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Frost Fire

Page 5

by Michelle Howard

  His warm palms caressed their way back up her calves, thighs, pausing to spread her wide. “Beautiful.”

  Tears pricked Rena’s eyes. He always said that when he had her body bared before him. Blunt thumbs parted her folds and teased, creating a gush of fluid to soak his fingers. Faris hummed and kept his head down to watch as he stroked and caressed Rena to a stunning climax.

  Unashamed, she screamed his name. Faris glided up and over her, his hands planted by her head. His hair roughened thighs slid between her legs. Trembling and still in the throes of aftershocks, Rena managed to hook her ankles over the back of his knees. His cock bumped at her opening then on a hiss, he thrust forward and entered her on one long stroke.

  Rena’s head arched back on the floor, pleasure so intense spots danced in front of her eyes. Faris groaned and reared again then pumped fast and hard. They slid across the uneven floor and its dust filled surface. Ignoring the discomfort, Rena tightened her hold on him and rocked in his arms.

  Together they found the familiar rhythm of the past. Rough grunts and broken moans soon rang out in her workspace.

  Chapter 7

  Home. Home to Faris was right here between Rena’s warm thighs and wrapped in her arms. The past faded away. He had Rena again and never wanted to let go. It was also wrong on so many levels.

  He knew he shouldn’t be here. He couldn’t offer her anything, but this. Right here, right now.

  He knew that. Understood it deep within his soul. Except. Faris needed Rena. Being with her reminded him of what it was like to love and be loved. Not that he’d ever forgotten for one single moment what it was to be surrounded by the strength of a female’s heart and all the power it conveyed when focused intently on the male lucky enough to earn her devotion.

  There was no guarantee how long he could hold out against the madness before death by his own hands or another’s claimed him. If it was to be his last days, he wanted one last taste of Rena to take with him to the Goddess of Fate.

  Breath coming in gasps and groans, Faris didn’t care about anything else as he worked his hips and plunged his cock in Rena’s tight channel. Bracing his weight on one palm, Faris touched her cheek with a single finger.

  Her breasts quivered against his chest and her breath caught. He spoke what was upper most in his thoughts. “I miss you.”

  The truth came unbidden and he closed his eyes briefly on a curse, stilling between her legs. His shaft throbbed in pain, his sac hot and heavy—demanding he keep moving until he achieved relief. But Faris employed ruthless control and remained poised above her.

  Rena cupped his jaw with both hands. She stared into his eyes with a will that prevented him from looking away. “I’m right here. I’ve always been here.”

  She whispered the words, but to Faris they sounded with the resounding crack of thunder in the sky. He wanted to cry. He wanted to beg for forgiveness and he wanted to tell her everything. Why he’d left her after the mantle claimed him, why he’d had to freeze his heart against her when everything in him said to cling to what they had.

  All these years and no female called to him. No other to replace Rena and if he had his way there never would be. Maybe it was time to take a chance. Reach for love in spite of his fears and pray to the Goddess of Fate Rena would forgive him and be his lira for what little time he had left.

  “Fuck me, Faris. Don’t stop.”

  The command ripped him from his somber thoughts and Faris moved. He fucked Rena exactly as she’d ordered, leaning up to watch each stroke. Slick arousal coated his cock and Faris gritted his teeth to keep from coming from the sight alone.

  Hot, tight, her channel welcomed him each time he tunneled forward and gripped him on the back stroke. Over and over until Faris grew dizzy with pleasure. Rena’s breathy moans played like music in his ears. Climax boiled and he arched his back as he thrust into her writhing form beneath him.

  ‘Kill her. Gut her now and drink her blood while she comes apart in your arms.’

  No! Faris jerked. Goddess not now. Rena’s eyes closed, a faint sheen on her face, brows creased as she rode the wave. He was close. Close to coming. Faris blocked the insidious murmurs and focused on Rena’s cries of ecstasy.

  ‘Rip out her throat. Bathe in her blood. No one will ever know.’ Laughter, dark and rippling, followed the claim.

