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Passion Punch

Page 28

by Tricia Leedom

“First, come here, honey.” April bent to pick him up.

  She met Jonas’ gaze, silently asking if he was ready. So much love and hope softened his hard, handsome face, she already knew the answer.

  When he nodded, she kissed her son’s cheek. “Archie, I want you to meet your daddy.”


  Sophie never thought she would get used to spending the Yuletide in a warm climate, but she had actually grown rather fond of it. She didn’t miss the ugly Christmas jumper parties, but she occasionally longed for a cup of hot mulled cider on a crisp, winter’s evening. But Key West had its own traditions that were special in different ways. Every year, Jimmy and Anders would spend the better part of November decorating their respective boats in preparation for the Schooner Warf Bar’s annual Lighted Boat Parade, which took place in mid-December. Then there was the lady’s annual shopping trip to Miami for prezzies. Molly couldn’t make it this year due to her advanced pregnancy, so Sue stepped in for her and, along with April, they had a brilliant time.

  Every Christmas Eve, Molly and Anders would host a gathering at their house, and the whole fam would drink eggnog, sing carols, and tell stories until long after the little ones had fallen asleep. Christmas mornings were spent with their own individual families so the children could play with their new toys for a bit. Then, later in the day, everyone would gather at Sue and Oscar’s for a feast prepared by the master chef himself.

  Molly couldn’t do much this year in the way of party planning, but she had insisted on having Christmas Eve at her house. Sue and Sophie had stepped in to help Anders prepare and now most of the guests had arrived, including some of Anders and Molly’s local friends.

  The mother-to-be had planted herself on a comfy chair in living room facing their giant Christmas tree and the open French doors. Most of the guests mingled in the garden while the children swam in the pool.

  Charlie sprinted out of the hall bathroom wearing a blue one-piece bathing suit.

  “Changed your mind about having a swim, I see.”

  “Olivia is here. I won’t have to play with Leonardo and Donatello?”


  “Don’t ask,” she said, rolling her eyes. Almost six, Charlie had Sophie’s coloring, but Jimmy’s slanted blue eyes and sarcastic sense of humor.

  “Who’s she talking about?” Sophie asked Molly.

  “I think she means Monte and his little friend Logan. They’re going through a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle phase.”

  Charlie snorted. “They keep jumping out at me yelling, ‘Cowabunga!’”

  Molly absently rubbed the top of her swollen belly. “Tell Uncle Anders. He’ll set them straight.”

  “Thanks, Aunt Molly.” Charlie offered Sophie her back. “Can you tie my swimsuit, Mummy?”

  “Lift your hair.” As Sophie tied off the bow, Charlie watched the man putting prezzies under the tree.


  “Yes, darlin?”

  “Why is Kenny Feder pretending to be Santa Claus?”

  The local musician naturally looked like Father Christmas with his long bushy white beard and white hair, but he favored tropical-print button-downs and cut off shorts over red flannel suites. Tonight, however, he’d arrived to the party wearing a red shirt printed with reindeer faces along with a tacky Santa hat that sat on his head at a jaunty angle.

  “Probably because he lost a poker game to your father and uncle, and Daddy thought it would be an amusing way to make him pay his debt.”

  Charlie’s head titled to the side as she watched Kenny kneel beside the Christmas tree placing the wrapped gifts he withdrew from his big red sack.

  “Daddy’s funny,” she giggled. “Kenny is a terrible Santa Claus.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Charlie rolled her eyes again. “Because everybody knows, Santa doesn’t wear flip-flops.”

  Molly rubbed the top of her belly and smiled when she felt a kick. The babies had turned more than a week ago, readying themselves to come into the world. She couldn’t wait to meet them, but she hoped they’d hold off until after Christmas to make their debut. She couldn’t wait to see their precious faces and hold them in her arms, but she wanted to savor having them all to herself for just a little a while longer.

  This would be her last pregnancy. She and Anders had already talked about it, and they both agreed six children were more than enough. It was a bittersweet decision, but they’d each been blessed with a child from previous marriages and would have four together once the new babies were born. It was more than Molly had ever dreamed of after spending a decade as a divorced single mother struggling to raise a child alone. This was the first Christmas they wouldn’t be together since Cheyenne was born. She was away at college in New York City and saving her vacation time at work so she could come home to help with the babies after they were born.

  Molly’s emotions were always close to the surface these days, so every time she thought of her children and her darling husband and how lucky she was, her eyes welled with tears. She reached for the box of tissues on the end table beside and came up empty.

  “Dagnabit,” she murmured.

  “What’s wrong?” Sophie glanced up from her cell phone.

  “Nothing, it’s hormones. Would you mind grabbing a box of tissues for me out of the bathroom closet?”

  “Absolutely. Can I get you anything else?”

  “I’d love a glass of the special eggnog Oscar made for me. It’s in the back of the fridge in a glass jar marked ‘Molly’s Nog.’”

