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Lovers of Sophia

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by Jason Reza Jorjani

  answer is for the real Batman to stand up.



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  jason reza jorjani

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  jason reza jorjani

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  jason reza jorjani

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  Abyssal 12, 47, 206, 343-344, 428, 478

  Ahnenerbe 353-358

  Alcibiades 31, 65-72, 76

  Alexandria 11, 15, 201, 409

  Ali 106-107, 132-133, 141-144

  Aliens 5, 167, 169, 187, 192-194, 333

  Anarchist 252-253

  Anaximander 37, 430, 511

  Antarctica 384-385, 388, 408-411

  Anti-Christ 152, 197-198, 200-201, 358, 513

  Anti-gravity 375, 378, 381

  Apollo 64-65, 76-77, 265-266, 273, 358, 371-372

  Argentina 372, 384, 386, 388, 409-410

  Aristocracy 202

  Aristotle 10-11, 22-24, 29, 38-39, 48, 81-104, 110-112, 115, 317, 508

  Art 5, 9-10, 12, 16, 31-32, 34, 64-65, 73, 75, 78-80, 83, 101-102, 155, 161, 202, 226, 231-232, 234-244, 249, 265-266, 299, 340-341, 343-344, 346, 351-352, 361-362, 365, 389, 434, 459, 465, 467-468, 470, 473-478, 480, 487-491, 511-512

  Artemis 260-266, 268, 273, 281-283, 286, 299-300, 310, 312, 509

  Artist 5, 11, 27, 64, 80, 199, 240, 242, 346, 469-470, 475-477, 488, 490-491

  Atlantis 14, 206, 347-348, 350, 357-358, 361-362, 400-401, 403-404, 406-409, 411, 516

  jason reza jorjani

  429, 510, 515

  Atlas 9, 11-14, 200, 220, 376, 429-431, 449


  Baalbek 400-402, 406, 408

  Batin 134, 141

  Batman 494-495, 497-498, 500-503, 505-507

  Beautiful 17, 31, 70-71, 76, 94, 101-104, 238, 266, 503

  Beauty 10, 61, 64, 70-71, 73, 104, 110, 142, 236, 243, 341-342

  Bell 25, 376-381, 383, 385-386, 388, 396, 510

  Biruni 106-107

  Bohm 413, 419-420, 422-423, 509

  Breakaway civilization 13, 392, 398

  Breton 229, 231-233, 509

  Buddha 14, 206-207, 305, 469, 475

  Buddhism 12, 112, 157, 205, 207, 212, 354, 479


  Capitalism 355, 363

  Cartesian 17, 149, 364, 486

  Categorical Imperative 25, 171-173, 177, 180, 182, 184, 187

  Cathar 113, 356

  Causes 16, 35, 60, 82-83, 88-89, 97, 151, 153, 160-161, 175-176, 212, 319, 326, 332, 374, 440-441, 447

  Chandala 201

  Chaos 13, 33-34, 37, 49, 52, 65, 162, 206, 212, 215, 234, 250, 266, 346, 352, 365, 443, 480, 484, 488-490, 492, 507, 514

  Chinese 12, 111-112, 114, 211, 467-468, 495

  Chronos 376, 378, 392, 398

  CIA 371, 381, 387, 398

  Clairvoyance 205, 218, 227, 453, 458


  lovers of sophia

  COMETA 398-400, 509

  Communism 355, 388, 426

  Communist 348, 363, 412, 414, 418, 513

  Confucius 112, 115

  Cosmos 25, 35-36, 81, 89, 94, 107, 109, 169, 196, 205-207, 213, 221, 226, 334, 365, 380, 389, 439, 443

  Craft 83-84, 101, 204, 295, 299, 352, 375, 393-394, 397

  Creation 32, 37, 82, 135, 143, 161, 199, 205, 207, 249, 336, 341, 369, 398, 440, 474, 478, 484, 492-493

  Creative 14, 19-20, 83, 88, 94, 101, 154, 156, 161, 203, 206-207, 209, 211-213, 230, 266, 361, 365, 389, 424, 437, 448-450, 475-478, 492


