Lovers of Sophia

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by Jason Reza Jorjani

  Germany, and Bormann’s post-1945 plan included reconnecting

  with sympathetic elements within the Anglo-American banking and

  195 Joseph P. Farrel , The SS Brotherhood of the Bel , 39, 167–170.

  196 Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, 198–199.

  197 Joseph P. Farrel , The Nazi International, 172.

  198 Ibid., 69.

  199 Ibid., 65–66, 78.

  200 Ibid., 81.

  201 Ibid., 304.


  jason reza jorjani

  corporate elite that had been cut off from their German contacts

  after the American declaration of war in 1941.202 It is more than

  a coincidence that the Chase Bank logo remains, to this day, a


  High finance was not the only target for infiltration within the

  United States. Perhaps even more significantly, both the vast and

  deep state intelligence apparatus set up by the National Security

  Act of 1947 and the military-industrial complex were – from

  their inception – so deeply penetrated by unprosecuted (and

  unreconstructed) elites of the Reich that the later could even be said to have co-constituted these structures. This is the true and hidden

  context for Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, President

  Dwight Eisenhower’s famous farewell speech warning the American

  people about an occulted state within the state ostensibly tasked

  with National Security but actual y posing a mortal danger to the

  United States.

  In the late 1930s Allen Dulles was a lawyer for, and board

  member of, a German-Anglo-American corporate consortium

  called Schröder, Rockefeller, and Company, that Time magazine described as “the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis.”203

  Avery Rockefeller in New York, nephew of Chase Bank’s John D.

  Rockefeller, owned 42% and the Europe-based Fascists owned

  47%. Dulles would, of course, go on to serve the OSS, America’s

  wartime intelligence agency, which he transformed into the Central

  Intelligence Agency under authorization granted by the National

  Security Act of 1947. What few people know is that what essential y

  transformed the OSS into the CIA was Dulles’ assimilation and

  incorporation of the Fremde Heere Ost or Foreign Armies East,

  which was under the command of General Reinhard Gehlen and was

  consequently also known as the Gehlenorg.204 This was the rabidly anti-Russian Nazi German espionage network in increasingly Soviet-202 Joseph P. Farrel , Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011), 158–159.

  203 Ibid., 159.

  204 Joseph P. Farrel , Roswell and the Reich, 346–347.


  lovers of sophia

  occupied Eastern Europe, which consisted of Czechs, Lithuanians,

  Estonians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians.

  A deal brokered with General Gehlen in 1945, by then OSS

  Zurich station chief Allen Dulles, allowed these extraterritorial

  German assets to continue operating in a fashion that assisted

  the Americans in a common cause against Russian Communism

  but that did not require these assets to work “for” or “under” the

  Americans; in fact, the agreement explicitly stated that “should the

  organization at any time find itself in a position where the American

  and German interests diverged, it was accepted that the organization

  would consider the interests of Germany first.”205 What ‘Germany’

  are we even talking about at this juncture, amidst the smoldering

  rubble of 1945? An extraterritorial ‘Germany’ in Fascist Spain and

  Argentina, in Antarctica, and even deep within the American

  military-industrial complex.


  Sometime in 1944 SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny, who was the ace

  commando in charge of all false-flag and Black Ops in the Reich,

  was shown the Bell and associated Saucer aircraft. According to

  testimony obtained through the American interrogation of his

  commandos, at this point Skorzeny lost interest in his mission of

  carrying out acts of sabotage behind enemy lines in Europe. Instead,

  after having seen “the wonder weapon” he became maniacal y

  “possessed” by the idea of using it in a Sonderkampf or special operation behind enemy lines in America that was sure to win the war, the real war – of worldview.206 Weltanschauungskrieg does not mean a conflict between different subjective views or ideologies

  contending over control of an objectively existent world, including

  not just Nature but also a fixed human nature. Rather, it is a concept based on the insight of Heraclitus into strife as integral to the

  205 Ibid. , 347.

  206 Joseph P. Farrel , Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, 94–95.


  jason reza jorjani

  creative process of the Cosmos and the related perspectival thought

  of Nietzsche. Weltanschauungskrieg determines the way that the world reveals itself out of a predominating occultation. The strife

  of conflicting vital perspectives or existential standpoints does not

  solely concern political constitutions in the derivative legal sense but the very constitution of the world of a folk.

