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State of Play: Book Two; The Candidate

Page 7

by Lee Taylor

  Sinking onto the chair across from her, Ben shook his head as he poured them each a solid three fingers of the strong whiskey. Raising his glass to her, he said fervently, “Damn, Gia, when we have to forego our nightly ritual of consuming as much booze as we need to deal with the day we survived, and what is certain to be a challenging tomorrow, is the day I quit politics.” Waiting until Gia had taken a sip and then another, Ben said, “I know you know this, but you were fucking masterful. Damn, woman, you managed to give every fucking one of those newshounds a tidbit all his own. Every one of them left feeling as though he or she was your favorite confidant. Truly, you were masterful.”

  His use of the word masterful reminded Gia of the truly masterful one among them, and not only in the bedroom.

  She knew Ben saw her frown and intuited its source when he asked, “How’s it going, boss lady?”

  “How is what going, Ben? The fact that I am doing something that I promised myself I would never do, which is run for office? Or that I can no longer do what I do best, which is to manage the campaign? Or that I’m being assigned my role in the same way and same breath as my two young assistants?” She hesitated and then blurted out the most troubling change in her life. “Or that the most powerful man I’ve ever known has declared that he and I are involved and that the campaign needs to keep that damning fact a secret or it might upset his funding goals.”

  Ben managed to erase some of the surprise that had taken over his expression. Draining his glass and pouring himself another before topping off Gia’s, he said carefully, “Hmm, when you put it that way, I can see why you are a trifle, shall we say, upset?”

  When Gia just shook her head and continued studying her glass, Ben was comforting. “Damn, I know this is challenging. You really are being forced to sail in uncharted waters. I know how much you like managing things, and if anyone is an excellent manager, it is you. But I promise you, I will always defer, or at least consult, with you on any and all issues.”

  “Like you consulted with me on the media interview schedule? Or better yet, how you joined Logan behind my back and endorsed this crazy run for office that I’ve been swept into? The campaign that I had no way of stopping or even carving out my own role? And that I will have less and less say as we get into the general election? Is that how you will continue to consult with me?” Seeing Ben’s distress, Gia tried to ratchet down her accusations. After all, the whole mess wasn’t Ben’s idea; it was Logan’s. When she was preparing to apologize and put the blame where it belonged, Ben surprised her.

  “You’re right, Gia, I didn’t step up and put the brakes on Logan’s initiative.” When she waved her hand indifferently as if she weren’t interested in his excuses, he shrugged. “Do you know why I didn’t?”

  She snorted dismissively. “Because like everyone else, Logan is the master of the universe, and all of his little subjects scurry around doing anything they can to warrant his favor?”

  To her surprise, Ben laughed at her over-the-top assertion, then shook his head. “You’re wrong, Gia. The reason I went along with Logan’s daring plan is not because I’m some toady or sycophant. No, it was because I thought his initiative was spot-on. Like Logan, I think you are the single best candidate to run for the Second District. Moreover, like Logan and the impressive men he recruited to fund the campaign, I am convinced that not only will you win the race but you will become a leader in the United States Congress.” Ignoring her surprised reaction and pausing for a moment, Ben sucked in an audible breath. “The only thing that stands in the way of certain victory is you, Gia. Specifically, your perverted view that if you run for office, somehow, some way, you will become your father. Not that you would ever become corrupt like he is. But that soon you will owe so many people allegiance, you will no longer be your own person. And if anyone knows how important that is to you, I do.”

  Holding her startled gaze, Ben visibly swallowed, then shook his head as if reminding himself of an important fact. “But that will not happen, Gia. Do you know why it won’t? Because the smartest and strongest man I know believes in you. He has your back, and God help anyone who tries to stand in your way or in any way hurt you.” Taking a hearty draught of his whiskey, Ben put up his hands in amazement and said with a grin, “Jesus Fucking Christ, the man has done something that no one who knows you believed was possible. He’s convinced you that you are worthy of being loved. And, fuck it all, that you are brave enough to fall in love with a man as powerful and daunting as he is.”

