Lovers of Sophia

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by Jason Reza Jorjani

  and rivaled that of Einstein, one which they believed could offer

  a different interpretation of quantum physical processes while

  also accounting for the empirical data set martialed by Einstein in

  defense of relativity theory, such as the Doppler Red Shift.173 The key German physicists involved in the development of the paradigm

  on the basis of which the Bell was engineered were Nobel laureate

  Walther Gerlach, his student O.C. Hilgenberg, and Carl Friedrich

  Kraft, who in the 1940s condensed Hilgenberg’s many highly

  technical papers into a systematic presentation in his book Ether

  and Matter.174

  According to these physicists, the failure of the Michelson-

  Morley experiment to detect the aether wind was not, as Einstein

  maintained, a disconfirmation of the existence of an aether as such

  – it only disconfirmed a static aether.175 The aether is, however, not a static plenum or background to independently existent subatomic

  particles. Rather, a proper conception of the aether is one wherein

  what appear to us to be subatomic particles are vorticular

  structures in a dynamic energetic medium.176 Such thinking about

  fundamental Physics is non-linear and purely topological; time is

  not conceived of as a fourth dimension that plots the linear efficient-causal interactions between discrete entities in three-dimensional

  space, unless one wants to posit a fifth dimensional aether whose

  relation to discrete time-frames is quasi-spatial.177

  173 Joseph P. Farrel , The SS Brotherhood of the Bel , 202, 259.

  174 Ibid., 258, 305.

  175 Ibid., 259.

  176 Ibid., 260.

  177 Joseph P. Farrel , Reich of the Black Sun, 231.


  lovers of sophia

  This is a Heraclitean view of the cosmos, one wherein there is

  perpetual flux. The way in which we are required to turn our view

  of the cosmos inside out so as to see how what appear to be material

  structures in the void of space are actual y complex vortices in a

  plenum, also cal s to mind the Buddhist metaphysics of Shunyata

  or the void that is a plenum and in light of which nothing has any

  inherent essence or ultimately independent existence. Nature is not

  constituted of discrete building blocks. Things take shape as vortices in the void and eventual y dissolve into this ocean of invisible

  energy. Tapping that unbounded ocean as a power source for human

  endeavor, on the basis of this very Āryan Physics, was the ultimate

  aim of the Bell technology.

  Based on Kraft’s groundbreaking research, Hilgenberg went

  so far as to develop a version of the periodic table of elements

  that modeled each and every element as a compound structure of

  vortices; he even speculatively, but accurately, included aetheric

  models of super-heavy elements that had not yet been discovered.178

  But the ultimate aim of this work was practical, not theoretical. As

  opposed to Einstein’s physics, this dynamic aetheric physics allowed

  for the local engineering of the curvature of space-time without the

  need of a large object. One does not need a black hole to warp space-

  time, one can engineer a super-massive black sun on a small scale

  through stressing the vorticular structure of certain elements to

  such a degree that the fabric of space-time is sheared.179

  Since both the structure and the mass of what we take to be

  a “particle” are determined by vorticular motion, the violent

  compression of vortices in an appropriate plasma through the

  application of electro-magnetical y charged counter-rotational

  stress can result in an implosion that opens a super-massive mega-

  vortex or singularity. In accordance with what is commonly referred

  to as “wave-particle duality”, this forced compression of vortices in

  the plasmatic medium, like any particular vorticular structure taken

  178 Joseph P. Farrel , The SS Brotherhood of the Bel , 263–265.

  179 Ibid., 265.


  jason reza jorjani

  to be a “particle”, will also have a standing wave scalar signature.180

  It is probably such scalar waves that destroyed the cel s of the Bell

  scientists on a molecular level.

  At any rate, put in layman’s terms, the implications of this are

  that the Bell was not only an experimental Zero Point Energy

  power plant that turned out to have field propulsion potential, by

  generating a local gravity field (i.e. “anti-gravity”), it could also be adapted into the most destructive weapon imaginable. This makes

  perfect sense when you think about it, which is something that

  advocates of “free energy” to end war and save the world apparently

  have not done. Every form of explosive weaponry thus far has been

  developed on the basis of a physical and chemical technology that

  is dual-use. Gunpowder can be used for fireworks or for firearms.

  Nuclear fission can be controlled for power generation, but it can

  also be adapted into an atomic bomb. It follows that any source

  of energy that is potential y unlimited, could be converted into a

  weapon whose destructive force is potential y unlimited.

