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Ruby Mage

Page 19

by Dan Raxor

  I wore warm leathers with link armor between the padding. Part of my physical regiment had meant jogging in the mansion in Montana while wearing the heavier gear. My thick robe kept the wind out while trapping the warmth in. We were all wearing matching black robes with red trim while carrying bows, arrows, and swords.

  “And you’re here because?” I said to Sir Nathanael.

  He smiled. “Gold, adventure, and there is also the thought of more gold. Father has a fee for your carriage storage.”

  “Oh really,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Ten silvers a day. It adds up,” he said in a smartass tone.

  I chuckled and said, “I don’t think that’s really why you’re here.”

  “Trimi is under siege. Sort of,” Sir Nathanael said, causing me to frown.

  I looked around, wishing Norlan were here. “And?”

  “Father wants to disappear to a safe place should things turn sour,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve been sent to officially proposition you for a hasty exit in case the city falls. Nobles are often targeted during such sieges. Of course, I can understand if this is beneath your station.”

  Ah, he obviously didn’t care to be the messenger boy for his father's cowardice.

  “Hard pass on holding the Viscount’s hand,” I said leaning on my staff. His smile confirmed my theory. “Who’s the foe?”

  He grimaced before saying, “Dwarves have sided with a large pack of wolf-kin. They smashed a new outpost we started building between your binding agreement target and Trimi. Both species sent a clear message. Human encroachment will not be tolerated.”

  “Don’t they hate each—”

  Sir Nathanael interjected, “Other? Yes, of course. However, we lost over a hundred builders. People who are now tucked deep inside a Jamas Hold as prisoners of war. Um … Men cover your ears.”

  There was snorting laughter as the cavalry men pretended to cover the ear parts of the helmets.

  “Father is losing terribly. To the point he might get hung and his position replaced. Instead of beating the threat back… he is cowering. I sent battle plans, requests for aid, and have been pleading. He… is—”

  “Frightened,” Targon said from the back.

  “Oh, hey, Targon!” I said waving to the older grizzly veteran. “Okay, and the plan is?”

  “We make me a Count and you a Baron,” Sir Nathanael said and this time his friendly smile worked.

  “Well my goodness, let me get my army then,” I said with a smirk. “Circle up mages.”

  “Master Trevor,” Targon said, walking his horse over. There was a gagged, and bound, full wolf-kin dragged in front of me.

  “Awe, you’re too much,” I said, clapping lightly. I pointed to the bound fey. “Libby, slit its throat.”

  My gems were getting low.

  “We caught this one not far from here, sniffing for you. It was confused how you vanished, aimlessly roaming the area. This new invasion is more than we ever expected. Their numbers are beyond belief to the point even I’m concerned. That and we’re shocked the dwarves even allied with them,” Nathanael said, spitting on the nearby full fey.

  Libby stabbed the helpless wolf-kin’s throat, the body trembled trying to fight the inevitable death.

  I saw the raw energy floating above the body. With a rapid inhaling of power I ingested every last bit into the gems present. I’d need a lot more to brighten the glow of my collection at home, but spring in the badlands was around the corner.

  “Consider us wanting to help mainly because I want to be a baron,” I said, waving my group together. “I’ll be back.”

  Oh well, it seemed like I was going to go from snow to snow for a while. Instead of a long drawn out talk I sent my group home with a spell that came natural now.

  Arriving back on Earth, I enjoyed the warmer air for a brief moment before heading inside. I walked to my smartphone on the kitchen counter. The cooks were preparing dinner, giving the kitchen a heavy aroma of garlic and beef. They were surprised to see me home sooner than expected.

  Rivinia and Susanna hurried into the kitchen at a slight run. I picked at the stir-fry like the naughty Master I was, smiling at seeing my trusted lackeys.

  “Assemble the troops,” I said, causing them both to stare at me in shock. “Trimi is under siege.”

  “Yes, Master,” they said in unison, bumping into each other in a hasty departure.