  One of the operative principles of this war of the worlds over

  Earth, is to capture or captivate the enemy on an existential level by inculcating fear without a definite object and attendant hopelessness

  in the target population while at the same time offering a salvific

  sense of direction and promise of security to people whose trust

  in established authority has been shattered.207 The aim is to create

  a matrix of perception and interpretation that only leaves certain

  lines of thought and avenues of action open to the target population,

  not by hiding others but by making them disappear.208 A key means

  to accomplish that is the use of false alternatives or the deliberate

  polarization of the target’s decision-making process in such a way

  that two alternative ideologies or interpretive paradigms, which are

  both false constructs, are designed to dialectical y drive the enemy

  towards a third position that remains occulted.209

  Ultimately, anyone who cannot think outside of binaries

  such as “good and evil” can be manipulated by the use of such a

  methodology to lure them into a simulacrum, a false world that

  has been crafted to encompass their existential horizon like a total

  work of art. Throughout the course of history, the lore of any folk

  has served as the fundamental architectonic for both their mundane

  crafts and monumental constructions. Weltanschauungskrieg had

  taken place only on an unconscious level, as strife between divergent

  cultures or what Samuel Huntington cal s the clash of civilizations.

  What was different about the idea that possessed Skorzeny was the

  deliberate use of folklore or the engineering of mythology for the

  purpose of bringing forth a new world order.

  207 Ibid., 95–96.

  208 Ibid., 98–99.

  209 Ibid., 99–100.


  lovers of sophia

  What is most interesting about this diabolical stroke of genius

  is that it presupposes the ability, not to stand outside of any and all worldviews, which is not possible, but to be able to assume a variety

  of different existential standpoints or vital perspectives to the end />
  of not being captivated by any one of them, including that of one’s

  ‘own culture.’ Nietzsche understood this well and identified it as one of the characteristics of the Superman.210 It also lies at the core of Heidegger’s conception of abbau or “deconstruction”, which is very Nietzschean. This term, which has become synonymous with the

  passive nihilism of postmodern ‘thought’ original y had a much

  more active and archeo-futuristical y postmodern meaning.

  If we were to want to retain the designation ‘postmodern’ we

  would have to conclude that Nazi Germany was the first attempt a

  postmodern political system. From the viewpoint of its own leaders,

  however, it was the culmination of the “modern” in the German

  sense of Der Neuzeit or “the New Age”. From this standpoint,

  Neo-Cartesian Rationalism and Materialism were an incomplete

  or imbalanced reaction against the medieval Judeo-Christian

  Scholasticism that began to be overcome in the Renaissance. Even

  more than Mussolini, with his vision of a Second Italian Renaissance,

  the Nazis forwarded the occult current of the Renaissance epitomized

  by Giordano Bruno in their vision of a new post-Judeo-Christian

  age. What made this age “new” is that it would reconnect with the

  primordial Āryan wel spring of Western civilization after having

  withstood its uniquely destined encounter with the destructive

  and yet essential y revealing force of technological instrumentality.

  This fiery alchemical force is, after al , a product of the Promethean genius of Āryan Man.

  It is as a deconstructive thinker in the vanguard of postmodernity

  that, in one of his arcane lectures on logic and the essence of language, Heidegger explains that World War I was not “the true world war”

  if one takes it to have ended in 1918.211 Likewise, the true World War 210 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power (New York: Random House, 1968), 149–150, 267, 330.

  211 Martin Heidegger, Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language 390

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  did not end in 1945. The only real world war is the war of the worlds

  over the Earth, the Weltanschauungskrieg, and unlike Nietzsche who could only prophesy it, Heidegger knew that although this war had

  begun in his time, he would not live to see the end of it. This is that war of which Nietzsche wrote in Ecce Homo:

  I know my fate. One day my name will be associated with the

  memory of something tremendous – a crisis without equal on

  earth, the most profound collision of conscience, a decision

  that was conjured up against everything that had been believed, demanded, hallowed so far. I am no man, I am dynamite.

  …The concept of politics will have merged entirely with a war

  of spirits; all power structures of the old society will have been

  exploded – all of them are based on lies: there will be wars

  the like of which have never yet been seen on earth. It is only

  beginning with me that the earth knows grand politics.212

  Dynamite, indeed. War of spirits, indeed.

  What Nietzsche, qua apocalyptic prophet, is seeing through

  a glass darkly here and what was adopted as a plan of action by

  Skorzeny and his comrades is something that I would conceptualize

  as Abbauende Aufbruch ins Weltanschauungskrieg. Heidegger was right that some things can only be thought in German. Abbau is the term “deconstruction” from Heidegger’s thought, so that Abbauende

  literal y means “un-building” or dismantling. But through its

  connection with the “destruction of the history of ontology”

  that was the projected aim of Being and Time, and in light of the socio-political y dangerous implications of such dynamiting of

  the paradigmatic principles of a world-epoch, I suggest rendering

  Abbauende as “destructive” which carries within it the sense of de-structuring. The idea of Aufbruch has a rich philosophical and literary history in modernist German thought. It is alternatively

  (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009), 41.

