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Page 2

by K. Webster


  My dick is practically throbbing. I want inside him, but who the fuck knows how he’s feeling after that man ravaged him. Pushing out those maddening thoughts of someone taking the boy I love and stealing what belongs to me, I rekindle the fire, grab one of my bag, and crawl into bed with him. Once I’m lying on my side, both of us facing each other, I speak.

  “I brought you something.”

  His head tilts up to meet mine. Blue eyes flicker with life. “Candy?”

  My sweet boy loves candy.

  “Of course,” I say with a smile. “I also brought this.” I hold up a bottle of lube.

  His eyes squint as he studies the bottle. “You drink it?”

  “You rub it on your dick,” I tell him, my gaze dropping to his plump lips. “Makes it slide in and out much easier.”

  He scoots closer, his hard dick brushing against mine, making me shiver with need. Of all the truck stop affairs I’ve had, none of them made me feel like Aspen does. It was just a means to an end. I was given supplies, money, and information. I got off in the process too. But none of it could even remotely come close to the way it feels being touched by my brother.

  “Where does it slide in and out of?” His voice is breathy and uneven. “Your hand?”

  “Inside a woman’s cunt if you’re into that.”

  He makes a sour face, which makes me chuckle.

  “Or inside a man’s ass.” I lean forward so my lips brush his, waiting for him to pull away, but he doesn’t. “Inside my ass.”

  His sharp intake of breath makes my cock seep with need. I’d wanted our first encounter to be me taking him. But now that he’s been brutalized, I can’t do that to him. I love him too much to hurt him. The truckers I fuck also like to fuck me. My ass has seen its fair share of dick. I can do this for him. For us.

  “Asp, my delicate little brother, I want you to put your hard dick inside me. I want you to claim me. And when you’re all better, I want to claim you too.”

  He leans forward, his hands pawing at me as though he can’t take another minute without touching me. I nuzzle my nose against his and then kiss his mouth. His dark facial hair that only grows in scruffily scratches against mine. Neither of us can grow a full beard like Dad or Uncle Ron can. I don’t mind. I like looking somewhat civilized when I go to town. I love that Aspen is just like me.

  “Laska,” he breathes my name like a prayer.

  It’s all the access I need. My tongue slides into his mouth and I taste him. His flavor is unique—salty and a bit of sweet. It makes me ravenous for him. It doesn’t take long for him to understand the art of kissing with tongue. I’ve practiced it a few times with some guys in town, but it never made me feel like my veins were on fire. He groans, practically pouncing on me. His body rubs against mine as he pins me to the bed, kissing me deeply.

  I grab the lube bottle, only breaking free from our kiss long enough to pour some on my hand, and then I stroke it on over his cock. He makes a strangled sound of pleasure that has me grinning with satisfaction against his lips.

  “Fuck me, brother. I’ve wanted this for way too long.”

  My words set him off. For someone inexperienced, he sure learns quickly. He spreads my legs apart, rutting his slick dick against my own dick and balls. I growl and hiss, so damn needy for this moment.

  “Mine,” he bites out. “You’re mine.”

  “I always was.”

  He smiles, so rare and beautiful, before gripping his dick to probe at me. When he finds the puckered hole, his features tighten with determination as he presses into me.

  “That’s it,” I croon. “I want you inside me.”

  Chapter Three


  I must be dreaming.

  This can’t be real.

  The man from the woods must have split me in two and I died. Surely. Because being naked with my brother and putting my dick inside him can’t be real.

  Yet, his asshole sucks in the head of my cock. Like it belongs there. I nearly choke from the pleasure of it. Slowly, I ease into him, feeling every nerve ending coming alive all at once. My ass hurts from being brutally ravaged, but the pleasure I’m feeling overrides that pain. The heavy breathing of my brother and the way he strokes his fingers over my bare shoulders is a balm to my battered soul. The lube allows me to slide all the way into him without hindrance. My balls are heavy with the need to release, but I don’t want to go so quickly. Rather than thrusting like I want to, I find my brother’s mouth and kiss him again. I like his tongue in my mouth. It belongs there.

