Marco & Rakia 2

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Marco & Rakia 2 Page 5

by Tina J

  “What you thinking about?” She asked as we walked in Target.

  “Nothing really.” We went over to the tissue aisle. She said, she’d be back because she wanted to get a certain candle. I don’t know why she didn’t wait for me.

  “Hey, Cara.” This chick my brother was fucking, named Missy, spoke. I didn’t really rock with her but I always said hello, if she were around.

  “Hey.” I said dryly.

  “How’s your cousin doing?”

  “My cousin Rakia?” I questioned because that’s the only person she could be speaking of. My grandmother only had two kids.

  “Is that her name?”

  “Why you asking about her?”

  “Oh, because Rahmel said, his cousin has been staying with him. He doesn’t want me to meet her because he claims, she’s a piece of work. I’ve been picking things up for her, since she’s only twelve. You know, he’s not gonna do it.”

  “What kind of stuff?” She went down a list of things, starting with a comforter and the list went on.

  I smirked because all she did was inform me, of where Rakia was. I spoke to her for a few more minutes and went to find Bobbi. Now, I have two choices. One… is to tell her where Rakia is and we go over there and whoop her ass. Or, go over there and threaten her, to leave Marco alone. I think, I’d rather go with the latter and if I want her ass whooped, I can do it myself.

  I found Bobbi and told her, we had to go because my mom, wanted to see me. She knew Shanta was staying with Marco’s dad, so he wouldn’t find her. At first, I called her stupid because he’d be able to find her there but she said the father, makes it seem like he doesn’t know where she is. If she wants to risk her life, then so be it. I’m staying outta sight.

  After, I dropped Bobbi off, I made my way to my brother’s house. He lived in the boondocks, which is probably why she came out here. I’m not worried about him being here, because he’s a mechanic and works all day. Don’t ask me how he has a job, with all the weed he smokes. Sometimes, I think he wakes up high.

  I got out the car and looked around for what house could be his. I’ve only been here a few times and I hated it because it was far and all the homes looked alike. I noticed an old woman watering her lawn and walked over to ask if she knew which one he lived in. She pointed to the house, a few doors down from hers. I had the most wicked smile on my face. I knocked on the door and the look of fear on Rakia’s face, made my whole day. I pushed past her and went inside. As usual, her geeky ass, had the computer on and books laid out in the living room.

  The house was nicer than before, which meant he upgraded, since the last time, I was here. The sectional was gorgeous and so was the big ass television on the wall. The dining room set, went with it and I was mad jealous looking in the room, she occupied. There was a queen-sized canopy bedroom set and she had it laid out. How the fuck he taking care of her and not me? I’m his fucking sister. You bet, I have an issue with it.

  “What Cara?” You damn right, I called his ass up.

  “How the fuck you over here taking care, of this bitch and I’m your sister.”

  “Cara, you better not be at my house.”

  “Why not? You got this slut here.”

  “Get the fuck out, NOW!” He shouted and I hung up on him. I could hear another phone ring, which meant he was probably calling her. I stood at the top of the steps.

  “I don’t know Rahmel but she’s here.” She said.

  “Ok. I will tell her to leave but what if she doesn’t?” Nothing else was said, so I went downstairs. She was standing at the door.

  “Rahmel, told me to make you leave. He doesn’t want you here.” I walked in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of soda and plopped down on the couch. She blew her breath and went to grab her phone but I got to it first.

  “What do you want Cara?” She had her arms folded.

  “I want you to leave Marco alone.”

  “I haven’t spoken to him, in two months. If you want him, be my guest.” I thought she was lying, until I looked in her phone and noticed his name was missing. There were no pictures, contacts or anything pertaining to him. Maybe she was telling the truth, or she knew his number by heart.

  “Why do you want him so bad?”

  “You’re not woman enough for him. He needs me and we both know it.” She shook her head, walked over to the couch and picked her laptop up. I snatched it out her hand and tossed it across the room. The shit cracked in half. She ran over to it, to try and fix it. I’m well aware of how much the Apple laptop is, so her crying over it, is expected. I walked over to her and spoke directly in her ear.

