Marco & Rakia 2

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Marco & Rakia 2 Page 4

by Tina J

  “Meet me at the hospital in about an hour.”

  “Everything good?” He questioned.

  “Yea. Also, I need you to get the nurse you used to fuck with from here and see if she can stop by too.”

  “I’m calling her now.”

  “See you in an hour.” The next call was to her parents.

  “Do you think it’s ok for her to come home?” Her mom asked.

  “Yes. Plus, I’ve been missing my son. He needs to be back in his house, with his parents.” I threw that in there because she was starting to act like he was her son. I appreciated the fuck outta them, for taking care him. But he’s my son and ain’t nobody about to tell me shit about raising him but his mother; my wife.

  After I hung up with her, I washed Ang myself and dressed her in a gray sweat suit. Marco’s mom, who I considered my own; has come up to visit a few times and brought her some clothes and stuff from the house. I did my best at brushing her hair in a ponytail but the shit still looked crazy. I made one of the nurses come do it for me.

  Marco called me in exactly an hour and said, he was here. I told him to park outside and the doctor had someone bring her down in a stretcher. They tried to send her home in an ambulance, but its no need, when me and my brother, can get her in the house. Luckily, there were only a few people in the lobby, so it didn’t look crazy bringing her down. He opened the back door to the truck and helped me put her in. I put the seatbelt on and sat next to her so she wouldn’t fall over. It’s like she was passed out drunk but we all knew it wasn’t the case. I made sure to keep her seated correctly on the ride home.

  I carried her in the house and laid her in the bed. Her parents came over with my son not too long after and so did the nurse. She set the IV up and said she’d come by tomorrow. I asked what if the IV ran out? She promised it wouldn’t because the bag was big and she had it on slow drip. I walked all of them out, kicked it with my son for a few hours, then got him ready for bed. I locked up, jumped in the shower and came out to see my wife staring at me, with tears streaming down her face.

  “I’m so happy, you woke up.” I dropped to my knees in front of her.

  “I’m thirsty.” She whispered. I ran down the steps dripping wet, with a towel wrapped around me. I grabbed a water bottle, a cup and ran back upstairs. She was trying to sit up.

  “Hold on.” I helped her and poured some water in the cup.

  “How you feel?”

  “I don’t really know.” She ran her hand down my face and then slapped the shit out of me. It stung like hell but I know she’s been waiting to do it, since hearing about the shit with Cara.


  “Ang, three weeks before we exchanged numbers, Cara was at the club. I asked her for your number and she gave me a hard time. Even then, she was hating on you. Anyway, I walked her to the bathroom and shit happened in there. I had to stop because she couldn’t take the dick. I never touched her again, which is why she was talking shit at the block party.”

  “But you paid here.”

  “Lies.” I shook my head.

  “I ain’t pay that bitch shit. I’m not gonna lie though, she did try and pull some stunt, that if I didn’t, she’d tell. I called her bluff and she did it anyway. I should’ve told you but I wasn’t tryna to lose you.”

  “It was before me but Tech, I don’t fuck after her.” I knew she’d say that, which is exactly why, her ass stayed in the dark about it.

  “Ang, I’m sorry for not telling you and giving her the upper hand to hurt you. I swear, on my son, the two of us haven’t been sexually active in any way.”

  “Do you know the reason why I hit her?” I stood up to put some boxers on. I told her not to speak too much but she wanted to tell me.

  “You should’ve stomped her out.”

  “I fought her for bothering Rakia. Then, she called the cops on me and said, for me not to worry about you because she’d handle you like before. All I saw was red and unfortunately, the cops were right there. Oh my God, is the cop ok?”

  “He didn’t make it Ang.” She started crying.

  “Who would do something like that? Baby, I don’t bother anyone. Do I have to look over my shoulder now? Wait! Where’s my son?” I walked out the room, went to get him and brought him to her.

  “I missed you so much.” She kissed all over him and laid him on her chest. He squirmed a little and then got comfortable. I swear, he knew his mom was holding him.