  “Sounds lovely.”

  “It’s heaven in a cup.”

  Molly rested her head on the back of the chair and closed her eyelids while she waited for Sophie to return.

  “Cowabunga!” Two munchkin voices shouted from the pool. A large splash followed along with squeals from two very unhappy little girls.

  Molly smiled. The sounds of home.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Anders placed a kiss on her lips, and she opened her eyes to his gorgeous, grinning face.

  “Hey yourself.” Molly cupped his neck to keep him close. Sometimes she still marveled at how she got so lucky. Anders was the handsomest, most talented, caring man she’d ever met, and he was hers.

  “I have a surprise for you?”

  “Key Lime Pie from Kermit’s?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “Something better.”

  Molly’s excitement fell, she couldn’t think of anything better than pie. “What then?”

  “Look over your shoulder.”

  He straightened as Molly awkwardly shifted in her chair and strained her neck to look back.

  “Hi, Mama,” Cheyenne said, with a tentative wave before she dove into Molly’s arms.

  “Are you sure I’m invited?”

  April held Jonas’ arm as they walked along the sidewalk. “Yes, your name was on the invitation.”

  She understood his trepidation because he hadn’t seen much of his brothers these past couple of months. And while Jimmy had always been friendly, Anders had been polite but distant. Jonas had spent most of November away from Key West helping to bring down Albatross’ network, but his part was done now and he was officially retired.

  Archie perched on his father’s hip tugging on the end of the red Twizzler.

  “I thought he finished his candy?” April said.

  “He did. He stole mine.”

  “Archie, I told you one Twizzler.”

  “Here, Daddy.” He snapped off a bite before shoving the rest of the licorice stick into Jonas’ mouth.

  “Thanks,” Jonas said around a mouthful of candy.

  “I hope the puppy will be okay.”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s in his crate.”

  Jonas had wanted to put the brown Labrador Retriever puppy under the tree Christmas morning, but he’d barked and ruined the surprise. It was still a magical moment though. April would never forget the sweet, wide-eyed expression on Archie’s face when he’d looked up from his cereal b
owl realizing what he’d heard. Being a cat person, April wasn’t sure she wanted a dog, but Jackson’s big, soulful, amber eyes had already won her over.

  When they reached Molly and Anders’ place, they stopped by the street to admire the Christmas lights. The house glowed like the North Pole. Tinsel and holly trimmed the mailbox and a sleigh with eight tiny reindeer sat on the roof. And, of course, the palm trees were wrapped like candy canes.

  “My brother doesn’t do things half way, does he?”


  April hadn’t moved far from the Ostergaard’s. She and Jonas had lived apart up until a few weeks ago when they’d moved into a luxury B&B up the street where they were both hired to work. April managed the business end of things, while Jonas managed the maintenance. She hoped to buy the property once her inheritance was sorted out. It would be a while though, since it was tied up in a criminal investigation, but one day she hoped to be a small business owner in Key West.

  “Come on.” April tugged Jonas’ arm. “Let’s go in.”

  He didn’t budge, but searched her face instead. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  A rise in laughter came from the backyard.

  “For giving me the life I never thought I would ever have.”

  April’s heart swelled with love for him and she teared up. “Quit it. You’re gonna make me ruin my makeup.” She used the back of her knuckle to swipe beneath her eye.

  He grinned. “Have I mention how hot you look in that little red dress?”

  She giggled and pressed her breasts against his arm. “You did, but you can tell me again.”

  Jonas slid his hand around her waist and pulled her tight against his chest as he bent to kiss her.

  “Cowabunga!” two children shouted from the backyard.

  “Ninja turtles!” Archie exclaimed and wiggled out of Jonas’ grasp.

  He grinned against April’s mouth. “I guess we should go in.”

  April sighed. “If we have to.”

  Archie ran for the front door as Jonas took April’s hand, and they followed him up the walk.

  Captain Tom opened the door. “Jonas. The man I’ve been waiting for. Come on in, son.” He patted Jonas on the back. “April, you look lovely.”

  “Thank you, Captain. Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas to you as well. And how is Master Archie?”

  “I got a dog,” Archie said shyly.

  “You did? Hope he’s a water dog. You can take him out on my boat.”

  Archie’s face lit up. “Can I, Mama?”

  “When Jackson gets a little bit older, you can.”

  “Yes!” Archie punched the sky in triumph.

  They followed the Captain into the family room. Jimmy, Oscar, and Anders stood behind the bar mixing drinks, while Sue and Sophie observed from a pair of stools.

  “Look what the tide brought in,” the Captain said with a hearty chuckle.

  The group at the bar glanced over and shouted greetings. Then April and Jonas were swamped in hugs.

  “Heard you’ve gone into the maintenance business, little brother?” Jimmy said, slapping Jonas on the shoulder. “I’ve gotta a lawn you can mow.”

  Jonas shoved him away. “Mow your own damn lawn.” The expression on his face sobered when Anders approach him.

