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Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle

Page 12

by René, Dani

  “Okay, what did you say to him that was so bad?” I asked slowly. I held onto my cup, hoping it would stop my hands from shaking.

  He looked up again. “I told him he was just like our father, and I guess he wanted to prove he was by cheating with my ex. Our father was a liar and a cheat. He also gamble and had addictions just like I did. He left my mother with nothing. He took all our savings and ran off with some girl he had found. Bash — when he was younger — was a bit of a gambler, and I feared he had turned into my father. He worked at a bar where he was stealing the tips to gamble. He is okay now, of course. I guess we’re both broken kids.” He didn’t look at me. “I told him he was like our dad, and I knew it cut him deep. I said it on purpose. I wanted to hurt him. So, he hurt me. He took Krista from me.”

  As I stared at him, I saw a little boy aching for forgiveness from his brother, and my heart broke. I took a step toward him. “Don’t. Emily . . .” His voice was commanding, and I stopped.

  “Triston, everyone says things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment. Yes, it might take years, but he will forgive you. And you will be able to forgive him some time. What did he say in the message he sent you?” I frowned. How could they hate each other this much? They were brothers. Everyone makes mistakes, but they overcome them. Don’t they? He got up and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. “It’s in the messages. I’m going to shower. Once you’ve read it, and you decide to stay, join me. If you decide not to be with me, I completely understand.” His eyes never met mine as he walked past me into the bathroom.

  Unlocking his phone, I smiled at the home screen photo. He had taken it the day we went to the beach; it was a photo of us smiling after we had our swim. I opened his messages and found the one from Bash.

  Sebastian: Do you think she will want you after she knows the real you? The dark, demented person under those pretty blue eyes? Why do you think Krista chose me? I will get Emily too. Brother

  I was shaking with anger, but also with confusion. I put the phone on the cabinet as thoughts whirled through my mind. What the fuck was Bash playing at? We spent one night together. Why did he think he had any say over me? I could make my own choices, and I wanted Triston. I dropped the sheet and walked into the bathroom. Sliding the shower door open, I stepped inside. Triston turned, his eyes betrayed him — he looked shocked that I was there with him. I realized he didn’t expect me to be there.

  “Em.” I put my finger to his lips, my eyes never leaving his.

  “I am here, Triston, with you. Now can we please get ready for work?” I smiled, trying to reassure him.

  “Emily.” He pulled me into his body, and I realized how much I ached for him. I wanted to fix him, to make him whole. I wanted to show him he was worthy of love. His past didn’t matter anymore; I knew I couldn’t be without him. “I’m not running away. Okay?” I whispered, leaning up to kiss him.

  “You’re my girl . . .” he said into the kiss, and I smiled. His hands cupped my ass, lifting me against him. I felt his arousal at my entrance, and I was ready for him to take me again. Under the hot spray, he pinned me against the wall, sliding into me slowly. It was so different from the night before. He was slow and gentle, sliding into me all the way, filling the ache inside my core. His mouth on my hard nipples sent waves of pleasure to my heated entrance. I tightened around him, and his growl vibrated off his chest. His teeth bit lightly on the hard bud, and I cried out.

  He was lifting me higher, fixing me the same way I fixed him. The only way we knew how was by having him inside me. He moved faster and deeper as I dug my nails into his shoulder. His eyes burned into me. Without breaking eye contact, he whispered, “Come for me, angel.” His words sent me over the edge as I tightened around him, his release filling me.

  * * *

  The day was long and busy. We had finished the complete marketing plan and revised the contracts. When five o’clock rolled around, I was ready for bed, but Triston and I had to go to a masked ball. This time, I was entirely out of my depth. I had never been to a special dance of any kind. Triston called Jessie earlier with instructions to order my dress and his suit, as well as masks, which would be delivered to the hotel for our arrival back after our day at the office. Mr. Jacobson threw a lot of parties, and this was the most opulent of them all. As a tomboy, I wasn’t used to wearing dresses every day. I was much more comfortable in sweats and a pair of gym shoes.

