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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

Page 3

by Michael Reynolds

  The girl's face was twisted in a grimace of the most bizarre form of ecstasy. "Oh, go on ... it feels sooo good ... oohhh, that's it ... stick in your tongue ... aahhh..." She raised her groin and when she felt the peak, her breasts rolled wildly on her expansive rib cage. "Ahhhh. ... "

  The eruptions were back-breaking as the blonde hair twisted in her movements. "Ohhhh..." She felt the same liquid release as the peeping Alice.

  When it was over, the two mumbled other words which could not be heard by Alice J.

  That was when several police prowl cars started coming down the street. There were flashlights and calls of, "Get moving ... go on ... out of here. ... "

  For a moment, Alice felt a panic. What if she were caught? She had to crouch down low behind a hedge and remain there until the prowl cars as well as several of the other parked cars had gone away.

  Then she returned home.

  COMMENT: Alice J. eventually divorced her husband. The sexual frustration was basically her own since she experienced increasing frigidity that made sex a burden rather than a joy. She realizes that she has incest fears which she wishes to have treated. She also realizes that her compulsive voyeurism is so great, she finds she cannot obtain any form of stimulation by other means.

  "I won't even masturbate unless I'm able to peep. I just can't get sexually stimulated by any method except peeping."

  Intensive therapy is aimed at removing the incest fears, the penis envy and helping to restore her feelings of having sex without guilt. Eventually, it is hoped, she will find another male who will be sympathetic and help her in her struggle to achieve freedom from peeping.

  CHAPTER TWO - Lesbians Who Are Peeping Janes

  "I hide in the department store's fitting room and peep into the stalls, looking at naked women who try on lingerie. The sight of naked breasts makes me horny. Then I masturbate while peeping. I don't get that much of a thrill if I am in the room with a naked girl. It's more of a kick if I peep on them in secret."

  Janice R., age 24, Lesbian store clerk

  The lesbian, or female homosexual, is an individual who has desires for members of her own sex. She often displays a mannish attitude and will even perform, with mannish aggressiveness, during an intimate sex act with a girl. Because of her fervent desire to emulate a man, she is often the victim of what was once considered an all-male perversion, namely peeping.

  Here is a partial transcript of a tape recorded interview session of young Janice R., a lesbian store clerk, who was apprehended while peeping upon several office girls who were fitting on panties as well as the more revealing type of panty hose. When caught, Janice R. was arrested by the store detective and it was only when she agreed to submit to therapy that she was saved from legal punishment.

  DOCTOR: When did you first have this desire to peep upon naked girls?

  JANICE: When I was very young, about ten or eleven years of age. I was an only child. My father treated me like a boy, played games with me, taught me horseback riding, hunting, outdoor camping. I guess he wanted me to be the son he never had. I always had a mannish way about sex. I liked looking at girls. When I was ten, I was sent to an all-girls camp and found myself getting excited to peep at the other naked girls in other tents. It would feel all goose pimply to see their budding breasts. I like a very young girl who is naked. She has no pubic hair and her (vagina) is completely exposed. It makes me red hot!

  DOCTOR: When was your first sexual experience with a girl?

  JANICE: It was with a school nurse. I went to an exclusive all-girls school, by the way. That isolated me from boys, made me all the more girl-obsessed. The school nurse had me wait in another room while she examined a girl. I peeped through the keyhole. It made me get hot to see this girl, about fourteen or fifteen, strip flesh naked. She had a little hair on her groin. She was a genuine blonde girl and that made her all the more "clean" with less hair, if you know what I mean. Anyway, seeing her naked bottom, the way she would bend over when the nurse told her, those lovely soft breasts and pink nipples, all turned me on. I got hot as all get out.

  DOCTOR: But what about your first lesbian experience? I have to proceed in an orderly manner, Janice, and I must have direct answers to my questions.

  JANICE: (Impatiently.) All right, all right, I'm just leading up to it. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the peeping on the girl made me get hot. I had the feeling I was looking on something taboo. That makes it all the more exciting. Anyway, after I was called into the examining nurse's room, I was so tingly, I could scarcely control myself. The peeping had done that.

