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Ruby Mage

Page 16

by Dan Raxor

  This is exactly why I didn’t want spoiled youth. Even if she was eighteen, I didn’t need her drama. Targon left my side to let me handle the situation while toting my limited mage supplies into the waiting area.

  “Kellum,” I said sternly.

  “Master Mage Trevor, I must apologize. My daughter ran home,” Kellum said.

  I leaned on my staff, contemplating how to deal with this issue. The roar of happy voices from inside the fort distracted him.

  “Those are my newest subjects, eager to go to a magical realm where they will live lavishly and not like pond scum in Lornia,” I said with a sigh. “And I’m feeding them in the middle of the day.”

  He nodded. “I… I know, but may I ask why you hit her?”

  “She needs a good smack, a solid bit of risk, and to become a woman. Pima, is still a child, she needs to learn to grow up soon,” I said with a commanding tone. “What did you expect? That she’d get foot rubs from me. I gave her five gold and said to buy three expensive servants she’d desire.”

  His stern glare looked onto his daughter who clearly wanted to be anywhere else than here. I saw that hard gaze turn to love. His eyes leaking until he found his resolve.

  “I told you yer mother died from the sickness when you was two. I… I wanted you to think she was there to love you and you never could remember it. She died during your birth,” Kellum said and Pima gasped in shock.

  I on the other hand rolled my eyes. “My gold if—”

  “Sorry Master Mage, one moment. You were pampered, cared for, and loved by a father that overprotected you. If you come home again, without permission, I’ll turn you into the crown myself. Do you understand?” Kellum said.

  I could tell his words hurt both of them.

  “Yes, father.”

  “Apologize to your Master.”

  “I will not cause more problems, Master,” Pima said with a slight curtsy.

  “And your servants?” I asked. She shook her head, telling me she’d never gotten any.

  “Get going and hurry,” I said with folded arms.

  We watched her scamper down the street fleeing for the servant market. Kellum pulled out a bag of coins, handing them to me. I frowned when I opened the bag, seeing seven Lornia gold coins.

  “She will flee again,” he said, surprising me. “Trust me, I know her. She’ll try to strike it out on her own and maybe find happiness. I doubt it though. Forgive me, Master Trevor.”

  “Loving your daughter too much is something I can forgive. We—”

  A wagon filled with archery supplies came rolling up with Norlan driving a single mare in front of a long open flatbed. We exchanged waves as he rolled into the Viscount’s fort. It was time for me to go home.

  “If she doesn’t flee and does as I command, you’re to house them until my return in a week or two,” I said.

  “She’s fleeing to Crimm with your gold and mine. Pima has enough to even buy a small home in Clruss. She isn’t going to be a student to a proper man. Pima will learn Lornia is a vile place all on her own, realizing far too late that she earned a slap that I never had the strength to give her,” Kellum said, leaving to return to work.

  This was life at its core. There were unexpected developments every step of the way into Lornia so far. Deep down, I wasn’t sad, wishing that young woman luck.

  At the same time, I had my own problems to deal with.

  I passed guards that were indifferent to my entrance. Inside the assembly area the entirety of my group were grabbing basic supplies from the wagon bed Norlan hauled in. When I neared his bench, his one good eye looked down on me in sadness.

  “Why the frown old man?” I asked, bringing a smile out.

  “Tami is expecting, she barely made it through the last birthing and I… we… took precautions,” Norlan said in a gruff tone.

  “If you want to change your terms I can guarantee she lives,” I said and his eyes widened.

  “Extorting me already?” Norlan chuckled. “And here I thought you were pretending to be a noble.”

  I rolled my eyes before waving him in close. “Go get her, and no charge. But… you tell a soul I did you a favor, and I’ll burn you alive.”

  “A noble I can respect,” Norlan said unfazed by my threat, beaming ear to ear with a giant smile. “As you command, Master.”

  He took off in a run, his image disappearing as he ran for his wife.

  Susanna approached from behind. “Pima?”

  “Gone. Thankfully.”

