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The Devil's Desire: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 11

by Clara Capp

  “Hi Shu.” I smile at him even though he’s angry.


  He doesn’t say anything else as he speeds off. Shu seethes silently, and he will occasionally look at me out of the corner of his eye.

  I don’t think I did anything to make him mad. It’s probably just work. Either way, it’s going to eat at me if I don’t ask.

  “Are you mad at me?” I squeak.

  “Who was that guy?” he asks, unable to hide the angry tone in his voice.

  “Patrick? He’s the marketing manager. His department is next to mine.”

  “I don’t like the way he looked at you.”

  I can’t decide if I’m happy or irritated Shu is jealous. He hasn’t even told me if we’re exclusive, so why is he getting angry over my coworker talking to me.

  “Patrick looks at everyone that way. Well, almost everyone…”

  I tell Shu the story of Ms. Lane and Patrick, and I see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards. He still doesn’t respond until we get home.

  We pull into his parking spot at his apartment, and he leans over the console and kisses me. “Ok. It doesn’t mean I won’t get jealous, though. Remember what’s on the inside of that ring.”

  Mine. I want to scream ‘what is mine?’ at him, but I don’t. He just holds my hand as the two of us walk to his apartment.

  “C’mere.” He flops on the sofa and opens his arms.

  I lay on top of him and snuggle in his arms. This is where I want to be, always. Even if people are supposedly trying to get me, I know Shu will always keep me safe.

  “I want to take you on more dates. Like a normal couple,” Shu says.

  Couple? So, Mine does mean exclusive.

  I can’t help myself. “We’re a couple?”

  For the first time, Shu turns red, and not me.

  “I mean, um,” he says.

  Look at this role reversal. Normally it’s me who’s stuttering and turning red all the time. It feels good to finally be on the other side, for once.

  “Yes,” I blurt.

  Shu exhales, like he’s glad he didn’t have to confirm it. I can tell he doesn’t do ‘feelings,’ so the subject must’ve been hard for him.

  “You picked a really shitty boyfriend,” he says. “I heard he’s The Devil.”

  “He’s actually not that scary,” I respond. “Very sweet once you get to know him.”

  Shu doesn’t say anything, just wraps me tighter in his arms. Sometimes, he can’t do words. Shu’s spent his life thinking he’s a monster, so when I tell him anything other than that, he doesn’t know how to respond to me.

  He strokes my hair and I snuggle further into his chest. With moments like these, I forget Shu tortures people on a weekly basis.

  “So, about that date,” he says. “Any place you want to go?”

  “I don’t know, Shu Shu.”

  Yes, I’ve taken to calling him Shu Shu. Disgustingly adorable pet name? Yes. Do I love it? Absolutely yes.

  “You like Disneyland, if I recall correctly.”

  “You’ll take me to Disneyland?” I prop myself on my elbows to look at him.

  “Yep,” he pauses. “Wait. I can’t take a gun into Disneyland.”

  “No, you can’t take a gun into Disneyland. Nobody would be able to sneak a gun past The House of Mouse. It’s basically as hard as learning your first name,” I say.

  “Wow. That really is impossible.”

  I have pestered Shu for weeks about his first name. I’m not going to call him it, I’m just nosy and really want to know. What could possibly be so bad about a name for him to not tell me? Maybe it’s something nerdy, like Hubert.

  “Looks like we’re going to Disneyland,” he says.


  I regret everything. Stephanie got matching mouse ears for the two of us—I think she said something about Mickey and Minnie—and stands on her tip toes as she places them on the top of my head. This is so embarrassing. I tower over everyone else, and they make me stick out even more.

  She gives me the biggest smile, and I remember why I asked. This girl brings me to my knees. I’m ruthless to everyone else—never hesitating to shoot or torture them as they beg me not to. But for her, I’ll do anything. Even wear these stupid mouse ears.

  Stephanie is my Achilles heel, and it scares the shit out of me. Before I met her, I thought I wasn’t capable of caring for another person. I had accepted my life of darkness and submerged myself into it. But then she came in and showed me there is light in this world, and I am worthy of feeling it.