  “Tech, I heard you crying and cursing people out. I missed you too. If I could’ve woke up for you and my son, I would have. I tried so many times to open my eyes but I couldn’t. I feared, years would go by and I wouldn’t know my son and you’d find someone else.” She started crying again. I took my son and laid him on the bed.

  “Ang, you’re not my girlfriend anymore. You’re my wife, my best friend and my other half. I would never leave you, or find someone else because you’re outta commission. You and my son mean the world to me and I’m in this, til death do us part. Even then, I’m coming to find you.” She smiled and I kissed her lips.

  “You’re too sexy for me to leave and you know, I’m hooked on you.”

  “I’m hooked on you too. Can you start a bath for me?” I stood up and did what she asked. I undressed, carried and placed her in the tub, gently.

  “Can you get in with me?” It didn’t matter I just showered. If my wife wanted to be close with me behind her, then that’s what she’s gonna get. I put my son back in his crib and stepped in with her.

  “Don’t sit yet.” I stood there confused. She had me stand in front of her as she fixed herself. She was face to face with my dick and let’s just say, she gave me what I’ve been needing for a month now.

  “Fuck sitting in here. I’m washing you up. I need to taste you.”

  “It’s ok Antoine.” I smirked. She barely ever calls me that.

  “Maybe for you it is but not me. My wife has to get hers too.” She shook her head laughing. I washed both of us up and did exactly what I said. I was holding off on sex, though. She may be awake but my wife likes to be in control too.


  “Yes baby, yesssssss.” I moaned out as Tech, hit my spot over and over. I’ve been awake now for three weeks and I swear, we’ve been making up ever since. He didn’t want to at first but after the first few days, a bitch needed it. He was walking around the house with no shirt on, or coming out the shower dripping wet. There’s no way, I could allow him to continue, without touching.

  “You like this.” He went deeper.

  “Baby, I’m gonna cummmmmmm.” I let my juices coat his dick.

  “Damn, that’s a lot, Ang.” He lifted me up and had me ride him. This is actually the first time, since opening my eyes. I could’ve done it but my legs were still weak at the time. He put me on top and both of us, moaned out. I grinded my hips and he sat up to watch.

  “Just like that. Shit, you feel good. Mmmmm. Damn, I missed this.” He smacked me on the ass a few times and it was on from there. We had sex most of the night, until my son woke up hungry.

  “I got him.” I said and ran in the bathroom to wipe up and then take care of him. I came out and Tech was lying on his stomach, trying to go to sleep. I shook my head and walked out.

  “Hey, mommy’s baby.” I lifted him up and went downstairs to get his bottle. As I waited, for it to heat up, I heard a phone vibrating. I looked and it was mine, thank goodness. I don’t think I could take, another woman calling him.

  I glanced at the number and had no idea, who it was. I put it back down and it rang again. Usually, I wouldn’t answer it but something told me to. I was hoping it was Rakia because from what Tech told me; no one has seen or heard from her, since the night, the Zaire guy took her. She called Marco after Zaire, left her on the street and he basically blacked out, made plans to kill her and then felt bad, once he heard the truth. I don’t blame her for saying she hated him. I’m sure, she doesn’t but the fact she said it, fucked Marco up. That’s w
hat he gets, if you ask me.


  “Oh my God! Ang, you’re ok. How are you? I’m so sorry, I couldn’t see you.” She started rambling. I picked my son’s bottle up and took him in the living room. I turned the television on and got him comfortable on my lap.

  “Where are you? And, are you ok?” I asked and she blew her breath out. I knew she didn’t wanna tell me where she was, just by the sound of her sighing.

  “Ang, please don’t tell anyone, where I am.”

  “You know, I won’t.”

  “I’m at Rahmel’s and have been the entire time. Ang, it’s so peaceful here. He’s barely ever here and I’ve been doing a lot of work from school.”

  “What you mean?”