  “Your orders, Master?” she asked.

  “Have everyone form a circle and relax. When Norlan returns with his plus one we will go home,” I said.

  Susanna left to disseminate my commands giving an opening for Sir Nathanael to approach. The man sure was the definition of a knight. He was everything his younger brother wasn’t. Confident in the right ways, charming with his demeanor, and he gave a blanket sense of a proper noble who’d protect, instead of exploit.

  “You’re handsome enough to garner greater attention than the rabble needing work,” he said, folding his arms over his heavy armor as he stood at my side.

  The sex-repressed version of me from a month ago would have had me asking for him to hook me up with his sister or wife’s friends. A smirk was enough to tell him I was placated.

  “Yeah, this place sure is good to a man with a smidge of power. I bet you’re already married with multiple wives?” I asked with a chortle.

  He shrugged. “Two wives and we’re courting a third. Odd you picked fey, although they will be more prone to loyally following you.”

  I did enjoy the flattery. “A bent knee is all a man like me desires at times and will need more than this if I’m to complete your father’s quest.”

  “Right, the pack of wolf-kin. You’ll need more indeed,” Nathanael said. “You should hire me and my men.”

  “Alas, I have my plate full with this rabble. Aren’t you next in line here anyway? Didn’t think heirs would recklessly go into fights.” I asked.

  My limited studies said the Lord, almost always a male, could select his successor. If he had daughters, the eldest daughter’s husband would inherit the title. All offspring were given Sir or Lady, and then they hit the glass ceiling of nobility until they were able to achieve more on their own or the death of a parent.

  Nathanael’s chuckled happily. “No, I have three older brothers. All… court members. I’m… an oddity in my family. I prefer violence, battle, and blood.”

  “And you're suggesting?” I said, leaning on my staff.

  “You accepted the contract from my father to fight the growing fey threat. That is not a paltry pack, they have scouts, a small city and will be hard to push back. Even a victory against them will only do that, push them into other fey territory. He… refused my attempts to secure it. Meaning—”

  I snorted. “I can hire you on and irritate your father? My only noble ally in Lornia.”

  “Well, when you say it like that. Think about it, ask yourself if gaining me and the other cavalry I can bring is worth stirring the pot,” Nathanael said, leaving to see his men again.

  I headed over to the mares to give them scratches. Not five minutes later Norlan arrived carrying a dainty woman in his arms. She wasn’t even five feet tall and he was over six. No wonder his babies almost killed her.

  He followed me into the odd oval the hired hunters, servants, and useful others formed.

  “Everyone hold hands with the person beside you. We need to touch the horses and the wagons too. Normally, I only move a few people so this might be… different,” I said loudly, the stone walls of the staging area echoing my words.

  While they followed my orders to include the mares, I noticed Viscount Toony and his five wives were peering down on us from the second floor, with the rest of the court interested in seeing the show.

  I added myself to the chain between Susanna and one of the wolfy vixens.

  “Call out now if you are not connected,” I said

  A silence settled over the circle in anticipation. I allowed the flow of magic into my being. The energy slithered through my veins, growing slightly. Trying to mimic the thought of the gateway as I’d done so before failed with minimal power.

  I opened myself up, allowing a flood of energy into my body, resulting in me feeling sick to my stomach. I held in thoughts of the gateway and with a flash we vanished from Lornia.

  When we arrived in the hallway there were a few differences. The hallway had expanded.

  Lornia’s entrance had huge double doors and the Earth side had a cavernous opening. I noticed the ruby’s magic wasn’t drained too much. My theory, and it was just that, was I used more energy to create a bigger hallway, not that I was using energy per person.

  There was bad news too. The horses arrived without the carriage and the wagon. Maybe items had to be able to be held or something.

  I would reread what Jacob wrote in his book later. I was fairly confident the Viscount wouldn’t hawk my stuff after I just magically teleported fifty plus people and five mares into oblivion.

  “Enter the cave,” I commanded the gawking group of flabbergasted minions.

