Book Read Free

For Life

Page 10

by D Gourlay

  “I know, but I just want this Christmas period to be perfect. No kidnapping, or getting shot, just one Christmas where we can enjoy it completely without having anything to worry about except the insane amount of cheese we will be eating.”

  “I get it, but we aren’t even here on the day are we?”

  “Hush you, that’s not the point.” He places a finger on my lips and I concede that he has won.

  “You do know you’re going to have to put everything up though, don’t you?” I mumble past his finger.

  His eyes suddenly shoot open and he looks pained. “Bugger. I didn’t think this through did I?” I can’t help but laugh loudly, and a sharp pain shoots across the bottom of my stomach and I have to lift my knees on the sofa, to try to ease the pain slightly.

  “What was that?” Tad’s eyes are wide and he looks panicked.

  “Nothing to worry about. I promise.”

  “But you looked like you were in pain!” He half stutters.

  “I’m growing a person inside of me babe, sometimes it can hurt a bit. If I laugh too hard, or sneeze, then it sometimes hurts. But it’s normal.”

  He relaxes again and resumes stroking his fingers through my hair. “I’m so pleased you’ve done this before. I’d be a nervous wreck if this was totally new to the both of us.”

  I sit up, suddenly feeling playful. “One thing that surprised me the most first time round was how much better orgasms are when pregnant.” I smirk at him, but he just looks slightly repulsed. “What?”

  “I really don’t want to be thinking about you and-”

  I hold up my hand in front of his face. “Finish that sentence and I will probably slap you. I meant on my own.” I roll my eyes and remove my hand.

  “Oh, good.” He sighs and then suddenly looks intrigued. “You were saying?”

  “Well, they’re just better, more intense. Explains the, uh, sofa situation now I think about it.” I feel my cheeks blush at the memory, unsure if it’s from embarrassment or wanting to do it again.

  “Oh well there goes my Super Tad theory!” He laughs and pretends to look hurt.

  “Well, I never managed to make myself do that, so I guess maybe it is your super powers.” I roll my eyes again.

  “Just call me Squirt Man.” He winks at me and I can’t contain the snort of laughter that escapes my mouth.

  “Well, maybe we could try for a repeat performance, Squirt Man.” I start trailing gentle kisses from his ear to his lips and turn to attempt to sit on top of him, but he suddenly pulls away.

  “I’m not sure Rach.”

  “We can put a towel down.” I giggle at him, but he doesn’t laugh, and just looks nervous. “What is it?”

  “Is it even safe?” He asks. “You know, when you’re…” His hand gestures wildly over my stomach.

  “Safe to have sex?” I frown at him. “Of course it is!”

  “Are you sure though?”

  “Positive!” I lift my leg over his and lean in to kiss him hard. I can feel his restraint, and it’s maddening. I try to push my tongue past his lips, but he moves his head back.

  “Let’s go up to bed.” He gently pushes me back on to the sofa and stands.

  “Up to bed, or down to play?” I bite my lip as obviously as I can. I’m horny now and I need him to fix it!

  “Upstairs. Now.” His eyes narrow and his voice is stern.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Once upstairs, I quickly pull my clothes off and sit ready for him on the bed. His eyes light up when he walks in the room. Slowly, he starts taking off his clothes, and I feel like I’m practically drooling. Once he is gloriously naked in front of me, he walks round to the other side of the bed and I feel the mattress dip as he crawls on to it. As I go to turn to him, he keeps me facing away, but pulls me in front of him, in between his legs. The heat radiating from him sends tremors running through every part of me.

  His soft hands start stroking up and down my back, leaving tingly trails behind them. When he gets to my shoulders I feel his thumbs digging into all the leftover stress of the day, and it’s like his touch just melts away everything. His hands move over my neck, my back, the very top of my chest, and it becomes apparent this is not foreplay.


  “Yes Rachel.”

  “If you keep doing this I’m going to fall asleep.”

  “Sshh. Just relax.”

