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State of Play: Book Two; The Candidate

Page 10

by Lee Taylor


  “Damn, Gia, I’ve always known that you were an automaton, but now I know you are a freaking alien. No one, even you, could rack up no fewer than seven community meetings and four one-on-one interviews and not even be breathing hard.” Glancing over his shoulder at the rest of the team packed into their eight-passenger van that Logan had rented for them, Ben marveled. “So much for the youngsters. Every damn one of them is sound asleep, and you are still running on all cylinders.”

  Gia laughed. “I have to admit I’m jazzed. It really was a great day. And tomorrow will be as good. Even though we know we’re going to win the election, I’m confident we raised our margins, which will make Logan happy. There were more people than I could have imagined at every one of the meetings. Be honest. Do you think the people came because they support me or just to . . . see me?” At Ben’s frown, she added with a questioning shrug, “You know, kinda like they would when the circus comes to town and they finally get to see Big Bart’s kid in the flesh.”

  “If you’re saying that you are some kind of a circus freak, an oddity, nothing could be farther from the truth and you know it. But I concede. You are a phenomenon. And yes, at this point, a lot of people who have never met you, but do know your father, are interested and probably a little curious. But, Gia, they came. Got their asses out of their Barcaloungers and trouped over to the meeting halls to meet you face-to-face. The fact that you wowed them means that when we begin the general in earnest, they’ll be back and bring a hell of a lot of their friends with them.”

  Gia nodded in agreement. “It’s interesting. We are doing what I was trying to do with Aiden’s campaign. Win the primary resoundingly even though we knew we were going to get our asses kicked in the general. I couldn’t make Aiden understand. Fuck it, we couldn’t even get him out of bed.”

  Ben was quiet for a moment, then said blandly, “Amazing how different it is when you have an accomplished, kick-ass candidate. Even someone who insists that she isn’t and never will be a candidate.”


  Gia unlocked her front door and even before she turned on the lights knew that Logan had been there. It was more than his inimitable scent, it was his aura. The first thing she saw was the beautiful bouquet of multi-colored tulips on the coffee table. Next to it were two bottles of Macallan whiskey. Knowing that the pricey alcohol rang up at a stunning five hundred dollars-plus a bottle, she was embarrassed, then managed to laugh when she read the accompanying note.

  “I know I gave you six bottles of this supreme whiskey before, but a very naughty girl sent them back to me smashed into smithereens. Let’s see how she does with two bottles. At least if she has another temper tantrum, it won’t be as expensive as the last one. —L”

  When she went into the kitchen to retrieve a glass, she saw the basket of specialty crackers, breads, chocolates, and nuts on the counter. Opening the refrigerator, she was astonished to see that it was filled with an array of fruit, vegetables, a cheese and deli tray, and several containers of seafood chowder. Knowing that she was too tired to eat, she nevertheless determined that she’d more than earned a glass of the superb whiskey. Stripping off her clothes, she put on a tank top and booty shorts, then settled onto the chaise lounge on her balcony. Not for the first time, she acknowledged that she was surprised that she hadn’t heard from Logan throughout the day. As if he’d heard her musings, her phone pinged with an incoming text.

  “Hope you are snuggled on your balcony and enjoying a glass of the finest whiskey made by man and a hearty plate of cheese, crackers, and fruit. Maybe even a bowl of soup if you were up for it. I know that your day was a smashing success. Sorry I missed it. Just wanted you to know that I ran into an emergency today and had to go to D.C. Not sure when I’ll get back but no worries. Nothing will keep me from missing your election celebration. I’ll call in the morning with an update. Sweet dreams, princess. Know that I would kill to be holding your naked body next to mine.”

  Reading the text, Gia swallowed hard. She knew something important must have pulled Logan away or he would have been at the campaign events. The fact that he was texting, not calling her, confirmed he was dealing with a critical issue. She tried not to feel hurt, but she would have loved to share her victorious day with him. At the same time, she acknowledged how little she knew about Logan’s life. For example, she had no idea what could have called him to D.C. and what, or if, it had to do with his business. From the few things he’d said, his excessive security precautions, and, yes, secrecy, Gia knew that the man she was falling in love with was more than complicated. Indeed, he was an enigma. As intertwined as they had become in the short time they’d known each other, Gia acknowledged that while Logan had muscled his way into her life in ways she’d never allowed anyone to do, she’d barely scratched the surface of his. Remembering how he’d loved her to sleep the night before, she huddled under her comforter and tried not to feel as lonely as she did.

  Chapter 14

  I appreciate you making the trip, Colonel Fowler. I trust you know I wouldn’t have imposed on you like this if it weren’t critical.”

  Logan surveyed the cadre of solemn-looking men at the table and nodded to the four-star general capturing the chair at the head of the table. “I’m confident of that, sir. Although in my mind, more than the invitation to come to D.C., your presence ratchets up the ‘critical’ element of our enterprise.” Settling back in his chair, he said, “May I assume that the ne’er-do-wells I’ve been tracking have upped the ante considerably—at least to warrant your attention?”