  I got undressed, then when the nurse poked and touched me, I almost had an orgasm. She looked at my groin and saw that I masturbated a lot. Don't ask me how she knew, but doctors can tell by the way the vaginal lips are bruised or pinched with some lacerations. She said it was unhealthy to do it and she threatened to put it down on my medical file.

  I was scared and hot at the same time! I mean, to have her palm my groin, to cup my breasts and pat my swollen nipples; add that to getting hot by peeping-wowie!!

  So I told her I'd do anything if she would keep quiet about it. She made a proposition. That's right. She was a real hot lesbian! She started to stick her fingers into me, then she went down on me. Did me, right there! Wow! Was that ever-lickin' good! I must have gone off at least twice! But I was always scared the nurse would say something. I didn't fool with her again.

  DOCTOR: Without peeping as a stimulant, would you feel sexually stimulated?

  JANICE: Not especially. I don't dig men, that's for sure, but I like to peep on them (a case history follows), yet I get hot by peeping on naked girls. I would like to watch a couple of girls or even a girl-boy combo, making the scene, but I don't have the nerve to peep into a bedroom.

  DOCTOR: Now, tell me about the events that led up to your peeping in the dressing room...


  Janice R. was a dress designer who had access to just about every part of the huge department store in which she worked. She preferred loitering around in the lingerie department because the girls who tried on some of the very intimate wearing apparel would often put on skin tight panties or flesh-colored tights that would require denuding their groins completely. It also called for baring the breasts.

  One early afternoon, when Janice saw a pair of long legged young girls go into the private fitting room, while carrying a pair of panty hose and some other intimate skin-caressing items. The two girls had bouncy bottoms; they wore see-through blouses which gave evidence of rich, uptilted breasts. Just seeing them made Janice R. grow tingly with excitement. She decided to sneak into an adjoining room which was more of a storage supply room, than anything else.

  Here, amidst the mops, brooms, various supplies, she stood atop a bucket and then peeped through a small hole which had been bored by a peeping predecessor. Because the walls were thin, the voices could be heard easily.

  Janice heard the long-legged brunette say, "I'll try on these flesh-colored scanties. My boy friend gets so horny when he strips me down to them. Honestly, he just gets as hard as a rock," she giggled. She had already begun slipping out of her dress. She unhooked her bra, letting her red-nipple crested breasts bounce free. The breasts were the shape of enormous pears with twigs that poked impudently.

  The other girl said, "Just wait until you get on your honeymoon, dear. You'll get tired of men with big (slang word for erection) wanting to poke you. Men can be such a bore."

  The second girl slipped out of her pants suit, then worked down her panties and unhooked her bra. She shook her heavy hanging breasts, then cupped them. "This is what they want, just let them lick and suck these nubbies and they can get hard as a rock." With a slur, she patted her raised podex, fingered her pubic thatch lewdly. "It's best if you can get a man who'll (vernacular for cunnilingus) and bring you off that way. Feels real good to have a hot tongue on you, bringing you way up to the sky." She laughed and looked dour. "My husband just stuffs his
(erection) into my (vagina) and as soon as he (ejaculates), then he pulls out, pats me and it's over. Honest, if I didn't use a candle or soda pop bottle to shove in and out, I'd go crazy."

  Hearing all this, peeping Janice felt an experience akin to that of ants crawling up and down her insides. She had already lifted up her skirt, peeled down her panties. When her fingertips touched her vagina, it sent a shudder of voluptuous sensation streaming through her loins.

  In muted breath, she said, "Go on, girls, wiggle around as you get into your panties. I like to see the way your buttocks get nice and taut as you push your (vagina) into the crotch of the panties."

  The first girl, obviously the unmarried one, was now getting into her flesh-colored scanties. Bending over, the enormous virginal-like breasts were like huge melons from a bough. The nipples were spreading areolas, with moist rocky ridges and crevices.

  "Well, I let my boy friend tongue me a little; I have to admit, I do it to him, too. It's a safe birth control device," she giggled. "Sometimes, he does it to me in the back. But he says it's too tight that way and it's kind of queer to him. He admitted he did it to a few queers when he was hard up."

  Hearing the lewd talk made Janice all the more stimulated. She was now on tiptoe on the upturned can and strained her eyes to see the way the two girls were innocently naked.

