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Marco & Rakia 2

Page 3

by Tina J


  “Where is she?” I asked Rakia’s grandmother when she opened the door.

  “I don’t know. She was here last night and I told her, to call you but she kept saying no. Then Cara, came over talking about how in love with you, she was. I told her, you were in love with Rakia and she said not for long. Marco, you have to find her. I think, Cara wants to kill her. Please don’t let that happen.”

  “Where’s Cara?” This bitch is a pain in my ass and it time to get rid of her. Rak, can be mad but the bitch is causing way too much drama for one person. I could tell how tired their grandmother is and it seems like she wants me to anyway.

  “Who knows? Her and Shanta, haven’t been staying home so I couldn’t tell you, even if I wanted to.” I gave her a hug and left to go see Tech, at the hospital.

  The other night, someone sprayed the cop car, killing the officer and almost killed Ang. She was in a coma as of right now and Tech wasn’t taking it well. We had no idea who did it, or why anyone would want her dead. Ang, didn’t have enemies either; therefore, we couldn’t figure it out. One would believe it to be Cara but she was at the house still, when we left so it wasn’t her. Plus, whoever did it, had a machine gun, which means, they knew exactly, what they were doing.

  Most of the bullets were embedded in the doors but a few got through the window, which is how the officer, was shot in the head. They said he died instantly, so the crash didn’t affect him at all. Evidently, once he was hit, he ran into a telephone pole and flew through the windshield. When they found Ang, she was lying down in the back seat but with a few bullet holes in her body. One hit her in the shoulder and another one, in her thigh. It caused a rupture in one of her major arteries. They had to put her in a coma because of the head trauma. When the car hit the pole, she must’ve banged her head on the door really hard. She had swelling on her brain and they wanted to make sure she didn’t have seizures, or some shit.

  I parked in the visitors’ section and took one of the passes from the reception desk. I pressed the elevator to get on the ICU floor and saw Ang’s father and my godson, sitting in the waiting area. I asked why and he said, the nurse was cleaning her up. Her mom and Tech, were in there to make sure, no funny shit went down. I would’ve done the same thing. I sat down and picked lil Antoine up. He seemed to be growing overnight and his ass was chunky as hell. I don’t know what the hell they were feeding him but he needed to be on a damn diet.

  “Marco, can you go check on him?” Ang’s mom said, when she came out in the waiting room.

  “What’s up?” I handed the baby to her.

  “The nurse was washing her up and the monitors were going off. He thought something was wrong and security had to come up here. You know how he is over her.” I nodded and went right in. She was right about Tech. He was crazy in love with Ang and if he thought for one minute, something was suspect, he’d flip. I could hear him yelling as I walked to her room.

  “I got it.” Security looked at me and then him.

  “I said, I got it. We good.” Tech was breathing heavy and ready to kill someone. I pushed him in the room and closed the door. Besides the bandage on her head, Ang, looked like she was asleep.

  “What happened?”

  “I didn’t like how rough the bitch was being with her and Ang, didn’t either because her monitors started beeping and her heartrate was increasing. They tried to tell me it was normal. If that’s the case, the other woman who’s been washing her, ain’t never had an issue. I’m far from stupid. The bitch was being rough on purpose and I told her, if she ever stepped foot in this room again, I’ll break her fucking neck. Her dumb ass called security.” He kissed Ang on the lips and sat down.

  “What’s good with you? You find Rak, yet?”

  “Nah, but she called and I fucked up.” He gave me the side eye. I told him what happened and he shook his head.

  “So, the nigga is the reason she came home and you left her to fend for herself, because you were mad. Bro, I thought, I had it bad.”

  “Fuck you, nigga. I have to find her and apologize. Oh, and Cara, wants Rakia dead because in her head with Rakia, gone, I’ll run to her. I can’t tell you who’s crazier between her and Bobbi but both of those bitches, are looney as fuck.”

  “You did it.”

  “What the fuck ever. They should know to move on, if a nigga don’t want them. Shit, Cara only got the dick once and that was recently. She’s been acting crazy, from just sucking it.”