  Chapter 10

  Good to see that you can tear yourself away from your current entanglements long enough to have a drink with a couple of scoundrels who have been missing your company.” Paul Davis’s grin was mischievous when he added, “Although if I had to choose the company of Elliott and me over one of the most beautiful women either of us has lusted over, I can assure you we would have gratefully told us to get lost.”

  Elliott Lockhart raised his glass. “Hell, Logan, not only do I agree with Paul, but I confess I was surprised when you asked to meet with us. Like Paul, I ’m surprised that you could tear yourself away from the inimitable, emerald-eyed charmer. But damn, man, something fucking important must have caused you to call this confab. Trouble in la-la land? Or did the usually standoffish Irish lass insist on some down time from her eager paramour?”

  Logan laughed. “No, Elliott, not only is there no trouble in la-la land, it was damned hard to my tear myself away from that particular ‘entanglement.’ ” Taking a hearty sip of the single-malt scotch they were enjoying at the swanky Commonwealth Club, he allowed a slight frown to cross his face and then went to the issue that had caused him to call on his friends. “However, the reason I asked you to meet with me does involve Gia and me . . . and not incidentally, the campaign.”

  “Hmm, buddy, you want to expand on that circumspect assertion? Given that we’ve already pledged a financial arm and a leg to the campaign that hasn’t yet begun, I can only hope it’s advice you are after, not filthy lucre.”

  Logan allowed a smile to quirk his lips and said with a shrug, “Not even as audacious a fellow as I am would be as uncouth as to hit you up for more money at this early stage. Now that doesn’t mean that as the campaign unfolds . . . ” Raising his glass, he said, “No, you’ll be relieved that I’m here seeking your advice, not your financial wherewithal.”

  Elliott shrugged. “I hope you know, Logan, that Paul and I are honored that you came to us for support. We are aware that Gia Tremaine is and always has been a political dynamo. However, it took someone as persuasive as you to convince her that she was candidate material, in fact, a stunning choice to run for Congress.” He sipped thoughtfully on his drink, then said with a grin, “In that you rarely ask for advice simply because you are your own best advisor, how can we help?”

  “You’ve inadvertently tapped into the issue that is on my mind, which is that Gia and I, to put it mildly, are involved.”

  Logan saw the knowing look his colleagues shared and took on the issue frontally. “Look, you both are politically savvy enough to know that our relationship raises some thorny issues. Gia is already a media sensation, and for reasons unknown to me, so am I. It doesn’t take much imagination to know that the gossipmongers will have a field day if they know that we are lovers.”

  Elliott blew out an audible breath, not trying to couch his surprise. “Phew, Logan. Yes, it’s obvious that there is interest between you two, and given Ms. Tremaine’s extraordinary assets and your playboy rep, it’s not surprising that your ‘interest’ is sexually based. But frankly, I’m blown away to hear you use the term ‘lovers.’ ”

  Logan shrugged. “Frankly, I’m more than a little surprised myself. I don’t have to tell you, Elliott, that my ‘playboy rep,’ as you called it, is well earned. In fact, there was a better-than-even chance that I would go to my grave more acknowledged for my dissolute history with a multitude of women than for my professional accomplishments. Hell, man, if anyone knows my prolific past
, it’s you.” Again he shrugged. “But Gia is different.”

  With a snort, Paul chimed in. “An understatement if I ever heard one. I don’t have the long-term history with you that Elliott does, but I’ve known Gia Tremaine since she was a brazen little kid. Damn, she was barely a teenager when it became obvious that Big Bart’s little gal was going to be as much of a man-killer as her daddy was a lady-killer. And he was that in spades! Hell, he captured every woman he chased after, and from the tales I hear, there wasn’t a woman among them who wasn’t thrilled to make Big Bart’s roster—if only for the night or two he allowed at the most.”