  Stepping back for my new home, I was ecstatic for a little break and to see the surprise on my sister’s face.


  Montana, Earth - Trevor’s Estate

  March 24th 2023

  Lornia was invigorating and exhausting. I returned to Earth to four feet of snow piled high around my home. The bitter chill soaked through my thin fabric, solidifying the sweat from walking around Trimi, and sending me shivering.

  I grimaced as my teeth clattered from the drastic change in temperature. I didn’t hate the cold normally, but this was a rude welcome.

  Susanna was ushering in my new employees while I checked the driveway. There were no new cars this time.

  However, down at the base of the driveway there were additional tent structures that reminded me of a hazmat containment unit site in the movies.

  Uh… I weaved between the others to race inside.

  A loud sigh escaped my lips when off to the side stood two very interested women. Lidia and Krissy were snickering to each other with huge grins. When they noticed me, my sister held out my smart phone with a smug look.

  “What’d I miss?” I asked.

  She shook her head as if I was in trouble.

  I grabbed the phone she extended, frowning when she folded her arms under her breasts. Her resting bitch face said she was unhappy until she saw the deer man with his broken arm.

  She fawned over his plight like a doe in headlights.

  “They… they sterilized the entire house, and even us,” Krissy said. “Then they set up a full medical facility, storage depot, and quarantine point at the gates. Apparently, your Susanna lady gave the doctors a new type of cold. Yeah, through hazmat suits. So, they’ve been in—”

  “Everything okay?” I asked and she shrugged.

  A few rapid taps on my phone brought up my texts. There was an email from Ming.

  We’ve contracted a new strain of the common cold. Nothing too worrisome, but our rush to find out the mysteries of Lornia has resulted in us adding new layers of precaution.

  All your needs will be handled by a team from the tent at the bottom of the road. If you desire to leave the residence, we ask you to acquire a screening and even then, avoid interacting with the general population until more is known.

  I… I’m sorry. Yukio is losing control because there are some amazing breakthroughs being discovered.

  New gene codes tend to make the powerful go crazy. The auctions have been reduced in size, limiting the exposure. Smaller players have been completely zoned out from even bidding, and Yukio, while showing a brave face, is getting worried. I hope you have assigned protection to your home.

  After reading this please let me know what you need and have available to auction.


  “I figured this might happen. I mean there are always viral threats these days,” I muttered, feeling sad about the state of the world. “The good news is they aren’t taking up vital space in the house.”

  “Right,” Krissy said, her eyes devouring a few of the shirtless hunks. “They are so human and yet, so many variations. I… I’m excited and nervous at the same time.”

  “I’m sending you both into the deep-end, last chance to get out,” I said to them.

  “We’re so in,” Lidia said excitedly and Krissy nodded rapidly.

  I smirked. Being the boss of your sister had its privileges. “You sure? Because I’m in charge here and you must follow my orders. Nothing too diabolical, but certainly not always fun. These men, women, and fey all follow my commands, calling me Master,” I said in a stern tone.

  “It’s fae, Master. Not fey,” Krissy informed me.

  I raised an eyebrow at Krissy calling me Master, but let it go.

  “Not in Lornia, where it matters. Guide our guests to the showers, ensure they wash properly, and yes that means butt holes, behind ears, and under uncircumcised flaps,” I said and both girls gasped.

  “Even with Susanna?” Lidia snickered. “Are you going to let me see your lover nude?”

  “Lover in the bedroom yes, guard outside of it. And yes, it's 2023. Nudity shouldn’t be some horrid thing,” I said and they stood there. “Is there a problem?”

  “No, Master,” Krissy said, leaving to guide the chatting nasty Lornians to the shower room.

  Lidia stayed, her expression lifted to something of amusement. She said, “Can I have a title at least so I’m not considered another servant?”

  “You want to be a Master?” I asked.

  “I do, apparently we both have the kink like Mom does,” Lidia said with her lips peeled back in a very revealing statement.

