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Something to Talk About

Page 6

by Magan Vernon

  “Hey! No sex back there. You’ll ruin the leather!” Lance yelled, causing a giggle to escape her sweet lips as she broke our kiss, pressing her forehead to mine.

  “Want me to move?” I asked, staring into her bright blue eyes, shimmering in the light from the street lamps.

  “Only if you’re moving closer,” she whispered before sealing my lips with hers again.

  Being with her, and feeling that hot little body against mine could make me forget that this was just for business. That we were just supposed to be a publicist and client.

  And the way her soft little moans escaped her lips and her hands roamed over my back; it made me forget all about work and just think about the feel of her soft skin. How much more of it I wanted to see.

  Before I could even have more lustful thoughts, Lance took a sharp turn, causing both of us to go flying in the other direction.

  “Lance!” Mary hissed, sitting up as I went back to my seat, adjusting the very large bulge in my pants that was now straining.

  “Sorry. Something in the road,” Lance said with a smile, glancing at Brian out of the corner of his eye.

  “I guess they aren’t on team LoChri,” I said, taking Mary’s hand on her lap and intertwining our fingers.

  “LoChri? Not exactly the best ship name,” she quipped.

  “Lourdes and Christiano. LoChri.” I traced her knuckles with my thumb.

  “If it’s going to be a ship name in the media we should probably use Mary and Chris. Or even James and Garcia. But that almost sounds like some sort of Badass cop duo or something,” Mary said, lowering her voice. “James and Garcia, here to see about a robbery.”

  “I think LoChri sounds good. Sexy even,” I said, slowly running my thumb for her knuckles, down to the soft flesh of her leg where her dress line ended.

  “Jarcia. No. Not that either. Maybe...hmmm...” She moved our intertwined hands up her thigh until my knuckles pressed against her damp panties.

  I raised an eyebrow, and she bit down on her bottom lip slightly before a smile crossed her lips.

  “MaChri?” I asked, running my thumb along the center of her soaked center.

  “Hmmm...I guess that’s not bad. But I think you could do better. Go deeper maybe,” she said in a husky tone.

  Without even thinking, I pushed aside the wet fabric of her panties and slid one finger inside of her. She was completely bare and already so wet, her body clamping around me and damn if that didn’t have my cock straining against my zipper.

  “Keep going. I know you’ve got something good in there.” She turned, her eyes meeting mine as she kept one hand on mine beneath her dress and the other to my face.

  I smirked, sliding a second finger inside of her and moving my thumb to draw circles over her clit. She arched her back, her eyes widening as she let out a shaky breath.

  “Do you want me to stop coming up with names?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Don’t. Stop.” she breathed, arching her hips forward and pushing me deeper inside of her.

  I grinned, feeling the pressure of her walls as I rubbed her clit while hooking and twirling my finger inside of her.

  “I still think MaChri is the best,” I murmured. God, she was hot the way her eyelids fluttered, and she clenched around me, so close I could almost taste it.

  “I think you’re close,” she whispered.

  “I think you are.” I crushed my lips to hers as she clenched hard around me, her moan escaping into my mouth as I quickened my pace, letting her come down from her orgasm then build up to a new one, letting out another sweet and glorious moan. Slowly I moved my fingers back to the side of her panties, a soft whimper escaping her lips as if she missed the feel of me.

  I’d been with quite a few girls, but none responded to me the way Mary’s body did. I vowed to keep it professional and to think this wasn’t real, but after feeling her come twice on my fingers, all I could think about is how good she would feel riding me.

  “ like that ship name?” I asked, smiling into her lips once we’d broken the kiss.

  “I think I liked something,” she whispered, placing another soft kiss on my mouth then resting her head on my shoulder.

  I finally looked forward, meeting Brian’s gaze in the rearview mirror.

  There was something in the bodyguard’s eyes that said he didn’t like or trust me. I couldn’t blame him.

  Mary and I were playing a dangerous game with a fake relationship for the press, and now that it was getting real, there was no way we could stop. And that could lead to some bad consequences for all of us.

  Chapter 17


  I woke up, still thinking about the multiple orgasms from Chris.

  When my phone buzzed on my nightstand, I was expecting Chris and smiled, leaning over to pick it up.

  I didn’t plan to be in a new relationship. This was supposed to be all for publicity. But there was something about his sweet smile and the way he cared for everyone around him, that had me drawn to the guy.

  Then when his mother leaned over and said ‘be good to my boy. He puts his whole heart into everything. Work. Friends. Relationships. He likes you, Mija, don’t let this one get away’. I almost choked up just thinking about her words.

  I didn’t have many conversations with Eddie’s family, and there was no way in hell he’d take me to some little cousin’s play, even if it was supposed to be for publicity.

  But with Chris, even though this was all under the pretense of a fake relationship, nothing felt fake with him. Nothing was forced like the smiles I had to have when Eddie would spend an entire party schmoozing industry people or hours in the studio.

  Whatever was happening between Chris and I was the realest thing I had in a long time, and I wasn’t sure what that said about me.