  “So I understand,” Logan said elliptically, then continued. “I admit that I’m hardly the man that any mother or father would want sniffing around their daughter. Even a guy as promiscuous as Gia’s father would have to think twice before he endorsed my interest. And you are absolutely correct about Gia. She is—was—a man-killer. She intrigues men as much as she disdains them. She obviously enjoys the company of men, and God knows they chase after her. While Gia appreciates the circle of panting men who surround her wherever she goes, from what I’ve learned from her and others, any relationships other than the occasional hook-up have been expedient and remarkably short term.”

  Seeing Elliott’s raised brow, confirming that his synopsis was on target, Logan conceded with a grin, “You don’t have to say a word. I hear you, buddy. Given that you apparently agree with my take on Gia’s past relationships, clearly your question is what the hell makes me think that I can capture the elusive woman?”

  “Au contraire, Logan. If anyone could do what every man who knows her thought was impossible, it’s you. As you said, I’ve watched you for years, and you were never without a train of eager women chasing your ass. I don’t doubt for a minute that if anyone could capture Gia Tremaine, it is you. But I don’t have to tell you while Paul and I and every other man who’s lusted over her are green with envy, there is another group who will be decidedly less enthusiastic about your triumph.”

  Logan grinned. “Given what she calls my reputation as an inveterate womanizer, would you be referring to the women Gia calls my multiple, ritzy, blonde-haired iterations? All of whom, according to her, are convinced that a woman can never be too rich or too thin . . . or too blonde.”

  Paul guffawed. “You can’t say that Gia would ever shy away from calling a spade a spade. And you gotta admit, Logan, her conclusion is on-target. I can count at least ten women by name who will be shrieking at the top of their lungs if they think that Logan Fowler has taken his accomplished ass off the playing field.” He shook his head and added with a disbelieving snort, “Jesus God, man, that in itself would be bad enough. But to know that it was Gia Tremaine who captured you? Holy Christ, that would have an army of socialites banding together to stave off the indignity of being displaced by a commoner, a political commoner at that.”

  Logan blew out a sigh. “Yeah, that’s Gia’s assumption as well. Only, she concluded the burned women would use more demeaning words to describe her than you did, Paul. Knowing the women as well as I unfortunately do, they would be as vicious and mean-spirited describing Gia’s supposed ‘coup,’ as they’ve been brought up to believe claiming men like me is their birthright. Let’s face it. Vicious is the watchword when it comes to how they categorize beautiful women who don’t happen to run in their elite circles.”

  “Particularly if that beautiful woman captured the supposedly uncapturable Logan Fowler.”

  Logan shot Elliott an agreeing nod and went to the other challenging aspects of his and Gia’s relationship. “Honestly, I wouldn’t give a second thought to the ugliness we are likely to hear from my spoiled former bedmates. Unfortunately, they aren’t Gia’s only foes. If anything, her political enemies will be more malicious and cause more damage. Christ, can’t you just hear the things that misogynistic asshole Gus Underwood will say? What he will call her? It’s bad enough what I’ve heard him say to her face when she hadn’t even declared her candidacy.” He blew out another hard sigh and added, “And then there are the media whores. Even though the press as a whole loves her, you know they will gorge on this news.”

  “You’re right about that, Logan. As for Underwood, for better or worse, he is already interested in where you stand. He called me today indicating he wanted to know if what he heard was true, that you are supporting the Tremaine campaign. I didn’t return his call and likely won’t. Although I would be interested in how much he knows.”

  Elliott concurred. “Paul is correct, Logan. The gossip is already flying—particularly among the political insiders. Everyone who is anyone wants to know if you are supporting Gia’s campaign. And as glad as I am, on one level, that you and Gia have decided you’re in love, surely you know that’s likely to blow what is already a dicey election campaign into the stratosphere. Not only the political repercussions but the personal ones. I’m just gonna say this, buddy, and beg for your understanding. Let’s face it. Falling in love with Gia Tremaine is a given for every man who’s ever known her. As is falling for you, Logan, a given for all those trust-fund bitches you bed. But, and it’s a big but, you and Gia have only known each other for what? A month at the most? Hell, relationships are hard enough. Particularly if you are moving beyond attraction and, hell yes, lust, and talking about love.”