  “Wait, mom dominates dad?” I blurted, my mind racing.

  She patted my shoulder saying, “This is your show, you’re head Master, and I’ll defer to your guidance. But I at least want a Lady title. As for mom and dad, just be happy I was the one sworn to secrecy.”

  I shook my head, pleading when I said, “Don’t do it!”

  “I caught mom pegging dad with a gag in his mouth right as he came all over a teddy bear doll below him. Remember Stuffy that mom hated and went to teddy heaven?”

  I gagged. “I so fucking hate you right now!” I exclaimed.

  “Yeah, we’re even. I get to scrub shit out of peasants. Exactly like I dreamed of, the fucking smell, it’s awful,” Lidia said, scrunching her nose.

  I controlled the urge to vomit. Lidia left my side, giggling as she corralled the last of the group for the pool showers.

  That was my childhood doll! I need a blasted drink.

  After heading to the wine cellar, uncorking a bottle, and swigging some wine, I got over it. Good for mom and dad. They were the happiest couple I knew.

  Figuring I needed to get supplies, I called Ming via our secure phone app. There was zero surprise when she immediately answered.

  “You’re home,” Ming said cheerfully.

  “I’ve got a high risk pregnancy, a broken forearm, and fifty seven, or maybe fifty eight people to screen. Almost all of them are fey. That’s what Jacob used and how I see it spelt in Lornia,” I said.

  She snickered saying, “Yukio and I had this debate too. Okay. You’ve got a lot of funds. Tell me what you need?”

  “My hired help needs uniformity, and colors matter in Lornia. I require black with red trim in what I’m requesting, and I’ll send everyone down to get screened after a cleaning. Ensure they take measurements then. Mage type robes, leather outfits, field dressed, casual clothes Earth style like sweats and plain shirts. Hygiene products for a hundred people.

  “Food, like a lot of it. Start with fresh, minimal frozen, as natural as you can find it. Oh, I got horses so a veterinarian maybe, or at the very least draw some blood and sell it. I’m going to drop off gold coins that are marked. I need like ten thousand of t
hose made in replica and probably another thousand blank ones.

  “You going to be able to handle all this?” I asked.

  “I got a team now,” she said. “Yukio wants you to be happy, and things to continue to flow smoothly. I want to finish treatment and then head into Lornia again so I’m eager to please you both. Anything else?”

  “Weapons for here, hunting rifles and such. Then some bow and arrows…” I paused thinking. “That should cover it. If your team thinks of common items I missed pick them up please.”

  “So, gold to keep funding your Lornia adventure. Supplies to clean the house, and maintain a hundred people. Weapons to defend yourselves. I take it you want some sort of vehicle to get to the badlands later?”

  “A charter chopper would be nice if you want me to avoid people,” I said as if the sentence was perfectly normal.

  “We had another special request,” Ming said hesitantly.

  That sounded ominous. “Yeah.”

  “Your blood and sperm, you possess -”

  “Blood yes, sperm at a heavy cost. There are mages here, female and male, who the doctors can do that to if not me. I’ll indicate which ones can see the stones glow,” I said bluntly.

  “Interesting. You found other mages. Can they travel back and forth too?” Ming asked hesitantly.

  I wanted to scoff and reply in a bitchy tone but held it in. “No.”

  My answer was the truth as far as I knew it. There was a chance these others with the gift could realm jump.

  “All right, this will take some time on the rifles and the gold, but the toiletries, food, and regular baggy clothing will be there in a few hours,” Ming said. “Those other mages are going to send Yukio and the council into a tizzy.”

  “Ming,” I said, ensuring I had her attention. “I actually like Lornia. Test me by stealing a mage or trying to subvert my authority by turning one of my minions into a spy for you, Yukio, or this hidden council, and I’ll vanish.”

  “I already told Yukio as much. When… when you saved my life you killed without a second thought. Based on your last report you have no qualms being feared with lethal intent. It’s almost as if Lornia is calling to your inner unlocked psych,” Ming said, almost sadly.


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