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Kit Kat & Katie Did

Page 1

by Lauren T. Hart


  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  About The Author





  Lauren T. Hart


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author or publisher.

  Lauren T. Hart:

  MmHmm Books:

  E-Book ISBN: 978-0-9970565-9-4

  Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9970565-8-7

  Cover design by: Lauren T. Hart

  ISBN: 978-0-9970565-9-4

  Copyright © 2020 Lauren T. Hart

  All rights reserved.

  If we went to school together, this one’s for you…

  Chapter 1

  Dear Diary,

  It’s recently been brought to my attention that there are a number of people who think me overly optimistic. This simply couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a cynic at heart, a realist by nature and if there’s anything of an optimist in me it’s purely out of necessity, and I assure you it’s also mostly by accident.

  Pessimistically yours,



  It happened the same day Erik proposed to Mom.

  It had to. It had already been a crazy long bullshit day that had required several unexpected wardrobe change, many desperate phone calls to my knight-in-shining-armor, Julian, to swoop in and do some serious damage control, and near master levels of emotional suppressing. I was just finally starting to wind down from the craziness of the day and felt like I could breath again.

  I’ll admit, that was overly optimistic of me.

  I was standing at a tall table near the window that overlooked the pool at Erik’s country club, contemplating taking another sip of the celebratory champagne I was twisting between my fingers. Julian had said it might calm my nerves. Lets just not think about the fact that I’m not nearly old enough to drink, I didn’t really care for the taste. It was weird. Like expired juice that was both sweet and sour at the same time and also carbonated. Why did anyone like this stuff? It had to be the alcohol. As I was contemplating how many people in the room were actually addicted to alcohol, which, in my mind, could be the only reason anyone would enjoy drinking the stuff, Julian leaned over to me and said, “Do you ever think that maybe you’re a little too optimistic?”

  My face pinched into the one everyone gets before you say, “What? No.” But I didn’t actually get the words out because the moment my face reacted Julian was quick to say, “Ooh, don’t make that face, Darling.” Because Julian has this idea in his head that any kind of extreme expression, and especially ones that are repeated often, can cause permanent lines. It’s what he calls wrinkles. And, according to Julian, the only acceptable permanent lines are the ones caused by smiling. “I’m not trying to start an argument,” Julian hurried on to explain his comment. “It just that a lot of things are about to change for you and I haven’t heard a single doubt or concern from you about any of it. I’m not sure that’s normal.”

  Before I could say anything my cousin Kimber leaned in, batting her blue eyes and flipping her long brown locks over her shoulder. Our hairstyles practically matched except that today mine was a lie — because it was mostly fake, but we’ll get to that later. She put her hand on mine, removing it from the champagne glass as if to say, ‘you’ve had enough’ and said, “I agree with Julian, Kit-Kat. You’re being way too chipper about all of this. And please don’t take this the wrong way, because Kayley and I and everybody are super excited you’re gonna be living with us. But, if I were in your sitch, I’d be freaking right the freak out all the way to freak town and back again in a freaking neon freak-mobile.”

  I nodded in agreement with her freakout statement because Kimber’s always been kind of dramatic like that. She freaks out over most things. One time she freaked out over a birthday card from her dentists office because she thought it meant that the dentist had some sort of weird crush on her or something. And then, once she got that it was basically a reminder to get her teeth cleaned and everybody got those too she was filled with relief that lasted for days. I mean, seriously, days later she was still talking about how relieved she was that her dentist wasn’t some kind of perv. Basically, freaking out is Kimber’s default setting.

  “Okay guys,” I started but didn’t get anything else out because at that same moment Kayley stumbled and fell into me, grabbing my waist for support. Some of my faux hair got caught in the mix and for a second I was sure it was going to fall out, but it didn’t, which was a huge relief. And the rest of me is pretty sturdy, so I was able to kind of catch her, and Julian has amazingly quick reflexes, so he was able to grab her around her waist and hoist her back upright, which sort of worked, she was still quite wobbly and her platform stiletto heels weren’t helping. I gave my head a good pat-down just to make sure all the long brown waves were still securely in place.

  “You okay?” Julian asked, his soft hazel eyes on mine.

  I nodded.

  “I’m fine,” Kayley grumbled, but it turned into a giggle.

  “Oh, what the hell?” Kimber threw her arms in the air before storming away.

  Julian and I were too busy dealing with teetering and tottering Kayley to worry about Kimber. Kayley’s ankles wobbled and bent trying to find balance. Julian scoffed at her shoes, “See,” he said as if trying to prove a point as he lifted Kayley off the ground and kicked her heels off her feet. “These things are dangerous. You could break an ankle in these things, Kayley,” he scolded.

