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Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle

Page 25

by René, Dani

  I smiled and nodded.

  * * *

  “Bash! Can we take a break? It hurts!” I whined for the third time. He stood up and looked over at me, shaking his head incredulously, making me giggle. It was late Sunday afternoon, and I was starving.

  “Okay, let’s get lunch?” He walked over to me and handed me a robe. I was sitting in the same position for three hours, and I felt stiff. I needed to stretch and get some fresh air. The smell of turpentine was making me feel woozy. I tied the robe around me and smiled. “Can I see what it looks like?” He shook his head, spinning me around, pointing me in the direction of the spiral staircase.

  “So unfair!” I complained, and he chuckled. “What are we doing for lunch?” I slid onto the stool, which seemed to become my second home. Picking up my phone, I unlocked it — a message from Triston.

  Triston: I hope you have an amazing few days. I respect your decision, whatever it may be, as long as you are happy. Talk soon angel. T xo

  My chest tightened, and I closed my eyes, remembering our trip in LA. We were set to fly to London next week on Sunday. I had a week and I needed to decide before then. I needed to choose between two amazing men. My heart was torn. It felt like I was being ripped in two. How did I fall in love with two brothers?

  “Emily!” Bash pulled me out of my reverie.

  “Sorry, shit . . . I was miles away. What did you say?”

  Narrowing his eyes at me, he asked, “Was that him?” I nodded. “You love him, Emily. I can see it. You two need to work it out.” His words felt like swords slicing into me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I am in love with him, yes, but . . .” I stopped. I knew as soon as I said it I could never unsay it. I couldn’t hide it anymore though. It was so obvious.

  “But what, Em?” He turned to face me now, and I knew I had to give him an answer. I needed to at least be honest with him. He had always given me that.

  “I am in love with you too.” My voice was barely audible or recognizable. I felt nausea kick in, and I didn’t know what to do. I needed time away from them both.

  “Emily.” He came around to me and pulled me into his arms. “I love you, darling. I do, but I don’t want you to have to choose like this. I want you so much, you have no idea, but you need to think this through on your own. I am going to take you home. Go and get dressed.”

  * * *

  I sat on my sofa for the first time in weeks. It was only five p.m. Bash said he would pick me up at seven for dinner. He was truly amazing. My mobile started ringing, it was Jessie.

  “Hey, Jess!”

  “Emily! What the actual fudge is going on? The man is on the warpath. I have so much work to get through this coming week!” I closed my eyes. This was my fault. No! It was his fault too!

  “He slept with Krista. I kissed Bash. A couple times. So, Triston and I are on a break for a few days.” Everything sounded so foreign when I said it out loud. How had it come to this? How was I sitting on my sofa alone when I had two incredible men vying for my attention?

  “What?” she screamed into the phone. Then lowering her voice, she said, “Shit, now he’s looking at me. I guess he knows I’m on the phone with you. Wait, you kissed the hot brother? Spill the deets. Was it good?”

  “Jessie! Well, yeah, it was!” I giggled for the first time in days. “He’s amazing, Jess. He hasn’t taken advantage of the fact that I am in turmoil. He even brought me home to think things through.”

  “Wow! Gentleman! So, what are you going to do?”

  “Honestly? I have no idea! Bash is taking me out tonight for dinner.”

  “Okay, think about it this way. Close your eyes and remember the time with both of them. Who makes you happy? Like, I mean, truly happy? Also, think about if you saw either one of them with another girl, dating, kissing, whatever. How would it feel? Which one can you not see with someone else? And lastly, if either of them went down on one knee today. Which would you say yes to? Enjoy the dinner tonight. See how you feel, and if you’re going to bang him . . . I want the details! Tomorrow is Monday. We will go out for cocktails, and you can tell me all! I know it’s a weekday, but after work tomorrow, I may need those cocktails to survive!” She giggled, and I shook my head. She seriously had a way with words.

  “Wow, Jess, you should become a counselor or something.” We both laughed at the thought. I decided that going out with her would give me some more time away from Bash and Triston. Just what I needed. “Yes, cocktails sound perfect!”