  And as his fingers slide over my neck, rubbing away tension from every sore muscle, I can’t help but close my eyes, and completely relax.

  Chapter Ten


  For the first time in a week or so, Rachel slept all night, and she was still sleeping peacefully when I left her in bed. No nightmares, or being sick, so I left her to catch up on some rest and got Ami ready for school.

  As coffee has now been banned from the house, I’m sipping on a mug of tea, which really doesn’t have quite the same effect.

  “Aims we’re leaving in ten okay?”

  “Okay.” She says not looking up from her phone, which appears to be used for far more than emergencies these days.

  “Have you got everything you need?”


  “Bag packed?”


  “Teeth cleaned?”


  “I’m just going to put some heels and lipstick on before I take you, okay?” I tease.

  “Okay- Wait, what?” She finally lifts her head, looking confused.

  “Ah there you are! Ready to go?”

  “Just need to clean my teeth.” I roll my eyes as she jumps down from the stool and turns towards the stairs.

  I turn towards my coffee machine, and wonder if I open all the windows and close the kitchen door, would I be able to get away with making a quick cup. But the hands that suddenly snake around my waist put an end to my dream of coffee.

  “You’re mean.” Rach huffs.

  “Mean?!” I turn to face her, and can’t help but smile. She looks better this morning than she has done in a while.

  “Yes, mean. I thought we were going to have sex.” I try to hide my amusement at her pouting, but it’s almost impossible.

  “But instead, you got a luxurious massage, and fell into a deep sleep, without waking up once. You’re welcome.” I kiss her on the cheek and she pokes her tongue out at me.

  “Would have preferred an orgasm.” She mutters under her breath, just as Ami walks back through the door.

  I just laugh as I kiss her on the head. “I shouldn’t be late. Love you.”

  "Mr Wilson, it's been a pleasure and I look forward to meeting with you next week.”

  “Mr Turner, Mr Prescott, we will see you next week.” Derek Wilson shakes our hands and exits the restaurant where we have been having a casual meeting over lunch.

  Scott and I both sit and before I know it, Scott has called over a waiter to ask for more whiskey.

  “He’s a bit intense isn’t he?” He says as he loosens his tie.

  “I guess that’s one word for it, thought the poor bastard was going to burst into tears at one point.” I thank the waiter for my drink and take a long sip. Sometimes, my job is hard. Especially when I have someone come to see me, desperate for help that I’m just not able to give. I’m not a bank, and I can’t loan failing companies enough money for them to attempt to save what most of them have spent half their lives building up. It never affected me as much as it does now though, and I’m wondering if it’s something to do with Rachel. I was so closed off to any kind of emotion before her, and now I feel them all, and sometimes it’s just overwhelming.

  “God, I think his intenseness has rubbed off on you. Crack a smile mate.” Scott says as he drains his drink before calling the waiter over again, no doubt looking for a top up.

  “I shouldn’t have anymore, I told Rach I wouldn’t be late. Plus I’ve got a million Christmas lights to hang on the front of my house.” I groan inwardly as I remember the vast amount of stuff I got yesterday with

  “God, you really are whipped.” He laughs. “Just one more? Nobody is about to shoot you, I think we have time.”

  “Just one.” I concede while rolling my eyes.

  As we are walking back to the office, I spot a shop that sells all kinds of things for babies. I’ve walked this way back to work at least a hundred times, but I’ve never noticed it before. In the window is a beautiful white rabbit soft toy.

  “What you doing?” Scott looks puzzled as I stop to look in the window.

  “I’m just going to run in here quickly, don’t worry, you don’t have to come.”

  “You’re going soft mate!” He sniggers. “See you later.”

