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For Life

Page 3

by D Gourlay

  I kiss lower and lower, until my lips meet the soft lace of her bra, I hear Rachel’s sharp intake of breath as she prepares herself for what’s next. Only, I stop. I pull back, take another sip of wine and then return to the dressing table to put my glass down.

  “Spread your legs.” I order as I walk back up to her. “Good girl, now bend over.” I watch as she bends as far forward as she can manage. Her beautiful arse is sticking out in the air and it takes all of my inner strength not to just go up to her and start fucking her.

  Without warning I flick the paddle sharply at her inner thigh. She quickly takes a breath and steadies herself. I continue to flick her with the paddle, in different places, using various force. She is panting now and my hard on is threatening to burst through my trousers. I throw the paddle back onto the bed and quickly remove my clothes. I see Rachel staring at me out the corner of her eye.

  I pull her up and lean in to kiss her. Her greedy lips are devouring my own. I can taste how desperate she is for me. As we kiss, I push her back towards the bed.

  “Lay down on your back.”

  She shuffles across into the middle of the bed and lays flat. I grab the cuffs from the bed and cuff one wrist, loop them around the frame at the head of the bed and then cuff the other wrist. I then put the blindfold over her head and cover her eyes completely.

  This is going to be fun.


  All of my senses feel like they have been heightened. I can’t move, and I can’t see a thing. My skin is practically tingling while I wait for Tad’s next move. It doesn’t take long until I feel his strong hands under my backside grabbing my knickers. He pulls them down my legs and off, before trailing his soft hands up from my foot, to my knee, to my thigh, but skimming right across the one place I want to feel him.

  He carries on trailing his hand up over my stomach until he reaches my bra. He roughly grabs hold of it and pulls it down. The next thing I feel is the warmth of his breath next to my chest. It sends tingles through me and makes my insides squirm in excitement. His soft lips meet with my skin and I can’t help but moan out loud. The way this man makes me feel, just with a single touch, I just couldn’t describe it if I tried. I can feel his hands on my breasts, his fingers, his teeth. Every part of my body is crying out, needing to feel more of him. I start to squirm under him in a desperate attempt to get him to touch me.

  His kisses start to trail lower, and lower, over my stomach and I grip onto the bed frame to prepare myself. Lower and lower, and without realising I lift my hips to try to get him there quicker. I feel him push my hip down with one of his hands, and then he starts to kiss the inside of my thigh, my hips, anywhere, except where I want, where I need him to kiss.

  “Please Sir!” I beg.

  “Please Sir, what?” He asks.

  “Please touch me.” I whimper.

  “I am touching you baby.” He mumbles through kisses along my hip bone, while moving his hands along my thighs, as if making a point.

  “Please, touch me there!” I wiggle my hips under him and see his answering smile.

  “All in good time baby.” He takes his hand and ever so gently runs his fingers along the front of my sex. I can’t help myself, I jerk my hips forward slightly so that his fingers slip just inside and end up right next to my clit.

  “Mmm you’re soaking Rachel.” He begins to slowly move his fingers. Oh, so painfully slowly. Gently across and over, teasing every nerve ending. My body aches for more with every slight movement of his finger.

  “Oh, please Sir!” I beg once more.

  “Fuck, I love it when you beg.” He growls deeply.

  His fingers start to move harder over me, as if he is finally giving in. I can feel it everywhere, my orgasm starts spreading inwards from every part of my body.

  “Please can I come, Sir?” I breathe, nervous that if I even speak loudly I will push myself over the edge.

  “Not yet.” He says as he pulls his fingers away.

  “No!” I cry out. “Please!” I’m panting, on the very edge and so frustrated that part of me wants to lunge up and slap him.

  Suddenly his fingers are inside of me, exploring, stretching me; it’s bliss. His fingers are quickly replaced by something cold, and bumpy. The change in sensation is almost too much and I realise I’m gripping so tightly onto the bedframe that I can’t feel my fingers anymore. He pulls out the toy and suddenly it becomes obvious what it is, as he begins trailing it down. I can feel how wet the beads are, as he slips them down, from one hole to the other. A finger goes back to masterfully playing with my clit and I forget to be nervous about the toy that he is pushing into me.

  “That’s one.” He almost whispers, his voice is thick with desire.

  I barely felt it. I’d been nervous about introducing anything other than Tad’s fingers there. I just assumed anything else would hurt. But this feels, well, I’m not sure. It doesn’t hurt that’s for sure. I’m struggling to focus on anything other than his fingers right now. His magical fingers, keeping me right at the edge, not letting me fall until he says so.

  “More.” I say, and no sooner have I finished speaking, I feel him pushing and myself getting fuller. It’s a strange sensation but, fuck, it feels amazing. “More.” I moan at him, and I can her his breathing pick up speed as he gets more and more excited.

  “Oh God, Sir, please can I come now?” I’m begging, I need to come or I’m going to explode.