  “No way, chick, I can’t handle all that drama. I will pick you up at your place, say six? Also, if you choose our boss man, let me make the bro feel better. I have some amazing medicinal skills.”

  “Ugh, Jess, TMI. Seriously! See you tomorrow! And Jess?”


  “Thanks! I don’t have friends here, but you’ve been amazing!”

  “Anytime, sweets. Anytime. Tomorrow we drink!” Her voice reached new highs, and I giggled. We hung up, and I sat back on my sofa. I had a lot to think about.

  * * *

  I spent the last couple of hours on the sofa, flicking through bad movies on cable, eating ice cream, and drank green tea. My eyes felt like they had gone back to normal. After all the crying, it looked like I had been punched. I opened my messages and hit reply. I was ready to message him.

  Em: Thank you for your message earlier. I spent the day at my place, thinking. Talk soon

  Bash was going to be at my place in about fifteen minutes. I decided to wear a pair of skinny black jeans and a black halter neck. The weather was terrific, and I wanted to enjoy the last few days of summer. My phone beeped.

  Triston: I am glad you’re thinking. I have been doing the same. SO much I want to tell you. I hope we do talk soon. T xo

  I smiled. Hitting reply, I decided this would be my last message tonight.

  Em: Maybe we can meet on Friday night? I will work from home this week. Email me if needed.

  The buzzer went, and I took one last look in the mirror. I was as ready as I would ever be. I opened the door and saw Bash with shopping bags. “What is all this?”

  “Dinner, babe. I decided I’m cooking dinner for you.” I laughed as he entered my apartment and made his way to the kitchen. He started unpacking the groceries, and I saw he had bought a bottle of my favorite champagne as well. I closed the door, and the buzzer went again. “Do you have more coming?” I asked. Bash shook his head and shrugged.

  I opened the door and saw a dozen red roses. Triston really didn’t play fair. “Delivery for a Miss Reid?” The poor delivery guy was hidden behind the bouquet. I said that was me and signed the tablet he held out to me. “Thank you!” I grabbed the flowers from him and closed the apartment door.

  “Wow! He’s going all out, isn’t he?” Bash said when he saw the flowers. Placing them on the kitchen table, I grabbed the vase from the living room table.

  “It seems that way.” I filled the container with water. Grabbing the scissors from the kitchen drawer, I went to the table. Cutting the ribbon, I arranged the roses in the glass vase and placed it back on the table. “They’re beautiful, Em.”

  “Yeah, they are.” I pulled the card out of the tiny envelope.

  I know I was an ass. A stupid ass. Forgive me?

  Remember, sometimes you end up stronger at the broken places.

  I don’t want to be at my broken place anymore.

  I want you.

  T xo

  I stared at the card, my fingers shaking. “Em, you okay, darling?” I looked up and realized there were tears in my eyes. I am broken and completely shattered. Bash walked up to me then and held me as I cried. Big, nasty tears flowed from my eyes, and I felt myself break. I loved Triston, so much. I needed to find it in my heart and mind to forgive him. I pulled away and noticed Bash’s T-shirt was soaked. I giggled and looked up at him. “Are you okay?” I nodded. I needed that. I needed him to hold me, to hold all my broken pieces together just for a moment.

  “I want to finish the painting, Bash.” I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

  “Em, we don’t—”

  “I want to. I need this. I need you, even if it’s just for this short time.” He nodded. He understood exactly what I was saying without saying the actual words.

  Bash carried on cooking, and I picked up my phone. I hit reply on Triston’s message.

  Em: Friday. The Penthouse. 10 AM*

  Turning my phone off, I headed back to the kitchen.

  * * *

  “Emily, turn your head more to the left. Yes, that’s it, now don’t move!”

  I had to suppress a giggle. I didn’t know how models did this. I couldn’t sit still for five minutes, never mind the hours needed for one of those portraits you see in museums.

  “Okay, we can take a break. I reckon another two days before it’s perfect.” I inwardly groaned.

