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Code Blue With Intent

Page 7

by Marilyn Esper Kelsey

  Ben grinned, “But what a ride it will be!”

  Everyone laughed. Even Cynthia after she gave Ben a miffed shove. “You men are all alike; think not with your heads or hearts but below your navels,” she said.

  “You should know, my love,” Ben said to his wife, but he couldn’t resist a quick glance at Rachael across the table before his wife spotted him.

  Rachael saw him glance at her and said directly to him. “What gives with Jake and Kate? Do you know, Ben?”

  “I know that they have always been close friends. I think the timing is just right for them tonight.” Ben had a hard time concentrating with Rachael’s dreamy brown eyes boring into his.

  “Timing is everything,” Rachael responded. He knew exactly what she was referring to.

  Cynthia knew what Rachael was referring to also and had caught the charge of electricity between her husband and Rachael. She turned to Ben. “Honey, let’s go dance. We can get a closer look at what’s going on.”

  Lydia waited till Ben and Cynthia were out of earshot. “Oh Rachael, you better be careful. Cynthia will tear your hair out for messing with her man. What ever happened between you and Dr. Lucien? Everyone was so sure you two would end up together.”

  Rachael paused for a moment and replied with a sigh, “Bad timing!” Excuse me ladies, I’m off to the bar for a drink, maybe two.” She rose and left the table.

  Lydia cringed. “Oh shit. I should have kept my big mouth shut. Do you think I pissed her off?”

  “No. Don’t worry. She just regrets letting Ben go. I believe she was really into him,” Julie said.


  Lydia Brooks was the quiet one of the group. Sometimes others forgot she was even around. She had long, light-brown hair, which she usually wore back in a hair clip. She dressed in loose, baggy clothes that made her appear larger than she was and made her look older than thirty-seven. Although she had a pretty face, she hid it behind thick, black glasses. She wore no makeup even when she went out in the evening, which was rare. No one knew much about her other than she was a terrific nurse. She was very good with her patients, and they, in turn, loved receiving her compassion and caring manner. She kept totally to herself, except for an occasional girls’ night out with Julie, Kate, and some others of the ICU staff.

  Lydia’s co-workers constantly tried to talk her into a makeover, but she could not be convinced. Julie was always bugging her to get a stylish haircut and to go shopping with her for clothes that fit her. Lydia had once confided to Julie and Kate after too many drinks that she had once been involved with a high school boy who had left her. That’s all she would say on that matter. What she didn’t tell them was that she’d been betrayed by the boy and had never gotten over it; it had shattered her confidence. After that, she built a wall so thick around her that no one could get in. She made herself as unattractive as possible in order to avoid attracting any admirers and getting hurt or fooled again.


  Lydia surprised herself in wanting to go to Jake’s party. She usually shied away from social events. Sitting at the poolside table with Julie, she realized she enjoyed the music and the company. When Julie went for another drink, she was sitting alone, but didn’t mind. She was used to being by herself.

  “Hi. I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue the other morning on rounds. That attending was riding my ass all morning for some reason,” said a tall red headed man behind Lydia.

  Glancing up at him, she remembered giving the med student the answer to the question that the attending had fired at him. “That doctor rides all the med students and residents. He eats the interns for breakfast and saves the residents for lunch. He spares no one. Don’t feel bad. That’s just his M.O.”

  “Mind if sit down and have a drink with you?”

  Lydia blushed a bright red and found herself saying, “Sure, why not. I’m Lydia,” even while her assent puzzled her.

  “I’m Patrick Hanahan, fourth-year resident.”

  “Nice to meet you. You must be thrilled; you’re almost finished with school.”

  As Julie made her way back to the table with her peach margarita, she noticed Lydia and Patrick in jovial conversation. This was the first time she had seen Lydia socializing with a man. What a surprise. Then she spotted Rita dancing with a hunky OR nurse, Josh. Another surprise. Julie thought, What’s going on? Is there something in the water? The drinks? Damn. Am I the only one not hooking up with someone tonight?

  “Hey, Julie. Have you seen Richard and Maria?” Jake asked as he and Ben approached the table.