  “Yes, come baby.” All at once I lose sense of everything, the world slips away and all I can feel is Tad’s fingers and him pulling out the beads from my arse, one by one. Each time another comes out it makes my orgasm last that little bit longer. After what feels like minutes, my body finally stops shaking, my breath steadies, and I feel like I am back on earth again.

  I feel Tad hovering over me and reach up to kiss him. His soft lips meet mine and I can feel him smiling.

  “Why are you smiling?” I ask.

  “You are just fucking beautiful, and you’re mine.” He says through a flurry of kisses he plants on my neck and chest.

  “Yours.” I answer.

  “Mine.” He says again, this time as he slowly thrusts into me.

  Chapter Four

  As the coach pulls away with my baby girl on it, my stomach is in knots. This is the first time that Ami has ever spent any time away from me where she hasn’t been with Mum and Dad.

  “How you doing?” Tad asks as we turn to walk back to the car.

  “I’ll be okay. Lots to keep me busy.” I smile at him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  “What time are you dropping the cake off?” He asks as he opens the car door for me.

  “As soon as it’s finished. Maybe an hour or two.” One good thing that came from having two court cases going on was that I didn’t have enough time to work. Okay, so it wasn’t a good thing at the time. I was constantly having to take time off for to go to court, or meet with police or lawyers, and I felt so guilty that I handed my notice in. James was amazing about it, and promised me the job would be waiting for me once everything calmed down.

  But most of the time when I was home, Tad would be at work, and Ami would be at school. I was bored stiff and needed something to keep myself occupied. So I would bake. I made some cakes for a cake sale at school, and then was asked by a parent to make her child’s birthday cake. It sort of spiraled from there and somehow I have ended up with my own little cake business. I’ve always loved baking and this is just perfect. I can fit cakes in around any plans I have and still get to spend time with Ami and Tad.

  “Okay, I have a couple of things I need to get done this morning, but then we can leave after lunch time?”

  “That sounds great.” I smile at Tad. He has to work in London this week, so I am going with him. “I’m so looking forward to seeing this fancy pants apartment you have.” I say excitedly.

  “I have a feeling you’re going to love it.” He smiles at me.

  I’ve finally finished caref
ully sticking about a hundred edible flowers onto my cake. Even I’m impressed with this one. It’s by far the best cake I have made to date. Two tiers, one with a red velvet cake, and the other with lemon sponge cake. Covered in pastel pink icing, decorated in hundreds of flowers and butterflies. A final sprinkling of glitter and it’s done.

  I step back and admire my work, when suddenly a wave of nausea flows through me and I have to sit down and take a deep breath. I can feel sweat beading on my forehead and I have to seriously concentrate on not throwing up all over my beautiful cake.


  Iwalk through the front door, into the kitchen and can see Rachel sitting on a stool. She looks pale and sweaty, and not well at all.

  “Hey what’s wrong?” I drop my bags and quickly walk next to her.

  “I just feel awful. I felt fine a minute ago, but I just feel really sick suddenly.” She says, her eyes are tightly closed and I can hear her trying to take deep breaths.

  I go to the fridge and get her some water. “Here babe.” I hand it to her and she takes a small sip. “Come on, let’s get you on the sofa.” I lift her slowly, and she leans on me as we walk into the front room.

  She leans back into the sofa and closes her eyes. “Feel any better?” I ask and stroke her leg softly.

  “A little, thank you. Think the nerves of Ami going got to me, and I’ve been standing for hours sticking those bloody flowers on.”

  “Have you eaten anything today?” I ask.

  “No, I felt crappy when I woke up too.”

  “Well that won’t be helping. I’ll make you some toast.” I kiss her on the forehead and make my way into the kitchen. She hasn’t been feeling well for a little while now, I’m a bit concerned, maybe she should stay behind and go to the doctors this week.

  I bring her toast in to her and she looks much better already.

  “Thank you baby.” She smiles as she takes the plate of hot buttered toast from me.

  “You look better.” I say as I sit down.

  “Yeah, I feel fine now. Weird hey?”

  “Maybe you should stay here this week, rest up and book a doctor’s appointment?” I suggest.

  “Absolutely not!” She says after quickly swallowing a mouthful. “I’m fine, honestly. I’ll be worse if I am here alone and worrying about Ami without anything to take my mind off it.”

  That’s probably true. “Okay, but promise me if you’re still not feeling right when we get back you will go and see your doctor?”

  “Yes, okay bossy pants.” She smiles and rolls her eyes jokingly at me.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “Wow!” Rachel says for the fifth time. I’m showing her my apartment and every time we walk into a new room, wow seems to be her only response.

  “And finally, the front sitting room, complete with views of Buckingham Palace.”

  “Wow!” I can’t help but laugh at her face, eyes wide open, like a kid in a sweet shop. “Sorry, it’s just, incredible!” She says. “You can see everything from here, the Thames, Buckingham palace, Hyde Park! This is honestly the most amazing place!”

  “It’s not bad is it?” I reply as I start to arrange wood in the fireplace.

