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My Cup of Tea

Page 2

by Alice Wilde

  “It wasn’t on purpose,” I say. “What can I do to help?”

  To my utter surprise, Lucy looks me in the eye, smiles genuinely, and says, “Don’t worry about it.”

  It shocks me as much as it does the small group around her and we all just look at each other blankly for a minute.

  “Now, if you wouldn’t mind helping me up, perhaps we can all just get back to work?” Lucy says. I reach for her hands and help her to her feet as the crowd disperses.

  “Are you sure I didn’t give you a concussion? That’s not exactly a normal response to getting smashed in the face by a door.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’ve been dying to get a nose job for the longest time, but Daddy won’t let me. Now he’ll have to! You’ve been a godsend to a dire situation,” Lucy whispers to me conspiratorially. “Merry Christmas to me!”

  She hugs me, then disappears into the restroom. I make my way to my desk in a daze and drape my coat over the back of the chair. If I wasn’t the one living it, I’d never believe a single thing that’s happened today.

  I boot up my computer and wait for it to load. My phone buzzes in my coat pocket and I reach around my chair to get it. I press a button to light up the screen and read the message.

  Hi Mandy, it’s Dan. I wanted to call you, but I figured you’re probably at work…and I couldn’t wait any longer.

  My heart skips a beat. He has actually texted me. My phone vibrates again; another message.

  This is a bit awkward, but do you happen to have my book?

  Drat. Now it makes sense why he’s messaging me at all. I’d forgotten about his book. I slide my finger across the screen to unlock my phone and text back.

  Hey Dan, thanks for messaging. Yes, I do. Sorry.

  I don’t even know why I’m apologizing. Another buzz.

  No worries. I was just hoping maybe we could meet up tonight so I can get it back? Not a fan of riding the subway without a good book.

  At least he thinks Pride and Prejudice is a good book.

  Sure. I’ll text you after work?

  I stare at the screen for a full minute but there’s no response. I grab the edge of my desk and roll myself closer to it. Might as well try to get some work done. I opened up one the Excels I’ve been working on this week for a client and manage to spend the next while focused on the task. Abruptly, a pair of hands grabs and squeezes my shoulders from behind, my stomach twisting painfully from the surprise. I shiver at the touch. It’s not unlike Fitz’s touch, but something about it is off and makes me squirm uncomfortably.


  It’s Nick. I sit up even more rigidly in my chair, glad he can’t read my thoughts.

  “Would you please see me in my office for a moment?”

  “Of course,” I say, pushing myself out of my chair and following him back to his office.

  Nick opens the door and gestures for me to enter. I take a seat in one of the chairs opposite his desk as Nick enters, closing the door behind him, but he doesn’t sit. Not really. Instead, he perches on his desk in front of me. It’s a surprisingly attractive misuse of furniture.

  “I’ve just spoken with my daught—”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry about that. I swear it was an accident.”

  “Hey, calm down,” Nick says, leaning forward to squeeze my shoulders in a manner I assume is supposed to be reassuring, before returning to his perched position. “You’re not in any trouble. In fact, I wanted to thank you.”

  “Thank me? For hurting your daughter?”

  Nick laughs.

  “No, not exactly for hurting her. You see, she’s been trying to talk me into getting her a nose job for years. I could never see the point of it before. She got her mother’s nose after all,” Nick says, pausing momentarily before continuing. “And I certainly wasn’t going to pay for an unnecessary operation. But now, thanks to you, our little dilemma seems to be fixed. Insurance should pay for it. It’s a medical need and she gets what she wants.”

  “I guess you’re welcome,” I say. “But I’d rather not make a big deal out of it.”

  “Well, you see, that’s only part of the reason I asked you to speak with me.”

  I shift uncomfortably in my seat. This can’t be good…Or can it? Maybe I’m getting fired or laid off after all.

  “I’m not sure how to put this, but I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while,” he says.