  I sat at a table to call Ming. This time it went to voicemail telling them I was going to war in an attempt to woo the locals and earn their trust.

  I figured she and Yukio might want to send an updated list before I left. The last one I had was from a week ago. Oh well, I had to focus on what I could change.

  There’d be at least twenty people staying behind for numerous reasons. None of my core team was staying, leaving me confident in our skirmishing abilities. The only thing I’d failed to acquire was more horses so we’d avoid lengthy walks.

  Apparently buying and moving assault rifles were easier than moving horses. Too bad they turned into wood in Lornia. With a longing sigh, I left the kitchen area for my room.

  Rivinia was packing her bag, a sad look on her face. We’d bonded to friends with benefits, while Susanna was my sex toy, as much as Libby, Gabriella, or Ryleigh. She was my significant other and fit in smoothly with Lidia and Krissy.

  While some might think our odd orgy house would be filled to the roof with drama, it magically was not. Hence, I rarely saw Rivinia sad.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  She stuffed in an extra set of robes before handing me the bag. Libby walked in behind me, pausing because of the tension.

  Of all the women, she was by far the most sensitive.

  I called Libby my teddy bear. The others weren’t nearly as empathetic, she… well, Libby would hold you tighter if you were having a bad day. I had grown fond of her affectionate side. She might be timid and rarely talk, but she was reliable. Her downside was she may look menacing but she was lacking emotional confidence. That was something I could work with, seeing small improvements.

  “Just here to get the saddles, Master,” Libby said, and I nodded.

  She went into the vault room with all our gold in it that happened to have saddles on the floor. Those saddles were already loaded with small gold coins. “Just one, we’re going to war after all.”

  Rivinia held up two fingers.

  “Fine,” I hissed, “Make it two.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said from inside my private vault.

  Rivinia waited until she was gone to say, “I love it here. It’s the best life I’ve ever had. I’m healthy, cherished, and happy. Why bother with Lornia?”

  “Good question. You want an honest answer or a soft dodge?” I asked and she frowned. “This exists because of the greater outside world I can’t show you. We started a new strain of the common cold on Earth.

  “No one is dying from it, but the powers that be – who even elude me – are spooked by what I am. In Lornia I’m entitled to a lord status. On Earth I’m nothing and things are vastly different, I’m just rich. The nobles here may deem this operation too great of a risk.”

  “Sheesh. So much for Pangea,” Rivinia said and I put a finger over my lips.

  “That is still the cover. There’s infinite amounts of stuff we don’t know. Also, my contacts have been slow to respond lately. In the business world, that's not good. Like at all,” I said hesitantly.

  “Oh, I didn’t know. Maybe we take all the gold and bury it?” Rivinia said, looking to the vault. “I really like it here, but if we have to go, I know you’ll protect us.”

  “Moving to remove us will take time and power. And we’re armed anyway, which is good. I think what we have access to, is too valuable for now, until it becomes too dangerous,” I said with a sigh.

  Gabriella and Ryleigh knocked on the door. There may have been a grumble from me seeing them ready to go. I much preferred them naked than in winter garb. The sisters were goo
fballs, the kind you wanted to be around because they made your cheeks sore from smiling so much. They also could fuck like rock stars which was a perk I utilized often.

  They had their downsides though. I wished I could say one was smarter than the other but I couldn’t. They were both struggling to learn basic letters, and beside the odd joke most of what they said was idiotic.

  Making up for their lack of intellect was their sheer loyalty and obedience, something that I had grown quite fond of. They definitely completed my little harem, and I was a very happy man.

  “Hiya girls,” I said.

  “Horses are saddled. The troops are being assembled. A few of the cooks not slated to go are—”

  I held up a hand. We would be marching hard, constantly on the move. Norlan mentioned soldiers’ wives would march with an army. While men built defenses after a march, the wives would set up camp for warmth, shelter, boil water, make food, and so on.

  There was an incentive of gold for those who didn’t sign on to head to war with us and a few had accepted. The bonus was not much, but this meant as we were actually leaving more wanted in.