  If anything were to happen to her…I don’t know what I’d do.

  “Let’s go, Shu Shu!” She grabs my hand and walks me towards some ride.

  I can’t help but grab her ass—it’s warm, so she’s wearing these tight shorts that hug her butt in the right places. She turns to me and pouts.

  “There are kids here!”

  If she’s not careful I’m going to put a kid in her. She looks hot as hell today, and I don’t have any condoms on me. It won’t stop me from taking her onto a dark ride and pumping her full of my come.

  My cock starts to stiffen. I may try that if I get the chance. Is there a Disneyland equivalent of the mile-high club?

  * * *

  It’s been hours, and I haven’t found a chance to join the Disneyland mile high club. I’d bet the company makes it impossible because there are plenty of horny bastards like me who can’t go five hours without fucking their girlfriend. Ugh. I’ll just wait until we get home, I guess.

  I’m not sure what’s worse, that or the It’s A Small World ride. The annoying, high pitched song was stuck in my head for thirty minutes afterwards. Not only is the song terrible, but the ride has stupid mechanical puppets that dance and sing it. Whoever designed that ride needs to collaborate with me to torture people.

  Another eight-year-old scoffs at me. I don’t need a reminder how ridiculous I look in these ears. For the umpteenth time today, I shoot the kid a look that strikes fear into his bones. He starts to cry and runs to his mom, and his siblings make fun of him.

  “Oh, I wonder why he’s crying,” Stephanie says. “He’s at Disneyland. He should be having a great time.”

  “No idea,” I say. “Probably just tired.”

  I suddenly realize how sleepy Stephanie looks. “I’m thirsty,” she says.

  I wrap my arm around her, and she relaxes into me. The girl has been go go go all day, and hasn’t sat down once. It’s been hot, so the heat is finally catching up to her.

  “Let’s get a drink,” I murmur in her ear.

  We walk to a food cart, and I keep my arm around her. She’s a bit wobbly from being dehydrated and the last thing I want is for her to fall over. I order us a bottle of water and large fruit punch, and then walk her to sit down on a bench.

  Stephanie quietly sips on the fruit punch as I stroke her back. I stop. Who am I, and where has Shudevil gone? I don’t do this. I’ve never helped or consoled in my life. But as Stephanie leans into me, I know she’s taught me that somewhere, I’ve always been able to.

  But only for her. It will always be for her.

  “Let’s take photobooth pictures!” she exclaims.

  “Are you ready to stand up yet?” I ask.

  “Mhm. I want to keep going!”

  She wants to keep going, but we’ve only been sitting for five minutes. Stephanie needs to rest more. There’s no way we’re standing up, or we’ll be sitting down again in twenty minutes because she’s exhausted.

  “I want to sit ten more minutes,” I lie.


  I see Stephanie people watching. Her eyes flit over the Disney-bounders, groups of pre-teens, and dads pushing strollers.

  “Look how cute those twins are,” she says. “They’re wearing Anna and Elsa outfits.” She smiles and pushes a tendril of hair that fell out of her ponytail out of her face. “Ugh, they’re adorable. I hope I have twins one day.”

  With how badly I want to be
in her bare, she may just get them. I know I’ll fill her to the brim with my come if she lets me in.

  “I mean um,” she starts to play with her hands, and I know she’s embarrassed that she brought up kids. “When I’m older and stuff.”

  I must have kids one day. Antonio expects me to keep the family going. I always figured I’d adopt one, just like he did to Taime and I. But, his circumstances are a bit different. He’s unable to have kids. After years of trying with his wife they found out Antonio is infertile.

  So, he hand selected Taime and I, knowing we’d be the best successors. I have a feeling he won’t let me go the adoption route. Antonio is very much about bloodlines, and now that he considers me his blood, he won’t let me adopt one and change it.

  I’m going to make a terrible parent, because I don’t know how to love anything. Plus, who would want The Devil’s baby inside of them?

  Stephanie leans into my chest, and for a moment, I picture her stomach swollen with my child. She’d make a great mom. The girl would love the baby enough for the both of us.