  I watch as his eyes drift lower. Ugh, now I’m thinking about my tassel bra again. Play it cool, you can own this.

  “Um, well, when I saw you earlier this morning. I just thought maybe you’re also looking.”

  “Looking? Looking for what?” I say.

  “Well, you know, for an office romance. It ‘tis the season, am I right?” Nick says with a nervous laugh.

  My mind is literally blank. Wait, hold on, did he just come on to me? Here, in the office, on a random Tuesday in December? What the actual fuck is going on?

  “What?” I say, my mind still trying to process the situation.

  “I just thought, maybe, you were trying to give me a hint…with your wardrobe and all?” Nick shifts forward again, but this time he places his hand on one of my breasts.

  “Shut the front door, are you actually being serious right now? You pervert!” I yell, tipping my chair over as I jump out of it. I see red and punch him hard in the dick. I don’t even know where the idea came from, but rage is boiling in me and I let myself react.

  “Screw you, it’s only thanks to your stupid casual Tuesdays that I even wore this. And it most definitely was not for you. Or anyone else for that matter!”

  Nick groans from his now fetal position on the floor.

  “You bitch,” Nick grunts. “You’re fired.”

  “No, I quit! And you bet your butt you’ll rue this day.”

  That sounded better in my head. I turn to storm out of the office, and I’m further angered by the fact the door is locked. He actually thought he was going to get some after that condescending display of his? Disgusting. Unlocking the door, I tear through the office, snatching my coat and phone from my desk.

  I am almost in tears from sheer anger by the time I get to the elevator. I put my coat on, sliding my phone into the pocket, and repeatedly press the elevator call button. Movement in my peripheral turns my head. Catherine. Great, just person I don’t want to see.

  “Going out?” she asks quietly.

  I grunt in response to her idiotic question, but she doesn’t leave. I really hope she doesn’t get in the elevator with me. I want to scream. A ding announces the elevator’s arrival. I get in and mash the close doors button as quickly as I can, but Catherine manages to slip in before the doors can shut on her. An uncomfortable silence ensues as the elevator starts to descend, but then Catherine grabs me and turns me around to face her.

  “Did he try something?”


  “Did he try something?”

  I stare at her wide-eyed. I hadn’t expected this at all. “Uh. Yes,” I say.

  “Oh my god, what happened?” Catherine says, a note of genuine concern in her voice.

  “I punched him in the dick.”

  Catherine blinks and then bursts into laughter. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, and then I quit,” I say.

  “Oh. He didn’t fire you then?”

  “He tried, but there was no way I was going to give him that satisfaction. Wait, how did you know?”

  Catherine bites her lip and then sighs. “He’s been threatening to fire me ever since my second month here if I didn’t…comply. I know everyone in the office thinks I’m just a butt-kissing flirt, but I need this job, and quitting just hasn’t been an option. Not yet.”

  I stare at her dumbfounded. All the disgust that I’ve ever felt for her melting away.

  “You haven’t reported him?”

  “Who would believe me? Besides, I’m friends with Lucy. It would break her heart if she knew.”

  “You have to report him,�
�� I say. “This is wrong on so many levels.”

  “I know, but I can’t. When I saw the way that he checked you out by the elevator this morning…and the way he grabbed your shoulders…” Catherine says with a shudder. “I’m sorry, I know I should have warned you, but I just hoped that maybe if he did try something, we could take him down together.”

  “Yeah. You could have warned me,” I say, my teeth clenching.

  “So, will you help?”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “I need time to think.”

  Of course I’m going to help, but I feel the sudden need to make sure she knows I’m mad she didn’t warn me.

  “I hope you will,” Catherine says. “You’re my only option right now.”

  I grunt, but don’t say anything as I exit the elevator. She doesn’t follow me, and I instantly feel a pang in my gut for leaving her behind. I already regret wanting her to share in my misery—it’s true misery loves company—but she’s been dealing with a lot worse than me. Including my own judgement.