  “Jonas. Glad you could make it.”

  “Thanks for inviting us.”

  “Jimmy told me about some of your accomplishments as a Green Beret. I had no idea you were a Medal of Honor recipient.”

  April’s heart fluttered. She hadn’t known either. She gazed at the man she loved with pride.

  Jonas shot Jimmy a dirty look.

  Jimmy shrugged. “Figured the cat was already out of the bag.”

  “I was wrong about you. I’m sorry,” Anders said to his youngest brother. “I just sing songs for a living. I’m so proud to have two brothers who’ve sacrificed their lives for their country.”

  Jimmy’s grin faded, and he looked down at his feet.

  Anders held his hand out to Jonas. “Thank you for your service. Both of you.”

  April’s breath caught in her throat as Jonas stared at his brother’s peace offering. She knew how important this moment was for him, but she wasn’t sure how he would handle it.

  “Thank you.” Jonas nodded and accepted the handshake.

  “Merry Christmas, little brother.” Anders pulled him in for a hug.

  April’s heart soared watching the two men embrace.

  “Come here,” Anders said to Jimmy and pulled him into the hug too.

  Sophie put her arm around April’s shoulders. “Happy Christmas, April.”

  “Yes, it is. It’s the happiest one ever.”

  “Mama,” Archie tugged on the hem of April’s skirt.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  He stared at the man who sat beside Molly strumming a ukulele. “Is Kenny Feder the real Santa Claus?”

  The party guests gathered around Molly and Kenny as they began to sing Jimmy Buffet’s version of Christmas Island.

  April stroked the top of Archie’s his head. “This is Key West. Anything is possible.”

  * * *

  The end.

  Review Request

  Dear Reader,

  Reviews are like currency to any author – actually, even better! As they help to get our books noticed by even more readers, we would be so grateful if you would take a moment to review this book on Amazon, Goodreads, iBooks - wherever - and feel free to share it on social media!

  We’re not asking for any special favors – honest reviews would be perfect. They also don’t need to be long or in-depth, just a few of your thoughts would be so appreciated.

  Thank you greatly from the bottom of our hearts. For your time, for your support, and for being a part of our reading community. We couldn’t do it without you – nor would we want to!

  ~ Our Firefly Hill Press Family


  Writing a book is hard. Writing a book while navigating a full-time job, family obligations, hurricanes, pets who demand attention, and a house that needs to be cleaned once in a while is even harder. I couldn’t have done it without the encouragement and support of my incredibly patient publisher, editor, and friend Danielle Modafferi. She’s been enthusiastic about my writing since our grad school days, and since then, we’ve produced three books together I’m enormously proud of. Danielle, thank you for believing in me as a writer from the beginning and for sitting shotgun by my side on this exciting, tumultuous adventure.

  I’d also like to thank my friend and unofficial (by “unofficial” I mean unpaid) author’s assistant Karen Diaz. Not only has Karen been one of my biggest cheerleaders, she’s unabashedly hawked my books at multiple events and book signings. For her time and enthusiasm, and her excellent organizational skills, I’m eternally grateful. I’d also like to thank Mila Khadzko for her assistance with the Russian dialog used in this book. Google Translate was better than I expected it to be, but I’m grateful to Mila for correcting GT’s mistakes. She taught me that Russian is a beautiful sounding language, angry but beautiful. ;)

  To my street team, The Key West Crew, your support and enthusiasm means the world to me. Thank you for spreading the word about my book promotions and new releases. I couldn’t successfully launch a book without you, and I feel so lucky to have you all on my team.

  Although I’ve always intended for The Key West Escape Series to be a three-book series, I’m not quite ready to leave this world yet. So be on the lookout next year for the start of a brand-new spin off series featuring a band of misfits brought together by Mitch Thompson. Together, they’ll embark on a thrilling hunt for lost treasure in the Caribbean Sea and may just discover romance along the way.

  Follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @tricialeedom or LIKE my page on Facebook: Readers who are interested in joining my street team and helping spread the word about my books, please PM me on Facebook: @trici

  Thanks for reading. Cheers!

  - Tricia

  About the Author

  Tricia Leedom enjoys traveling to exotic destinations and having torrid love affairs with hot, dangerous men... even if it's only in her own mind. When she's not writing romantic adventure novels, she reads voraciously, tweets compulsively, and fangirls over a TV show based on the Outlander book series. She earned her BA in Creative Writing from the The University of Tampa and her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. Tricia enjoys funny hashtags, cheap airfare, and fan-girling over a TV show based on her favorite book series. She lives in Southwest Florida with two very spoiled dogs.

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  Follow Tricia on Twitter and Instagram @tricialeedom

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  Copyright © 2019 by Tricia Leedom

  Rights held by Firefly Hill Press, LLC

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  Firefly Hill Press, LLC

  4387 W. Swamp Rd #565

  Doylestown, PA 18902


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