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The King's Assassin

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by Benjamin Woolley

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  In memory of Anthony Sheil, 1932–2017, and Professor John Henry, 1939–2007

  With special thanks to Nicholas Martin and Matthew

  List of Illustrations



  1.  George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham by Michiel J. van Miereveld © Fine Art Images / Heritage Images / Getty Images.

  2.  Villiers family portrait with George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham seated © Royal Collection Trust / © HM Queen Elizabeth II 2017.

  3.  A watercolour of Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset by Nicholas Hilliard © National Portrait Gallery, London.

   A portrait of Esmé Stuart, 1st Duke of Lennox © The National Galleries of Scotland.

  4.  James VI of Scotland, I of England by Paul van Somer c.1620 Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 2017 / Bridgeman Images.

  5.  A portrait of Anne of Denmark c.1616 by Paul van Somer © Private Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  6.  A portrait of Sir Francis Bacon by Paul van Somer © Private Collection / Bridgeman Images.

   An engraving of Edward Coke, judge and MP by James Posselwhite © Granger / Bridgeman Images.

  7.  Lady Manners and Lord Buckingham as Venus and Adonis c.1620 by Anthony Van Dyck © akg-images.

  8.  A portrait of George’s wife Katherine Manners, Duchess of Buckingham, c.1633 by Anthony Van Dyck © Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, UK / Bridgeman Images.

  The Duke of Buckingham and his Family by Gerrit van Honthorst © National Portrait Gallery, London.



  1.  A charcoal portrait of George Villiers, sketched by Peter Paul Rubens © Albertina, Vienna.

   A portrait of Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, c.1612 by Isaac Oliver / Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 2017 / Bridgeman Images.

   A young Charles I as the Duke of York by Robert Peake © National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh / Bridgeman Images.

  2.  A portrait of Frederick V, Elector Palatine, King of Bohemia by Michiel Jansz. van Miereveld © Edinburgh University Library, Scotland / with kind permission of the University of Edinburgh / Bridgeman Images.

   A portrait of Elizabeth of Bohemia, The Winter Queen, early 1620s by Michiel Jansz. van Miereveld / Private Collection / Photo © Philip Mould Ltd, London / Bridgeman Images.

  3.  A portrait of Conde de Gondomar © Art Collection 2 / Alamy Stock Photo.

  4.  A portrait of Maria Anna of Spain, 17th century © De Agostini Picture Library / G. Dagli Orti / Bridgeman Images.

   Philip III of Spain c.1621 by Bartolome Gonzalez © Monasterio de la Encarnacion, Madrid, Spain / Index / Bridgeman Images.

   A portrait of Anne of Austria by Louis Ferdinand Elle the Elder / Private Collection / © Richard Philp, London / Bridgeman Images.

   Don Gaspar de Guzman, Count-Duque de Olivares © Varez-Fisa Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  5.  A portrait of Endymion Porter, diplomat and royalist by Anthony Van Dyck © York Museums Trust (York Art Gallery), UK / Bridgeman Images.

   Sir John Eliot, English statesman © Classic Image / Alamy Stock Photo.

   Supper with James engraving by Melchior Tavernier © Private Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  6.  A portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria by Anthony Van Dyck c.1632 © His Grace The Duke of Norfolk, Arundel Castle / Bridgeman Images.

   An engraving of William Harvey from ‘Gallery of Portraits’ / Private Collection / Photo © Ken Welsh / Bridgeman Images.

  7.  An equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham, 1625 by Peter Paul Rubens © Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, USA / Bridgeman Images.

  8.  The title page of A Briefe Description of the Notorious Life of John Lambe c.1628 / British Library, London, UK / © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved / Bridgeman Images.

   A portrait of King Charles and his family c.1630 by Anthony Van Dyck © Royal Hospital Chelsea, London, UK / Bridgeman Images.