  I walk in to the shop and straight over to the stuffed rabbit. It’s so soft in my hands that I have to seriously resist the urge to rub it on my face. Something next to it catches my eye. A tiny little white vest, covered in silver stars, with Cute like my Mummy written on it. I’m sure you aren’t supposed to buy anything this early on, but I think Scott is right, I definitely am going soft. So I pick it up and head to the till to pay.



  eady?” I call outside to Tad and Ami, who are eagerly waiting to see what all their Christmas decorations look like when lit up. I flick the switch in the hallway, and am immediately half blinded by the lights coming from the front of the house. Rope lights, icicle lights, giant inflatable snowmen, penguins and a Santa with a sleigh and reindeer. I decide to go outside for a better look and can’t help but laugh at Tad’s face. Standing open mouthed, staring at his once beautiful, stylish house, which now resembles a grotto, and a bright one at that. Ami is jumping up and down with a huge smile plastered on her face.

  Suddenly she lunges over to Tad and wraps her arms around him. “Aaah! It’s amazing! Thanks Tad!”

  “You’re welcome.” Tad says while still staring at the lights.

  “You’ve made her very happy.” I nudge him as we walk back into the house and he smiles at me. “How about a nice hot bath?”

  “I’ll just run up for a shower. What are you guys going to do?” He asks while hanging his coat up. His cheeks are flushed pink, and his hair looks out of place from the wind. It reminds me of how he looks after he’s come, and it’s absolutely not helping how horny I am right now.

  “I promised Ami another episode or two of Gilmore Girls.”

  I hear Tad groan. “On second thoughts, I think I will have a bath, don’t wait for me.” I grin at him as he heads for the stairs. I can’t seem to stop staring at his backside as he climbs the stairs, his jeans are tight and show off every curve, and if Ami wasn’t here, I’d definitely be following him. I don’t even notice I’m biting my lip until Ami is standing beside me.

  “What are you looking at?” She follows my gaze at the empty staircase and I wonder how long I have been standing here thinking about Tad’s arse. “Mum! Hello?!”

  “Yes, sorry, was in a world of my own then. You got the popcorn?”

  “I wondered where you were hiding.” Tad is in bed, laptop perched on his thighs, wearing nothing but boxers. The sight of so much skin when I’m already feeling as wound up as I am, is enough for seriously dirty thoughts to race through my head. I can feel a rush of heat, spreading downwards, pooling and making me almost uncomfortable.

  “Thought I’d leave you both to it, you seemed to be enjoying yourselves and I had a bit of work to catch up on.” Maybe it’s the hormones, or the lack of daily sex, but he looks incredible. “Rach?”


  “You okay there?” I realise I’ve been standing staring at him for what feels like an age and I give myself a little shake before heading straight into the bathroom before I jump on him.

  He walks in behind me as I’m splashing cold water on my face. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, think I’m going to have a shower before I come to bed.”

  A very, very cold shower…

  “Okay.” In the mirror I can see him walking up behind me and I almost feel my knees shaking when he touches my arms and leans into my neck as if to kiss me.

  “Don’t kiss me unless you’re not going to stop there.” I say shakily, as he lifts his head and looks straight in my eyes though the mirror.

  “Why?” He smiles, and fuck, that smile will be the death of me.

  “Tad, I’m serious. You don’t want to have sex with me, and I’m about to explode. If you kiss me now then I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” His eyes narrow slightly, and he turns me around to face him.

  “Rach, it’s not that I don’t want to have sex with you. I’m just worried that’s all. I’d rather wait, just until we know for a fact everything is okay… You know?”

  And I do know, he’s not doing this to be mean, he is doing this because he cares about the baby. Our baby.

  “I know.” I sigh. “It’s just, I dunno, hormones. I’m just so frustrated, and every time you look at me I just want to throw you down and… Uh! This is so annoying!”

  He looks like he is deep in thought for a few seconds, while I just stand there, chewing on my lip, aware that I probably look like a petulant child, but not really caring too much.

  “Come to bed.”

  “But I was going to-”

  “Bed Rachel, now.” He steps back allowing me room to walk past him and back into the bedroom.

  I swear to God, if he thinks another massage is going to be enough tonight he is sorely mistaken.

  I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him walk steadily towards me, and the look in his eyes tells me that I’m getting more than a massage.