  “Someone mentioned they saw them stroll off into the woods toward the lake a while ago,” Julie replied.

  “They better not be screwing around in my new boat,” Jake snarled.

  Ben pointed to the woods. “Speaking of the devils, there they are.”

  As Richard and Maria advanced toward them, Richard tucked his black polo golf shirt into his tan khaki pants while Maria pulled her halter top down then raked her hair back off her face with her fingers. Her face showed a smug satisfied grin.

  Maria excused herself, blew a kiss to Richard, and headed off to the ladies room.

  Richard flashed a devious smile and boasted to Ben and Jake of his conquest. “Good Lord, man! That girl is horny—she’s a wildcat!”

  Maria returned to the table with her hair combed and fresh lipstick applied to her full, luscious lips. She wrapped her arm around Richard possessively. “Come on, big boy. Are you ready for round two?” She winked at Jake and Ben. “You two want to join in?”

  “Let’s go, sweet thing. These boys are busy elsewhere,” Richard replied and whisked her off. He was not about to share her with anyone else.

  “Shit, she is a wild one.” Ben smirked. “I better go find my wife before I get into trouble. Do you think Dickie boy can handle her?”

  “Knowing him, he’ll certainly give it one hell of a try.” Jake slapped Ben on the back and left to find Kate.


  Richard Timmers was six-foot-two with a broad, muscular build; sandy brown hair; and grey-green mischievous eyes. He wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous like Jake Fenelli or Ben Lucien, but he did possess a certain boyish charm and style and exuded self-confidence, sometimes to the extreme, which made him appear cocky. He was a good-time Charlie, always spending his money on everyone, which usually got him into trouble, especially with his ex-wives. He had a compulsion for gambling and made frequent trips to Atlantic City. He would think nothing of dropping ten thousand dollars or more in one weekend. He was a notorious womanizer with three ex-wives. He loved women and would break his vows at the drop of a hat, or, should we say, at the drop of a skirt. Every woman thought they could tame the savage beast, but none had. His wandering eye, or more appropriately, his wandering dick, prevailed over his conscience. His motto was to share the wealth.

  Richard grew up in a middle-class family with hardworking parents. He had two older sisters and was the baby of the family. He was a late-in-life delivery and a complete surprise to his parents. His sisters were eighteen and nineteen years old when he was born. He was a cute, chubby baby, spoiled by his parents and his sisters. They all catered to his every whim.

  Good grades, popularity with friends and girlfriends came easy to Richard throughout grade school and high school. He also excelled in sports, which made him even more popular.

  In high school, he was the star on the football team. The girls threw themselves at him because he was a jock. He savored every minute of their attention and took full advantage of that notoriety. He received a full four-year athletic scholarship to Ohio State and continued to wow the fans and the college girls. His dream was to play pro football and he had a great shot at it given that the pros were already watching him closely. His super-jock dream, however, ended his senior year of college when a knee injury resulted in several surgeries.

  For the
first time in his carefree life, things hadn’t gone his way. But the disappointment didn’t last too long, for it was during one of his hospitalizations that he decided to become a doctor. The nurses, lab and X-ray technicians, and female personnel all made a fuss and flirted with him and he decided that was for him. His parents were thrilled he had chosen medicine, but, unfortunately, they didn’t live long enough to see him graduate from college. They died in a car accident a month before graduation—another blow to his perfect life. His sisters took over the role of their parents and resumed responsibility for him.

  Richard finished medical school, specialized in anesthesiology, and headed to New York City. His thought was to score big in the Big Apple, but that was not to be. He was a small fish in a huge pond. In the big city, he wasn’t Mr. Football Hero; he was just another guy.

  He stayed in New York for one year then moved back to his hometown in Morristown, New Jersey, where he was known and loved. And now that he was a hometown hero jock and a doctor, he knew women would be even more impressed and all over him again.

  After twenty-plus years, Richard had three ex-wives, three alimonies, three child support payments, private schools for all three children, gambling debts, and so many affairs that he needed a constant flow of cash and would do anything to keep his lifestyle going . . . anything!