  “I know, right?” Kayley giggled, amused by the whole thing. “I totally thought that was going to happen for a second.” Steadier on her own feet and being firmly held around her middle by Julian she wrapped her arms over his, leaned her head back against his chest and said, “You’re so strong, Julian.”

  “And you’re drunk.” Julian shook his head at her. “I take it back, it could have been much worse than a broken ankle, you could have killed yourself.”

  Kayley burst out laughing.

  Kimber returned just then with a bottle of water she thrust at Kayley. “None of this is funny, Kayley,” she scolded. “Now drink up or I’m telling Julian about the
huge crush you have on him.”

  Kayley was drunk enough that she gasped and blurted, “No!” as she grabbed the water from Kimber and start guzzling.

  “Wow, she’s in a seriously bad way,” I looked to Julian who nodded in agreement.

  “Maybe we should find someplace for her to sit or lie down,” Kimber put a hand on her hip and started looking around the banquet hall for potential crash points. I considered too. None of the options were great. Row of chairs against the wall, coat check, some random room or supply closet or whatever was behind the unmarked doors, under the buffet table maybe?

  “No, she needs to get it out of her system,” Julian slid himself around Kayley so he was now at her side.

  Kayley removed the water bottle from her lips to smile up at him. “Hi, Julian,” she said as if he’d just arrived.

  “Hi there, Sweets,” Julian smiled back. “Go for a walk with me?”

  Kayley blushed. “Okay.”

  “Keep drinking your water,” Julian instructed.

  Kayley nodded and tossed back her water, splashing it onto her face and spilling it down the front of her. Julian’s quick reflexes righted the bottle for her, because she didn’t do it on her own. “Maybe just sip it,” he suggested.

  Kayley nodded in agreement, her mouth wide open, her breath short and gasping from the shock of cold water to her face and what was running down the front of her. I grabbed a couple small drink napkins from the table and dabbed at her wet face and neck. “That water bottle was way fuller than I thought it was,” Kayley remarked.

  “Right?” I agreed. “Well, not so much anymore though, so that’s good.”

  Kayley chuckled, and then her face became serious, and for a second I thought maybe she was going to be sick, but she didn’t really look queasy, she looked determined, and wobbly. “This is an intervention, Kat.” She lifted a pointed finger and twirled it in a circle at me. I rolled a glare between Kimber and Julian. “I love you Kat, but you are too overly optimistic.”

  My brows lifted my eyes from Kayley to Julian.

  “Okay,” Julian flashed me an almost apologetic smile, but his eyes hoped I knew none of this had been his idea, and started stepping Kayley to the door leading outside.

  I scooped up her shoes, Kimber dashed off for another bottle of water, and we followed. I held the door for Julian and Kayley, then waited for Kimber. “An intervention?” I rolled my eyes at her.

  “Yeah, Cuz, we worry and stuff, okay? I mean it wasn’t really meant to be like an actual intervention. We just wanted to make sure you weren’t just putting on a brave face or whatever.”

  We caught up to Julian and Kayley on the grassy lawns not far from the building.

  “Spin me, Julian, Spin me!” Kayley said hopping from one foot to the other, her long dark locks swaying back and forth as she tried to spin them both around, but Julian was keeping her fairly well planted.

  “I’m sorry, Darling, I can’t. It’s a rule. There’s absolutely no spinning when drunk.”

  “That rule is stupid!” she blared. “And,” she quieted to nearly a whisper. “I’m not even that drunk.”

  The rest of us shared a look. Kayley was the only one drunk enough to believe that.

  “Hey Kayley,” I called out. “Would you rather…”

  She perked up and twisted toward me, a bit of hair fell in her face and she swiped it away with her hand, though her tongue came out to help too.

  “Walk around a golf course, barefoot, in the dark,” I lifted a finger for option one.

  Kayley started shaking her head just after I sad walk.

  “Or…” I lifted a second finger for option two. “Vomit in front of Julian, maybe even all over him?”

  Kayley gasped. “The walk.”

  “Let’s do it then,” I grinned. “First one to that far tree in the corner,” I pointed, “gets a kiss from Julian.”

  “Really?” Kayley beamed.

  “If you get there first,” Julian affirmed.

  Kayley took hold of Julian’s hand and took off running. Kimber and I walked after them. “Poor girl,” Kimber frowned. “Kinda makes you hope she doesn’t remember any of it, you know? Because she’s gonna be so embarrassed.”

  “Totally. Maybe we should have an intervention for her,” I suggested and Kimber laughed.

  “Just, tell me how you’re so okay with everything and I promise I’ll stop worrying about it.” I gave her a doubtful look. “You’re right, too unrealistic, but I promise I’ll try not to worry as much.”

  I tapped her on the arm and nodded toward the race between Kayley and Julian. Kayley had decided to let go of Julian’s hand for the final sprint and as soon as she did he bolted ahead of her and won. “No!” Kayley’s lament thundered across the lawns. Julian said something to her we couldn’t hear and then they both started running back toward us. Well, Kayley was running, Julian was trotting along beside her, cheering her on.

