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Code Blue With Intent

Page 4

by Marilyn Esper Kelsey

  Larissa moved into Sonya’s small apartment, and thus began her first true friendship. Before long, Larissa started to relax, although she felt she would never trust anyone again.

  When Larissa told her parents that she’d decided to move in with a friend instead of her aunt, they were disappointed with her decision. Larissa never told them the truth, but she did finally tell Sonya one night.

  They were almost finished with med school and were celebrating with vodka and tonic.

  After a few drinks Sonya hugged Larissa and started kissing her. Larissa was initially startled but liked the softness of Sonya’s lips and the comfort of her arms around her. Sonya was just as surprised but also liked the feeling of her friend. They continued kissing each other till their clothes came off and their bodies were aroused by each other’s touch.

  It turned out that Sonya and Larissa had been sexually abused in the past and that their relationship with each other provided the gentleness they both craved. Their first encounter began a long relationship that fulfilled them both.

  Sonya and Larissa finished med school, and Larissa started her practice in Morristown. Sonya began as a physician advisor for Premier Regional Insurance Company. Larissa shut out the world and was content only when she played piano and was with Sonya—her friend, lover, and partner. Larissa would do anything to make Sonya happy.


  “I’m sure. I’ll take over,” Ben Lucien said. “Thanks again, Larissa. Rachael, draw me up another amp of Epi.”

  “I was just giving Mr. Allen his insulin coverage when the monitor showed an arrhythmia then asystole,” Rita said. “Luckily, Dr. Timmers and Dr. Markov were in the unit. We paged you then called the code. You must have been close.”

  “I was in PCU. Hold compressions.” Dr. Lucien listened to Mr. Allen’s chest. “Resume compressions.”

  Maria replaced Rita with chest compressions, allowing Rita to assist Rachael and Julie with meds. They continued resuscitation for forty-five minutes, with no cardiac response.

  “Pupils fixed and dilated now, Ben,” Dr. Timmers noted.

  “Damn! Let’s call it. Time of death, 12:42 p.m. Is Mrs. Allen here?”

  Julie answered. “Yes. She’s in the waiting room.”

  “I’ll go talk to her. Thanks, everyone. Good try.” Ben said and left toward the waiting room, dreading what every physician dreads . . . telling the family their loved one was gone.

  That was typical of Dr. Ben Lucien—to thank everyone for their assistance. He was genuinely kind and sincere. He never lost his temper with the nurses or any hospital staff like some other doctors did. It was a pleasure to work with him, and, as an added bonus, he was incredibly handsome. His nickname around the hospital was Dr. BBB—Dr. Big, Black, and Beautiful. He had heard the nickname but didn’t mind. He liked the hospital staff and knew he could get more out of them by being respectful and appreciative. Ben lived by the old saying, You can catch more bees with honey. And, oh my, did the “Bees” swarm around Dr. BBB.

  Before Ben Lucien married, all the nurses and female personnel were after him. He dated several nurses. One in particular he fell in love with and even asked her to marry him . . . before Cynthia swooped in and made sure she had Ben signed, sealed, and delivered. Ben broke a lot of hearts, especially Rachael Reynolds, the one that got away.

  Cynthia Lucien kept close tabs on her husband while they were married because she knew all too well the charm he possessed and how much he was loved by the hospital staff and females. After all, she was once one of the Bees who had pursued him, till she caught him in her hive.

  Chapter 7

  “Good work,” replied the menacing distorted phone voice. “Your 100K will be deposited by the end of today, again under the name of A. J. Morgan.”

  “Ok, I’ve completed everything you asked. Now I want to know who I’m working for!”

  “In due time. Be patient.”

  “I think I’ve been more than patient. Look, I—” The phone went dead.

  “Sonofabitch! Not again! I can’t believe they hung up on me!” How did I get caught up in all this? One minute she was saving lives, the next minute she was killing her patients.

  It had all started with a phone call at her home. That damned altered voice had asked her if she wanted to make a quick 100K.

  “Is this some kind of joke?” she asked. “Who is this?”