  “Stand up.” My legs are moving before I have even processed what he has asked me to do, and before my brain has caught up, he is slowly lifting my top over my head. His fingers hook the waistband of my leggings, and he slowly peels them down and holds me steady as he pulls them from each foot.

  “Lay down.” He whispers as he kisses my neck, his hot breath and soft lips making my skin erupt.

  I lay in the middle of the bed, head resting on the pillows, heart pounding, unsure of what is coming next.

  Soft hands grip at each of my feet, and push them to each side of the bed. I glance at Tad, who is staring at me with such intense heat in his eyes, that I can feel it everywhere. I can practically feel the blood rushing around my body. He slowly kneels in between my legs, and crawls towards me.

  When he stops, gentle kisses are being trailed up my stomach towards my chest, and I can already feel myself squirming underneath him, desperate for him to touch me.

  “Stop moving.” His voice stalls my body immediately, and I make do with clawing at the blanket underneath me. His lips resume their exploration of my skin, higher and higher until they reach the soft cotton on my bra. Cool fingers make me jump, as they slide under the cups, to free my breasts. At the slight touch, my nipples are already hard, and longing for attention. It comes in the form of gentle kisses, soft tongue flicks, and light sucking, and I bite back the request of harder, please!

  All too soon, the skin on my chest is cold again as Tad lifts his head and moves away. By the time his tongue has reached the top of my knickers, I’m well aware I’m panting hard. Staying still right now is a challenge, as all I want to do is push his head slightly further down. My knuckles almost hurt where I am clinging on tightly to the blanket.

  Rather than remove my underwear, I feel the heat through it as Tad travels lower, and gently nips at me through the fabric.

  The slight touch pushes me too far, and my hands find themselves in his hair, while I try to suppress a moan.

  Suddenly his warm breath is replaced by cool air as he lifts his head to look at me, eyes narrowed in disapproval. I quickly lift my hands and they resume their places at my sides.

  All at once, fabric is being pushed to one side and hot, soft, wet flesh is invading me in the most amazing way. I bite my lip as hard as I can to stop myself crying out.

  His tongue is slowly exploring every part of me, s
oft, slow strokes inside of me are followed by gentle sucking on my clit, and my entire body begins to shake as my orgasm builds.

  But then as quickly as it started, it stops. I open my eyes, but don’t dare move my head to look at him, and I suspect he is pleased by the soft sound he makes. I start trying to get a bit of control over my breathing, while I wait for Tad to do whatever he is going to do next. But before I’ve managed a second deep breath, his fingers are slowly working their way along the insides of my thighs, all the way to the very place where I need them the most. He starts to work my clit in the magical way that he does, and in seconds, I’m right back on the verge of coming. His finger slows, and begins moving over me so lightly, it feels like it’s barely there at all. But, oh fuck, it’s there.

  It’s there, and I’m nearly there, and then suddenly nothing. My insides clench at the sudden loss of stimulation, and I half feel like screaming.

  “Sir, please may I come now?” I whisper through my erratic breathing, and I risk moving my head slightly so I can look in his eyes.

  “I want this to be the best orgasm of your life Rachel. So you will come only when I think you’re ready to. Is that clear?”

  Oh fuck. This could go on for hours.

  “Yes, Sir.” And without any warning, fingers are inside of me, exploring, stretching, grazing over the one spot where I need the pressure most, but he clearly knows better than that. I clench myself as tightly as possible around his fingers, and the sensation is incredible. I can’t help but cry out with each twist and turn of his fingers and then, nothing. My breath is ragged, and I can still feel myself pulsing around nothing as my body desperately tries to tip me over the edge.

  Again, and again, he pushes me right to the edge, and then brings me swiftly back.

  Every part of me is shaking, my insides are humming and my skin is damp with perspiration. I need to come now, I don’t think I can handle any more teasing.

  “Please, please Sir.” Is all I can manage to say.

  My begging is answered by fingers fiercely thrusting into me, stroking in just the right place. Just as I think he is going to pull out again, his lips find their way to my swollen, painful clit, and start gently sucking on it.


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