  Hal Puthoff, a physicist who did decades of classified research

  for Naval Intelligence and the National Security Agency, and who

  worked on contract for the CIA at the Stanford Research Institute,

  now researches Zero Point Energy at his Institute of Advanced

  Studies in Austin, Texas. Puthoff maintains that ZPE devices could

  eventual y be miniaturized for use in a wide variety of vehicles, or

  even for instal ation in anyone’s back yard. However, if such a ZPE

  system were to be weaponized there would be “enough energy in

  the volume of your coffee-cup to evaporate all the world’s oceans

  many times over.”181 Compare this to the ratio between mass and

  explosive force that we are dealing with in the case of the uranium

  or plutonium core of a nuclear bomb. Intercepted wartime Japanese

  communiqués with their Axis partner, reveal that German

  researchers were working on a project that produced matter with

  a density comparable to that found inside certain types of stars.182

  180 Ibid., 269–270.

  181 Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, 110.

  182 Joseph P. Farrel , The SS Brotherhood of the Bel , 294–295.


  lovers of sophia

  When poor Victor Schauberger – who if you recall had already been

  forced by Kammler to work for the SS – was held under duress by

  American military-industrialists in the 1950s, it occurred to him that perhaps he ought to resist passing on certain information because

  the work he had done for Kammler in 1944-45 could be used to

  produce an “implosion” bomb many orders of magnitude more

  destructive than the most powerful hydrogen bomb.183


  The problem with accepting that the Germans had, in principle,

  developed such a weapon is that according to the official Allied

  narrative of the war’s end, Germany had failed to even develop a

  nuclear weapon comparable to those dropped on Japan. This could

  not be further from the truth. In fact, the highly enriched uranium

  for the bomb dropped on Hiroshima wa
s transferred from Germany

  to the United States, via a planned U-Boat surrender, under a deal

  brokered by Hans Kammler and his associates.184 It is the United

  States that lagged behind Germany in the race for nuclear weapons

  – far behind. The Reich carried out several successful tests of

  nuclear weapons late in the war, months before the American test

  at Trinity.185 The most significant of these is the nuclear test carried out on March 4, 1945, at the troop parade ground near the vil age of

  Ohrdruf.186 This is because the bomb tested there was only 100 grams

  in mass and yet produced blast damage, including to concentration

  camp victims, extending out to a radius of 1.2 kilometers. According

  to the atomic physics of the Hiroshima era, referred to as the era

  of “first generation” nuclear weapons, one needed a minimum of 50

  kilo grams of enriched uranium to serve as an effective critical mass.

  183 Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, 250–251. Joseph P. Farrel , Reich of the Black Sun, 207, 219.

  184 Joseph P. Farrel , Reich of the Black Sun, 60–65.

  185 Ibid., 66–80.

  186 Ibid. , 80–86.


  jason reza jorjani

  The second generation nuclear weapon of the 1960s and 70s,

  namely the hydrogen bomb, accomplishes a fusion reaction using

  a fission reaction as a trigger. It was only with the advent of “third generation nuclear weapons,” supposedly in the 1980s, that the USA

  and USSR discovered it is possible to engineer a pure fusion device

  using what is known as a “ballotechnic” explosive compound, such as

  a certain isotope of mercury that can boost a conventional explosive

  to the extent that it is capable of compressing heavy hydrogen

  into a fusion reaction.187 Red Mercury can double the yield of a

  hydrogen bomb while reducing its weight by a hundredfold. Unless

  it is deliberately salted, the weapon is also much cleaner in terms

  of radioactive fallout (the fallout caused by hydrogen bombs is on

  account of the built-in atomic bombs that they use as a trigger). The

  Reich probably developed the ballotechnic mercury isotope used

  as a trigger in this weapon as a derivative of the work being done

  on the Bell by the Kammlerstab, which as we have seen yielded its own doomsday weapon by comparison to which atom bombs would

  be relatively uninteresting to the SS. So far from the popular view

  that a rejection of “Jewish Physics” shows the dangers of ideological

  science, because it put Nazi Germany at a disadvantage, pursuing

  research and development based on an alternative physical model

  actual y allowed the SS to hold the Allied powers hostage in 1945.

  I say the SS, and not Germany, because unlike the various

  branches of the German armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force,

  etc.), no representative of the SS or even of the Nazi Party ever

  signed the instruments of surrender; these very careful y drafted

  legal documents make no reference to any Schutzstaffel surrender to the Allies.188 In fact, whereas the Victory Japan instruments

  clearly indicate the surrender of the Imperial government of Japan,

  the texts of the two German instruments of surrender, the one to

  the Soviet Union signed on May 7, 1945, and the one to the French

  and Americans a day later, do not even make any reference to the

  187 Joseph P. Farrel , The SS Brotherhood of the Bel , 280–282, 300–302.

  188 Joseph P. Farrel , The Nazi International (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2008), 6–12.


  lovers of sophia

  Reich’s government. This is terribly significant because the Reich’s

  government still existed, albeit in the deterritorialized sense relevant to a government of pirates on the high seas.

  While it is widely believed that Joseph Goebbels very briefly

  succeeded Hitler as the leader of Nazi Germany, the fact is that

  Adolf Hitler’s last orders as Führer included the reinstatement of

  the Weimer office of Reich’s President as head of state – superseding

  the authority of the Reich’s Chancellor, which had been conferred

  to Goebbels. Who did Hitler appoint as his successor, namely as

  the President of the Reich: Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz of the Navy.