  “I contacted my school and they allowed me to take online courses for the summer. It will help me graduate faster too.”

  “I’m proud of you Rak.” My son started crying.

  “Let me go. I’m gonna call you in the morning. We’re going out to eat. Your godson, misses you.”

  “Awwww. I miss him too.”

  “Rak, I promise not to tell anyone, where you are.”

  “K. I can’t wait to see you two tomorrow.” I hung the phone up and stood to go upstairs.

  “How is she?” Tech asked and took my son.

  “I won’t be able to tell, until I’m around her.” He nodded and took my hand to go upstairs.

  “I’m going to lunch with her tomorrow.”

  “Where?” He asked and I didn’t answer.

  “Tech, she doesn’t wanna see him and as her friend, it’s only fair, that we respect her wishes.”

  “Ang, you know he wants to apologize and make sure she’s good.” We got in the bed and laid my son in the middle.

  “I know but let me see where her head is first. If Marco, didn’t wanna see her, you wouldn’t tell her where he was; now would you?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Exactly! Let me see if I can at least get her to call him again. But I’m not making promises and don’t have anyone following me.”

  “You out your rabid ass mind, if you think for one minute, I won’t have someone watching you, after what happened.”

  “Fine! But if he shows up, I promise to give you the silent treatment and you know, pussy is definitely off the menu.” He sucked his teeth.

  “I’m serious Tech.”

  “Alright man, damn. I won’t mention it but you will have someone following you. And, you better answer when I call, or we both showing up.”

  “I promise.” I leaned over and kissed his lips. I hope Rakia is sure she doesn’t wanna be with Marco because he doesn’t seem to wanna let her go.


  “He is so chunky.” Rakia said taking lil man out the car seat. We met at one of the diners outside of town.

  “Ugh ahh, heffa. Don’t come for my baby.” I gave her a hug and we walked in to sit. The waitress came right over and took our order. I wasted no time prying.

  “So, tell me everything.” She started from the moment Zaire took her, all the way up to when she contacted Marco on the phone. I laughed at the way she described everything. She was so proper, which is why, it made me laugh.

  “I’m gonna be straight with you Rak.” She sucked her teeth. I’ve always told her, I’d never sugar coat shit and I’m not about to.

  “First… you were wrong for not informing him of Zaire, contacting you in the first place.” She tried to interrupt me and I told her to wait.

  “The man was threatening you over the phone and after what you said he did to you, there’s absolutely no reason, Marco wasn’t informed. As your man, you know he would’ve handled it immediately.” She nodded.

  “Second… I understand you’re upset, he hung the phone up but did you look at it from his point?”


  “He probably thought, you went willingly with this man and were trying to scam him.”

  “But I wasn’t.”

  “He received a video from a man, you were fucking and sucking and you’re missing. Then, he gets a call from a guy, saying he has you and clearly was about to request money or something. I would’ve hung up too. It looked suspect as hell but if you had told him the truth and Zaire took you, trust me; it would’ve went differently. Rakia look.”

  “I’m not saying he should’ve put a bounty on your head, or went off on you, without knowing the truth first but you kept it from him. How do you think he feels, knowing his woman thinks he can’t protect her, if she has a problem? I, honestly think, the two of you, need to have a talk and if you still don’t want him afterwards, that’s something to discuss as well. But you hiding out and shit, is for teenagers. Sis, you just turned twenty a week ago. It’s time to be an adult.” She started crying but it was the truth. She can’t keep running away because the problems will still be there, when she comes back.

  “I don’t know how to be an adult, when it comes to relationships. I know, I keep saying it but it’s the truth. I messed up with Zaire and Marco.”

  “Rakia, you didn’t mess up with Zaire, so don’t ever let me hear you say that. The two situations are totally different and you needed to get away from him. He’s a rapist in my eyes and should be handled accordingly. As far as, Marco, both of you messed up, however, the love is there and neither of you can deny it.”

  “I told him, I hated him.”