  “You feel so good inside me,” he breathes.

  I steal away his words with my greedy tongue. Licking away each word as my body detonates. With a growl rumbling up my throat, I thrust. He moans loud enough to wake Dad next door and I don’t care. I don’t care what anyone thinks. If Dad has a problem, I’ll destroy him.

  Nothing else matters but Laska.

  Laska. Laska. Laska.


  I’m thrusting hard. Probably too hard. Like the man in the woods. Guilt rises up inside me, but Laska likes it. Laska is stronger than me. Laska can take it.

  “Oh fuck,” I cry out as my nuts seize up. “I’m gonna…”

  Pleasure explodes from me as I come inside my brother. My dick throbs out its release, shooting deep inside him. I claim him in this moment. Like a wolf would claim its mate. My brother is my mate. My partner. My lover. Anyone who dares suggest otherwise can meet the end of my shotgun. It’s in this moment I realize I want him to claim me too. I hate that the man from the woods took that from us.

  As though reading my mind, Laska strokes my hair from my eyes. “Soon I’ll be inside you too. When you feel ready.”

  My dick has softened now that I came and I slide out of him. I fall against his strong chest. I am curious to touch everywhere. I grab the bottle of helpful lube and slide off him enough that I can pour some on his dick. I want him to feel good like I did. The moment I wrap my hand around his dick, he moans. My brother is so strong and powerful, yet he seems so vulnerable in my grip. A little flutter in my heart suggests I love our equal footing in this bed. Easily, I stroke his impressive cock, bringing him quickly to pleasure like I would myself. But rather than using my own spit, the lube makes it feel so much better. Within seconds, he spills his seed all over his stomach. I run my fingertip through the salty cum and bring it to my lips. He smirks as I taste him.

  “Why haven’t we been doing this all along?” I ask him, already scooping up more of his cum on my fingers. “I feel complete right now.”

  “I let Dad’s ways get inside my head,” he admits with a frown. “I won’t let that happen again.”

  I move down my brother’s muscular chest to the cum that still pools on his stomach. He affectionately pets my hair as I lick away all the salty remnants. When I’m finished, he pulls me to him and tells me to sleep.

  Sated and loved, I fall deeply into the darkness.

  Laska is here.

  He will protect me.

  The best part is, I can feel it in the air thrumming between us. He won’t ever leave me again. We’re together as we should be. For now and always.


  I wake to the smell of breakfast cooking. Laska always brings new flavors back from town. My favorite is the Old Bay seasoning. It makes my stomach grumble when he dusts the meat with it and sears it. After my long trek in the woods last night, the man, and then fucking my brother several times in the night, I’m famished.

  “You’ve been out?” I croak when I peek my eyes open. He’s fully dressed and his face is pink from the cold.

  “Someone had to fetch breakfast,” he says, glancing over his shoulder to smile at me.

  I admire my brother. Strong. Fierce. Beautiful. He’s mine. Always.


  “Nah. Something different. I thought we could try it together. See what we think.” His features darken. “Dad won’t approve.”

  I’m done
past caring what Dad will and won’t approve of.

  “Smells good. I can’t wait.”

  He grins as he plates the food. I don’t recognize the long, thick piece of meat, but it makes my mouth water. He uses a fork and knife to cut it into bite-sized pieces.

  “We can try it together,” he says as he hands me a juicy piece. “But I must tell you what it is first. In case you decide you don’t want to eat it.”

  I frown. Whatever Laska does, I do too. There is no opposition with him. “I’ll eat it.”

  “That man…” His eyes flash with hatred. “I wanted to torture him, but he died too soon. What he did to you was wrong. You’re mine and I should have protected you. Never again will you leave my side, little ember. If we need supplies in town, you’re coming with me.”