  Dramatis Personae

  Anne of Austria

  Queen of France, wife of Louis XIII, daughter of Philip III of Spain, sister of the Infanta Maria

  Anne of Denmark

  Wife of King James, mother of Charles

  Aston, Sir Walter

  James’s permanent ambassador in Madrid

  Atkins, Dr Henry

  President of the College of Physicians, Mayerne’s deputy as royal physician

  Bacon, Francis

  Lord Chancellor, George’s mentor

  Beaumont, Anthony

  Mary’s father

  Beaumont, Henry

  Provided a home for Mary in her early teens, Leicestershire MP who had served alongside Sir George Villiers

  Beton, Dr David

  French physician, one of James’s doctors during his final illness

  Brett, Arthur

  Groom of the royal bedchamber who became contender for royal favourite in 1624

  Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset

  James’s favourite from 1607 until his downfall in 1616, following the discovery of the Overbury plot

  Chamberlain, John

  Letter-writer and commentator

  Chambers, Dr James

  One of James’s Scottish physicians

  Chevreuse, Duc de

  Protestant French duke, Charles’s proxy at his marriage, George’s host during his visit to collect Henrietta Maria

  Chevreuse, Duchesse de

  Marie de Rohan, wife of the Duc de Chevreuse, mistress of Henry Rich, lady-in-waiting to Anne of Austria

  Coke, Edward

  Lawyer, MP and Francis Bacon’s rival

  Coloma, Carlos

  Spanish ambassador ‘extraordinary’, 1622–24

  Compton, Sir Thomas

  Mary’s third husband, George’s stepfather

  Conway, Sir Edward

  Royal secretary

  Cottington, Sir Francis

  Charles and George’s companion during the Madrid escapade

  Craig, Dr John

  One of James’s Scottish physicians

  Cranfield, Lionel

  Disgraced Lord Treasurer, and member of the pro-Spanish clique

  D’Ewes, Simonds

  Lawyer and diarist

  D’Effiat, Marquis

  Antoine Coëffier de Ruzé d’Effiat, French ambassador

  Digby, John, Earl of Bristol

  James’s special ambassador in Madrid, responsible for the Spanish match negotiations

  Eglisham, George

  James’s Scottish physician, friend of James Hamilton, and author of The Forerunner of Revenge alleging George’s poisoning of Hamilton and King James

  Eliot, Sir John

  Cornish MP, Vice Admiral of Devon, and latterly George’s fiercest critic

  Elisabeth of France

>   Queen of Spain, wife of Philip IV, daughter of Marie de’ Medici


  James’s daughter, wife of Frederick, Count Palatine; known as the ‘Winter Queen’ following her short reign as Queen of Bohemia

  Elizabeth I

  Final Tudor monarch of England and James’s predecessor; died in 1603

  Erskine, Thomas

  Lord Fenton (or Fentoun), Earl of Kellie, James’s loyal Scottish servant, received the Order of the Garter in 1615, with George’s support

  Ferdinand II

  Holy Roman Emperor, member of the Habsburg dynasty


  Daughter of Lady Hatton and Edward Coke, wife of John, George’s brother

  Francesco, Don

  François de Carondelet, Spanish envoy recruited in 1624 to deal with George

  Frederick, Count Palatine

  Husband of Elizabeth, James’s daughter; Protestant ruler of German provinces around the Rhine and bordering the modern Czech Republic collectively known as the Palatinate, briefly King of Bohemia


  George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham

  Gondomar, Conde de

  Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Spanish ambassador in London 1613–18, 1620–22, 1624; known, thanks to his closeness to James, as one of the ‘Two Diegos’

  Goring, Sir George

  One of the ‘Master Fools’ who helped introduce George to court in 1615, later an MP and proxy for George in the House of Commons

  Graham, Sir John

  George’s first champion, introduced him to James

  Graham, Sir Richard

  George’s Master of the Horse and bodyguard during Madrid escapade

  Gresley, Walsingham

  Steward to John Digby, James’s ambassador in Madrid

  Hamilton, James

  George Eglisham’s childhood friend, Marquis of Hamilton, allegedly poisoned by George

  Harvey, Dr William

  One of James’s English physicians, later Charles’s personal doctor and medical pioneer