  212 Walter Kaufmann (translator), “Ecce Homo” in Basic Writings of Nietzsche (New York: The Modern Library, 2000), 782–783.


  lovers of sophia

  translated as “breakup” in the sense of a breaking-with or divorce, or

  “breakthrough” in the sense of a revolutionary discovery rather than

  an incremental increase in knowledge, and final y, as “breakaway”

  in the sense that such discoveries can represent a rupture wherein

  something or someone heads out of bounds in a different direction.

  In other words, a “breakout” or “departure.”

  Thus my concept for what Skorzeny, Kammler, Gehlen,

  Bormann and company did indeed, even if it remained imprecisely

  conceptualized, could be loosely translated as “destructive departure

  in worldview warfare.” Although, based on the alternative meaning

  of the terms, it is also possible to translate it as “deconstructive

  breakthrough in psychological warfare” or “dismantling breakaway

  in the worldwide ideological war.” This is the worldwide constitutive

  or emergent state of a breakaway civilization. It is based both on

  a breakthrough in the positive sense and on a negative breaking-

  down and a breaking away. This allows those who have broken

  through to come back and conquer what they have broken-down

  in a way that is Kriegsentscheidend for the Weltanschauungskrieg.

  Recall that this term, Kriegsentscheidend or “war-decisive”, was a classification at the highest level above Top Secret uniquely given to Project Chronos.

  Otto Skorzeny initiated his special operation against the United

  States from Spain. By design, the alien contact mythos has been so

  built up over the past 70 years that hardly anyone remembers that

  when flying saucers first invaded the skies over the United States in

  1947, it was being speculated that they were of German construction

  and being launched from Fascist Spain. Moreover, consider the fact

  that President Truman’s policy regarding the flying saucers would

  have been colossal y stupid if the US intelligence actual y believed

  them to be alien spacecraft. According to Air Force information

  officer, Lt. Colonel Moncel Monts, as reported by news wire services

  as the time, the Truman administration policy was that: “The jet

  pilots are, and have been under orders to investigate unidentified

  objects and to shoot them down if they can’t talk them down.”213 Rather 213 Joseph P. Farrel , Roswell and the Reich, 368–369.


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  than assuming that Truman was willing to risk an interplanetary

  war with a superior race of extraterrestrials, it makes much more

  sense to recognize that at the highest levels it was believed that these UFOs represented terrestrial enemy aircraft.

  Two classified memorandums speculate on German technology

  as the matrix for UFOs. The first is a September 23, 1947 letter of

  General Nathan Twining to Brigadier General George F. Schulgen,

  widely known as the Twining-Schulgen Memorandum.214 The

  second is an October 28, 1947 intelligence collection memorandum

  prepared by General Schulgen in response to General Twining’s

  analysis, recommendations, and request for further study.215 It

  should be noted that, with great relevance t
o the issue of concern

  here, a faked version of the second of these documents was widely

  circulated within the Ufology research community. This forgery

  both interpolated lines not in the original and censored text from

  the original in order to make it appear as if Schulgen and the USAF

  were considering an extraterrestrial or “interplanetary” origin of

  flying saucers.216

  In fact, both memoranda clearly indicate German aeronautical

  engineering and propulsion research and development as the most

  likely source for the UFOs, with specific concern about the post-war

  whereabouts of the Horten Brothers. While Twining’s summary of

  the USAF technical analysis of the craft certainly involves futuristic concepts in the context of 1945 technology, all of them are stil

  within the theoretical scope of terrestrial engineering. Although

  Schulgen speculates that Russia may be the geographical point of

  origin for this presumably captured German technology, this seems

  to be only because the other possibility is even more terrifying –

  namely the postwar survival of an independent, extraterritorial

  Reich of some sort.217 Stil , if one reads between the lines, Schulgen remains open to this possibility since he is especial y concerned

  214 Ibid., 404–405.

  215 Ibid., 375–387.

  216 Ibid., 388–389.

  217 Ibid., 409.


  lovers of sophia

  with determining, based on the aircraft’s landing gear, what kind of

  terrain they might be taking off from.218

  The headline of the Denver Post for November 9, 1947 reads

  “Spies Bid for Franco’s Weapons: Agents Ascribe ‘Flying Saucer’ to

  New Rocket.”219 The article explains that “German scientists working

  under the personal sponsorship of Generalissimo Francisco Franco

  have developed” saucer shaped ‘rockets’ that are “responsible for the flying saucers seen over the North American continent last summer

  and for at least one and perhaps two hitherto unexplained accidents

  to transport aircraft.” Journalist Lionel Shapiro, writing from Geneva, goes on to reveal that according to his sources these “weapons” were

  first flown in the presence of Franco on the south coast of Spain,

  just east of Gibraltar, early in the summer of 1947. Note the date. The saucer-shaped “rockets were directed over North America…”220


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