  I nod emphatically. I won’t be left behind again. Not ever again.

  “The animals had got in on him, but I managed to retrieve this from him.”


  Dad said only animals.

  I shake away Dad’s words and focus on Laska. “His cock?”

  “I feel like he owes it to you. To us. He took what should have been ours and now we take back from him.”

  I put the piece of meat into my mouth. It tastes like Old Bay. I like it. After I chew it up and swallow, I reach over to the plate and take another piece. Laska’s eyes are alight with a madness I want to roll up inside of and never escape from. He eats a piece and grins as he chews.

  “I have another gift for you,” he tells me as we finish off our meal.

  I push the plate away and straddle his lap. There are too many clothes on him and my cock is seeping at the tip with the need to be inside of him. He grins as he grips my naked dick.

  “Someone likes his presents,” my brother croons. “Always smiles so big for them. It makes me want to give you presents all the time.”

  “Your ass is the only present I want right now,” I growl.

  He laughs, deep and throaty. “I’ve created a monster.”

  “Your monster.”

  “Yes, mine,” he agrees, sucking on my bottom lip and grabbing my bare ass. “I’ll let you have my ass and then I want your juicy lips on my dick. Deal?”

  “Anything for you,” I murmur against his mouth. “Just get naked already.”

  I’m like an animal as I strip him down. He smells good like he’s recently bathed. It makes me want to dirty him up again. Being inside of him is even better than last night. Each time feels more addictive than the first. It’s not long before I come and then I’m kissing my way down to his dick.

  “That’s it,” he coaxes, his hands in my hair. “Suck my dick, little ember.”

  I lick the salty tip, loving the way he whimpers. Those whimpers will be the death of me. My tongue licks every inch of him from tip to base to balls. Eventually, I wrap my lips around his cock and slide down his length until it makes me gag. Slobber goes everywhere and makes him messy, which I love. This seems to spur him on because his hips thrust up, forcing me to gag some more. My eyes water and I can hardly breathe, but it feels good the way he loses control and ravages my throat. When I think I might suffocate, he groans with his release. A salty burst of cum hits my throat and I greedily drink down every drop. Once I’m sure I’ve licked him dry, I find his mouth again, eager for his praise.

  “You’re so good at that,” he murmurs. “I can’t wait to take your ass one day, Asp.”

  I can’t wait either.



  Six months later…

  We’ve grown stronger.


  More resilient than ever.

  It’s in the meat. I’m sure of it. I tell Laska every chance I get. The Old Bay seasoning makes it so mouthwateringly addictive. Sometimes, though, I think I could eat it raw. Straight from the bone. I’m afraid to tell him this. I don’t want to ever scare my brother away.

  “Don’t fret,” he whispers, his mouth near my ear. “You’re safe with me.”

  My dick aches inside my pants. I know this. I’ve never been in danger again since the night we came together.

  “Follow me,” he instructs, his voice getting lost in the wind.

  I creep behind my brother as we round the back of the small house. I’m no stranger to coming to town now. Laska made good on his promise and showed me all sorts of things. While I enjoy coming with him rather than being left, I always love when we get back to our cabin. It’s home and where we belong.

  “Your gift is ready.” He stops in front of a door to lean in close. Our lips meet for a frenzied kiss. When he’d left me for twenty minutes to go inside, I’d panicked a little, but then I remembered his promise. He would never leave me again.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  He grabs my hand and slides open the door. I allow him to guide me through the dark home. There are muffled sounds coming from a room. He pushes into the room and I frown.

  A woman.

  Tied to a chair.


  I’m not interested in women. Only him. I start to tug on his hand, wanting to leave, but he stops me.

  “Look, little ember.”

  I regard the woman. Her. It’s her. Mom. I freeze, unable to move or speak or react.

  “Why?” I croak out. “How?”

  He ignores her pleas that are garbled behind her gag. “You were so sad when she left us, Asp. I came to town all those times looking for her. At one time, I thought I’d bring her back with us so you’d be happy.” He grins beautifully at me. “But you don’t need her anymore, do you?”