  General Franklin Richards shot him a narrow-eyed gaze. “That is an understatement, Colonel. What we thought was action limited to a couple renegade countries south of our border now clearly involves actors in the Eastern Bloc and beyond. Colonel Jameson will fill you in on the particulars.”

  The general pushed back from the table and rose to his feet. Logan and all the officers followed suit, standing when the general did. General Richards rounded the table and stopped in front of Logan. “To confirm, I’m glad that my team managed to convince you to step back into the morass, Logan. I was unhappy as hell that we couldn’t convince you to stay active army, particularly given your extraordinary Delta Force service. However, seeing your entrepreneurial success, it’s clear we never could have kept you in our caste or rule-bound structure.”

  Logan conceded with an uplifted brow, “Let’s just say that rules aren’t my thing, sir. I’m certain that if the Delta Force hadn’t kept my deeply held rule-aversion under wraps, you would have kicked my ass of out the Army in disgrace before I completed my first tour.”

  The stern man let the intimation of a smile crack his rugged face. “I’m confident that is true, Colonel. Which makes your willingness to take on this assignment more laudable. Christ, Logan, you’re likely losing a colonel’s annual pay just by coming here today.”

  Logan grinned and said with an insouciant shrug, “At least.” His eyes twinkled. “More accurately, a four-star general’s annual pay.”

  General Richards guffawed. “And then there is that ego of yours. The cockiness that drove your superiors bat-shit crazy while at the same time they envied the hell out of you. But I concede, Logan, without your technical expertise, we wouldn’t be nearly as close as we are to cutting the legs off those scurrilous bastards out to take over our country. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that in addition to your technical genius, you may be one of the smartest fucking men I’ve known. Now if we can just finish the goddamn job.”

  At the door, General Richards turned back and nodded with a seeming afterthought. “Damn smart of you to interject yourself into politics, Logan. Nothing like getting up close and personal to the fuckers who are running the show. Though I gotta tell you, to face the stench that rules that pig-swilling political swamp takes a better man than I am. Although given your abhorrence of rules, it’s not surprising that you would shine in an arena where to get to the top, every goddamned one of ’em has to crawl over his
best friend and kick ’im in the balls on his way up.”

  Logan let the semblance of a smile quirk his lips. “I’m not surprised that is your view of politics, General Richards. However, I must say it comes as close as I’ve heard to a description of what it takes to become a four-star general.”

  General Richards glared at him, his rugged face flushing a dangerous scarlet hue. The frowning man studied Logan for a long moment, then broke the strained silence with a resounding belly laugh. “Christ, Logan, it’s clear why we never could have kept a smart-assed whippersnapper like you. Which I concede is our loss. Hell, you are exactly what our rule-bound rat race needs. An irreverent, arrogant asshole.”

  The men surrounding the table waited until the door closed behind the four-star general and his personal aides, then Col. Pete Jameson, who was leading the crack team, blew out an audible sigh. “Holy fuck, Logan. How the hell did you make it as long as you did before they booted your ass out of our distinguished core?” He added with a snort, “Although, as I recall, they all but crawled on their hands and knees begging you to re-up.”

  Logan settled into his chair along with the others, then winked at his longtime friend. “Hell, Pete, you know as well as I do if you and a couple of other intrepid warriors hadn’t spent most of your time covering for me, I never would have made it through my first tour. Let’s face it, buddy, even submerged in the bowels of the Delta Force, I required more lip service than I was willing to give. A result of living most of my young life buried in code. If it hadn’t been for the fact that my time as a D-Boy came fucking close to playing the games that drove me as an inveterate code breaker, I wouldn’t have made it through two tours. That and the fact that you and Ringer and a couple of others managed to civilize me enough to allow my skills to outweigh my penchant for secrecy.”

  “Covering for you paid off in ways that the Force has never forgotten. And I don’t have to tell you how grateful we are that you agreed to consult on what has turned out to be a big fucking deal. Obviously, it was your technical skills we were after when we first sought you out. But your newfound interest in politics puts you in the crosshairs of the very fuckers we are tracking. Christ, man, your stint in Washington State politics and now your interest in the Midwest has positioned you in a way that’s so copacetic it’s scary. Talk about aligning with the op.”

  Logan blew out an audible sigh. “That’s one way of describing it, Pete. More on that later. Bring me up to date. Obviously, you wouldn’t drag me into D.C. if things hadn’t escalated significantly.”

  “You’re right about that, Logan. But before we go over to Langley, I hope to confirm that we can shanghai you for at least the next couple of days.”

  “Hmm, that’s a challenge. I planned on leaving today but will extend my stay if absolutely necessary. But without question I need to be back Tuesday evening at the very latest.”

  Pete grinned. “Ah yes. Tuesday is significant isn’t it, buddy? I understand from our team that the Second Congressional District race has been turned ass-backwards, if that little Irish charmer pulls off the upset everyone is predicting.”

  Referring to the two undercover agents who were working with him on the op, Logan laughed. “I assumed that Clint and Jamal apprised you of our political situation. Do know that having those two guys worm their way into the DPD has helped me immeasurably, in ways ancillary to my work with you.”