  “Yes, Faris! Right there. Oh yes, amans.” Rena looped her arms about his neck, fingers unraveling the remainder of his braid.

  ‘Do it now, while she lusts for you.’

  Amans. Love of the heart. Or more simply, lover. Rena was his one and only amans. Faris pumped frantically, wanting to reach the pinnacle before this precious moment was ruined. Rena moaned loud and long then thrust up to meld their groins. He gripped Rena’s thighs and lifted them high, adjusting the angle until he knew nothing but the wet slick of her tight center.

  “Faris!” Rena screamed his name as she trembled beneath him. Her neck arched back and her nails dug deep. A dark flush suffused her body and with every whimper he knew she was about to orgasm.

  Faris slid one arm beneath her waist and pulled her close, slamming their hips together and growled. “Come! Come now, Rena.”

  “Faris!” Rena screamed his name for the second time this night, her core clutching him with greedy flutters.

  He loosened her legs and lunged over her body as she twitched and rocked. Her inner walls quivered over his shaft followed by a heated rush of wetness. Faris groaned, deep and guttural then let go. He buried his face in the curve of Rena’s neck as wave after wave crashed through him.

  Long after the release spilled from him, he continued to rock in the cradle of her thighs, enjoying the sheer comfort of her soft curves.

  ‘Now! Kill her now!’

  At the command, claws sprouted from his fingers entwined in Rena’s long hair. Scales spread over his arms from wrist to elbow.

  Eyes closed and lost to the aftermath, Rena ran her palms over his shoulders and down the single row of scales, the physical representation of the mantle, on his back in lazy swirls. She had no idea. Hopelessly trusting he wouldn’t hurt her. Faris leaned up to clasp one hand about the delicate column of her neck.

  ‘Yes, yes. Do it.’

  He ran his thumb over the tat-a-tat bump of her pulse, skin soft and silky. The very essence of her life ran beneath his fingers. His grip tightened just the slightest.

  ‘Hurry! Hurry and crush her. Rip out her throat.’

  The image in his mind was as clear as anything Faris saw with his own eyes. Rena’s head falling to the side, blood pouring from the gash below her jawline as he tore into her with claws.

  Maniacal laughter pounded at Faris’ head. Triumph. Joy. The emotions blazed to life. He yanked his hand back. Horrified, he withdrew without preamble from the tight suction of Rena’s body and stumbled to his feet.

  More laughter. Louder and louder.

  “Faris?” Rena pushed up to her elbows, hair in disarray and eyes drowsy. Her puffy lips were puckered and reddened from his wild kisses. “What’s wrong?”

  Rena dead at his feet. Caught by surprise.

  As the heat of passion drained abruptly, Faris took another step back. He crammed his fingers into his eyes to dispel the image. It wouldn’t go away. Bloody slashes across Rena’s bare torso. Slashes from his claws.

  A gentle hand caressed his forearm. “Faris?”

  “Don’t touch me!” He roared and jerked away.

  Faris met her shocked gaze. Face pale, she stared in confusion.


  Rena couldn’t believe the change in Faris. One moment he’d been passionate, clinging as they made love. Now he stood across from her as if disgusted by her touch. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head, eyes wide and mouth flapping, but no words came forth. Rena refused to believe he regretted the sex. Faris had always been straight forward in that regard. She expected no less from him.

  “I-I have to go,” he stammered and searched the floo
r. Grabbing his pants and vest, he rushed to dress.

  Much slower, casting glances in his direction, Rena put her clothes back on, but the odd feeling grew in her chest. Something was wrong and whatever it was she determined to get to the bottom of it.

  As soon as he was fully clothed, Faris brushed by Rena and strode toward the door. Stunned, it took a moment to realize he was leaving without saying anything more. The door opened and closed behind him. Forgetting her boots, Rena chased after him, her torn shirt flapping about her sides. Her palms hit her door, slamming it open.