  We also still had to talk about Triston and Bash’s past. I knew he wasn’t looking forward to it. I was sure I was about to learn the darker side of the man I was falling in love with as I looked over at him in the seat next to me. Feeling my eyes on him, he turned. “You okay, angel?” His hand found mine, and he laced our fingers. I nodded and smiled.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen. Something bad. I hated that feeling. I remembered it so well from my own past. That dread that fills your stomach, waiting for the blow to knock you down. I just hoped that when my past comes knocking, Triston would be able to handle it. The driver pulled up to the hotel, and we made our way to the room.

  I stood at the dresser in the bedroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I had just finished my hair and makeup, “Triston, I feel out of my depth. Tonight is a lot to take in.” I watched his reflection in the mirror as he turned to look at me.

  “Angel, you are perfect. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing or wearing.” He stood behind me, and I looked at our reflections. We looked good together, like we fit. His warm hands held my shoulders, and his lips kissed my neck. I melted into his body and electricity surged through me. I needed him and only him. His eyes lifted as he lightly bit on the sensitive spot on my neck. I moaned loudly. We needed to stop, or we wouldn’t leave the room. “Come on, we need to leave soon.” He read my mind as he always did.

  Fastening his tie, he winked at me, and I flushed. He was in black and white, his hair tied back in a bun, and he looked like a young James Bond. I stepped into my dress, sliding it up my body. It was a long, black, silk halter neck with diamond studs in the center from my breasts down to my belly button. I was wearing my small diamond earrings and the diamond necklace to match. “I got you something, angel.” I turned to face Triston, and he smiled. It was warm and engaging, and I knew I wanted to see that smile forever. The thought took me by surprise. I really was in love with him.

  I shook my head. “A gift? Why?” I asked, puzzled.

  “Because, Miss Reid, you are special, and I want to spoil you.” I flushed at his compliment. He handed me a long, thin, black velvet box. Flipping it open, I saw the most beautiful bracelet. It was white gold with princess and rose-cut diamonds. I couldn’t even imagine what it cost, and I didn’t really want to know. I took it out of the box. “Let me help you.” I watched his long slender fingers clasp the hook around my wrist. It was sparkling under the light of the bedroom. “Perfect!” He pulled me into him and gave me a lingering kiss.

  “But, Triston, I mean . . .” He put his finger to my lips, copying my earlier action in the shower.

  “Let’s go, Miss Reid.” I grabbed my purse, and we made our way down to the waiting car.

  Chapter Nine

  We walked into the opulent ballroom, and it was absolutely breathtaking. I started doubting that I belonged there. Triston’s hand fell on my lower back, and his confidence poured into me, like a waterfall rushing into a silent river. He pulled me into his world as if I was always meant to be there. As an elegant, sophisticated woman, when deep down I felt like a girl out of my depth. My eyes darted around, taking in everything. I was having an out of body experience; I was sitting on my sofa in my sweats, watching Cinderella at the ball with Prince Charming. The only part that worried me was, what happened at the stroke of midnight? We stopped at the entrance to have our photo taken with our masks on, as per the rules, they are kept on all night.

  A waiter offered us glasses of champagne with floating strawberries. Triston took one for himself and handed me a glass
. “I want to toast to us, Miss Reid.” His steel-blue eyes were striking in the black domino covering half his handsome face.

  “To us, Mr. Hart.” I clinked my glass to his. Those blue eyes burned into mine, and I felt myself flush. His stare was intense. I wondered if he would ever stop having that effect on me. We made our way through the crowd, his hand never leaving me. Typically, being in a room full of strangers would weigh on me, but next to him, I felt at ease. Triston took my hand and laced his fingers through mine. We walked over to the chart with seating arrangements and found our names. We would be seated with Mr. Jacobson and his wife and a few other people we hadn’t met before.

  We took our seats and saw Mr. Jacobson walking up to the stage. “Good evening, fine people! Please take your seats. If you’re not sure of the seating arrangement, we have ushers to assist.” Everyone made their way to different tables, and a hush fell over the large room. Once everyone was seated, Mr. Jacobson started his speech. Triston took my hand as we listened. I sipped my champagne and felt happiness bubbling inside. Maybe it was just the champagne, but I smiled to myself. My mind had been working overtime with thoughts of what was going to happen when we went back home. I looked at Triston’s beautiful, steel-blue gaze, and his smile was genuine, easing my worries for the time being.