  “Not bad?! It’s amazing!” She walks over to the window and peers out at the view. “Do you think the Queen is in? Or Prince Harry? Because as much as I love you Tad, I’d absolutely drop you if Harry made a move!” She laughs at me and I grab her waist from behind.

  “Well lucky for me I don’t think Prince Harry is even in the country, so I’m safe for now!”

  “Damn.” She giggles as she turns into me and kisses me softly.

  My cock starts waking up at her touch and I have to remind myself that we have a reservation for dinner.

  “I’m going to have a shower and then get ready.” I say. “Make yourself at home.”

  I make my way into the bathroom and turn the shower on. Within seconds, thick steam starts filling the room. I hear the click of the door closing and turn to find Rachel behind me.

  “I don’t think we have time-”

  “Sshh.” She interrupts me as she grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head. I follow suit, pulling her top over her head, before throwing it somewhere behind her. She undoes the button on my jeans and I pull them down before kicking them to the side. I hook my fingers over the tops of her trousers, and slowly pull. As I pull them down I start to trail kisses down her stomach, bending and kissing until I am kneeling at her feet. She lifts each leg and I pull her trousers off and throw them away. I look up and her eyes are staring into my own.

  I stand up and turn her around in front of me. Her long, chestnut hair flows down her back, and I gently sweep it over her shoulder. I unclasp her bra, and push it over her shoulders so it falls to the floor in front of her. She turns back round to face me and the she looks like a goddess.

  “You’re so beautiful Rachel.” I stroke her cheek and she smiles as they blush a beautiful rosy pink at my words.

  “And I’m yours.” She says softly.

  “All mine.” I say huskily as all the blood rushes to my cock.

  She rushes towards me, her hands are in my hair, and her lips are pressed tightly against mine. I run my hands down her body, to her underwear, and pull it off so quickly she almost loses her footing. I pull my boxers down as I push her under the stream of hot water.

  The sensation of the hot water trickling over my body as it is entwined with Rachel’s is incredible. Hot drops of water dripping in between our bodies as they are pressed tightly together. I lift her legs and wrap them around me, my cock is so close to her gorgeous pussy, it feels like it’s trying to make its own way in.

  Rachel pulls back and looks at me, looks deep into me, as she moves her hips down and teases me. I lower her slowly and push myself up into her. Her eyes close and she opens her mouth wide in a silent moan. I slowly lift her up and down, and I can feel every inch of her, squeezing me tightly, begging me for more.

  “Harder.” She whispers before gently biting my ear lobe.

  I take a step forward and lean her against the shower wall and I start to fuck her. I fuck her as hard as I possibly can and can do nothing but watch the look of pure pleasure on her face. Her moans are no longer silent, and every little noise, every moan just spurs me on, harder and faster.

  I can feel her pulsing around me and I know she is close, I pull her face down so she is looking at me.

  “Open your eyes, I want to watch you come.” I grunt through thrusts.

  “Oh God!” She cries out and I feel it everywhere. My whole body starts tingling as she explodes around me. Her eyes are locked on mine, and suddenly I’m emptying myself inside of her.

  ♦ ♦ ♦



  orning sleepy head.” I feel Tad’s soft fingers brushing the hair off of my face and I open my eyes to find him sitting next to me in bed. He is dressed in a sleek grey suit and looks incredible.

  “Morning gorgeous.” I say sleepily. “You should have woke me, I’d have made you breakfast.”

  “You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to wake you. Plus I can grab something on the way to work so don’t worry about it.” He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. “I have to go, but I’ve left the address for my office in the kitchen. I’ll be done by lunch time, so come and meet me and I’ll take you out.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I smile. “Have a good day.”

  “I love you.” He says as he stands.

  “I love you too.”

  I hear the click of the front door and check my phone.

  Mum, I’m having such a good time. Love you loads xxxx

  I smile to myself, and quickly text Ami back.

  Love you too baby, have fun, be safe! Xxx

  Once I am showered and dressed I decide to go for a walk. There is so much to see in London and I haven’t ever had the chance to just walk around it and take in the sights. I’ve only ever been here a few times. When Kevin first start
ed out in the police he worked in London on the Metropolitan police. When we were first together, before all the shit, he asked if I would ever consider moving here. But it wasn’t for me at all. As much as I love London, it is a beautiful place, it’s just too busy for me. We bought our house as it was close to Mum and Dad and Kevin would commute.

  One day he came home and announced he had transferred to Sussex police, wouldn’t tell me how or why, it was all a bit strange really. When I was pregnant with Ami I asked him a number of times to transfer so he could be closer to home, but he had no interest at all.

  I decide to head on to the underground and go for a wander around Oxford Street. The station is absolutely filled with people. Men and women in various styles and coloured suits rushing along without a second glance at where they are going. Groups of tourists all huddled around a map, speaking in foreign languages, stressed and lost. There is even a group of young children, all wearing high visibility jackets being counted by a frazzled looking teacher.

  Oxford Street is no quieter. The hustle and bustle all gets a bit too much for me at one point so I head off in search of a coffee shop. I head up a few little side streets and find a cosy little place that only has a couple of people inside.


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