  Before Logan could respond, Paul nodded in agreement. “Elliott’s right, man. I can’t think of a worse prism in which to nourish a love affair than a political campaign. And that’s if the protagonists are plain Jane and next-door Dick, not two of the most attractive and newsworthy people I know. Jesus God, Logan, much as I hate to say it, the media will eat you both alive. Dammit, it’ll be Angelina and Brad writ large. And that’s only the media. You already know what Underwood’s team will do. They’ll be creamin’ their jeans at the very thought of it. And I disagree with you. As ridiculous as it sounds, I’d be most concerned about those ritzy women of yours. Trust me. Hell hath no fury like scorned trust-fund bitches that have been reared to believe that no one, particularly a Gia Tremaine, can capture their rightful prey.”

  Logan was quiet for a long moment and then said blandly, “Obviously, I was right to bring my concerns to you. I trust it won’t surprise you that the reason I did is because I agree with you. In fact, I may have more concerns than you do. I’ve seen up close and personal what Gia’s father did to her. To her confidence and her belief in the inherent ugliness of male-female relationships. And I’m self-aware enough to know that my intimate history should scare the shit out of both Gia and frankly me.”

  He took a large draft of his Bowman’s and shot them both a narrowed gaze. “Given that I’m on the same page that you are, I’m seeking your advice. As challenging as it will be, Gia and I are both aware of the pitfalls. I’ll be honest and admit that of the two of us, I’m the aggressor. Which of course makes it even more important that I prevent the ugliness that could and would happen if our relationship were common knowledge. Ben Knight and the two young women who will be driving the campaign are aware of the circumstances. I know that we can count on their discretion. And Gia and I have agreed we need to tamp down our togetherness and do our best to maintain a professional relationship on the surface. As I said, I’m coming to you for advice.”

  He turned to Paul. “You indicated that you wanted to host a party at the Commonwealth Club for potential donors. A chance to introduce the campaign, and Gia, to potential funders. If you are up for it, I would like you to host the election night party when we celebrate the primary win. If that works for you, I think it’s important to invite the ‘trust-fund’ women and others that I’ve associated with in the past. In that way help to make it clear that my relationship with Gia is professional.”

  “Phew, Logan. You really are an arrogant son of a bitch. And yes, you are powerful and jaded enough to pull it off. My question is can Gia? She has to be uncertain. Remember, while hundreds of men have lusted after her, you are the only one she has given in to. Give
n that, the obvious question is whether you will continue to add notches on your already scarred bedposts?”

  Logan’s lips quirked up at the corners. “If that is a quaint and somewhat dated way of asking if I still plan to fuck any of the ‘society lovelies,’ the answer is a resounding no.” He allowed a frown to replace his grin. “But please understand. While I intend to do my best to keep our relationship private to ensure that it doesn’t compromise her campaign, I am in love with her.” Pinning a hard gaze on Elliott, who’d served on his Delta Force squad, he said, “And you know as well as anyone does, buddy, God help the man or the woman who crosses me. Or in any way compromises the woman I’ve admitted I’m in love with.”

  Chapter 11

  It was nearly ten o’clock when Gia decided that she would finally call it a day. Ben had popped in twice to suggest it was time to close up shop. She hadn’t spoken with him since he’d hit her with the bombshell pronouncement that he was convinced she was the single best candidate to run for the Second District seat. She wanted to blame Logan for convincing her stalwart team to support her candidacy. But Ben Knight, her longtime associate and closest friend, had made it clear in no uncertain terms that he was as gung ho about the campaign as Logan was. Obviously, Emma and Kaila were firmly on board, but then, like every woman alive worthy of her hormones, they were gaga over Logan.

  Gia had to admit that her interviews with the mélange of media representatives had gone well. In an introspective moment, she even went so far as to acknowledge that she’d enjoyed the give and take with the local reps, many of whom she’d known for years. And if she’d been the campaign manager, not the declared candidate, she would have considered the interchanges an unqualified success.


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