  “Approved,” I said, sending the duo to go pass the word.

  Rivinia kissed my cheek, heading to leave the room. “Going to say goodbyes real quick.”

  “Bro,” Lidia said with Krissy at the door. My room was pretty much a sanctuary and besides Rivinia, I rarely let people in. Even most of my raunchy sex was done in side rooms. Right now, my sanctuary felt like it was a madhouse. “We’ve been training too.”

  “And failing,” I said sternly. This caught me off guard. “Wait, Krissy wants to go?”

  “Actually, I don’t. I’m here to say goodbye, inform you the house is in good hands, wish you good luck, and to tell you my new book project will keep me plenty busy while you’re away,” Krissy said, hugging me.

  Lidia was in the proverbial battle rattle. “You're shit with a bow,” I said harshly. While rude, it was true. She hit the wrong tree almost every time.

  “Pete is going and he can’t shoot,” she countered.

  “Lidia, I’m your brother. You’re a Lady of my fantasy court. If you want to go, just pack your things and be ready for the teleport. Don’t whine out a justification, it’s unbecoming of your station.”

  “I’m not whining,” she said defiantly.

  “Are too.”

  “Argg… See you outside Master Mage Trevor,” my sister said, leaving the doorway.

  I finished stuffing items into my sack. Preparing for a sudden departure was a once a week drill that probably should have been once a day.

  Feeling like I forgot something, I checked my phone one last time. No updates. I headed for my desk, pulling the most up to date request list to fold in my pocket.

  On a hunch, I flicked the wall tablet to on.

  Checking the news I learned there were riots in Paris, stocks were at all-time highs, and a new Alzheimer drug was entering first human trials with profound results on monkeys. Maybe that was the missing link here.

  I shut the display off to head outside. I had a city to save, a friendly knight to anoint, and some foes to slay.

  A typical Tuesday in Lornia.


  Lornia - Trimi

  258th day of the 1st year of King Partel’s Reign

  The fire beat back the night with its flames. My eyes entered a trance from the dancing orange display. I grumbled about the last three miserable days, muttering over my thoughts.

  Norlan had us hauling a ton of supplies, refusing to leave the mansion in a hurry without gear. That meant soldiers were hauling excessive amounts of heavy stuff like tents, fire pits for inside tents, and so many arrows they really needed a cart.

  Our attempt to strong arm Riverten for wagons was met with an eerily silent outpost.

  Sir Nathanael mentioned that he warned the outposts on his way to me. He told the town to vacate to Clruss via the Filheim Mountains. Yeah, the residents of Riverten tucked tail to cut through dragon lands. That's how desperate they were to avoid defending their home. There were a few older people who stayed in the outpost, choosing to fight.

  Then there was a heart breaking moment that resulted in us rescuing an abandoned little girl. That girl was asking for her doll from a shelf her mom left it on to trick her. I like to think I was a hardened man. However, this broke my heart.

  A hard march meant the little girl would have had to of been carried and apparently that was asking too much from her mother. Yeah, it was a punch to the gut. Ditching the old folks was easier. My offers to take them were refused and they made their own choices regardless of my efforts. What the hell I’d do with her was unknown, but that little joined our war party.

  Of course, she didn’t ride on my horse. Lidia suddenly had a purpose to our mission as the official camp organizer. As a Lady she got one of the five mares and huzzah, a new three year old covered in filth.

  The majority of the trip was walking parallel to the road with the knights scouting and screening on the flanks, leaving me to soak in the same boring view as we slow walked for Trimi.

  The aspen tree tops were coated in a thin snow with the ground a mix of frost and exposed leaves. A small storm blew, dumping enough snow that the troops grumbled.

  I had them in the best armor and robes they’d ever seen which helped keep the sour attitudes at a minimum. The birds were scarce, the chipmunks and squirrels were hibernating, and only a few times did we see any signs of other life.

  Sir Nathanael tried to chat with me about my home during the trip. I allowed some of it, rejected most. It became abundantly clear the realm known as Pangea held sway over his desires. I hardly faulted him, I didn’t hide the fact it held infinite gold, and assured him I needed allies to the point I would pay for them.