  The caller explained she would only have to eliminate noncompliant patients. She vehemently refused and told the caller she was going to call the police.

  “You can go ahead and call the police, but just know that you don’t have any proof who we are, and this is an untraceable number. Furthermore, we know a lot about you and who your loved ones are.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “All you have to do is get rid of patients who would eventually be dead anyway in time—patients who don’t follow their orders and who take the bed of a compliant patient. We know you need the money, and you would be alleviating someone’s pain and suffering. One hundred thousand for one minute of work.”

  She hesitated a moment, considering how the money would alleviate her money problems and allow her financial freedom. “If I were to do this, could I stop at anytime?”

  “We’ll see. We can talk about that down the line. Now, if you don’t say yes and do what we want, we will start with someone close to you.”

  Reluctantly she said yes.

  “We will call you with your first assignment soon.” And with that, the intimidating voice was gone.

  Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? She sat down shaken with fear and guilt. Think about the money and build up your bank account, then quit, she thought. But how much is enough money? Enough to live a carefree, debt-free life that she and her family deserved.

  Chapter 8

  “This is Linda McCarthy, nurse reviewer at Premier Regional Insurance Company. Please leave a message, and I will get back to you. This is a confidential line, so you can leave a clinical review.”

  “Hi, Linda. This is Kate Ross from Northwest General Hospital. I’m calling with an update on Judith Adler. Today is post-op day three. She’s afebrile, BP 130/82, pulse 88, respirations 24. EKG shows normal sinus rhythm. Started clear liquids yesterday but vomited times four, with severe nausea. IV fluids D5 ½ NS continued at 125 per hour. Patient tolerated clear liquids this morning. Being transferred out of ICU to the surgical floor.” Kate also added the patient’s medications, lab work, and abdominal X-rays to complete the review. “And about Mr. James Allen . . . I wanted to let you know that he expired today. Looks like you can check off another patient from your list.” Kate laughed into the phone. “Just kidding, Linda! Call me back with approval days for Mrs. Adler.”


  “Play that last part of Kate Ross’s message again.”

  “And about Mr. James Allen . . . I wanted to let you know that he expired today. Looks like you can check off another patient from your list. Just kidding, Linda! Call me back with approval days for Mrs. Adler.”

  “What do you think? Do you think she’s suspicious?”

  “No. As I told you before, she’s kidding with Linda. I’ll see her Saturday night and will try to pump her for information. Stop worrying!”

  “I do worry. I don’t want anything to go wrong with this merger. You better be damn sure about Kate Ross. There’s too much at stake!”

  Chapter 9

  “Hurry up, Mom. What’s taking you so long to get ready for some stupid party? Ava’s waiting for me. Besides, you don’t even have a date, so what’s the big deal?” asked Megan, Kate’s thirteen- year-old daughter. She was waiting impatiently for her mom to drop her off at her friend’s house for a sleepover.

  “Thanks for reminding me that I don’t have a date. That makes me feel so much better.” Kate made a face at her daughter. “I just need a few more
minutes, and I’ll be ready to go.”

  Kate had started getting ready for Jake Fenelli’s party several hours ago. She had showered, washed her hair, and even painted her toenails and fingernails a bright hot-pink. Kate was forty-five but looked ten years younger. She had shoulder-length, straight light-brown hair with blonde highlights, alluring warm blue-green eyes, and creamy flawless skin. She worked out at the gym religiously for two reasons. The first motivation was a family history of heart disease. The second reason was to look and feel as best she could. And it showed.

  For this occasion, Kate had spent more time than usual getting ready. She hadn’t been out for a long time and was looking forward to a fun evening. It was late July, and the weather was in the 80s in the day but cooling off in the evening to the 60s. She grabbed her turquoise sweater that matched her sleeveless, V-neck shell and glanced in the mirror. She was dashing in her white capris jeans and four-inch white sandals with thin straps of lime-green, hot-pink, and turquoise across the top. The outfit made her five-foot-eight frame look very tall and slender.

  “Come on, Mom!” Megan shouted as she poked her head in the door of Kate’s bedroom. “Wow, Mom, you look awesome! Can I borrow that outfit sometime?”

