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Five Alarm Forever: A Reverse Harem Holiday Romance

Page 29

by Dizzy Hooper

  I'm committed to the men I do the work with, too. All five of them.

  Professionally. Romantically. Sexually.

  And Christmas Eve was our anniversary, goddammit all. Today's our first chance to celebrate. Our shift ended two minutes ago.

  So it's two minutes past time we got the hell out of here.

  "Hey—Chapman. You coming?"

  I whip around to find Jaquan standing in the doorway, his brows raised, his gaze full of heat. The hint of innuendo he put behind the word coming has me that much closer to doing precisely that. I clench down deep inside, slickness building between my legs.

  Bob chuckles. "Don't keep the man waiting."

  And wow. Okay, maybe Bob isn't as oblivious as I assumed.

  Whatever. We're not breaking any rules. And Bob's good opinion is the least of my concerns right now.

  Waving goodbye to him, I practically float across the room to Jaquan. His smile is all teeth and filthy intent, and yeah—we're on exactly the same page.

  "Come on."

  The only contact between our bodies as we head out is his hand at the small of my back, but even through my jacket, it feels like a brand. Sal is waiting by the door. He falls into step beside us. He doesn't say a thing, but his silent intensity speaks volumes.

  "The others?" I ask breathlessly.

  "Corey and Street already left," Jaquan supplies. "Walker's right behind."

  "I swear to God, if he stays behind to finish up paperwork today…"

  "He won't," Sal says, short and clipped. His voice goes straight to my clit, and I throb.

  In the parking lot, he holds the door to his shiny new pickup for me, copping a feel of my ass as I climb on in.

  Part of not hiding who we are to each other is carpooling most mornings. My rusted out truck has barely left the driveway of our shared house in months.

  I much prefer to slide in next to one of my men.

  Sliding in between two of them is even better.

  The big bench seat of Sal's truck is barely wide enough for all three of us, but that's how we like it. I spread my legs to make room for the gear shift. Sal sits behind the wheel, while Jaquan settles in beside me. I'm surrounded, their heat assaulting me from both sides, their thighs plastered to the outer edges of mine.

  Jesus, we haven't even done anything, and already I'm dripping wet. Can they smell how slick I am for them, how desperate? Can they see?

  They can definitely feel. As Sal puts the truck into gear and pulls out onto the street, Jaquan places his hand on my knee and slides it up, up, up. My breath catches when his knuckles graze the hot, damp fabric at the apex of my thighs.

  "Fuck," Jaquan pants.

  "Can't you guys wait five minutes?" Sal asks.

  "Nope." Fuck patience, fuck propriety.

  I twist in my seat, reaching for Jaquan's face. He moves with me, crushing our mouths together, and fireworks shoot off inside me.

  "You are both such assholes," Sal grits out, but I don't care.

  Laughing into Jaquan's mouth, I kiss him deeper. His hand between my legs rubs me through my jeans, priming me further, getting me ready for what I sure as hell hope is going to be the fucking of my life.

  I lurch forward as the truck jerks to a stop. Without breaking the kiss, I glance through the windshield. Relief sweeps through me to find us parked in our driveway.

  We're here—finally.


  Sal yanks the keys from the ignition, then reaches around to undo my seatbelt.

  "Mine," he growls, jerking me out of Jaquan's arms and into his lap.

  I shriek. The horn blares as I bang against it, and then I'm seated, straddling Sal's massive thighs, his hard cock pressed right against my center.

  A jolt of pleasure rockets up my spine, forcing a gasp out of me. Then I catch myself, bracing my hands on the seat behind Sal. The friction against my needy clit makes me wild. I suck in a breath and rub myself against him shamelessly. Groaning, he tugs me down by my hair until our mouths connect.

  But just as it's getting good, a knock sounds on the window by my head. I wave it off, refusing to part from Sal's kiss.

  Whoever it is isn't taking no for an answer, though.

  The door opens. My foot that had been braced against it slips, and wow, that does interesting things to the place where my hips are riding Sal's. A hot hand reaches into the car to settle on my neck, rubbing at the tight knot that tends to form there after a long shift, and I melt.