  Hatton, Lady

  Elizabeth, wife of Edward Coke, mother of Frances, wife of John, George’s brother

  Henrietta Maria

  Sister of Louis XIII of France and wife of Charles

  Henry, Prince of Wales

  James’s son and heir, who died in 1612

  Herbert, Philip

  Earl of Montgomery, brother of William, James’s hunting companion and Baynard’s Castle conspirator

  Herbert, William

  Earl of Pembroke, Baynard’s Castle conspirator, introduced George to court in 1615

  Hinojosa, Marquis de

  Juan de Mendoza, Spanish ambassador 1623–24


  James VI of Scotland and I of England, member of Stuart dynasty; son of Mary, Queen of Scots


  Kate Villiers, née Manners, George’s wife, daughter of the Earl of Rutland

  Lister, Dr Matthew

  Royal physician and ‘censor’ of the College of Physicians

  Louis XIII

  King of France

  Maestro, Father

  Friar Diego Lafuente, Spanish ‘agent’ in London, 1623–24

  Mansfeld, Count

  German mercenary hired to retake the Palatinate

  Maria, Infanta of Spain

  Charles’s proposed bride, daughter of Philip III of Spain, sister of Philip IV of Spain and of Anne of Austria


  George’s mother, daughter of Anthony Beaumont, second wife of Sir George Villiers, became Countess of Buckingham in 1618

  Mayerne, Sir Theodore

  James’s chief physician

  Medici, Marie de’

  Mother of Louis XIII, King of France

  Moore, Dr John

  Physician, said to be a Catholic, who attended James’s final illness

  Olivares, Conde de

  Philip IV of Spain’s valido or chief minister and favourite

  Paddy, Sir William

  Former president of College of Physicians and one of James’s most senior doctors

  Philip III

  King of Spain, father of Philip IV, Anne of Austria and the Infanta Maria, member of the Habsburg dynasty

  Philip IV

  Son and heir of Philip III, King of Spain after his father’s death in 1621; brother of the Infanta Maria and Anne of Austria

  Porter, Endymion

  George’s Spanish secretary and companion in Madrid

  Ramséy, Dr Alexander

  One of James’s Scottish physicians

  Remington, John

  Mary’s doctor, from Dunmow in Essex

  Reynor, Sir William

  Mary’s wealthy second husband, George’s stepfather

  Rich, Henry

  Earl of Holland, England’s ambassador in Paris

  Rich, Robert

  Earl of Warwick, friend of George

  Rutland, Earl of

  Francis Manners, father of Kate, George’s wife

  Stuart, Esmé

  French cousin of James and the king’s first favourite

  Stuart, Ludovick

  Duke of Lennox and Richmond, loyal Scottish servant of James, son of Esmé Stuart

  Villiers, Sir Edward

  George’s half-brother, son of Sir George by his first wife

  Villiers, Sir George

  George’s father

  Villiers, John

  George’s eldest brother

  Villiers, Kit, or Christopher

  George’s younger brother

  Villiers, Susan

  George’s sister

  Villiers, Sir William

  George’s half-brother, eldest son of Sir George, inheritor of the Villiers estate

  Williams, John

  Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, Bishop of Lincoln and member of the pro-Spanish clique

  Winwood, Sir Ralph

  Royal secretary, supporter but then enemy of Carr, responsible for his downfall by discovering the Overbury plot

  Wriothesley, Henry

  Earl of Southampton, and one of George’s occasional rivals and enemies


  The group portrait hangs in a ‘private area’ of Highgrove House, the country residence of Charles, the current Prince of Wales. A valuable and rather puzzling historical artefact, it is only available for direct inspection by members of the royal household, as it is in ‘a very high security location … impossible to access’, according to a representative of the Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures.

  It shows a family: two children dressed in white, three women in scarlet, three men and an older woman in black. It was probably commissioned by Prince Charles’s namesake and ancestor, Charles I, some time between January 1628, when its youngest subject was born, and 23 August of that year, the day its central figure was assassinated.


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