  * * *

  Music started after an enjoyable dinner, and people were dancing, laughing, and drinking. It was beautiful seeing the black and white dresses and suits flowing across the dance floor. “Miss Reid, would you care to dance with me?” Triston turned to me, holding out his hand. I slipped mine in his, and we walked to the dance floor.

  He pulled me into him. The song changed, and a slow melody began. David Gray’s voice filled the large ballroom, and my heart raced. The song always brought me to tears. The lyrics were haunting, tugging at my heart as I swayed with Triston. Something in his eyes changed as he looked at me. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. The lyrics of “This Year’s Love” echoed from the speakers and I looked into his eyes knowing I was in love, but was he?

  Feeling his rigid body against mine, I ached for him again. He radiated his magnetic heat. His hand on my back, tracing a line up and down my spine as we spun around. “You look breathtaking tonight, Miss Reid,” he whispered in my ear. His lips brushed my neck, and I shivered. He pulled away, and his eyes met mine, his stare searing through me as it so often did.

  “And you look magnificent as always, Mr. Hart.” I smiled up at him. Following Triston’s lead, we danced across the floor. As the song ended, we made our way to Mr. Jacobson to thank him for the evening. “Triston, I’m going to the restroom. Meet you back here?” He smiled and nodded, kissing me on the cheek.

  “Yes, angel. I’ll wait here so you can find me again.” He winked, and I giggled. How could I not find him? He was the only person here with those striking steel-blue eyes!

  I walked out of the ballroom and into the hallway and followed the signs to the restroom. People were milling around, and I saw a few women walking in the direction I was headed. A sudden voice ripped into me and made me want to retch. “There she is!” I spun around at the familiar gruff voice. My heart plummeted, and the bile rose into my throat. I was met with the familiar, startling green eyes. My past hit me all at once, and sudden breathlessness knocked me hard. “Did you think you could run off with your blue-eyed millionaire and I wouldn’t find you?” he sneered at me, and I knew I needed to get away. Anger flashed in his eyes, and I realized he was out for revenge. I took a deep breath. I needed to try and calm him down somehow. Thoughts whirled through my mind. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this. Even though I was so used to his temper, I still found myself defenseless.

  “Blake, I . . . What are you doing here?” I asked softly.

  He gave a deep, gravelly laugh. “I wanted to come to LA to see prospective clients. When I saw your name on the guest list, I thought you would welcome me with open arms. Didn't you miss me?” He walked toward me, and my heart started racing. I couldn’t run -- he would catch me. I didn’t want to cause a scene. I knew if I didn’t get back to Triston, he would come looking for me, but I didn’t want him to see Blake. I couldn’t let him see my past so soon.

  “Oh, well I better get back.” I turned to go back inside the ballroom when Blake grabbed my arm. “Blake, please let me go? I need to get back,” I whispered, hoping not to anger him.

  “Not even a hug for your husband?” He pulled me into him.

  “Ex-husband, Blake.” I could smell the whiskey on his breath. He pulled me into him, giving me a tight hug. When he released me, I saw the evil glinting in his eyes.

  “That's a technicality. I’m sure you missed me.” He stepped back. “I’ll see you soon, missy. Don’t forget that!” He turned and stalked off down the hallway. I stood shocked, unsure what to do. I knew I needed to speak to Triston about him, but how on earth did I even begin? I walked back into the ballroom and found Triston in the same spot I had left him.

  He turned to look at me; his eyes flickered with concern. “What’s wrong, angel?” He took my hand, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

  I shook my head slowly. “I’m not feeling too good. I think it’s a migraine.” I gave a small smile, hoping he would decide to leave immediately. I couldn’t risk having him bump into Blake because I was not giving up my future for my past.