  “Not bad for an old lady, huh? Come on, let’s go. Do you have all your stuff for the sleepover?”

  “Like yeah, Mom. I’ve been ready for hours. What took you so long? You’re usually ready in five minutes. Who are you trying to impress?”

  “No one, Miss Nosey. I just wanted to look good and wear something besides my scrubs for a change.”

  “Whatever,” Megan said as they piled into the car. “Don’t forget Ava’s Mom is taking us swimming tomorrow, so I won’t be ready to come home till later in the day.”

  “I didn’t forget, honey. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon around four o’clock. Maybe we can grab something to eat when I pick you up.”

  They pulled up to Ava’s house, and Megan leaped out, grabbed her overnight bag, and started making her way up Ava’s front walk.

  “Hold on, there. Don’t I get a kiss goodbye?”

  “Oh, Mom, I’m only staying overnight, not a week.” Megan sighed as she strolled back to the car.

  “I know, but I’d like a kiss anyway. Just appease your mom, okay?”

  Megan leaned into the car and kissed her mother on the cheek. “Feel better now, Mom?”

  “Yes, I do. Have a fun time, Megan. I love you.”

  “Bye, Mom. Love you too. Have a good time at the party. Don’t stay out too late!” Megan grinned as she waved and dashed up the walkway.

  Kate drove off and headed to Jake’s house thinking about her daughter. She was growing up so fast.


  It had been a tough time three years ago after her husband, Nick, had died from a cerebral aneurysm. Megan was only ten years old at the time. Nick had called Kate at the hospital to tell her he had a terrible headache and was going home from work early. He was never sick, so Kate suggested he come to the hospital for a checkup. He laughed at her and said, “It’s just a headache, luv. I’ll take two Tylenol and call you in the morning.” Even in pain, Nick would crack a joke. “Don’t worry, I’ll be just fine. See you later.” He hung up the phone, drove home, took the Tylenol, and had laid down in the bed hoping the intense, worsening pain in his head would subside.

  Kate came home after her shift to find Nick lying in bed with his back to her. “Feeling better, honey?” she asked.

  No answer.

  Kate assumed he was sleeping, but as she approached closer to the bed she saw his mottled, dusky, lifeless body. “Oh God, NOOO! Nick!” she screamed.

  She felt for a pulse on his cold body. Nothing. Kate started CPR but knew it was too late. Her Nick was gone. She cradled his body in her arms and sobbed. What had happened? He was so strong, so healthy, so full of life. She called EMS, then called her friend to pick up her daughter from school. Kate didn’t want Megan to come home and see her dad gone. Megan! How was she going to tell her daughter? She pulled herself together for her child and knew she could not fall apart. Somehow, with the help of her family, friends, and the grace of God, they were able to survive the tragedy. For a long time afterward, Kate would still look for Nick to walk through the door, smile, and grab her playfully.

  Megan took her father’s death very hard. They were close. Kate tried to spend as much time as possible with Megan, and it paid off. They formed a special, close bond. Kate prayed that their close relationship would continue throughout her teenage years and forever, as her daughter meant everything to her.

  Chapter 10

  Kate pulled up the winding drive in the picturesque Mountain Lakes area around 8 p.m. She parked her car along the edge of the sprawling, lush-green lawn and made her way up the lighted driveway, passing a dozen cars already lined up along the way. Following the music, she walked to the back of the house and opened the back gate to the pool area, where sparkling white lights were set up all around the spacious, shimmering blue-green pool. Tables, complete with chairs, surrounded the pool area and were covered with bright, colorful tablecloths of aqua and navy blue. One long table was filled with huge silver bowls of shrimp, crab legs, and lobster over crushed ice, each bowl covered with a clear, glass-dome cover. Another table held silver chafing dishes filled with clams, mussels, steamed crab legs, steamed shrimp, and lobster tails. On a third table sat salads of every kind, casseroles, corn-on-the-cob, and large bowls of fruit salad. Tables four and five were set up between two grills for steaks, hotdogs, hamburgers, sausage, knockwurst, kielbasa, rolls, a dozen different choices of bread, cheeses, cold cuts, a large plate of Jersey tomatoes, assorted vegetable platters with several dips, and every snack you could imagine. Servers hovered at each table. Bars were set up on all four sides of the pool, with one margarita station and a martini station. The other two stations held assorted mixed drinks of all kinds and kegs of ice-cold imported beer with huge, icy, frosted mugs.