  Knocking myself out of my inner thoughts, I picked up my phone, seeing Murray’s name across the screen.

  Shit. Did something bad get out in the media again? I hadn’t even checked social media or my emails yet.

  “Hello.” I sat straight up, fluffing my hair and thinking I needed a visit to my stylist soon.

  “Mary! How’s my little social butterfly and bleeding heart? I heard about the donation. It’s all over the internet.”

  I swallowed hard. Shit. Was I going to get reamed for doing something nice because it wasn’t a big public show? “It wasn’t a huge amount. Just something to help out the school.”

  “Well, whatever the amount was, your charity donation caught the eye of a producer in LA. That guy who produced that movie about that social network and he also worked on some of those books turned kinky movies, whatever they’re called. Something gray. Anyway. He is developing another project, based on a true story of a drama teacher in an inner city. He saw pictures of you with the kids in Jersey last night and would like you to come read for the part of the teacher.”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  I’d been trying to break into film for years, but I’d been tied to the studio, and with the crazy schedule for Vamps in The City, I didn’t have time for much else. Then when I tried to actually get some roles, no one would touch me.

  Holy shit, Chris was right. And he got me my first chance to actually read for a producer.

  “Can you be on a plane tomorrow? I’ll get it set up through my assistant,” Murray asked, but it was more of a sCreatoment.

  “Um. Well. I have a thing this weekend. Will I be back for that?” I asked, twisting a stray strand of hair around my finger.

  “Would this thing have to do with the new publicist who has been in every single posting with you on social media?”

  “Maybe,” I muttered.

  Murray sighed. “Look, your personal life is your own, but you also have to keep your eye on the prize. For months you’ve been struggling with your career. We couldn’t get you much more than sponsorships for at home food prep boxes. Your life is heading the direction you’ve always dreams of with a
major production. I just don’t want you to forget that. Keep your eye on the prize, Mary.”

  “He’s just my publicist, Murray. This relationship is for the public eye. A good face to show I’m a changed woman in a committed relationship,” I said, my stomach lurching at my own words.

  “That’s my girl. I’ll have my assistant text you the plane info.”

  “Okay, Murray. Thanks.”

  “Bye, Mary. See you soon.”


  I hung up and let out a huge breath.

  Was Chris just a relationship for the public eye? If he was...then why did it feel so...real?

  Chapter 18


  I received a text from Mary early that morning.

  Mary: Flight to LA for an audition! I’ll be home for your abuela’s birthday and will call as soon as I’m out.

  “You’re taking your client to your abuela’s birthday?” Danny yelled over my shoulder.

  I knew I should have taken my phone away from my desk to look at my texts.

  “Yeah. It’s a long story, man,” I grumbled, shoving my phone into my pocket. I figured I’d respond later and not with a bunch of prying eyes.

  “I’ve got time for stories. Like why I’m seeing you everywhere as the boyfriend of Mary James though you’re saying it’s a PR thing,” Danny said, rolling his chair into my cube.

  “Nope. This isn’t a conversation we need to have. Especially not in the cubicle, with everyone popping up like meerkats or leaning against their cube to hear.”

  As soon as I said the words, I saw a few people lower in their cubicles, and their typing get louder as if they weren’t listening.

  “Well, hey, man. It’s noon. Let’s head tot that sushi place, have some sake, and you can tell me all about it,” Danny said with a laugh, smacking my knee.

  I wanted to refuse, but I knew he’d bug me until we talked about it. And I did like a good Philadelphia roll.

  “All right, man. Let’s head out.”


  One bottle of sake and a couple of beers later, I’d spilled all of the details about Mary, and I’s fake or sort of real relationship to Danny. Of course leaving out some of the details, like me making her come in the back of the town car.

  “So have you fucked her yet or is that once you get the promotion?” Danny asked point-blank, and I almost spit out my umagi.

  “Why is that the first place your head goes, man?”

  He shrugged. “Hey, you know if it were me in your shoes, you’d be asking the same question.”

  “Yeah, and there’s no way in hell Mary would even get near your Dago dick.”

  “Man, don’t be jealous. I speak a little Italian, make her some pasta Milanese, and she’ll be putty in these olive-skinned hands,” Danny said, waving his fingers.

  “She’s on a limited carb diet; it’s actually called Keto. Supposed to help with her PCOS. So try again.”

  Danny raised his eyebrows, pausing with his roll still in his chopsticks, midway to his lips. “Holy shit.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re actually falling for this girl. Aren’t you?”

  Taken aback by his sCreatoment, I stammered, taking a sip of my beer before I tried to figure out how to respond.

  “Holy shit. I thought this was just something to add to your own PR portfolio by hooking up with her, but it’s serious. No guy who is just using a chick, or has a fake relationship or whatever you want to say, knows about a girl’s diet. Or her PCOS, whatever that is.”

  “It’s Polycystic...wait...why am I telling you any of this? Mary and I are friends. PR agent and client.”

  Friends and people who kiss, make the other come and go to little cousin’s plays.