  Standing in the lobby, I look out of the floor-to-ceiling glass and wonder what I’m going to do now.

  My phone vibrates. It’s Dan.

  Sorry, got pulled into a meeting. Grabbing lunch now. Feel free to let me know when and where is convenient for you.

  Right, I’d forgotten about the book. Perhaps I can get that out of the way now. At least it would be something to do.

  Yeah, me too. Actually, I’m free now if you’d like to meet up.

  He messages me back almost immediately.

  OK, meet you at your subway stop in twenty?

  Wow, he’s even coming to me? Oh, wait. That’s probably because he’s afraid I might stalk him.

  Cool beams.


  Instant regret. I should have just blamed it on autocorrect. I open my Kindle app to read while I wait, but my new list of RH recommendations reignites my need to rage, so I begin 1-star reviewing as many of them as I can. It’s not as satisfying as it was earlier, though. Part of me is still angry about the unrealistic multi-men romances, but another part of me is mad that it’s not real. If I had that many devoted men—heck, if I even had one—I’d march right back here with them in tow and make Nick regret his womanizing existence.

  I shove the phone back into my pocket and tie my coat around me. I check my watch to see if I should leave yet. I still have some time. Glancing outside, I see it’s starting to snow. Great, better leave now before it gets worse.

  The walk back to the subway was even worse than earlier. I swear it’s gotten colder. By the time I enter the station, my legs are a bright red and I’m sure my toes have fallen off. At least my hair wasn’t wet this time. My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s Dan, except it’s an actual phone call.

  I suddenly find myself in a full-blown panic attack as I try to process what to do next. Finally, I manage to get ahold of myself and reject the call. I have no idea why I just did that.

  My phone rings again, but this time I force myself to answer.

  “Wass-up,” I say, hating myself.

  “Hi, Mandy,” Dan’s says with a laugh. “I just got off the train. The reception is pretty bad in here. Mind coming to meet me where we left off earlier?”

  “Oh, okay. Be right there,” I say.

  I guess it makes sense to meet where we can easily go our separate ways. I hadn’t planned to go home yet, but that’s probably a good idea anyways.

  Making my way down to the trains, I spot him almost instantly. Even without a book, he’s just drool-worthy.

  “Hi,” I say once I’m close enough for him to hear me.

  “It’s nice to see you again, but you look chilled!”

  “Don’t worry about it, my short skirt is the least of my wardrobe malfunctions today,” I say.

  He raises his eyebrows out of curiosity and I clear my throat nervously.

  “Oh, um, well here you go,” I say pulling his book from my pocket and thrusting it out toward him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take it.”

  Dan reaches out and takes the book, placing it in his own pocket. I start creating an elaborate excuse of my own for when he tells me he has somewhere to rush off to.

  “Actually,” Dan says. “I didn’t leave the book by accident.”

  My mind stops spinning the tale in my head as I refocus.


  “Please don’t be mad, but I was hoping if I left my book with you, it would give me a good excuse to see you sooner.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, I’m dead serious,” Dan says. “I know this is might sound strange, but I feel a spark when I’m around you. It’s been a long time since I felt that.”


  “I let that one get away, and I don’t want that to happen again. Anyways, you probably have to be getting back to work, right?” Dan says as he checks his own watch.

  “Um, no, actually. I just quit my job.”

  Dan looks at me with mild shock. “Well, okay then. Would you like to run off and spend the day together?”

  “Don’t you have work?”

  “Yeah, but it’s my own startup company. They can manage without me for the day,” Dan says as he offers his hand to me. “Shall we?”

  The arriving train screeches to a halt behind him, causing his hair and coat to blow around him. I only hesitate for a moment before taking his hand and boarding the waiting train.

  Dan agrees to stop at my house first so I can change. The snow falls romantically around us as we walk back toward my apartment building, hand in hand. We’re just passing the café from this morning when Dan stops in his tracks.

  “Would you like a tea?”

  “I’d love a tea!”