  “This is my last time telling you. Leave him the fuck alone, or I’m gonna kill you.” I pulled the razor out my pocket and cut the side of her neck, the same way, Marco cut me. I also, sliced the entire side of her arm.

  “AHHHHHH.” She screamed out. I’m not sure, it went as deep for her to need stiches, but blood was definitely pouring out. I ran in the bathroom to see if there was alcohol. When I found some, I came out and poured the shit on her.

  “Stop Cara, please. Oh my God, it hurts.” She was hysterical crying and lying on the floor.

  “Remember what I said.” I kicked her in the back and walked out the front door.

  I pulled out the parking lot and as I went down the street, I saw two big black trucks going in the direction of my brother’s house. I made a U-turn and went back. I parked down the street and ran up to see, if it was, who I thought it was. Sure enough, the door opened and out stepped Marco, Tech and a few other dudes. What the fuck are they doing here? Were they going to kill my brother. I ran back to my car and called him.

  “HE’S GOING TO KILL YOU CARA.” His voice boomed through the line.

  “What?” The way he said it, sent chills down my spine.

  “I don’t know what you did but he called me, the second he stepped in the house and said, your sisters’ dead. What did you do?”

  “Nothing, I’m not worried. Rakia, won’t let him.” He laughed in the phone.

  “You don’t get it, do you.”

  “Get what?”

  “This time, Rakia can’t save you. I’ve seen him mad Cara but the way he spoke on the phone, was very calm. When you have a maniac like Marco, on the streets, you’d rather him yell, then be calm. I don’t know why you always hated her, when all she did was try to love you. You fucked up Cara and no one is going to be able to save you this time. Not Rakia, mom or even grandma. You better run.”

  “Rahmel, you’re gonna let him kill me.”

  “Cara, I told you for years to leave her alone. You didn’t listen. Then, you show up at my place unannounced and did something to her, that triggered his crazy side. You’re on your own.” He hung up and all of a sudden, I got nervous. I called my mom and told her, I needed to hide out. She gave me an address and told me to meet her there. I didn’t wanna stay with her because I felt Marco would find us but if he hasn’t found her yet, maybe he won’t. One thing, I do know is, I’m going to get Rakia back for opening her mouth, if it’s the last thing, I do.


  Tech and I, were on our way outta town, when Rahmel, hit me up, about going to his house. At first, he was nervous about telling me what for but after I barked at him to spit it out, he informed me that Rakia had been staying with him and Cara found her. Yea, I was low key mad but relieved nothing happened to her. I had been looking for her but not really. Once Tech, told me she met up with Ang, I knew she’d call when she was ready to talk. It’s how Rak was and I learned that and a whole lot more from her.

  We didn’t even have to knock on the door because it was open. The entire living room smelled like rubbing alcohol. There was blood dripping on the floor and all I could think of is, Cara either killed, or did some foul shit to Rak.

  Tech followed me in the bathroom, where the blood led and Rakia was on the floor, with her knees to her chest crying. There was a towel on her neck and arm. I removed it and lost my fucking mind. I call
ed Rahmel up and told him flat out, his sister is dead. I thought Rak would ask me not to but I think she’s had enough.

  “Marco, it hurts.” She cried in my arms when I lifted her.

  “I know ma. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “Do you think she hurt the baby?” I stopped walking and stared at her.

  “What baby?”

  “I took a test this morning and it was positive. I’m pregnant.”


  “It’s your baby, Marco. I haven’t been with anyone.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask you that.” I placed her in the truck. Hell yea, I got that ass pregnant on purpose. When I said her pussy was on lock by me, I meant that shit.

  “I was gonna say, there’s no more living with other people. I can’t protect you, when you’re hiding. Ma, this should’ve never happened.”

  “I was gonna call you in a few days. Ang, told me you were going out of town and I didn’t wanna bother you.” I kissed her lips. She was always worried about bothering someone, when she’s never one to me.