  I looped my arm around Kimber’s “I’m okay with everything because I’ve been planning it all out for ages, so I’m prepared, so I know it’s all gonna be okay.”

  “You’re not even upset about changing schools?”

  “Why would I be upset about that?” I shrugged. “It’s going to be my last year what better way to spend it than with you guys?”

  Kayley came barreling into view, cheeks red, arms pumping, Julian just behind her. “I won! I won!” she shrieked as she zipped past us.

  “She won?” I asked Julian while Kayley caught her breath a few feet away with her hands on her knees.

  Julian shrugged, not even a little out of breath. The look on his face said he was feeling sorry for her so he’d let her win. He plastered a huge grin to his face. “Yes, you did. Now come over here and get your reward, Darling.”

  “Wait,” Kayley straightened. “So, you mean it? You’re really gonna kiss me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Julian asked.

  Kayley looked suddenly much more sober, her uncertainty darting back and forth between Kimber, Julian and myself. Finally landing on Julian “Uhh, because you’re gay.”

  “True, but sometimes, Darling,” Julian started toward her, full sultry swagger. “A kiss, is just a kiss.”

  “Oh, this is just cruel,” I said mostly to Kimber, but I knew Julian could hear me too.

  “This kiss, however, is your victory kiss.” He stopped, posed in strength, cocked his chin up, and reached his hand out toward her. “Come and claim it, Darling.”

  I was behind him, but I knew the look he was giving her, all alluring and inviting. I’d been in her spot more times than I could count, I knew it was just a look and I knew his thoughts behind it, sometimes he’d even say them “let’s make ‘em shiver, Darling.” And it always made me smile. Every time.

  Kayley’s mouth quivered as if she were trying to find words. You could practically see the world fading into just the two of them in her eyes, and then she popped her head toward me. Her expression, and her wringing hands screaming, ‘What do I do? What do I do!?’

  Julian kissed me all the time, they were practically handshakes to him, and while this wouldn’t be Kayley’s first kiss, because Kayley was kind of a kiss-o-holic, she’d been crushing on the unattainable Julian Romero for a few years now, so it was kind of a big deal to her. Maybe not her Everest, but he was definitely up there. I smiled back at her and shrugged. She popped her gaze to Kimber, whose expression said, ‘bad idea’ while she shook her head. Me, in my black dress, Kimber in her pale pink one, we were like the Angel and the Demon on her shoulders.

  Kayley found Julian’s gaze again. Julian hadn’t moved the entire time.

  “Take my hand, Kayley,” he said softly, seductively.

  With little reluctance, she set her hand in his and he bowed his head to her and kissed the back of her fingers. “Oh,” Kayley let out a nervous giggle. “Is that all?”

  Julian stepped into her, his arm around her waist, the other still holding her hand, their bodies firm against ea
ch other as if they were about to dance the most intimate of dances. Julian liked to call this ‘yes position’. “Do you want me to kiss you, Kayley?” he whispered.

  “Mmm, maybe,” she mumbled, “I mean, yes,” she nodded. And he did.

  It was rare that I got to see Julian in a ‘yes position’ kiss. I was usually the one being kissed in that scenario. It was kind of hot. And by ‘kind of’ I mean, dayum! I shot a ‘that’s hot’ look toward Kimber but she didn’t see it, she had her hands over her face, her head still shaking back and forth. I couldn’t skip the thought that she’d either put her hands up to try and stop the shaking of her head or to prevent herself from seeing her little sister being kissed by a complete scoundrel. The thought made me chuckle, and it would have made Julian laugh too, but maybe not Kimber and definitely not drunk Kayley, so I bit my lip and kept it to myself.

  “Are you feeling better, Darling?” Julian asked Kayley. “Would you like some water?”

  Julian kept his hand at her waist but turned away to get the bottle of water Kimber was carrying. Hearing Julian talk had broken Kimber out of her head-shaking stupor and she twisted the top off the bottle and handed it to him.

  As Julian turned for the water, Kayley brought her hands up to her mouth. For a second I wasn’t sure if her expression was regret, confusion, or nausea. And then I saw her cheeks flush and the corners of her mouth turn up. I knew that look. He’d done that thing he does sometimes when he doesn’t think I’ve got enough pep in my step or whatever. It’s like a little surprise suck and a nibble with his teeth and then somehow his tongue just sneaks itself into the mix and it’s like a freaking excitement on switch.

  “Ahh,” I gasped, with a hand tap against his arm. “Did you do the thing to her?”

  “Of course I did the thing to her,” Julian grinned. “It’s practically my signature move.”

  “And to think, I held back calling you a scoundrel,” I shook my head at him.


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