  The wind had picked up and whipped her hair about her face. Spine straight, Faris strode down the wet slush of the walkway. Rena ran to catch up and grabbed his arm, putting enough weight in it to spin him around. “Never again. I’m not letting you walk away from me. This stops here and now.”

  The dark look he shot her would have frozen anyone else in their tracks. Blatant danger hummed from his pores. Rena didn’t scare easily and she had no intentions of ever being afraid of this male. Although you had to be a fool not to be afraid of the king. Faris was a walking threat. Capable of total annihilation with a flick of his fingers.

  Except Rena knew him before. Before he was this cold, cold being.

  Right now he glowered at her, intimidating waves flowing through the mantle in an unfair advantage. “Stay away from me, Rena. Move on with your life.”

  Rena growled, letting a hint of her Dracol break through. Females might not be able to shift into a Dracol form, but they all had the same level of fiery passion. “I tried to move forward. You’re the one who barged into my workspace. You’re the one that turned it into sex.”

  The energy between them pulsed. Beneath the currents, something indefinable throbbed and snapped to life. Faris pursed his lips and stepped away, breaking her fragile hold. The threat in his stance was clearly implied.

  “Faris, don’t do this again.” Hands clenched at her sides, Rena stared at him, willing to stand here all evening into the night if that’s what it took.

  “You’re right.” He slanted his gaze to the side after muttering the admission. “It’s time we talked.”

  He lifted his head and Rena worried at the fear which flashed across his face. She slid closer, running her hand up his arm. “It’s long past time for explanations, Faris. End it now and tell me what happened. Don’t you think I deserve that?”

  “So fierce.” Faris tugged a strand of her hair. “It is time. Follow me.”

  Now that the moment was upon them, Rena hesitated. Faris cocked a brow, his mouth twisted with sardonic humor. “Scared?”

  Rena pinched his side, relieved when the twist turned into a full fledged grin. “You wish.”

  They walked side by side, hips bumping as they made their way toward the large single story home at the center of their village where he ruled from the heart of their blustery territory. The temp had dropped since she’d started work earlier today. The air crackled with a skin biting chill. Though they passed others on their way, gazes straying to her torn shirt, no one stopped to speak to them.

  It probably had something to do with Faris’ purposeful strides and narrowed gold eyes that glowed with thoughts Rena couldn’t fathom.

  They entered his home through the front door and its ornate carvings of a Dracol in flight, wings spread wide. Faris didn’t live in a palace like the King of the Black nor did he live in a large complex like the King of the Green. It was a simple home.

  Heat smacked Rena in the face and her body relaxed instantly from the comfortable blast of warmth. They might live in a colder clime than other Dracol sects but it didn’t mean she liked it.

  As soon as they crossed the threshold, Faris removed his boots. He angled his head toward her legs, spotting her bare feet and stiffened. Shock morphed to regret then a short burst of anger which he masked when he spoke. “You walked the entire way with nothing on your feet?”

  Rena shrugged, not answering the obvious and shoved her hands into her pants pockets and rocked on her chilled toes. She was just noticing the cold. “Talking to you was more important.”

  Faris grimaced with a shake of his head and gripped the back of his neck. “Is it any wonder I’ve never been able to stop loving you?”

  If a person’s heart could tumble in their chest, Rena’s did. She started to speak and stopped, only to manage, “W-what?”

  Faris crossed the entryway and picked Rena up in his arms. In shock, she didn’t protest as he walked down a long hallway and shouldered open a door she’d never crossed.

  Chapter 8

  “I know there are things you want to discuss, but it’s important I go first,” Faris declared as he sat on the bottom half of his massive fur-covered bed.

  This was his safe place. Where he came to get away from sect business. Lately it was also his getaway when he wanted to hide the effects of the madness. Everything was as King Tora had left it. White bed, white fur, white rugs on the floor. Around the room were silver accents. Silver curtains encompassing the bed he sat with Rena. Behind him silver pillows were piled high against the head board.