  Dönitz was the Reich’s President for one week before he himself

  initiated the surrender of the German national armed forces – a

  ‘surrender’ in which his government never actual y surrenders and

  no mention is made of the tens of military divisions of the SS.189

  We must set this in the context of a Kriegsmarine project to

  construct a submarine base in New Swabia ( Neuschwabenland), the colonial territory that Germany had claimed in Antarctica in 1938. Of

  this base, Admiral Dönitz said in 1943: “the German submarine fleet

  is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.” Dönitz later added

  some even more revealing details when he described “an invulnerable

  fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice.”190 So the place is a naval base, an oasis on land, and is impregnable at least in part because it is in the middle of ice that never melts. The reference to land rules out the North Pole, and leaves us with the southern

  polar region. A huge rift valley runs through Antarctica, a valley

  that is full of geothermal activity and consequently features cavities in the ice cap where there are warm water ponds each colored by a

  different type of algae.191 In the summer of 1945 numerous German

  U-Boats were intercepted near Patagonia, the region of Argentina

  just across from the part of Antarctica that was declared a colonial

  territory of the Reich in 1938 (well before the UN Antarctic Treaty

  189 Joseph P. Farrel , Reich of the Black Sun, 238.

  190 Ibid., 241.

  191 Ibid., 511.


  jason reza jorjani

  of 1959 prohibited claims of national sovereignty over territories in


  In 1946 US Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd led a catastrophical y

  failed military mission to Antarctica, specifical y to that part of

  the frozen continent claimed by the Reich as New Swabia.193 It

  was disguised as a mapping expedition, but the assets devoted to

  “Operation Highjump” reveal its true nature. The outfit consisted

  of the Philippines Sea aircraft carrier escort, the Pine Island and Curritich seaplane carriers, the Brownsen and Henderson destroyers, the Yankee and Merrick escort ships, the Canister and Capacan fuel carriers, and the Sennet submarine. They were provisioned for what was supposed to be an eight month long mission, but after massive

  damage to the ships and aircraft, as well as casualties, Admiral Byrd

  wound up ordering a retreat after only two months. Upon return

  to Washington DC both his personal and operational logs were

  classified and remain so to this day. The reason for this classification can be clearly deduced from a statement that he gave to the Chilean

  press on the way back home, before he was debriefed and gag

  ordered. In the March 5, 1947 edition of the Santiago-based Chilean

  paper El Mercurio, journalist Lee van Atta, wrote:

  Byrd announced to me today that it is necessary for the United

  States to put into effect defensive measures against enemy

  airmen which
come from the polar regions. The Admiral further

  explained that he did not have the intention to scare anyone but

  the bitter reality is that in case of a new war the United States

  would be in a position to be attacked by flyers which could fly

  with fantastic speed from one pole to the other.194

  So whatever happened to that fantastic German field propulsion

  technology, the Bel , and the saucer shaped airframes that it was

  being integrated into by the Kammlerstab near Prague in 1945?

  192 Ibid., 242.

  193 Ibid., 246.

  194 Ibid., 247–248.


  lovers of sophia

  After faking his death (of which three conflicting accounts exist),

  Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler organized the evacuation of

  all high-level scientific personnel, the execution of the rank and file project members, and aerial transport of the Bell itself to Argentina

  via a Junkers 390 heavy transport plane.195 This was facilitated by

  a “Special Evacuation Command” under the direction of another

  prominent official who faked his death, Martin Bormann, the head

  of the Reich’s Chancellery and Adolf Hitler’s private secretary.196

  At the very end of the war, the Reich’s leadership asked their

  unofficial al y, the quasi-fascist Argentina of Juan Peron, to declare war on Germany so that, as a member of the Allied Powers, Argentina

  would have the right to fly aircraft to and from German-occupied

  territory.197 Bormann was a mastermind of financial manipulation

  connected to magnates of industry, especial y at I.G. Farben.198

  Partly with the use of unmarked or black ops submarines handed

  over to him by Admiral Dönitz, he smuggled $800 million (at 1945

  value) and 95 tons of gold to Peron’s Argentina via Franco’s Spain.199

  Bormann has been described as something akin to a Nazi John D.

  Rockefeller or J.P. Morgan.200 Interestingly, Bormann’s signature

  appears on a J.P. Morgan Chase Manhattan bank check drawn up

  in his own name in Argentina as late as 1967.201 That check cleared through the local Deutsche Bank in Buenos Aires. This lack of any

  attempt to remain anonymous bespeaks tremendous confidence,

  at least by that point – some two decades after he orchestrated the

  evacuation of the Bell and other assets between 1945 and 1947. The

  Rockefeller banking elite had backed the rise of the Nazi Party in


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