  “We are leaving; I don’t want you at a loud party if you’re not feeling well.” Triston held my hand, and we walked through the crowds to find Mr. Jacobson. I felt terrible for lying to Triston, but I didn’t know how else to stop him from running into Blake. I didn’t want him finding out about my past in public. He was going to blow a gasket.

  * * *

  We sat quietly in the car on the way back to the hotel. I needed to talk to him; I just didn’t know how to bring it up. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “I’m going to make you some tea, and you need to rest. Tomorrow is our last day here, and I want to take you somewhere special. Since we aren’t working, I want you to have a relaxing day.” I smiled and nodded, resting my head on his shoulder. His energy radiated through me, and I felt calmer.

  The driver pulled up outside the hotel. Triston got out and came around to open my door. Holding my hand as I stepped out, he laced his fingers through mine, and we walked through the reception area. The elevator ride was excruciating. My mind whirling with thoughts on how I could even begin telling Triston about Blake.

  On our floor, Triston unlocked the room door, and I went straight to the bedroom. I slipped off my shoes, and I felt him behind me. “Let me help you, angel.” He slid my dress over my shoulders, and I shivered at his warm touch.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled. I left Triston in the bedroom as I walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I came back out, Triston had found some painkillers and a bottle of Evian. “Drink those and get into bed.” It was a direct order, but his voice was soft and loving. I smiled. The way he cared for me made my heart fill with love.

  I slid into bed. “Sit with me?” I pleaded with him, not wanting to be alone after seeing Blake again.

  “Of course, I will. Let me brush my teeth, and then we can get some rest.” A few minutes later, he slid into bed next to me wearing only his tight briefs. He slid his strong arm over me while his rhythmic heartbeat lulled me into a calm I needed. I took a deep, steadying breath. This was it. The moment I may lose the man I love.

  “Triston?” My voice was low. My heart was racing. Fear tugged at me. I felt like I was about to puke. Closing my eyes, I saw that vile green gaze. The menacing look on Blake’s face chilled me to the bone. I couldn’t let him come near Triston. I needed to save Triston from the man who almost killed me.

  “Mmm, what’s up angel?” His voice was soft in my ear.

  I leaned up on my elbow. “I . . . um . . . Can we talk?” His frown was adorable. I watched his brow crease, and I knew it was now or never. I needed to tell him. This was the defining moment. I didn’t
want to lose him, but after I told him about Blake, he might never want to look at me again, and I wouldn’t blame him.

  “Of course. You can tell me anything. You know that.” I smiled, nodding slowly.

  “Earlier, at the ball, when I went to the restroom.” My gaze fell to the sheet, twisting it around my fingers. I felt my heart hammering its way out of my chest.

  “Emily, you’re scaring me, what’s wrong? What happened?” There was concern in his voice, and I could see it etched on his handsome features. He was so beautiful sometimes it hurt to look at him. He sat up now, trying to look into my eyes.

  I took a deep steadying breath. “I saw my ex-husband.” The words fell out of my mouth, and I couldn’t look up. I didn’t want to see his expression. I heard his sharp intake of breath. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst.

  “Ex-husband? Okay, so?” I looked up at him, his eyes searching my face. Here goes nothing.

  “He is the reason I ran away from home, Triston. He . . .” I couldn’t get the words out. My throat tightened, and I was sure I was going to pass out. Tears burned my eyes, and I tried blinking them away. Instead, they slowly rolled down my cheeks. He sat up straighter. Knowing something was amiss, he pulled me into him. “I’m here, angel, please tell me? I’m not leaving you, no matter what you tell me.”

  “I was with him for five years, married for two. He was . . . um, possessive. He . . .” I hadn’t spoken to anyone about this. Now I wasn’t sure telling my boyfriend was the best idea. I didn’t even know what Triston was to me besides my boss. His arm tightened around me, with my head against his chest. I closed my eyes, and the words came out easier. “He was abusive for most of our relationship. Triston, I left because he put me in the hospital. I had been knocked unconscious. I had a few broken ribs, a broken arm, and a few cuts and bruises. They said I was in a coma for two weeks.” I felt his body go rigid beneath me. He was so tense, but his arm never let me go. The temperature in the room dropped, and I felt ice cold.


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