Rewriting Stella

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Rewriting Stella Page 6

by Tuttle, Dan;

  “I don’t get how some outsiders imposed

  an overriding dibs.” At loggerheads

  with cashier’s stance, she’d angered. “Stel, it’s cash.

  It isn’t you. They pay more.” “Eggs are cheap!”

  “It’s like you told me, messages take flash.

  Our local pocketbooks don’t run too deep,

  But glitzy foreign travelers arrive

  and want a curio? Locals contrive


  to get it on the market.” Stel looked down,

  sun since declined and left the scene to cool.

  But one fluorescent-lit glow showed the town

  that commerce now competed with night’s ghouls.

  To Stel’s delight, she knew its source next door!

  The dry goods store that Stella once approached

  to make BLING’s collar rose to rich, from poor,

  and bloomed in city’s rented space. “Let’s broach

  the thought we’re here to buy, while other climbs

  to second floor from back door, then can sneak

  across the clothesline.” “Brilliant. I think I’m

  more suited to distract aground.” Physique

  suggested so. “Pull the heartstrings of the gent

  who ran me from his shop in discontent.”


  The opened door revealed a man confused.

  He thought he recognized the lass – or lad? –

  but could not place kid properly. Child oozed

  an air of pity, shirts thrice patched with pad

  and stitches showing poverty of purse.

  Most parents in those parts would doubtless pay

  for new attire for children uncoerced,

  if only having means so that they may.

  “I never give to beggars,” explained he,

  determined mug as mask. It weakened when

  the visitors stayed silent, stood, no plea.

  “Mere children? Ugh, take fifty shillings then.

  God’s blessed me hundredfold with skill imbued,

  for Him I’ll share small riches I’ve accrued.”


  “I’ve come to pay my debts,” the left one said,

  and offered up a thousand shilling note.

  “I’ve worried and for months been filled with dread

  because I broke your mop. I did devote

  a lengthy stretch of time to learning how

  to build street toys and sell them, as to save

  sufficient money that would then allow

  me to return. Forgive, I’ve misbehaved.”

  Her outstretched monied hand was left unmet

  by matching hand from Anton, thunderstruck.

  “Dear girl, these minor things are to forget.

  My anger was my fault. Your blunder? Luck.

  You’ll give me not one coin. In fact, I owe

  you for clean floors. Please, browse what’s here on show.”


  He took them in and showed them the expanse

  of goods he’d come to sell in larger shop.

  “I’ll pay in kind for what you’ve done, financed

  with interest.” “What’s the price on what’s atop

  the mounted bustard bust in corner there?”

  asked Ab, who had a hunch the pieces would

  be just the thing for aerial affairs.

  “Those harnesses?” asked Anton as he stood

  to reach them. “Price is nothing. Now they’re yours.

  Be careful with the straps, make sure you close

  the buckles tightly as to help ensure

  against an accidental fall.” “I know

  precisely how that feels,” Abu said, winked,

  accepted, backed through front door, tour succinct.


  As Anton interacted with Abu

  young Stella snuck out back and up the stairs

  where, lacking harness, she began to rue

  that she’d been tasked with climbing; Abu, wares.

  But skill returned, as skill is wont to do,

  when called upon in life, though unawares,

  and thus her inter-building climb debut

  was swift and safe and smooth and unimpaired.

  She reached the window, plopped in, curtains drew,

  then tripped and hit the floor, which dust had layered.

  She coughed, got up, and tiptoed downstairs through

  scoped store and hoped that she was solitaire.

  With pilfered eggs collected, she escaped

  through courtyard, sootlike dust on most parts caked.


  With conscience clear and karma good to boot,

  the kids could hardly wait to go return

  to bird her pastel nest of eggy loot.

  However, rain made grip strength a concern

  since they’d been grounded now for weeks and weeks.

  They chose to lay low, train at home until

  convinced they’d rebuilt some of prior physique.

  The stealth of tiny exercises filled

  the need for modicum of questing thrill.

  Such practice hiding secrets, fun when young,

  runs risk of long descent on steep downhill:

  when too good, secrets weave the blanket clung.

  For now, they trained their hands and tightened grip

  on story they’d restore eggs to kinship.


  You should have seen the pair at sunrise when

  they met to slog through bush on righteous quest

  to reunite the bird with eggs again.

  Each, every minor detail was addressed:

  they’d layered as to insulate from cold,

  they’d ropes and harnesses to access air,

  they’d rubberized their shoes to better hold

  tight grip to trees, foregoing falling scares.

  A comic inspiration meant from belts

  they’d hung machete pangas, tinder, light,

  as if Paul Bunyan into Batman melts,

  turns light survivalist from once-Dark Knight.

  And even BLING was equally bedecked,

  clad snout to tail in sisal for the trek.