  “I have you,” I tell him fiercely. “I only need you.”

  Mom cries harder, but I’m immune.

  She left us.

  “Good boy,” he says. “Now what do you want to do about your gift?”

  I turn away from him slowly and regard the woman who easily threw us away. Her eyes widen and she starts screaming. I take a step forward. Then another. Withdrawing my knife, I watch as her tears streak down her cheeks.

  “Sometimes,” I tell my brother, “I don’t want to cook them. Does that make me strange?”

  We often kill men passing through our woods. Dad and Juniper have even eaten with us before, though they don’t know what we feed them. The meat of men is what makes us strong and able to live in the wilderness without fear.

  “I wonder that too,” he admits.

  “Do you think the women taste differently?” I cock my head at our mother. “Do you think one that birthed us tastes sweeter than the rest?”

  “You taste sweet,” he teases, hugging me from behind and nipping at my neck. “Especially your cock.”

  Mom gags and squirms, but my brother is excellent with rope. She’s not going anywhere.

  I start sawing at her shirt, wanting to access her stomach. I think the meat is the best there. The muscles are just tight enough to provide some grit, but not so tight you have to gnaw forever like you would the hamstring. Plus, we came from her stomach. It feels right.

  She screams when I start cutting a good filet from her jiggly stomach. When she lived in the woods, her body was firm. Living in town has made her lazy. I cut off the piece and then saw it in two. We ignore her screams as I feed my brother a piece of Mom. His brows furrow and I wonder if it’s because it’s raw. I take the other piece, pushing it onto my tongue. The metallic taste sends a thrill down my spine.

  “Mom doesn’t taste like Old Bay,” I say as I chew her flesh. “She tastes kind of bland.”

  My brother chuckles. “It’s a good thing I brought this then.” He retrieves the canister from his pocket.

  “You’re too good to me,” I tell him. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, little ember.”

  She screams again when I saw off another piece of her fat stomach. This time, sprinkled with Old Bay, she tastes much better.

  “We better save some for Dad,” I tell Laska. “I think he’d like that.”

  “Tell him i
t’s rabbit,” Laska says with a laugh.

  “Or squirrel.”


  We both cackle. And then I see the look in his eyes. The need. The desire. The intense craving. He attacks me, his mouth nipping and tasting the remnants of our mother on my tongue. It’s a frantic race to undress and then he maneuvers me until I’m on the ground. I’m on my hands and knees, prone to my brother, just the way I now love.

  “Stay,” he tells me with a smile in his voice as he walks over to Mom. “Don’t mind if I use some of this?” He shoves his hand into the hole in her stomach and coats it with her blood. “Don’t worry, Mom. Unlike you, we’ll be back. I just need to fuck your son really quick and then we’ll finish supper.”

  He turns to me, coating his cock with the bloody lubricant. I groan when I feel the tip of his cock at my hole. Slowly, unlike the horrible man in the forest, my brother eases his dick inside me. With care and complete love, he fucks me like he owns me. And he does. I own him too. We’re whole now.

  We watch Mom cry as he fucks me right into an orgasm. My cum shoots out all over the carpet as he fills my ass with his warm seed. I’ll never get enough of Laska. Not ever. He pulls out of me and then helps me to my feet. We kiss messily and then we turn to look at Mom.

  Our movements are slow.


  Filled with promise.

  We’re going to eat her alive.

  She’ll never run away again because she’ll be right with us always.

  “What are you thinking about, little ember?”

  Fire inside my belly warms me. I smile at him because he loves it when I smile my thanks for the gifts he gives me.

  “Laska. Always Laska.”

  The End

  If you loved this book, you may enjoy these other titles:

  The Wild


  Bad Bad Bad

  This is War, Baby

  Like Dragonflies

  For the complete list of K Webster’s books, visit

  About Author K Webster


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