  “When we leave the hospital, I have to go away but I’m gonna have my mom stay with you. I can’t leave, knowing you’re alone. No one can get in the house but you’re pregnant and I want you with someone; in case you need something.” She laid her head on my shoulder.

  The doctor sent her to the labor and delivery floor and took her right in. They would care for her and the baby up there. I was shocked they let me come in with her but then again, I wouldn’t have taken no for an answer. The nurses came in and placed monitors on her stomach and sure enough; my shorty, was having a shorty. You could hear the heartbeat and a nigga, let a tear drop. I had a seed on the way and that shit had me happy as hell; especially, after she got rid of the other one. I don’t hold animosity towards her over it because she tried to give me the option, to make the choice with her. Unfortunately, the dumb bitch Bobbi, got in the way. It’s all good though because Rakia’s about to shit on all these bitches, who hate on her, once I get back from this trip.

  After he cleaned the wound, she needed fifteen stitches on her arm and six on her neck. I held her hand the entire time. Each time he stuck the needle in her arm, the monitor would go crazy. They said it was fine but the pain she felt, affected the baby. I almost cursed them out for taking so long. Shit, had my kid and girl in pain, and I wasn’t feeling it.

  The stupid bitch really tried to slice her up. I’m gonna show her what slicing a motherfucker really is though. I know the one on her neck, is because I did it to her. All Cara did was make me put a hit out on her stupid ass. Money is the root of all evil, so the 50k, I put out, is bound to let me find her soon. It should be easy for me to find her, being who I am, however, I got so, much shit going on with this Zaire dude, I kept putting it on the backburner. Its been a couple of months and there was no sign of her, so I figured she left town. Its not that, I didn’t care about Rak but I didn’t think Cara would find her. Someone had to have mentioned, where she was.

  “Mommy and daddy, do you wanna see your baby?” The doctor asked after the other one, who put the stitches in her arm, left.

  “We can?” She was excited and so was I.

  “Absolutely. I know you said, you took a test today so let’s see when you’re due.” She smiled and sat in front of some machine.

  “Yo, what the fuck is that?” She had this long ass dick, looking thing and tried to put it in Rak’s pussy.

  “Sir, this is the vaginal ultrasound we give on women, when they first find out about their pregnancy. It gives us an accurate due date.”

  “Marco, its ok.”

  “Nah. Can’t you use something else?”

  “I understand your concern, sir. A lot of daddies have issues with this. If you want to step outside and I’ll call you in, after I insert it, we can do that.”

  “Marco baby, I’m ok. Just stand here and look at me, while she does it. I mean, unless you’re not attracted to me anymore.” I snapped my neck and looked at her.

  “You’ll always be attractive to me. Even when my seed blows you up, I’m still gonna love you.” I kissed her lips and felt her squeeze my hand, which let me know the doctor, put the thing in.

  “Look here. There’s your baby.” She pointed to the screen and the shit was small. It amazed me, how I could see in her stomach. The baby wasn’t big yet but I still saw it.

  “Ok, by the ultrasound, your due date is February 12, which means you got pregnant in May.” I started smiling. It happened when she came home from school and right after the dumb bitch aunt, attacked her.

  “February 12th, huh.”

  “Yup. You may have a Valentines baby, if the baby wants to be stubborn and stay in.”

  “Damn, ma. I can’t believe you’re giving me a baby.”

  “Are you ok, with me keeping it? I don’t wanna intrude on your life and.-” The doctor looked at me and I asked for privacy. She closed the door.

  “Rak, there’s not a woman in this world, I’d want to have my kids besides you. I’m sorry for always jumping to conclusions and I promise to listen first.” She started crying.

  “Marco, I don’t know what I’m doing with this love thing and I keep running away because I think, you’re gonna get fed up and leave me. I’m not experienced as you, in the bedroom, or anything else for that matter. All I know, is school. I promise to work harder at not running and talking to you. Please don’t leave me.” I wiped her eyes.

