheek, but the women turned her head and their lips locked together. She walked away empty and hurt.

  As she reached the top of the hill, the pain was too much for her to bear. Her head felt lighter and the air around her vanished until there was none left. Reaching for the nearest bench, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number. “No!” she murmured, slamming the phone next to her. The pain in her chest worsened; her eyes shut then opened again to a stranger leaning over her. She pulled her eyes tight shut again, but this time they wouldn’t open again.

  Max rushed to the hospital as quickly as he could. Polly and Beth were following behind him but when he reached the desk, they wouldn’t let him to see her.

  “Why the fuck won’t you tell me what is going on? I want to see her now!” His fists slammed down on the counter.

  The petite dark-haired nurse stood up from her chair and stared hard at him, “Sir, if you don’t calm down, I will have to call security.”

  Beth grabbed hold if his arm pulling him to the waiting area and said in a low voice, “Come on, Son.”

  “Why won’t they let me see her, Mum? No one is telling me anything.” His put his head in his hands.

  A doctor walked over with a clipboard in his hand. “Is one of you Polly?” The young man looked at each of them.

  Polly quickly stood up, “I am!”

  “Would you like to follow me, please?” He was already walking down the corridor.

  Max and Beth stood up and followed behind but when they reached the door, the doctor held out his hand. “I’m sorry, she only wants to see Polly.”

  “What the hell do you mean? I want to know what is going on!”

  Polly’s hand rested on his shoulder and he shook it off. “Max, calm down, I’ll find out what’s going on. You get a coffee and I’ll sort it.”

  Max didn’t respond. He glared at Polly. ‘Always fucking Polly!’ he thought. He dropped his head down and walked off down the corridor. Polly took a deep breath and opened the door. Susan lay in the bed. On seeing her, a small smile appeared.

  “She needs to stay in overnight, but she will be fine. She just needs to rest from now on. She shouldn’t be getting agitated up like she did.” The doctor nodded his head and left the room.

  Polly took a seat next to the bed and gripped Susan’s hand tightly. “What have you been getting yourself into now?”

  Susan forced a smile, but a tear trickled down her cheek. “I caught them, Poll. I saw them together!”

  “What do you mean you caught them together?”

  “I went to take Max some lunch, but he was at the cafe holding HER hand, he kissed her! He was laughing and smiling!” Susan couldn’t control her anger.

  Polly’s face went white. “No! He wouldn’t do that. Maybe you got it wrong?”

  “I’m not wrong Poll, it was her! Isabelle. Who else would he be kissing in the cafe?”

  Polly wrapped her arms around Susan’s neck and hugged her. “It’s okay, baby girl, sshh,” she soothed, stroking Susan’s hair.

  “I don’t want to see him. I just want him gone and out of my life for good. This whole thing has been a mess since it started. He isn’t the man I thought he was, and never will be!” Susan snuggled her head down into the fluffy pillow.

  “You get some sleep, I’ll go back to yours and pick up some stuff.” Polly stood. “You just rest, and I’ll be back soon.”

  Susan nodded off, drifting off into a deep sleep. Polly watched for moment. She was angry – more than she’d ever been. She set of to find Max to get some answers.

  She approached Max, charging up to him like an angry bull, “YOU! I want a word with you, NOW!” Polly stood firm, her finger pointed in Max`s direction.

  Max stood up from the table and his face whitened. “What is it? What’s going on? How is she?” His nerves twitched.

; “She is fine, she just needs rest and no stress. She doesn’t want to see you anymore, Max. You two are over!” Polly’s said firmly. She turned her back in him and walked out the main entrance.

  “What do you mean we are over? What the fuck is going on?”

  “She saw you, Max, with her, Isabelle, yeah! She saw you in the cafe... Kissing her. You’ve broken her heart, Max. I guessed you always would.” Polly tilted her head to the side, waiting for his response.

  Disbelief washed over his face, his eyes fell dark. “Let me explain, please!”

  “She doesn’t want to know, Max. You lied and you blew it. I really hoped you were different, but deep down you let her down just like everyone else. I trusted you to be there for her, to protect her and love her. You did nothing but give her false hope.” Polly shrugged of his touch and walked away.

  “Wait, wait, please!” Max begged, chasing her across to the car.

  Beth ran after him, grabbing him by the arm and spinning him around. “Tell me it’s not true, Max – you’ve got a baby on the way! You’re going to be a father.”

  Max turned to her with tears in his eyes, “It’s not true, Mum, honestly, it’s not, please believed me.”

  In the hospital bed, Susan stared out of the window and contemplated what the future held for her. She placed her hand softly around her tummy. She knew what she had to do, she had to be strong and stand alone. For the sake of the tiny treasure growing inside her, she had to carry on. Everything they had planned together was washed away in the image of him holding that woman’s hand, of Max’s lips on those of another woman.

  A nurse came in the room and left a tray of food on the table, instructing her to eat something. Pushing the tray away, she sunk back into the pillow. She shed no tears for her broken relationship; the heartache didn’t hurt, all that was left was emptiness, a deep, dark emptiness never to be filled again. He had taken her broken life and rebuilt it only to shatter every piece.

  A small tap at the door snapped her from her thoughts. Beth’s head peered around the doorway. “I didn’t know if you would speak to me or not?”


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