  “At least, she’s bothering you.”

  “Nah. What the fuck were you thinking by paying the bitch to keep quiet?”

  “Nigga, I ain’t pay the bitch shit. She said all that, to get Ang mad. I wish, I would pay her to keep quiet about something between us, way before Ang and I, ever spoke. You’re right about one thing and that’s, that she’s delusional and has to go. She fucked up by lying to Ang and if you don’t find her before me, I’ll make sure she suffers for you too.” I nodded and the two of us sat there watching the baseball game on television. My phone went off and it was a message from Bobbi. I opened it and showed Tech. This bitch is still trying. I kissed Ang on the cheek and told him, I’d be back, later or tomorrow.

  “He’s good. Whoever the nurse was, isn’t allowed back in there. So, make sure the doctors know it, or it won’t be good next time.” Her parents thanked me and I left. I had to make a few stops and the first one, is to this bitch’s house.


  “I had to send you an ultrasound photo, to get you here?” She stepped aside for me to come in.

  “You and I, both know you’re not pregnant and if you are, it ain’t mine.” She sucked her teeth and followed me in the living room.

  I plopped down on her couch and asked what she wanted. I sent a message to one of the guys at the warehouse to make sure, shit was right until I got there. I ended up scrolling through my photos and came across a few of Rak. She would kill me if she knew, I even had these. There was one of her asleep in the bed and one in her bra and panty set. I caught it when she wasn’t paying attention. Another one, she had just gotten out the bathroom and only had on a towel. Her hair was soaking wet and clinging to her face. I had to put my phone up because the pictures were getting me aroused and this is not the place, for it to happen at.

  “If you know that, why did you come?” She asked and stood in front of me.

  “I came to tell you to stop hitting my line. I told you it was over. Then you starting with this bullshit, ultrasound photo.”

  “Marco, you know, you still want this.” She took her shirt off. Bobbi, was pretty with a banging body to match but she wasn’t for me.

  “Move.” I pushed her out the way and stood up.

  “So, you telling me, you’re really in love with this retard?” I stopped walking to the door and turned around. She knew nothing about Rak, which told me, Cara and her, have been conversing about my girl.

  “Don’t ever speak about my girl like that.” I mushed her so hard, she hit her head on the wall.

  “Marco, let me be your side chick. You know, I won’t say anything.”

  “Are you crazy? My woman, doesn’t deserve me to cheat on her for some community pussy or any other kind. She has my heart shorty and there’s nothing you, her cousin or any other woman can do, to make me cheat on her.”

  “Not even me.” I heard the voice and refused to turn around. If I did, I couldn’t tell you what would happen. What the fuck was Mia, even doing here? Was this a setup the entire time? I headed to the door and heard her, walking behind me.

  Mia, was the love of my life, when I was fourteen. She was my first at everything; including sex and my first heartbreak. She and I, met as freshman and were together, up until prom night.

  I picked her up and all I could think of, was taking her to the hotel and sexing her all night afterwards. Yea, we had sex before plenty of times but they always say prom night is special. I wanted to experience it and from what she said, she did too. The entire night, w
e danced, drank some liquor one of the guys snuck in and we even made, prom King and Queen. That’s how much people loved us as a couple.

  Long story short, it was time to go and I couldn’t find Mia, anywhere. The teachers kept telling us to leave but I asked them, could I check one more time. They told me yes, so I ran all around looking. Something told me to look in the classrooms. All of them were locked, except one. I opened the door and Mia, was laid out on a table with her legs on some nigga’s shoulders, getting fucked. I slammed the door hard and walked towards them. The glass shattered everywhere but not like my heart did, when I saw who the guy was. It was one of my best friends and I didn’t have but two of those. He was one and Tech was the other.

  “Really, Dennis? You’re fucking my girl.” I took my suit jacket off and got ready to square up. Mia, hopped off the table and pulled her dress down. She had the nerve to beg me not to fight him.