  Deconstruction 337, 362, 390-391, 413, 415, 431

  Deleuze 12, 480-493, 509

  Demiurge 356

  Democracy 14, 24-25, 204, 258, 499, 501, 505-507

  Democritus 37-38

  Derrida 31, 51-53, 77-78, 414-416, 418-419, 426-431, 509

  Determinism 5, 14, 177, 218, 432, 444, 462

  Dharma 206-207, 305

  Dialectic 62-63, 66, 278

  Dionysus 53, 64-65, 67, 74-75, 77, 265-266, 485


  Ego 65, 152, 227, 245, 250, 313, 322, 413, 420, 422

  Egypt 342, 401, 404-407, 512, 515

  Egyptian 13, 208, 231, 401, 406-407, 457
/>   Einstein 221, 378-380, 409-410

  Eleatic 28, 46-47

  Ephesus 34, 261-262, 266, 281, 299


  jason reza jorjani

  Ernst 229-232, 234, 348, 351, 354, 363-364, 515

  Eros 31, 70, 72-73

  Erotic 31, 64-65, 67, 70-72, 76, 231, 252, 276, 284, 286

  Eugenics 204, 347, 369, 506

  Evil 19, 64, 78, 97, 103, 109, 138, 148, 151-152, 158-159, 164-165, 200-201, 250, 267, 273, 305-307, 313, 322, 362, 389, 433-434, 438, 441

  Evola 105, 203-204, 209, 360-362, 364, 510

  Evolution 14, 25, 113, 130, 186-187, 189, 195, 201, 214, 225-226, 233, 306, 334, 347, 406, 512

  Existentialist 27, 256-257, 339, 400

  Extrasensory perception 218, 233, 452-454

  Extraterrestrials 26, 168, 186-187, 193, 393


  Farabi 110-112

  Fascist 13, 359, 362, 388, 392, 396, 398, 495

  Fate 33, 154-155, 157-158, 160, 164, 202, 236, 245, 287, 391, 446, 448-449, 459

  Faust 116

  Faustian 116, 371

  Flying saucer 376, 394, 397

  Forms 14, 25-30, 35, 37-39, 42, 45, 47, 49-52, 54, 59, 61-65, 68, 72, 74-76, 80, 82, 86-87, 89, 107, 113, 135, 187, 189, 192, 203, 211-212, 218, 236, 242, 266, 331-334, 364, 415, 470, 474, 478-479, 481

  Freedom 14, 160, 162, 164, 166-168, 176-179, 182, 185, 218-219, 239, 258, 304, 412, 426, 445, 449, 474, 476

  Free will 5, 14, 20-21, 148, 153-155, 160, 164, 176-177, 179, 182, 203, 302, 432-433, 439-440, 444, 446, 449-450, 458, 461, 507

  French Revolution 111, 344, 346, 364

  Fulcanelli 232, 357, 510

  Futurism 347

  Futurist 361


  lovers of sophia


  Gehlen 387-388, 392

  Gnosis 141, 145, 213, 362

  Gnostic 141, 181, 356

  God 5, 13-14, 19-21, 25, 33-34, 50, 64-65, 67, 74, 76, 80, 82-89, 94, 96, 99, 118-121, 123-124, 126-142, 153-155, 158, 160, 164, 171, 197-198, 200, 206, 215, 244, 265, 273, 322-325, 335-336, 338-339, 356-358, 400, 415-416, 418, 426, 440, 445-446, 448, 450, 457-458, 465-466, 477-479, 506

  Goddess 5, 12, 165, 250, 259-264, 266-268, 277, 281-283, 295, 297, 299-301, 304-305, 310, 315-316, 509

  Gods 14, 23, 32-34, 57, 66, 69, 71, 75, 83, 95-99, 198-199, 203, 209-211, 213, 215, 226, 246, 357-358, 400, 403, 405-406, 414, 418, 440, 446, 465

  Goffman 413, 421-422, 486, 510

  Gotham 5, 13, 494, 496-502, 504, 506

  Guardian 5, 13, 30, 59, 422, 494, 502-505, 507


  Hadith 118-121, 131

  Hapgood 409-411


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