  The party was still going strong at one in the morning. The dance floor was crowded, and the drinks were flowing. Large urns of piping-hot coffee were served with several different flavors, including vanilla, hazelnut, and mocha. Also available were pastries, cakes, cheesecake, and assorted cookies.

  Rachael tapped on Kate’s shoulder interrupting her and Jake while they were dancing again. “Do you think anyone else could catch a dance, you two? You know that the host of the party should mingle with their guests, right? Come on, Fenelli. Take pity on this poor, lonely, single girl. And you, Kate, you are hogging Jake all to yourself. Time to share with us unfortunate ones.”

  Kate sighed. “All right, if I must.” She reluctantly broke away from Jake. “I guess it’s time to share.”

  “Ok, Rachael,” Jake grinned. “I’ll tear myself away from Kate just for you.” He winked at Kate, “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Fess up, Fenelli. What gives with you and Kate?” Rachael asked. “You haven’t left her side all night. You’re not giving us girls a chance.”

  “Yeah, like you need any help picking someone up?”

  Rachael replied in a glib manner. “Don’t change the subject. Tell me the scoop.”

  “I really don’t know. I seem to be drawn to her tonight. She’s an incredibly beautiful woman, inside and out.”

  “That she is, and from the looks of it, she’s into you too. I think you two would make a great couple,” Rachael said.

  Kate had left the dance area not sure how she felt. If dancing with Jake felt so heated, what would . . .

  “You’re flushed, Kate.” Julie teased, “and the evening has cooled down.”

  “It was quite warm out there,” Kate said, fanning herself with her hand.

  “I could see that, girl. Between you and Jake and Richard and Maria, we’re taking bets on who’s hotter.”

  “Oh please tell me we didn’t look like them,” Kate gasped, noticing Maria kissing Richard’s neck and his hands were all over Maria.

  “Not quite. Those two need to get a room.” Julie yawned. “I can’t believe it’s one o’clock. already. I should be home in bed.”

  “I know. I’m usually long gone by now too, but I feel so wide awake tonight.” Kate said.

  “I wonder why, Kate. Could it be your interaction with Dr. Hottie? You two looked really chummy. This is the first time I’ve seen you without him at your side.”

  “I will admit I’m having a wonderful evening,” Kate smiled. The fire she’d experienced with Jake was more than wonderful. It had been a long time since she felt so connected with someone. Not since her husband. Calm down, girl, she thought. It was only dancing. But some people thought dancing was a prelude to seduction. Kate was one of them.

  “Well, well, well. Fenelli finally let you out of his grasp,” Richard smirked.

  Maria blurted out, “Yeah, you said you two were just friends. Doesn’t look like that to me.”

  “What about you and Richard?” Kate asked.

  “Dickie and I are going to leave. We’re going to drive up to Atlantic City to gamble.”

  “Now? It’s one o’clock in the morning.”

  “Hell, yes. The night’s young. It’s only three hours away, maybe two, in Dickie’s Jaguar. Where’s Jake? I want to say goodbye,” Maria said, then bent over to whisper in Kate’s ear. “I wanted to do more with him, but it looks like you made the first move with him, so I’ll take Dickie for now.”

  As if on cue, Jake stepped behind them. “Did I hear right? Are you two driving to A.C.?”

  “Yes,” Timmers gloated. “Maria is going to leave her car here, ok? We’ll pick it up sometime tomorrow. We’ll be staying at the Caesars Resort and Casino.

  “Are you all right to drive, Richard?” Jake asked.

  “Don’t worry,” Maria chimed in. “I’ll drive if he can’t. Either way, my hands are gonna be busy!”

  Jake and Richard both choked on their drinks. Ben and Cynthia were at the next table, and Ben almost fell off his chair when he overheard Maria’s comment. Kate and Julie laughed at the men’s reaction.

  Rachael approached and asked, “What’s so amusing, girls? The men look like they swallowed a canary.” The men were speechless.

  “It’s not the canary they swallowed. You had to be here, Rachael, to get the full effect,” Julie said.

  “Boys will be boys!” Cynthia said.