  “Marco, I’m sorry. We’re in love.” It was like, the air was knocked outta me, when he said that. How could he be in love with my girl and then he said, she felt the same.

  “Is this true Mia?” She nodded her head yes.

  “You know what? Ain’t no need to even fight you over her. But Mia, you.” I pushed her against the wall.

  “Stop Marco. She’s pregnant.” I backed away and stared at her. I knew for a fact; the kid wasn’t mine because we always used condoms. I was too young for a kid and had plans to build my own empire. It would require a lot of time outta the house and I didn’t wanna neglect my kid or girl, in the process.

  “You two are dead to me.”

  “Marco, I’m sorry. It happened one night we were drunk and never stopped. We never meant to hurt you.” Dennis said.

  “I’m not hurt, bro.” I grabbed my suit jacket and walked out the classroom and building. Tech and his date were waiting in the limo. He must’ve saw me coming out the school upset, and hopped out the car.

  “What happened?”

  “Take me home bro.” He didn’t ask any questions and told the limo driver to drop his date off and then us. That’s why he was my nigga. The chick he took to prom, promised to do all this freaky shit to him and he couldn’t wait. But he pushed her to the side, to be there for me, which is why, he’s my partner. Fuck that; my brother.

  “Dennis and Mia, have been fucking and she’s pregnant by him.”


  “I couldn’t do it. Mia, was scared to death and Dennis was still my boy.”

  “Don’t tell me, you’ll still fuck with him after this.”

  “Hell no. There’s gonna come a time when he’ll need me, you wait and see.” He nodded and the two of us, got drunk as hell and passed out.

  The following Monday in school, these motherfuckers had the nerve, to walk around like a couple. They were throwing the shit in my face and I had to calm myself down a few times, to keep from fucking them up. Shit, I even had to stop Tech from killing him at the bowling alley, one night. How do you grow up as brothers and go behind one of their backs, fuck his girl and get her pregnant? Anyway, after high school, Dennis and his mother moved to Connecticut and has been there ever since. Mia, went a few months later and supposedly, they got married and had the kid.

  Low and behold; there was a guy from Connecticut, that went by the name D, who was looking for a new plug, five years ago. Evidently, his got knocked and he needed product fast. I had my guy look into him and wouldn’t you know; D and Dennis, were one of the same. I never contacted him, or mentioned, I knew who he was and, I’d be more than happy to supply him.

  I over charged the shit outta him and even had his shit watered down, before it was sent to him. I made sure the workers didn’t make it noticeable at first and then, gradually let them. He contacted one of the workers, complaining and I had them tell him, he could keep working with me, or find someone new. I guess, this is when he made plans to come for me. Little did he know, we were waiting for the day and set the whole shit up, thanks to his cousin Shana. She was the stripper, Tech fucked, off and on. She told us he called and tried to get her, to get information on us.

  Tech gave her some fake shit to see if she’d really tell him and sure enough, she did. It’s another reason, why Tech couldn’t mess with her on any other level than fucking. She couldn’t be trusted. Unfortunately, Dennis, sealed his own fate and I’m the one who took his life. He begged and pleaded for his wife and child. I didn’t give a fuck, just like they didn’t, when they fucked me over. I told him, karma is a bitch and watched him take his last breath. Now, his wife slash, widow, had the nerve to be following me outside Bobbi’s house, begging for me to talk to her. I got in my car and pulled off. The fucking audacity!


  As I sit here, staring at my wife in this hospital bed, I couldn’t stop thinking about, who could have done this to her? Neither, her or Rakia had enemies, as far as we knew. Well, besides Cara and the two crazy bitches we fucked with; no one comes to mind. But to shoot up a police car is crazy, even for Marco and I. We’ve done some shit in our life and if it came down to killing a cop, we would but it’s never come to it.

  I walked up on the scene, after Marco made me get out and saw a body on the stretcher, in a body bag. I didn’t wanna believe it was her and made the coroner, unzip the bag. My heart stopped beating for a minute and started back up, when I saw the cop, who put her in his car, in it. I walked up to the ambulance and that’s when I saw them placing and IV in her arm. She had blood coming from everywhere. I was about to get in there with her, until I saw Bobbi, standing in the cut. Why the fuck was she here?