  “This better be good, Mr. Hart!” My heart ached when the words left my mouth. “Bash, I mean . . .” He smiled.

  “It’s okay, Em. Coffee?” I smiled and nodded as I tied the silk belt of the robe around me. I was so glad Bash could do this painting with me in a bikini. I don’t think we would have gotten through it if I was naked.

  I walked into the living room as Bash busied himself in the kitchen. “I’m just going to the bathroom!” I called to him. I walked down the hallway, passing his bedroom. I noticed the door opposite the bathroom yesterday. I wondered what was in here. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. It was a study. I could see a large dark wood desk and his computer. I walked in and found one of the walls filled with books. I scanned them slowly. There were some amazing titles, classics that I loved. “This isn't the bathroom.” His voice was soft and amused.

  “Really? I didn’t notice!” I rolled my eyes.

  “Emily . . .” His voice was a warning. I felt the heat travel over my body.

  “Yes, Bash?” I walked up to him till my body was flush with his. I closed my eyes and inhaled the spicy, warm scent of him. It assaulted my senses, and every nerve in my body was on high alert. I felt my nipples harden against my bikini top.

  “Ask me to stop . . .” His voice was a low growl. My eyes locked on his, and I shook my head. He grabbed me roughly, and his mouth crashed onto mine. I reached up and tangled my fingers in his short, spikey hair, pulling him closer to me, deepening the kiss. His tongue danced with mine, and I felt the heat pool in my stomach, my bikini bottoms wet with need. “We don’t—” he spoke into the kiss. I pulled away slowly. His eyes searched mine for an answer, and I smiled.

  His gaze seared into me. “Finish this.” My voice was ragged with lust. He gripped my ass and lifted me up, carrying me toward the bookshelf, pinning me against it.

  “Hold on to the shelves.” His mouth was on my neck, kissing me, licking his way behind my ear. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him tighter against me. I could feel the button of his jeans rubbing me. I was so high I felt like I was flying. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. This is what I asked him for. I wanted this. I needed to get my fill of him, get him out of my system, and I didn’t know any other way to do it.

  I heard his zipper, and I knew I had only a few seconds to stop this. I pictured Triston fucking Krista in the shower, and I made my choice. I felt him inside me instantly, and I bit down on his shoulder hard as my body shook with release.

  He slid into me, filling me, stretching me. I moaned onto his hot, tanned skin, watching his muscles flex as he held me up. “Bash,” I moaned as he started moving faster, deeper, filling me. “Emily, you are so beautiful.” His voice strangled as he held onto his sanity. I gripped his tense shoulders, my nails digging into him. I felt myself close to another earth-shattering orgasm as he plunged into me. My body clenched around him, and I felt my release take over.

  “Emily.” His voice was a deep growl as he filled me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The day had felt torturous, and I hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything. I worked from home, and I didn’t need to talk to Triston for anything today, which was good. I had enough time to dwell on the last few days. Tomorrow, I was spending the night with Bash. We needed to finish the painting. I couldn’t wait to see the final product. Slipping on my T-shirt and sweats, I walked into the kitchen and got the blender out. Jessie and I decided on homemade cocktails. They were usually more lethal. I was looking forward to having a night with her. I thought about what happened this afternoon with Bash, and I shivered. Him, pinning me against the bookshelf, filling me. I shook my head; I needed to stop thinking about it. We still had to finish the painting.

  There was a buzz on the intercom, and I pressed the button to open it, unlocking the door as Jessie reached the top of the staircase. “Oh my god, I missed you!” Her voice echoed in the empty foyer. We hugged, and I smiled. She was so amazing; I was glad to have someone to call a friend that didn’t have the last name Hart. “Come in. Did you bring the whole liquor store?” I giggled at the number of bottles in her shopping bag.

  “Well, you did say you wanted to get drunk!” She set the bag on the counter and unpacked. I noticed vodka and white wine with cranberry, strawberry, and orange juices. There was also a bottle of some sort of sours; it looked like the peach flavor.