  “Great, how about I grab us some tea and I’ll meet you downstairs at your building after you’ve changed?”

  I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m disappointed he won’t be joining me in my apartment.

  “Sounds good, take your time. I’ll probably be about twenty minutes,” I say. “I’m on the eighth floor.”

  Dan squeezes my hand and enters the café and I continue on to my apartment. I walk to the end of the entrance hall and push the button for the elevator, but the button doesn’t light up. I push it again harder. Nothing.

  Looking around, I notice a sign taped to the sliding doors. Down for Maintenance.

  I close my eyes, trying to center myself and failing. Motherfucker. The last thing I want to do right now is walk up eight flights of stairs in heels.

  The elevator doors suddenly open in front of me.

  “Oops,” a voice says from inside.

  It’s the maintenance worker, he turns toward the opening doors and our eyes meet. He looks like a human version of that hot Native American warrior Pocahontas was supposed to marry—should have married—in the Disney film. What’s his name? Shit, now it’s going to drive me crazy. I’ll have to Google it later.

  His hair is pulled into a messy bun at the top of his head, his rich, chocolatey eyes piercing straight into my soul. His sleeves are rolled up, revealing a series of tribal tattoos that in no way detract from the chiseled beauty of his muscles.

  “Hey,” he says. “You'll burn a hole straight to my heart if you keep staring at me that way.”

  I blush and pull my eyes away. “Sorry, I was just trying to use the elevator.”

  “So, you’re rude and illiterate,” he says.

  I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but he lets out a rolling laugh. I stomp my foot anyways.

  “Hey, no need for that,” he says. “I was just messing with you. My name’s Liam.” He climbs out of the elevator, wiping his hands clean on a rag before extending one toward me.

  I take it hesitantly. “Mandy.”

  “Well, Mandy, looks like you’re either going to have to wait for me to fix the elevator or take the stairs. Sorry.”

  “Are you almost finished?”

  “Yep, just two or three more hours. Pretty sur
e staying to keep me company would beat walking up the stairs in those daggers any day,” Liam says with a wink.

  “That is not almost finished,” I retort. “Besides, I have somewhere I need to be in twenty minutes.”

  I step back toward the stairwell.

  “How many floors?”

  “Why does it matter?” I say, pausing to look at him, but then I decide to answer. “Eight.”

  Liam shakes his head at me, an eyebrow raised in mischief.

  “You honestly think I’m going to force you to walk up eight flights of stairs wearing those death traps?”

  He presses a button shutting the elevator and then strides over to me. Suddenly his arms wrap around my waist and I’m tossed over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Although hopefully I’m not as lumpy.

  “Hey, put me down!”

  Liam’s already made it up two flights of stairs in the time it took me to accept what had happened. He stops in his tracks and lowers me to the floor. I find myself instantly regretting my request.

  “Sorry,” Liam says raising his hands in front him in apology. “I didn’t mean for that to be so aggressive. I was just trying to be helpful. I swear sometimes I act more like a beast than a human.”

  I check my watch, I’m supposed to meet Dan downstairs in ten minutes.

  “Um, actually, I do need your help,” I say.

  Liam shakes his head again. “You’re a funny one.”

  A second later, I find myself bent over his shoulder as we make our way up the rest of the stairs. He doesn’t put me down until we get to my door, but I freeze as I go to open the door.

  “Ugh! My keys.”


  “I left my purse at home this morning. My keys are inside it.”

  “Is that all?” Liam says as he grabs my door handle and breaks the lock, letting the door swing open.

  “And now I need a new door. That’s going to be expensive.”

  “Hey, I can fix it, don’t worry,” Liam assures me. “I’ll watch the door, you go do what you need to.”


  I kick off my heels and throw my coat on the couch and then race to my bedroom. Throwing open my closet, I realize the only clean pants I have are part of my all-white New Year’s pantsuit. While very sexy, with the drop-v neckline, squared shoulders, and clean-cut pants, it might be too much for a day out on the town.


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