  So maybe I was falling for the girl, and maybe she might have had the same feelings for me. But if I even entertained that thought, I knew it could blow up in my face, and she could say she was done with our relationship. Or I could be fired for having a relationship with a client.

  I didn’t exactly see any rules about it in the handbook, and no one had escorted me from the premises for a fake relationship, but it was all a real possibility.

  “How about we get another round of beers and head back to the office, instead of hashing out this stuff?” I offered.

  “If you’re buying, I won’t say a peep,” Danny said with a laugh.

  I smirked. “Next round's on me.”

  Chapter 19


  The audition went better than anything I could have hoped for. The casting director pretty much told me I had the part.

  So I should have been elated.

  But the thing that stuck in the back of my mind was that we’d be shooting in LA. I’d stay in a hotel for two to three months while filming, which normally wouldn’t be a problem.

  But then I’d have to leave Chris.

  We’d barely known each other. This was supposed to be for PR.

  But the more time I spent with him, the more I didn’t want to leave.

  Maybe I wouldn’t get the part after all, and I could look for something in New York...


  What the hell was I saying?

  Base my entire career off where a guy lives?

  Eddie and I were engaged, albeit because our agents said it would be the best move for our careers, but we didn’t even live in the same city most of the time. I was in New York for filming, and he didn’t want to leave Nashville or LA. He even bought that silly condo downtown Los Angeles, saying that it would be there for us when I transitioned to movie work.

  I heard he ended up selling the place and the house in Nashville, but truth be told I’d barely thought about the guy in the last few months and even less in the last few days.

  My mind had been on one person. One person who when I said we should have a real relationship looked at me like I was crazy, yet felt all of me and knew how to make me moan. How to make me feel for him emotionally and physically. Something I wasn’t sure I wanted to lose.

  When I got back to my hotel, I put in an order for room service, kicked off my shoes and sunk into the plush couch of my suite.

  Pulling out my phone, I looked through my emails and messages, before I finally decided to call Chris.

  I thought he would never answer, and then when I was just about to hang up, I finally heard his breathed tone. “Hello?”

  “Hey? Um. Are you okay?”

  His heavy breathing and background noise made me wonder exactly where he was.

  I’d never been cheated on, per say, but emotionally Eddie was never there. Every time I called, he was in the studio or out with his people. I felt like in the two years we were together I really only saw him when we were scheduled to walk the red carpet together at an award show.

  “Hey. Sorry. Is this a bad time?” I asked, hesitantly.

  “No, no. I’m just on the train, heading to my parent's house. Brian said he’d bring you to Jersey tomorrow and I guess my dad got called into work, so Mom needs some help with the party. It’s hard to say ‘no’ to my mom as you know.”

  The smile was evident in his voice as he talked about this mother and it was easy to see that she was proud of her boy and would be no matter what he did.

  “That’s really sweet of you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You say that because you’re not the one stringing up crepe paper and blowing up a million balloons.”

  I laughed and leaned back on the couch. “No. I don’t envy you for that one, but wish I could be there to help.”

  “Naw, you don’t want to deal with my mom and Aunt Teresa yelling at me in Spanish. Besides, you’re going to be a big movie star soon. How’d the audition go?”

  I sucked in a breath but tried not to let it out. “Good. Really good. We’ll know soon enough if I got the part.”

  I conveniently left out the LA part of the equation.

  “I’m sure you did. No one is going to turn down Mary James.”

  I felt tears b
rimming my eyes but pushed them back. It was stupid thinking that he’d basically turned me down for anything more than sexual. But I was a big girl. I could handle myself.

  “I guess we’ll know soon enough, but none of this would have been possible without my awesome publicist. I should give him a fruit basket or something.”

  “That or a blow job. You know, whatever you’re feeling at the moment.” A woman audibly gasped beside him. “Don’t worry. It’s my girlfriend, ma’am. And we’re talking about my hair, ya perv.”

  The lady mumbled something next to him, and I had to stifle a giggle.

  “Take it you're making new friends on the train?” I asked.

  “Well, yeah. You know I like to ride in style and meet new people. You never know, I could find your next gig, right here. How do you feel about dancing while this guy in a full-on Santa suit plays the saxophone? I’m sure we could get that video to go viral.”

  “Is there really a guy with a Santa suit and a saxophone on the train?” I quirked an eyebrow even though he couldn’t see it.

  “No, but I can make that happen for you if you wanted it.”

  “I just wish you were here.” I sighed, almost immediately regretting I said the words. “I mean, you know, for support. For helping me figure out what to do with my image.”

  His smile was evident through the phone. “I wish I was there too. You know for PR or whatever you want to call making you come.”

  That got more gasps and shuffling of seats.

  “I guess I should let you go before you get kicked off the train, and you never get to blow up all of those balloons.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. I’m only a few stops away, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? I gave Brian the address, and as long as he and Lance don’t decide to go somewhere else, I’ll see you here.”

  “Sounds good. See you then,” I replied.


  He hung up, and I pressed the phone to my chest. What the hell was this guy doing to me? And how could I convince him that I wanted something real without hurting my career and my heart in the process?

  Chapter 20


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