  With baobabs left at lower altitude,

  the genus of Dalbergia filled space.

  Its species melanoxylon previewed

  mahogany and blackwood interlaced,

  with vines that hung with artificial weight,

  themselves the hosts for parasitic moss,

  the scene a floral war, and yet sedate

  to viewer seeing only groves’ green gloss.

  The undergrowth was thicker than they’d thought,

  they thanked the fates they’d left at day’s first glow

  so trudging through this vast botanic wat

  with footstep light would let them, quid pro quo

  escape without calamity, unlike

  when nature Abu’s first night out did strike.


  Expecting BLING most surefoot of the bunch,

  the treasured eggs Stel housed upon his back

  in pouch positioned past where he could munch

  his fur to quell an itch or flea attack.

  And good thing, too, for forty minutes hence

  a hidden root protruded from the dirt

  that sent poor Stella face-first in the dense

  and matted mud and leaf atop the chert.

  The fall would surely cause an egg to burst—

  her gadgets, thankfully, were more robust.

  While prostrate there, she found she was headfirst

  atop a piece of jasper, colored rust.

  She bagged the ground-bound token as earth’s mild

  memento of their sojourn in the wild.


  Stel’s eyeballs ranged unstopping ’round the soup

  of life face planted in. She lacked right words
  for how close-up inspection ever-duped.

  A decade out she’d name them, overheard

  in lyrics from Fiasco—he said that:

  see big worlds have their little worlds that feed

  on their velocity. Stel saw how gnats

  gnawed carrion, in turn fed bigger breeds

  from vaster canopies. The rap went on,

  said little worlds have lesser worlds and so

  on to viscosity. Those fractal spawn

  invisible to Stella’s eye, earth’s slow

  yet macroscopic brilliance did enchant,

  Vanilla Sky-like memory bright implant.


  The trail they traced was hardly that, made more

  by measured stomping of their boot and paw.

  They hadn’t fully bushwhacked heretofore,

  swung pangas, hacking clear path route through maw.

  Not everything was lost with snail-like pace,

  in fact, they found themselves more apt to see

  the depth and breadth of life that hastes debase

  as humans toward their destinations speed.

  Post-fall Stel felt like she’d donned spectacles

  that showed all living things in more detail,

  from beetles’ colored wings to specks that, dull,

  reveal each tiny insect’s treaded wales.

  The fascinating microscopic scale

  allowed the time to simply, past her, sail.


  Found scaled-down splendor led to equipoise

  between Stel’s looking up and looking down,

  eyes flitting to and fro to grasp the joys.

  Young Stel became the first to see the gown

  of leaf and vine, of branches twisted thick

  that draped itself upon the banyans there,

  presiding over open bailiwick

  with stoic stateliness of legionnaire.

  Their goal within the reach of eye and arm,

  they shuffled up to trunk with haversacks,

  equipment reminiscent of gendarmes

  at camp in preparation for attack.

  Assault instead meant climbing to replace

  the eggs into their mother’s twig airbase.


  Stel’s still-held shoulder chip about the wall

  at Gumi’s meant she’d trained the toughest grips,

  so kids agreed that Stella’d do the haul

  of treasure strapped to puppy strapped to hip.

  The buckles buckled, clasps clasped tightly too,

  then second safety check for conscience’s sake,

  and she was ready for the rendezvous.

  She feigned a confidence she hoped would make

  a difference in performance, having heard

  accomplishment is rooted in the brain,

  success when visualized is then transferred

  to muscles, which obey as preordained.

  The folds in bark were deep and would hold fast.

  Stel gulped, and prayed this climb not be her last.


  The first few steps, her muscles moved in sync,

  precisely what she’d asked them all to do,

  each working automatically. To think

  would override fluid instinct, cause miscue.

  And think she did when realizing eight

  feet from the ground she was again airborne,

  with simple harness to alleviate

  the fears of gravity she’d wished forsworn.

  Abu, aground, astonished was aware

  from furrowed brow and carriage of his friend

  that laden climb to her was not nightmare

  but also not a thing she’d recommend.

  His skyward gaze before hers saw a shape

  that aimed to divebomb her through broad leaves’ gape.


  Said boss was albatross by wingspan, swept

  through gap in canopy with wings tucked in,

  an avian device to intercept

  exposed and helpless Stella. Her luck, then,

  she didn’t see this thunderbolt en route

  else she’d have justifiably freaked out,

  and leaped from branch in hope of parachute

  effect from harness. But, untested, doubts

  persisted as to whether it would hold,

  and both hoped not to use it at that height.

  Rich in her ignorance, Stel stayed controlled

  despite the pending pull into dogfight.

  Her friend below on guard as air patrol

  stood stunned as if the bird his breath had stole.