  I ran after her and started shooting. I could hear Marco, calling my name and people yelling and screaming. I felt, if Bobbi was there and she did it, or knew the person who did, they’d be with her. Unfortunately, I tackled the bitch to the ground and put my gun to her head. She said, she was at her mom’s house and heard the shooting and crash. I had to believe her because her mom did live in the area. I stood up and asked Marco to take me to the hospital because I could hear the ambulance going down the street.

  It didn’t take us any time to get there and once we did, they took her straight in the back. I sat there for hours waiting. I called her pops, explained what happened and by the time they got there with my son, the doctor was just coming out. He took us in a room and explained the areas she was hit and why he had to place her in a coma. My head was all over the place by now and her mom, tried to tell me everything would be ok. However, she didn’t see Ang, the way I did.

  I’ve been at the hospital every day and haven’t left to get a haircut or anything. Marco, brings clothes up for me and her parents, bring my son to sit with us. He stays for hours with me and I have them pick him up around seven. I like for them to take him home, bathe, feed and have him in bed early. He’s still only a couple months old but Ang, has him on this schedule and

  I wanna keep it that way.


  “Good morning, Mr. Miller. How are you today?” The doctor asked.

  “I’m good. When is she gonna wake up?”

  “Well. We did the MRI yesterday, as you know and the swelling has gone down, tremendously. I had the nurse give her the medication to pull her out of the coma, so basically it’s up to her, at this point.”

  “Is there anything to speed up the process? I want my wife awake.”

  “I’m sorry but it’s not. It could be today, tonight or even tomorrow, when she opens her eyes. Just make sure you’re here when she does.” He said and walked out after checking her vitals. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  “Ang baby, I know you can hear me. Our son, needs you to wake up. I need you to wake up. I wanna tell you the truth about the Cara bitch. What she told you is partly true but not the full truth. I swear, I never slept with her when we were together. I wouldn’t do that to you. Come on baby. I need to make love to you. Please wake up.” I wiped the few tears from my eyes and stoo
d up to kiss her lips.

  I ended up moving her over a little and got in bed with her. This was my first time doing it and it felt good, lying next to her. I turned on my side and laid my arm on her stomach. I thought one of her fingers moved but when I lifted her hand, nothing happened. I turned the channel to sports center and watched as much as I could. My eyes started closing, so I got as comfortable as I could, in the bed.

  “Wake up baby, so I can put my daughter in you.” I whispered in her ear and kissed the side of her face. The machine beeped fast for a few seconds and then, back to normal.

  “I know you hear me Ang. Find a way to open those eyes. I love you.” I closed my eyes and sleep found me in no time.


  “I see you slept well, Mr. Miller.” The doctor said.

  “Lying next to me wife, for the first time in weeks, is what did it.”

  Ang, has been in the hospital now for over a month. Her wounds were almost healed and the swelling on her brain, is gone. They were waiting on her to wake up. The therapist has been in twice a day, to make sure her limbs were mobile and not stiff. It cost a pretty penny to get them there twice a day and seven days a week. Usually, the therapist would come a few times a week. I spared no expense for my wife. She would be determined to get out the bed, once she opened her eyes and I was making sure, it was possible.

  “That’s great.”

  “Hey doc. Since she’s outta the danger zone, do you think it’s possible, I can take her home? Her mom, will be there to help and if I need a nurse, I’ll hire one.”

  “I don’t see why not? I mean, it’s not something, I’d ever recommend but if you have the money and equipment to take care of her, then I’d say, do it. She’s only sleeping at this point.”

  “Cool. We’ll be outta here in an hour.”

  “Um ok. Let me get the discharge papers ready. I’m gonna give you a number to the VNA, which is a company who sends nurses out to homes. Your wife will need an IV, to feed her body nutrients and keep her hydrated. Otherwise, everything else is ok for her to leave.” He walked out and I called Marco.


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