  I freeze. I can’t believe I just pictured Stephanie carrying a baby. What has this girl done to me?

  “Photobooth pictures?” she asks.

  She’s smiling at me, completely unaware I was visualizing her pregnant with our kid. If she had, she’d be looking at me very different.

  I clear my throat. “Yeah.”

  * * *

  It’s nighttime, and I bought Stephanie a balloon. It’s so over the top. It’s a giant, clear balloon, and the inside has a red Mickey head with lights. I saw her eying one and wanted to get it for her.

  “This is so cool,” she squeals at we walk out of the park.

  “I’m glad you like it,” I respond.

  We hold hands as we walk through Downtown Disney. This is what I want. To feel like a normal couple, instead of a mafia member protecting a girl.

  Stephanie has been stopping to take pictures of us all day. Most of the time they’re selfies, but I get so embarrassed every time she asks someone to take a picture of us. She stops another stranger to take a picture of us by a giant Mickey head.

  She surprises me when she kisses me in the photo. It’s rather bold of her—she doesn’t initiate public displays of affection like that most of the time. I pose for the photo and kiss back, the Mickey balloon positioned perfectly between us. Stephanie thanks the stranger for taking our photo and we keep walking towards the car.

  We’re the only two in the parking garage as we walk to my car. I don’t like how quiet it is. I’ve been in enough situations to know when something is wrong, and the alarm is sounding right now. Stephanie is babbling about Disneyland and I hush her.

  I position myself in front of Stephanie and scan the parking garage. There’s someone here. I don’t see them, but I can sense them. She trembles behind me and holds the hem of my shirt.

  There. I see the tiniest sliver of someone’s head through a car window. They’re ducking behind the car, prepared to use it for cover.

  “Stay here,” I push Stephanie behind another car, and her balloon flies out of her hand.

  “Bu—” she starts.

  “And stay quiet,” my voice is hushed.

  She nods, and I see her eyes fill with tears. I know what they’re saying. Be careful. Don’t get hurt. I can read her thoughts half the time just by looking into her eyes.

  My hand instinctively reaches for my gun, but it’s not there. God dammit. Fuck Disneyland and their no gun policy.

  The fact that I spotted him tells me this guy isn’t that good. My only option at this point is to rush him. I just need to wait.

  I see the sliver start to slowly move towards the hood of the car, and I know he’ll be jumping out at any moment. I keep walking forward. There needs to be as little distance as possible between us if I’m going to rush him.

  He starts to come out from behind the car and I start to sprint. The man draws his gun, and I dodge left as he fires a bullet. There’s only two feet of space left.

  I tackle him before he has another chance to fire at me. I pin his right hand upwards, making sure the gun is pointed away from me. He starts to knee me in the stomach, trying to get my massive form off him.

  If Eduardo was trying to kill The Devil, he should’ve sent someone stronger. I grab the man’s right hand and position the gun so he’s holding it to his head. His eyes widen as he realizes how I’m about to kill him.

  This isn’t how I want to kill him. I want to take my fingers and gouge his eyes in. After he couldn’t see me, I’d make his death slow and painful because he tried to hurt her. Unfortunately, there are tons of kids around here, and a lot of security.

  “It’s not murder if you do it yourself, right?” I hiss.

  His finger is still on the trigger. I press down on his finger with mine and the gun goes off, spraying the contents of his head across the pavement.

  “Time to go, Steph,” I say as I stand up.

  She doesn’t respond.

  “Steph?” I say, a little louder. “We need to leave now.”

  Still no response. Fuck. There must’ve been two men, and one grabbed her while I was killing the other. I start to think of all the things I’m going to do to Eduardo once I get my hands on him. How dare he—

  Stephanie pokes her head out from behind a car. Tears run down her face, and she’s trembling as she looks at me.

  “Hey.” I jog over to her and pick her up. “Don’t cry. We’re fine. But we need to get out of here, ok?”

  She nods and wraps her arms around me as I hold her. I jog over to the car, and quickly buckle her into the passenger seat.