  An elaborate stereo system blasted from the far end of the pool, and the DJ announced the next song: “Here’s an oldie from the sixties by The Rolling Stones—‘Can’t Get No Satisfaction.’ ” On a terra-cotta patio area, several of the OR staff were dancing and singing along with the song. “Can’t get no . . . I can’t get no . . .”

  Jake Fenelli spotted Kate immediately and hurried over to greet her. “Hey, Kate. So glad you could make it. You look incredible! Come and get a drink. I recommend a margarita. The bartender makes a great lime, strawberry, or peach.”

  “Thanks Jake, I’ll start with a lime margarita. What an incredible party. You certainly went all out. You’ve renovated the pool area since I was here last. It looks wonderful.”

  “It should look good, I’ve spent enough money on it. Let’s get you a drink, and I’ll show you my new toy—a forty-five foot cruiser. Just picked her up a few weeks ago.”

  Kate and Jake wandered down a winding stone path to the boat dock with their drinks. The serene lake sparkled like crushed glass gleaming in the darkness. It was a beautiful evening with a cloudless sky and stars twinkling brightly. The full moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft glow directly onto the lake. The air was crisp and cool with a slight breeze. As they advanced further Kate saw the boat secured at the end of the dock.

  “Oh, Jake. She’s beautiful. What did you do? Win the lottery?”

  “No, better. It’s my no-more-alimony gift to myself,” Jake said, grinning from ear to ear.

  “I bet your kids love it too.”

  “When I can get them to visit me. You know kids. They reach a certain age and they don’t want anything to do with you. Has Megan reached that stage yet?”

  “Just starting.” Kate shrugged. “We still do a lot of things together, but you’re right about that stage. I dread when she stops wanting to hang out with me.”

  “You’ll get used to it, or at least try. I have Grace e
very other weekend. She usually brings a girlfriend or two with her, but with her being sixteen, it’s getting harder and harder to see her. She wants to spend all her weekends with her friends now. And Matt is in college. I drive up to Rutgers every couple of weekends to have dinner with him. He’s taking several courses this summer, so he’s living with a couple of his buddies. He graces me with his presence maybe a weekend a month or so when he needs money.”

  “Hey, you two. What are you doing down here in the dark?” They spun around to see Ben and Cynthia Lucien coming down to the dock, hand-in-hand.

  “Hi, Ben and Cynthia. I was just showing Kate my new toy, which I named No More Alimony!” Jake replied with a pleased grin.

  “Damn, Jake! She’s a beauty! I’d love to go fishing with you one of these days.” Ben turned to Kate and asked, “Do you know my wife?”

  “Yes, I know Cynthia. I knew her before she snatched you up from the hospital and broke all the nurses’ hearts. How are all those cute little boys of yours? How old are they now?”

  “Hi, Kate. It’s nice to see you. The boys are three and two and quite a handful.”

  “Let’s go back up to the party and I will buy you a drink.” Jake said.

  “Those margaritas look so inviting.” Cynthia said.

  “They are wonderful! Now tell me all about those boys of yours.” Kate said as they strolled back up to the party with Ben and Jake following behind them.

  The party was going full tilt when they reached the pool area. There were fifty or more people there now, and the dance area was packed. Cynthia glanced at the dancers and raised her eyebrows, “Who’s the Lolita dancing over there?”

  “That’s a good name for her,” Kate smiled. “That’s Maria Sanchez, our new ICU nurse. Rumor has it she’s looking for a rich husband. You better hang onto your handsome husband. Believe me, she doesn’t care if there’s a wedding ring on either.” Facing Jake, Kate added, “And you, Fenelli, watch out. She thinks you’re gorgeous and has been asking about you.”


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