  The impact feared approached as instants passed

  and yet the time felt slower than a sloth,

  like Spaceman Spiff dialed death-ray gun broadcast

  from liquidate to frappé back to froth.

  Our stoic Abu nearly wet his slacks

  when realizing beastly beak’s fine curve

  directly on a line toward Stella’s back—

  the impact, though, avoided by a swerve!

  A microsecond following the twist,

  its length the lag of sound behind the light,

  Abu heard YIP! as BLING the bird dismissed,

  and Stella, now aware, did expedite

  her climb to place of safety, where her heart

  in frightened palpitations did restart.


  A glance back up the tree to Stella’s perch

  revealed one frightened face, four jitt’ry limbs.

  Sat paranoid in fear of second lurch,

  she raced through expletives and synonyms

  in stressed attempt to calm. Her mind, at speed

  ran through the acts of Pioneers to date,

  adrenaline accelerating deed

  in search of memories she could emulate

  to extricate herself from doomsday dread.

  She thought of jasper found aground. (Sweet ground,

  its stillness and consistency…) Thoughts sped

  to first night with Abu: cliffs did surround,

  but he’d stayed cool. Yes. How? Slowed breath to steer

  like Bene Gesserit transcending fear.


  Why, yes, she thought, my memory’s so distinct

  and clear because back then I thought it odd

  a single ritual so plain, succinct

  transmuted seething soul to calm façade.

  So, bird encircling for a second pass,

  she closed her eyes and focused on her nose,

  while hands instinctively gripped planty mass.

  She breathed in, Yoda calmness tried impose.

  A tension in the air was palpable –

  whether from nerves or lack of pep, or tree

  unused to hosting dog and gal – doubled

  when juxtaposing zen and jeopardy.

  Yet ounce by ounce her body gained a peace

  and from her anxious prison, self released.


  Inside she found a certain clarity

  hid deep in tempest of her stormy mind.

  (In fact, such vastness of disparity

  was worth review by later humankind.)

  Such halo of lucidity made keen

  her brains and eyes and ears and sense of touch,

  the chroma like a dose of mescaline,

  the confidence to slack white-knuckled clutch.

  She realized her instincts served her well,

  and looked down lengthy branch she sat astride

  to see the nest. But no one could propel

  her safely out to it, since she’d provide

  an easy target for a second swoop,

  and so she paused on arboreal stoop.


  She reached behind her back, removing BLING

  and petting him with gratitude. He’d seen

  the monster thing glide down on striking wings

  and fier
cely barked and forced it to careen.

  The structure of the satchel with the eggs

  was flimsy stuffing in a carton piece,

  the tangled parched grass padding bled its dregs

  out top, where cinch of string had been released.

  A zipper they’d preferred to use, but cash

  was short and ingenuity was long,

  so after sifting through the neighbor’s trash

  they’d put a cord where zipper did belong.

  The wisdom, though, was baked in by design:

  she’d turn it to delivery dragline!


  She thanked the lucky stars she’d trained BLING well

  and buckled him and double-checked his ropes:

  one slack loop ’round the branch, run parallel

  to give a falling safety envelope,

  and one to keep in Stella’s hand to pull

  precisely when the goods had reached their home,

  depositing exactly one bagful

  of eggs alongside brethren chromosomes.

  Without delay, she sent BLING down thin bough

  on which he’d balance. She could not hold her

  frame on it, lest the bird’s swoop disendow

  of shelled kin, flipping savior saboteur.

  The dog trod lightly, bothered not one whit,

  as if among the monkeys he could fit.


  Bird shadows sliced leaf-mottled sun, its drift

  from left to right showed indecision, torn

  between a striking dive or thermal lift,

  both curious and guarding its unborn.

  Maternal instincts struck and guided act,

  as bird turned sharply, tucked again in bomb,

  suspicious that intruder would ransack

  the stout nest over which she reigned as mom.

  BLING crouched down low, stuck belly to the bough,

  put both ears back and steadied for a fight,

  his stance as fearsome as his size allowed.

  The bird approached. BLING’s posture wasn’t quite

  sufficiently pugnacious to dissuade

  the striker, who’d seen right through his charade.


  Split second prior to impact, sidewise jump

  saved BLING a talon’s gutting there a-branch.

  His claws deployed in haste gouged out a lump

  of wood, burst brittle barklet avalanche.

  In spite of that noteworthy nimbleness,

  his gear was not as unscathed as his skin.

  So close was call that bird had pilfered this:

  the pogo patch that Stel’d on backpack pinned.

  In leap he’d shifted closer to the roost

  that housed the brethren of the eggs he bore;

  a single further step, then Stella loosed

  the string that closed the pouch’s egg backdoor.

  Though eggs arrested in twig cradle, BLING

  mistakenly stepped into one gold ring!


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