  “One thing you don’t have to worry about, is me leaving you. It’s never gonna happen. I do appreciate you laying it out on the line, as far as you being scared. It means, I’m gonna have to work harder at showing you, how in love with you, I really am. I love you ma.” I kissed her and she wrapped her other arm around me and slid her tongue in my mouth. We heard a knock at the door.

  “Ms. Winters, I’m going to discharge you now. I’m sending you home with a prescription for pre-natal vitamins and a list of GYN doctors. You will have to follow up with one of them. Also, here’s the card to another doctor, who will remove your stitches in a couple of weeks. Do you have any questions?”

  “Can I still eat fast food?” I busted out laughing. Rak, had a banging ass figure but she loved fast food and greasy shit. I don’t know how she kept the weight off and I wasn’t complaining.

  “Absolutely. Just try not eat it, everyday. You’re going to gain weight and too much salty foods, can make your ankles swell.” She handed me the paperwork.

  “You ready.”

  “I don’t wanna wear this shirt out. It has blood all over it.” I went to take my shirt off and she yelled.



  “None of these women need to see your body. It’s bad enough, they stared when we came in.” I smirked. I saw them but I wouldn’t tell her. It looks like she noticed anyway. I sent a text to Tech and told him, we were ready. He said, he’d be here shortly.

  “Fine. Walk out in this gown. We can toss it, when we get home.”


  “You need anything before I go?” I asked when we got on the elevator.

  “Cara, broke my laptop. All my work was on it and I don’t know how I’m gonna get another one. Apple is very expensive and.-” I shushed her with a kiss.

  “Don’t insult me. Here.” I took my black card out my wallet and handed it to her.

  “No. I don’t want your money.” She pushed it back.

  “I’ll use the money in the account, my grandmother set up. I was saving it for when I get my own place, to buy furniture.”

  “Cancel that. You’re moving in with me and if you wanna redecorate, be my guest. There’s no more living with other people, when you have a man. Ma, let me give you what I know you deserve.”

  “What money?”

  “No, the world.” I lifted her face.

  “There’s nothing too expensive for me, or you. If you want it, you got it.” She smiled.

  “Oh, you have a new truck in the garage.”
I told her and helped her get in, when Tech pulled up.

  “How you feel Rak?”

  “It hurts to move my arm and neck. Hopefully, it will go away, since I can’t take anything.”

  “Yup. We don’t need my niece or nephew getting high in your stomach.” She laughed and laid on my shoulder.

  Once we got to the house, I helped her out. She wanted to take a shower before I left. She made me get a garbage bag, to cover the arm. After she finished, I helped her put on pajamas and get in the bed. I could tell she was tired and relieved at the same time.

  “My card is on the dresser.”


  “Order the laptop and have it delivered for the next day. Get whatever you need with it and order anything else you want. There’s no limit. All I ask, is you don’t order another truck.”

  “I wouldn’t.”

  “I’m just fucking with you. Sleep tight and call me if you need me.”

  “With what?” I pointed to the house phone and her cell. When Tech dropped us off, he went to Rahmel’s and grabbed her books, phone and purse.

  “Be careful, wherever you’re going.”

  “Always.” I kissed her and headed out the door.



  “I love you and thank you for always saving me.”

  “I love you too and trust me when I say; you’re worth saving.” She smiled. I left the bedroom door open and went downstairs.

  “You ready to ride out?”

  “Yup. Let’s hit this nigga where it hurts.” I set the alarm and closed the doors. When we got to the gate, I closed them and made sure the alarm was on it too. No one was gonna hurt her again and I mean that shit.


  “Who is it?” A lady asked through the door.

  “I’m here for Dennis.”

  “My son passed away. Who are you?”

  “I know ma’am but I went to high school with him and I was in the neighborhood.” Don’t ask me why Tech, didn’t let me kick the door in. Talking about he always wanted to do this. He started to ask for brown sugar, like Martin did in Bad Boys. We heard her unlock the door. I pushed it opened and put the gun, straight to her dome.


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