  Faris kept Rena in his arms and settled her on his lap. Thankfully she didn’t leap from his embrace. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she did. Then again Rena had always been cool headed...until she wasn’t. Though she didn’t move or struggle, her gaze flew around the room, taking in the number of chests stacked on top of one another and crammed into the corners.

  Some overflowed with silk and richly colored cloth, others bulged from the contents and more had lids which didn’t close because of the abundance inside.

  Because he enjoyed the sheer pleasure of watching her, he noted when she swallowed, the minute movement drawing his gaze and triggering the memories of the evil voices inside his head.

  “You hoard?” Rena asked calmly.

  Faris stiffened then forced himself to relax and nodded. “Yes. The moment I assumed the mantle the compulsion began.”

  Unlike the other Kings, he didn’t keep his obsession locked behind closed doors. Faris preferred to have the things he collected close and in reach in case he felt the need to touch them. Which he did. Often. There were more chests, hundreds, but those were down in the lower level beneath the house.

  The items here were his favorite and special because he’d gathered them with one person in mind. He cleared his throat, hoping Rena wouldn’t question more about it. He sought to distract. “Would you like something to drink or eat?”

  Sometimes she forgot to break for meals when buried in her work. In their years apart he knew that hadn’t changed.

  Rena shifted about in his arms. “No. I only need you to tell me what’s going on.”

  And so Faris did. He took a deep breath and told her of the madness striking the Black Dracol sect first, then the Green. He talked about the death of liras and the kidnapping of Rylin’s child. When he finished, Rena pushed against his chest until he reluctantly let go. She paced across the room, brows creased and the fingers of her right hand tapping her thigh.

  When she paused, she stood directly in front of him, their knees almost touching. She fisted her hands on her waist looking every bit the fierce Dracol female she’d proven to be. Her red gold hair was tousled about her shoulders, her eyes focused on his face with the heat of a thousand campfires.

  “We’re going to talk more about all of that if you’re willing, Faris. Right now, I need you for once and all to tell me what happened to us?”

  Her brave front wavered on the last word. Faris jumped to his feet and reached for her, but Rena stepped back. “No. Just say it, Faris! Why did you push me away?!”

  Rage broke free of the tight control he held. She pushed and pushed yet she wouldn’t like the answer. “Rena—”

  “Tell. Me!”

  “I was scared!” He shouted, clenching his hands to keep from taking her in his arms again. “I couldn’t contain the power of the mantle. You have no idea what it was like.”

  Rena didn’t bac
k down. “No. I don’t. You refused to tell me.”

  Faris dragged air into his lungs with part of the truth out. He carefully moved around her, their skin barely brushing. He needed to clear his head except this was the time of truth. She deserved to know everything. He drove his fingers through his loose hair and forced the rest out. “I tried. I tried so hard for us to be together, amans. I kept freezing things.”

  Things he touched as a part of his daily life. His clothes, his food. Even with Simeon’s help, managing the power of the mantle seemed insurmountable.

  Faris wasn’t a quitter though. “At first, I thought I could hold you off until I had it together.”

  He remembered her odd looks and wounded stares when he’d cut their visits short. A few instances he’d had Simeon lie and say he was unavailable when she tried to reach him at the King’s residence.

  “Weeks later, I thought I was fine. I had no new accidents.” He wasn’t scared to see Rena. “I prepared all day to see you.”

  He’d taken meticulous care in planning their evening together from the clothing he’d worn to the food he selected for dinner.

  “And then?” Rena questioned.

  Her manner remained calm and Faris wondered if she remembered the evening he spoke of. “I was about to join you when shards of ice dropped from the hall ceiling blocking my path.”

  Shock had held Faris immobile. Annoyed and concerned he’d be late, he raced around the frozen mess. He’d entered the dining chamber unnoticed. Rena sat with her back to him. He’d thought of the night to come, renewing the passion between them.

  “Snow fell above my head and a sheet of ice formed around my hand. I couldn’t control any of it and knew if I touched you, I’d hurt you.”

  Stumbling back, he’d run all the way to his room and locked himself inside, cursing under his breath all the while.


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