  “Uh, well, wine and vodka? And shots?” I picked up a bottle and unscrewed the cap. Giving it a sniff, I coughed. “What the hell, Jess?” I giggled at the look on her face. She really was adamant on getting drunk. “How was work?” I looked at her, and she knew I was asking how Triston was.

  “He’s . . . I don’t know, darling; he’s really broken up about this. I can tell.” She looked at me seriously, and my heart ached. I wish it weren’t like this, but we both made stupid mistakes. We needed time apart.

  “I know. So am I. He just . . . It’s just so fucking complicated, Jess.” I gave her a small smile. “I mean, Bash is . . .” I didn’t even know how to describe him. He was perfect in his rugged way, and I didn’t know how I was going to say goodbye to him.

  Then, on the other hand, I wasn’t sure how I would say goodbye to Triston.

  “Darling, I know it’s difficult, but like I said. Drinks!” She started opening drawers. Grabbing the corkscrew, she started opening the wine. “Glasses?” I nodded, getting two wine glasses out of the cabinet. I placed them on the counter and watched the light-yellow liquid fill the glasses. “Now! A toast. To men!” She giggled, and her good mood made me feel better. This liquid was good. We drank to men and giggled.

  We sat down after making the first round of cocktails. We raided my liquor cabinet and found some other mixers. I turned on the sound system. “I still can’t believe everything that’s going on. I mean, it just feels surreal, you know?”

  “I know, babe. I am so sorry you’re going through this. To be honest, I can’t believe the boss man did that!”

  “Well, I mean, I slept with Bash.” I looked at her.

  “Yes, you did, but only after he went and banged his ex!” We drank to that. “Okay, so let’s do this!” Jessie got up, grabbing a notepad and a pen from her bag. I noticed our company logo on the notebook and chuckled.

  “You stole stationery from the office?”

  “It’s not stealing. It’s borrowing! I doubt Mr. Grumpy Pants is going to notice since his girlfriend is gone! Ugh! Shit, sorry babe! You know my head and my mouth don’t work well together!” I shook my head. It was true. I was gone, out shagging his brother.

  “It’s okay. I am gone. It’s just weird thinking about it.” I knew I had to decide, but in my state of mind, I wasn’t deciding on anything except what I wanted to drink next. I got up and went into the kitchen, grabbing the jug of cocktail Jessie mixed, filling my glass.

  “Oh my god. Okay, come on, we have to make a list of pros and cons!”

  * * *

  I woke up early Tuesday morning with a massive hangover. My head was pounding, and I didn’t think I deserved to live. I wasn’t sure how Jessie was feeling b
eing in the office, but I was definitely not feeling good. I rolled over and hugged the pillow. I closed my eyes trying to ease the pain.


  Who the hell was at my door?

  I rolled over and pulled on a T-shirt. Padding to my apartment door, I pulled it open and gazed into the intense steel-blue eyes I missed so much. My heart lurched, and I felt sick. Leaving Triston standing at my door, I ran to the bathroom and proceeded to puke my insides out. I felt like death. Hugging the porcelain god, I wiped my mouth and dropped the tissues in the bowl then stood on shaky legs. Flushing the toilet, I grabbed the mouthwash. Looking at my appearance, I was far from the beautiful girl Triston was in love with.

  Making my way back into the living room, I found Triston on my sofa. “There she is!” I looked at him with a pained expression. “Jessie looks as bad as you do. I brought you breakfast. If you promise not to puke on me.” He chuckled, and my body ached to be held. I wanted his arms around me.

  “What are you doing here?” I grabbed the painkillers he left for me and downed them with water. Orange juice and I were never going to be friends again.

  “I came to see you at your worst. You know they say, if you love someone at their worst, you can love them at their best.” His voice was low, sending delicious shivers down my spine.


  “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I still love you, by the way.” He sat forward, dropping the magazine on the table.

  “I’m fine. I’m a big girl. We’re supposed to be apart.” My voice came out harsher than I expected, and I winced. “I mean, you shouldn’t be here.”


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