  “Girl, please. He knows you didn’t mean it. Tech, told me he wants to apologize and I think it’s the perfect time for you two, to converse.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m sure you’re scared but it’s time to grow up. This is your first experience with a guy, so it’s expected to be nervous about it. But in order to get better, you have to work on it.” She agreed and the two of us, stayed there for another hour talking about everything else.

  Once she helped me put my son in the car, I nodded to the guard, I was ready to go home. He started his truck and I could see him in my rearview mirror. I pressed the Bluetooth to answer for Tech. He was checking to make sure, I was ok and on my way home. He had to go somewhere with Marco and wouldn’t be home, when I got there. I glanced in my rearview mirror again and someone had clearly cut the guard off.

  “Tech, someone is following me.” I could see the guard trying to get back in front of them.

  “How’s that possible?”

  “Someone cut the guard off. He’s trying to get back in front of him. Oh my God, they hit the back of my car.” I yelled out as my neck jerked forward.

  “Fuck! Where are you?”

  “Techhhhh.” I yelled out, as I saw the car coming at fast speed.

  “Baby, tell me you’re ok. Fuck!” The car hit me so hard from the back, I spun around and hit the side of another car. Whoever was in the car, tried to hit me again on the side, when the guard rammed into their car.

  “You ok.” I heard someone ask. I must’ve blacked out because I don’t remember, opening the car door.

  “Check my son.” I felt a little blood leaking down my head. My son was hysterical screaming and it only pissed me off more. I tried to get up and fell back in the seat.

  “Stay in the seat. Here is your son.” A woman passed him to me and kneeled down in front of me.

  “Someone tell me where she is, please.” I could still hear Tech, coming through the Bluetooth. The woman told him and he pulled up with Marco at the same time, the ambulance came. My car was totaled and so was the person’s, who I hit. I glanced around for the other car, and it was turned upside down. I pointed to Tech and the two of them walked over there. I don’t know what they were talking about and right now, and I didn’t care. I needed to get me and my son, to a hospital.

  It took them four hours to fully exam, my son and I. The person in the other car was there too. Tech, went and got their information. He promised to call them tomorrow and get them a brand-new car. He told them they could sue the insurance company for money because he wasn’t paying them shit. The poor man,
looked scared to death.

  He told me the one who actually hit me, is a guy and he was deceased from the impact of the guards’ car. I could care less. Death was too easy, for someone who almost killed me and my son. I don’t know who’s trying to kill me but I hope Tech finds out soon, or I’ll never leave the house again.


  I was receiving good news for the last few days and a bitch was happy. First, I heard Rakia disappeared after the shit over my grandmothers and that’s been two months now. Then two weeks ago, someone chased Angela down and almost killed her. Marco, no longer wanted anything to do with Bobbi, yet, his ex was in town and trying to win him back. Evidently, she cheated on him years ago, when they were in high school. She left with the guy, he was murdered and now she wants Marco. The shit, is pretty comical to me.

  Last night, Bobbi came in the house all late and cursing about something. Yea, I’ve been shacking up with her, so Tech and Marco, don’t find me. Marco, won’t kill me because he knows, how bad it would hurt Rakia but I’m sure he’ll torture the hell outta me. Tech, on the other hand won’t give two fucks about my cousins’ feelings and will execute me on sight.

  He needs to get over it. Shit, not only did his wife almost die the night someone shot the police car up, at least his skeleton with me was out. I’m not even sure, if they’re together because besides the person running her off the road, no one has seen her.

  Anyway, Bobbi came in mad as hell and thought she was gonna take it out on my pussy. NOT! She and I have been sleeping with each other and yes, it’s been very good but I still won’t go down on her. I will fuck the hell outta her, with a strap on though. Now, I see why men love to hit it from the back. You can control a woman’s entire being, that way. Bobbi, moans so loud, it turns me on and I can cum off that alone. I definitely stopped her from trying to fuck me, though. Only Marco, can stick his dick in me.


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