  His curiosity was more along the lines of our advanced technology. He was keen on something called a hottub, hot water on demand without a mage, and movies. That kind of stuff I used to help build a rapport between us.

  To make good time we broke camp early and set camp late. At this pace we should start seeing the enemy tomorrow, which led to this campfire meeting with Targon, Sir Nathanael, Norlan and me.

  Tami and Rivinia were handing us warm cocoa that had become a sensation. The yummy beverage helped lift my spirits.

  Finding out coffee tins could cross as long as they held metal lids was an awesome discovery. When the knights of Trimi had their steaming coco we started the discussion.

  “Scouts say father gave up Seema. That is the south farming community where we breed and process our livestock. The enemy swooped in, killing and capturing the poor workers who were caught undefended. The shocking thing is the dwarven and wolf-kin are said to have equally split the gains,” Sir Nathanael grumbled.

  “There has to be a link we’re—”

  “Yes, Master?” Libby said from where she was constructing a tent.

  That damn bear woman and her hearing. She probably misheard link for Libby. “Nothing, Libby,” I said, raising my voice before continuing. “There has to be a connection we’re missing.”

  “We’ve got a theory,” Targon said and Sir Nathanael grumbled. “The lad dismisses it because history dictates it can’t be real. I think there is a dwarven mage at play. That is not impossible, or a far reaching theory. Where it gets a bit crazy, well… I think there is a wolf mage working with them.”

  “Hmm … Do you want to change the plan?” I asked and the three men shrugged. “What?”

  “If we go to rescue the food, well,” Sir Nathanael said, letting the sentence hang.

  Norlan cleared his throat to say, “If we capture that vital food. The crown will not have to empty food stores in Crimm for Trimi. Which, make no mistake, they’ll say they will, and never offer enough because they can’t. Seema being lost was the death blow to the Viscount. You can’t have your food robbed before winter. It’s folly and a death sentence to a leader.”

  I smiled at the word use and totally
had to return to a grumpy frown. People were so sour when it came to this war stuff.

  “Then we run hard for the captured livestock. How far if we run at night?” I asked.

  They all shot wide eyes to me. “You want to fight the wolf-kin and dwarves, both who see in the dark, at night?” Sir Nathanael asked in dismay.

  I bobbed my head saying, “Yup.”

  Targon got it when he snapped his fingers. “They’re six hours at a hard run. They’ve been herding all day with zero reprisal. They’ll—”

  “Never see it coming,” Norlan said in a greedy tone.

  “I’m lost,” Nathanael admitted.

  Mist fluttered over to refill our cups. I had been meaning to sex the lusty fairy babe and she winked when she saw me eying her. “The master mage is going to turn the night into day, silly Sir Nathanael. Trevor is far more powerful than you foolish regular humans give him credit for.”

  I was going to scold her when she flew away to avoid it. Yeah, my army loved me, and to be fair to Nathanael, so did his troops.

  A few sips later and Nathanael stood. “All right, to war. Let’s keep this as a base camp for those not fighting.”

  “Ready the troops, Norlan,” I said, going to pee.

  Rivinia saw me heading for our tent and rushed to get the flap open for me. “We’re running?”

  “Good thing we do it every morning. You need to hand charged rubies to the mages. I wished we practiced circle casting more,” I grumbled, dropping my pants to piss into a bucket. “I fucking miss toilets.”

  “Ha! Exactly. Anyway, we will be ready. Just leave Libby out,” Rivinia said, and I chuckled. “It’s not funny. She literally vomits and roils in pain for hours when you overuse her as a conduit.”

  “It's hilarious because she gets drunk from the sickness first. But yea, I feel a smidge bad after,” I said. “Go, hurry up. It's not like I’m going to be running.”

  “Yeah, Daisy is a great horse, very in tune with nature. But … you’re in the way of the gems,” Rivinia said and I scooted out of the way.


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