  Her balloon taps against the parking garage roof, completely forgotten.


  I watch Stephanie sleep soundly on my chest. Her breathing is quiet, and I can tell she’s in a deep sleep. I’m not surprised, after last night.

  She didn’t handle it well. Stephanie sobbed in the shower for thirty minutes how she almost killed us, and it was her fault for wanting to go on a date. I held her close to me and whispered reassuring words to her until she was out of tears.

  She’s too delicate for this world. And here I am, pulling her into it. I’m protecting her and hurting her at the same time, and it fucking kills me.

  I’m gently stroking her spine as her eyes flutter open.

  “Morning,” she mumbles.

  “Good morning Sleeping Beauty.”

  She flinches when I say it. Fuck. I shouldn’t have said anything Disney related after last night.

  “Sorry,” I say.

  “S’ok.” She snuggles into my chest. “I never said thank you for saving me. So…thank you.”

  It’s my job. But even if it wasn’t my job, I still would protect her. I’ll fight whoever or whatever threatens this girl. But I don’t know how to tell her that.

  “No problem.” I push a strand of her auburn hair away from her face.

  I realize we didn’t put clothes on after the shower. Her naked body is pressed against mine, and each perfect curve fits into me. My cock is nestled in the sweet spot between her legs, and her slit grazes across my bare dick.

  I can’t help it. Blood rushes to my dick and it becomes stiff between her legs. I let out an involuntary moan as she shifts, and the gap between her legs teases my length.

  “Good morning to him too,” Stephanie giggles, and starts placing kisses along my neck.

  I know she’s feeling the same way. Wetness has started to drip from between her thighs onto my hardness, and I’m pumping myself faster against her legs.

  She lets out a gasp as I cup her breast and tweak the nipple. I grab the small nub, massaging it between my fingers. Stephanie moans and starts to grind herself against my length, silently begging for me to enter.

  “Shu,” she whines, and opens her legs.

  That’s all I need. I pin her to the bed and take a moment to admire her body. It’s so fucking perfect.

  I bring my lips to hers and
furiously kiss her, wanting to scream my need for her, but being unable to. My tongue runs along her lips and begs for entry, and I devour her when she lets me in. Mine.

  She breaks away from the kiss, gasping for air. I pull her back to me, crushing my lips against hers. I’ll never let her escape. Stephanie will be mine forever.

  I grab the outside of her thighs and push them forward. Her slit is swollen with her desire leaking out of her, begging to be taken. I hook her legs over my shoulders and position myself at her entrance.

  “Condom?” Stephanie asks.

  “Fuck the condom,” I growl.

  I’ve wanted to feel her bare since the first time I entered her. It’s something I haven’t experienced with another girl. I want my first time feeling the extreme ecstasy with no barrier to be her. It’s not because of how tight she is. When I have sex with her, I have feeling that I’ve never experienced with anyone else.

  I bury myself inside of her, and she arches against the sheets. I know I’m big for her, and she always has to adjust to me. It’s so fucking hot, the way she squirms against the sheets as she accommodates my massive length.

  “That does feel good,” she whispers, referring to the lack of condom.

  Yes, it fucking does. I didn’t realize how much pleasure that latex barrier stopped. As I thrust in and out of her wetness, I know I will never be inside of her with one again.

  I grab her hips and pound into her with a desire I didn’t know I had. She bites her lip as she looks at me while I fuck her. When she lets out a whimper, I almost lose it. But I will never come before her. I lick my thumb and circle her clit, and Stephanie lets out a cry.

  Her walls spasm over my cock, and she starts to scream my name. Stephanie is loud when she comes, and I fucking love it. She always speaks in a quiet tone, but when I have her in bed, she becomes a screaming mess for me.

  I feel my orgasm build, and I know I should pull out. But, as I see Stephanie writhe under me, it becomes impossible. I thrust all the way in and release my come deep within her womb. The warmth fills her abdomen, and I keep myself in place so none can trickle out.

  She’s mine. Fuck the neck kisses, or the ring I bought. I’ve now marked her with my seed.


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