  "You guys planning on coming inside, or are you enjoying putting on a show for the neighbors?" Walker asks.

  I let out a little moan against Sal's mouth.

  Jaquan reaches over and grabs a handful of my ass. "I think she likes that idea."

  And I do. Only in theory, though. After another moment of wet, sloppy kissing with Sal, I push myself up and meet Walker's gaze. "Told you you should put in a fence."

  "I'll take it up with the landlord."

  "We ever gonna just buy a place?" Jaquan asks, giving my ass a light smack before opening the other door and hopping out.

  My heart hammers in my chest.

  "Sure, eventually," Walker says. "We find the right place and all."

  With his hands on my hips, Sal passes me over to Walker, who lifts me out of the truck like I weigh nothing. I land on my feet in front of him, gazing up in wonder at his brilliant blue eyes.

  And it doesn't matter that my lips are swollen and my cunt empty and aching. My chest is impossibly full.

  Wonder seeps into my tone. "You mean that?"

  Two lines appear between Walker's eyes, but they're soon replaced by a softness that means he's getting mushy inside. He cups my face. "About getting a house for real someday?"

  I nod, scarcely breathing.

  "Of course," he says solemnly, like it's the easiest thing in the world.

  Never in my life have I imagined the kind of permanency or stability that would be required to actually buy a place. That I'd find it here, in what I used to think of as Butt-Fuck Egypt? With five guys?

  "Think she likes that idea, too," Jaquan snarks from behind me.

  I can't even bring myself to be annoyed at him. I nod. "She really, really does."

  Neighbors be damned, I grab Walker by his collar and pull him down. He gives in, kissing me soft and slow. When he pulls away, it's with a wet sound. He reaches for my hand.

  "Come on." His voice is gruff, his gaze dark. He tips his head toward the house. "Let's get you inside before we make the nightly news."

  I follow him up the steps, Jaquan and Sal behind me. Street is waiting right inside the door.

  "About damn time." Street steals me away from Walker, and I laugh, breathless as he presses me into the wall right there in the entryway.

  There's something special to being passed from one man's strong arms to the next. I spend a fair amount of time with each of my guys individually, and we hang out as a group more often than not. But this particular style of sharing is different. Like they each want a piece of me.

  They each want a turn, and I am so much more than happy to oblige.

  Looming over me with all of his bulk, Street cages me in, until all I can see, smell and feel is him.

  "Well, hello, there." I raise a brow at the hard bulge of his cock rubbing up against my abdomen through our clothes.

  "Hi to you, too." He dips down and kisses me, filthy and wet from the start. His teeth scrape my bottom lip, sending tingles racing through me. My breasts are hot and heavy where they're crushed against his chest. Throwing my arms around his neck, I open my mouth to suck on his tongue, and he groans.

  With his hands on my ass, he lifts me, and I go automatically, wrapping my legs around his waist. He grinds in against me, where I'm all swollen and wet for him, and I groan, throwing my head back against the wall behind me as he moves to kiss and bite his way down my throat. Threading my fingers through his long hair, I arch into him, suddenly desperate.

  "We really planning on doing thi
s right here?" Corey asks.

  I open my eyes to find him standing beside us, patiently waiting his turn. I blink, trying to see past the haze of sexual need.

  As Street keeps ravaging my neck and dry-humping me up against the wall, the rest of the guys are gathered around us, gazes hungry, expectant.

  And it's tempting as hell to just give in. This is our house. We can fuck wherever and however we want inside these walls, and after two days of restraint, that's really all I want to do.

  But we can do better.

  I shake my head, clutching at Street as he hits a particularly sensitive spot at the base of my throat. "Attic. Now."

  "Yes, ma'am," Street says.

  And then we're moving. He peels me off the wall, claiming my mouth again as he carries me through the entryway and toward the stairs. Past our living room Christmas tree, past the kitchen stocked full of holiday leftovers from Sal's grandma's house, and then up, up, up.

  There's no one in the world I would trust to kiss and grope and grind against me while also hauling me to the top of a set of stairs, but these guys are basically trained experts—and Street in particular is one hell of a pro. We climb two flights, never pausing in our efforts to fuck with our clothes still on.