  “Well, we’re going now. Want to get to A.C. Super party, Fenelli. See you tomorrow night to pick up Maria’s car. The keys are under the front seat if you need to move it. Bye, kids. It’s time to lock and load!” Timmers did a pelvic thrust and purposely patted Maria’s ass for crowd effect and left.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Ben said. Do you think we’ll ever see Richard again?”

  “I believe she will kill him,” Jake expressed. “But what a way to go!”

  Ignoring the rantings of the men, Rachael finally got her nerve up to ask, “Cynthia, can I steal your husband for a dance?”

  Everyone was silent, waiting for Cynthia to pitch a fit. Although Cynthia knew of Ben and Rachael’s steamy romance before her marriage to Ben, she surprised everyone by saying, “Ok, but just a short one. We need to get home to relieve the babysitter.”

  Everyone at the table let out a sigh of relief while Rachael and Ben went off to dance.

  “That was certainly big of you, Cynthia.”

  “I know,” she said, already regretted having said yes. But she didn’t want to cause a scene. After all, what could they do with her standing there watching?

  Ben took Rachael in his arms and smiled, “Woman, you have big balls asking me to dance right in front of my wife. You know how she is.”

  “I’m aware that she’s jealous as hell, but I couldn’t resist being close to you. I miss you, Ben.”

  “Rachael, don’t. Not in front of my wife.”

  “Should I wait till she’s not around?”

  “Not funny. You know what I mean,” Ben said.

  “Sorry, Lucien. I wanted to feel your body against mine again.” Rachael pulled him dangerously close to her.

  “Please don’t do this to me.” Ben reluctantly stepped back from her so their bodies were not as close even though he hungered for the feel of her body pressed against his.

  Cynthia watched and became more and more pissed off by the minute. Jake and Kate were trying to distract her but to no avail. Cynthia reached for Jake’s hand. “Dance with me, Jake, and then we will switch partners with them. I think it’s time
for lover boy and me to go home. I’ve seen enough!” She dragged Jake out to the dance floor, straight toward her husband and Rachael.

  “Man, he’s in a shit load of trouble. He’ll be sleeping in the garage tonight,” Kate said.

  “More like the doghouse,” laughed Julie.

  Cynthia cut in on her husband and Rachael. “It’s time to go home, honey. Let’s go.”

  “Bye, guys,” Ben said, shrugging his shoulders. “Great party, Jake. Tell Kate goodbye for me. I’m sure you will have a better night than me.”

  “You’re right about that, Benjamin Lucien,” Cynthia said, glaring at her husband as they left the party.

  Jake turned to Rachael, shook his head, and said, “Well you certainly will cause a ruckus in the Lucien household tonight, you little minx, you!”

  “Who me, Fenelli?” Rachael batted her eyelashes. “You need to shake things up once in awhile, don’t you?”

  “Well, let me tell you, you more than shook things up. You caused an eruption named Mount Cynthia. You’re lucky you’re standing. She has quite a temper, you know.”

  “I know. I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted a dance, like you said about you and Kate, remember?” Rachael said.

  “Touché!” Only one big difference,” Jake said.

  “I know, I know. You don’t have to tell me.”

  Jake and Rachael walked back to the table. Several guests were saying goodbye and thanking Jake for the invite. Julie and Kate grabbed Rachael and sat her down.

  “Are you crazy, girl?” Julie asked. “You’re lucky to have your eyes. We all thought Cynthia would scratch them out and kick your ass.”

  “What? It was only a dance.” Rachael smirked and winked at Kate. “Right, Kate?”

  Kate blushed and knew exactly what she was talking about.

  “Well, I’m going home now that I’ve caused a scene. Bye, girls. Have a nice night, or should I say morning? Kate, call me later, if you ever make it home.” Then Rachael said goodnight to Jake and leaned in closer, “Have fun tonight, Fenelli!” She grinned and walked away.

  “I’m going to leave too,” Julie said. “Where’s Lydia? Did she go home? I actually saw her talking to one of the residents. Can you believe it? I’ve never seen her talking to a man before.”


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