  “So I understand. Glad that we could make that happen. But tell me, is she as extraordinary as everyone says she is?”

  Logan shrugged. “Extraordinary doesn’t begin to describe her.”

  “Holy fuck, man. I never thought I’d hear Logan Fowler describe a member of the female persuasion almost reverently. She really must be something.”

  Logan blew out another audible sigh. “Yeah, man, she is. And frankly no one is more surprised than I am with the current situation.”

  When Logan made it clear he was done discussing his personal life, Pete asked with a frown, “Another question about the local scene. I know you sought out Elliott Lockhart when you moved to the Midwest. Which makes sense given that he could help immeasurably in introducing you to the powers that be in your new venue. Any chance you plan to bring him into the op?”

  Logan frowned. “Obviously, it’s entered my mind. Elliott served with us in Somalia and was a key member of my squad. But you know what a lone ranger I am. Given the profound security elements of the op we’re engaged in, I’m biding my time. I’ll decide if and when it makes sense to bring him in. At the moment, I’ve concluded it does not.”

  “Obviously your call, Logan. We appreciate the hell out of you for coming on board. We know full well that your involvement could impact your high-flying company, not to mention your newfound political activity. Given what a media sensation you are, it behooves you to stay as far under the radar as possible.”

  “An understatement of the nth degree, buddy. But now let’s get the hell over to Langley and see how the spooks plan to fuck up my life even more than they already have.”


  Gia glanced at her phone. She sniffed in annoyance. It wasn’t as though she wouldn’t hear the ping of an incoming call or text. She hardly needed to look at the unresponsive screen to confirm that she hadn’t heard from Logan since his middle-of-the-night text indicating that his plans were up in the air. In that same text, he’d indicated that he would call in the morning to confirm when he would be back. Now here it was, mid-afternoon, and she had yet to hear from him.

  “No word, boss lady?”

  Ben’s frown confirmed that he’d her surreptitious glances at her phone and no doubt saw from her pained reaction that she hadn’t heard from him. Forcing herself to shrug as though it was unimportant, she knew it was impossible to fool her astute friend.

  He moved toward her and tugged her next to him, ensuring their privacy.

  “Look, you know as well as I do that Logan is involved in some heavy-assed business issues. Frankly, I’m impressed that he’s been able to spend as much time as he has on the campaign. From what he said yesterday, he was unexpectedly called out of town. He definitely planned to do some of the meetings with us today. The fact that he hasn’t checked in has to mean something damned important came up. You know he would be here if he could.”

  Gia met his concerned gaze and murmured, “But not even to call or text? He texted me last night and said he would call in the morning. But . . . he hasn’t . . . ”

  “Ah, Gia, you gotta know that means he’s involved in something that he can’t break free of. I promise you’ll hear from him soon. Now let’s get you onstage so you can bring down the house for all those farmers and their wives who are creamin’ their jeans to meet the gorgeous Gia Tremaine.”

  When their team finally made their way through the eager crowd of well-wishers and were getting in their van ready to return home, Gia grabbed for her phone. She’d heard it buzz when they were in the town hall meeting. Glancing at the screen, she was surprised to see a number she didn’t recognize on the caller ID. The message, if anything, exacerbated her concerns.

  “Ms. Tremaine. I’m a colleague of Logan Fowler. He asked me to connect with you. He’s offline and will likely be for the rest of the day and night. He asked me to tell you that he won’t be able to return today but will be at the election night celebration tomorrow night without fail.”

  Gia stared at the message, then handed the phone to Ben. She was sure she looked as flummoxed as he did.

  “Damn, Gia, what the hell does ‘offline’ mean?”

  “Other than the fact that he had to assign one of his yes-men to contact me because he’s too busy to connect with me himself?” At Ben’s frown, Gia gave in to her frustration. “Seriously, Ben, what does ‘offline’ mean? Jesus God, who in this day and age, particularly a technology guru, can’t find a way to connect—either by text, e-mail, or damn it, voice?” She shook her head, not wanting to admit how hurt she was.

  “I dunno. Having a surrogat
e send that message says to me that Logan thought it was essential that he connect with you. And again, the fact that he is offline, whatever that means, just confirms that he would have called you if he could.”

  She remembered how he’d held her in his arms the day before, claiming how unhappy he was that he couldn’t join them at their events. But now it was nearly two full days since she’d seen him. She didn’t understand. At one level, she knew Ben was right. There was no question that if he could, Logan would have connected with her. At least that was what her logical brain concluded. Unfortunately, years of being disappointed, make that being lied to, by men and others she’d depended on had taught her an important lesson. There was one person she could depend on and that was her.

  Later that night, having imbibed more of the high-end booze he’d left for her than she should have, Gia made a decision. It was going to be hard enough to fall asleep, no matter how much Macallan she drank. The last thing she was going to do was to reach for her non-responsive phone throughout the night, hoping for a call or text that didn’t come. Turning off her phone, she tossed it on the kitchen counter. Grabbing the bottle of Macallan, she headed for her balcony and the lonely chaise lounge, preparing to drink herself to sleep.


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