  Corey slips ahead of us to open the attic door and flip on the lights. We have another Christmas tree up here, with strings of twinkling lights strung along the ceiling and across the windows. Because for a girl who never celebrated Christmas before, I sure am a fan of it now. The green and red and white lights sparkle, throwing a flickering glow over the entire space, and I love it.

  I love that this is how I get to celebrate.

  I love that our anniversary falls on this holiday, that we share a home, a life.

  That these five brilliant men are so content to share me.

  I never could have asked for a greater gift in this entire world.

  Lumbering across the last few feet of bare wood floor, Street finally reaches the set of king mattresses we've strewn out all across the attic. He drops to his knees at the edge of the closest one, never faltering in his grip on me. He lies me back into softness, then pulls away.

  I whine, wanting him close, but he's replaced within seconds by Corey—the only one of my guys who has yet to have a turn kissing me. I grin against his open mouth, and he echoes it as he slots his slim hips between my thighs.

  Corey's kiss isn't as filthy as Street's, but it doesn't have to be. I lose my breath just as thoroughly. When he draws back, he's panting, too, his eyes glazed.

  Walker kneels beside us, reaching over to stroke his knuckles down my cheek, and something inside me melts. I gaze up at him, my breath coming fast, my skin prickling.

  "One year, baby." Walker's eyes are so fucking soft. "One year since we made you ours."

  "A year and two days." I smile, delirious. "But who's counting?"

  Sal stands over us. He's taken his shirt off, and the sparkling lights make his smooth, golden skin gleam. "Should we have done this on the actual day of?" He raises a crooked brow. "You really wanted us to all fuck you on the floor of the station again?"

  I shiver with lust. God, that's tempting.

  But we don't fuck at work. We haven't since that first time, when our life-affirming sex fest was followed with a hey-this-could-get-us-all-fired talk chaser.

  I shake my head.

  "Then be good," Street says, kneeling on my other side, reaching over to run his fingertip along my lip.

  "Aren't I always?"

  "Yeah," Jaquan says from near my head, voice inexplicably soft and fond. "You really are."

  My chest glows. It's exactly the kind of shit I never heard in the rest of my life, and it's so fucking cheesy, but now that I have these men who love me, who believe in me, who want me…

  Well, I eat their praise up.

  "Tell us what you want, gorgeous," Walker says.

  Corey runs his hands along my hips, still kneeling there between my spread legs. "Anything at all."

  And I don't doubt them.

  Ever since that moment when they put away Duke, I have never once doubted them.

  I trust them to know what I need, what I want…

  Something cracks in my chest. "You." I look around at all their gorgeous, kind, adoring faces. "Just you. All of you."

  "That we can definitely do," Street growls.

  With that, Walker swoops in, slotting his hands under my arms and moving me bodily to the center of the bed. He hovers beside me on all fours, kissing me breathless.

  Around us, the sounds of rustling clothing and zippers and unbuckling belts ring out. Fabric hits the floor. Jaquan takes Corey's vacated place between my thighs and works at my jeans, too. As he pulls them down, taking my underwear with them, the smooth, bare skin of his arms rubs hot against my legs. I glance down to find him as naked as I hoped he'd be.

  The rest of the guys are in various states of undress around me. Street kneels behind Walker, opening the buttons of his shirt while kissing the back of his neck, and I shudder.

  The two of them remain close, though they still restrict any hot and heavy sexy to times when I'm there to join in the fun. I love being in the middle of them.

  Just as much as I love watching them touch each other while they're busy taking me apart.

  "That's so gay," Jaquan jokes, leaning in to press his lips to the crest of my hip, so close and yet so far away from where I really want him.

  "That's so vaguely bisexual," Walker corrects.

  Street rolls his eyes. "Pretty sure we're Heidi-sexual."

  I shiver again, chuckling at the same time that I'm squirming with need.

  Sal, Jaquan and Corey are exclusively straight, and they occasionally give Walker and Street shit for being at least kind of into each other, but they don't really care.

  "Whatever, man." Jaquan slides his thumb up and down my slick, exposed pussy lips. "You keep kissing his ugly mug, while I kiss this."

  For emphasis, he licks a hot stripe right along the center of my gash, and I whine against Walker's mouth, my entire lower half coming clear off the mattress as sparks shoot out from my clit.

  Jaquan digs in with the kind of relentless enthusiasm I expect from him when it comes to eating pussy. He laps at my clit over and over, shoving two fingers inside me and crooking them up. Pleasure blooms throughout my core.

  And it only gets better as Walker pushes up the hem of my shirt. I arch into his touch as he pulls down the cup of my bra to expose my breast. Squeezing that tender flesh, he tugs at my nipple and thrusts past my lips with his tongue.

  Walker grunts, and I look up to find Street winking at me. He's naked and draped over Walker's back, Walker's shirt and pants both open, Street's hand rubbing Walker's huge cock through his underwear.

  "Don't get him too excited," I warn, tilting my head to the side.

  "Don't worry." Street grins, all teeth. "He's not coming anywhere except inside that sweet cunt, promise."

  I groan, clenching down around Jaquan's fingers as a fresh surge of heat takes me.

  "That what you want?" Sal asks. "Five loads in your pussy?"

  Fuck. "Yeah—yes, God—"

  Wasn't that the best part as we made our way into the house today? Them each taking a turn with me?

  Jaquan parts from my clit with a soft, sucking sound. "You sure?" His thumb dips lower, teasing the skin between my pussy and my ass. "You don't want any of us here? Don't want any of us to fuck your throat?"

  "No." I shake my head, suddenly sure.

  "Who do you want first?" Corey asks.

  How do I choose?

  And yet, even as I think it, my hand tightens on Walker. He's the man who took this from dates with Corey and three-ways with Sal and Jaquan into a thing. A wonderful, amazing thing that I wouldn't give up for all the world.

  My heart quivers, just thinking about how he brings everyone together, as a firefighting team and as a group of friends and lovers and more.

  That fragile, tender feel
ing makes my voice quake as I tug on his hair. "Come on, LT. Want a go at it?"

  Walker smiles, like he knows exactly how much emotion lies beneath my joking. "Don't have to ask me twice."

  Jaquan takes one last lick at my clit before drawing away. I sit up, and Sal helps me strip off my top, while Street helps Walker take off the rest of his clothes.

  Then I'm pressed back into the mattress by Walker's weight, his hips slotting in between my thighs, his thighs pushing mine wide. I groan, raking my fingers through his hair at the glide of his bare cock along the line of my slit. I'm wet from the combination of my own need and Jaquan's mouth, the emptiness inside me yawning, begging to be filled.

  Walker hovers there for a moment, though, gazing into my eyes. Touching my cheek with his fingertips, brushing his nose against mine.

  "I love you so fucking much," he breathes.

  My chest glows. "Not as much as I love you."

  He smiles wryly. "Guess we're never going to agree on that one."

  With that, he leans in and kisses me, the fat head of his cock sliding along my soaked flesh.

  Until finally, finally, he pushes in.

  I moan into his mouth at the inescapable fullness of his huge cock stretching me wide. I'm turned on enough that nothing hurts, and God knows I take these men's cocks often enough that I'm no delicate petal when it comes to accomodating a nice, big dick.

  Still, every time one of them presses inside for the first time, the magnitude of it takes my breath away.

  As ever, Walker's infinitely careful with me. He opens me up with short, gentle thrusts—finding room in my body the same way he made room for himself in my life. From the beginning, he's pushed me, he's confronted me. He's never let me get away with anything.

  There's no escaping him now, and thank God. Because there's nowhere else in this world I'd rather be than here, making love to this man.

  Waiting for the other four men who are going to have me next.

  And they're not silent partners in this exchange. I feel the presence of every single one as they watch me get fucked.

  "Damn," Jaquan says.

  "Never gets old, does it?" Street hums. "Watching her take him like that."

  No—it never gets old at all.

  Somehow, impossibly, it just gets better and better. Every damn time.


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