  "What a pair of beauts on the girl who isn't married," she whispered. "And that nice snatch ... I'd like to (she whispered coarse lewd words to herself regarding an act of lesbian cunnilingus) and really make her feel sky rockets."

  She kept inserting her forefinger and middle finger, as a wedge, in and out of her quivering female orifice. Janice was not ordinarily aroused as speedily but it was the peeping that made her vividly stimulated.

  (COMMENT: In later consultations, she said that she liked to dream-illusion putting her mouth on a girl's moving torso, particularly the vagina. She said that when she peeped, she was especially stimulated by a moving girl, rather than a naked one who, for example, might be stretched out on a bed and immobile. The movements brought muscular sinews into play and the twitching of the female privates created a special stimulation for Janice R.)

  "Come on," she said to herself as she felt perspiration drip down her body, "go on, bend over ... I'll get so hot, I'll go off right in my hand."

  The second girl was now slithering into the panty hose, her lyre-shaped buttock cheeks parting and flaring in female-stallion undulation. The dividing gorge became nakedly and rather lewdly exposed. It was a moment of sheer aphrodisia.

  Peeping Janice moaned as she saw the raw slice of the girl's rump and she felt a warning spasm. "Ooohhh, I can't hold back ... " in a screwed up tight voice. A hammer slammed at the base of her head. Her heart pounded in her throat.

  "I sure wish I could suck. ... "

  The movements of masturbation were so frantic that just as peeping Janice was about to have the clitoral-abrasive orgasm, she lost her footing.

  There was a crash.

  From the adjoining room, the girls were heard to say, "Goodness, is someone in there?"

  The next Janice knew, she was being taken down to the administrative offices and submitted to the most embarrassing oral examination.

  When she consented to have therapy, she faced the choice of a scandalous and branding imprisonment, or else she could be treated and when showing signs of a response, she would be released from probation. Her career appears ended. It is doubtful if she will get references to be able to work in another department store. She does say she will have to change her name, move to another city and try to start all over again.

  Here is another partial transcript about Janice's progress after several months of almost twice-weekly therapy:

  DOCTOR: Do you think you would be able to surrender, sexually, to a man and enjoy normal or heterosexual relations, Janice?

  JANICE: I don't think I could be a sex stud piece to a man. My father brought me up to make me wish I would have been a boy. I feel rather boyish or masculine, sexually speaking. If a man tried to (intercourse), it would make me feel degraded and cheap. Also, I would feel that I was giving in to him. No, Doctor, I like being a lesbian. With a woman, I can command the sex act. With a man, I have to obey him-and that, I won't do.

  DOCTOR: Are you able to become sexually stimulated when looking at a man, while peeping, that is?

  JANICE: Oh, it gives me a little charge to peep into a man's dressing room. I like to see an unsuspecting man in his birthday suit. It gives me a thrill. But not like it would with a woman.

  DOCTOR: Apparently, you seek to lord it over a man and you feel superior to see his naked genitals, knowing that it would probably embarrass him if he ever found out. It's a form of sexual degradation. I imagine you would become sexually aroused if you could place yourself in a dominating position and force a man to stand naked before you. That is your way of emphasizing your superiority over him.

  JANICE: (At this, she is reluctant to speak but from fragments, it appears she has had such dreams and nightmares.) Well, when I was a kid, I'd sort of dream ... I mean, day dream ... and I'd imagine myself a powerful Amazon who had captured those powerful Greek gladiators. I'd strip them naked and force them to masturbate in front of all the watching girls. Or, I'd force some of the men to sodomize the others, use them like women.

  COMMENT: Frequently, Janice explains she is troubled with such nightmares. It is a form of castration. That is, in her dreams, she is forcing a stud male to sodomize another male, using him like a woman; in effect, it is a form of castration. This relates to her penis-envy because, as a lesbian, she feels she is a man ... without a penis!)

  Janice resists therapy to relieve her aggressive-lesbian urges and this will require more treatment. She is beginning to ease her peeping urges. Therapy is aimed at saying, "If you can't have it, then why look at it?" One ray of hope is that she may form a physical lesbian relationship with another girl. This will be a start of easing her peeping. Then, treatment will be aimed at helping her make a heterosexual adjustment.

  ADDENDA: Janice says she has had a few lesbian attachments. She met femme-type girls in local "gay bars" or cocktail lounges. But she says that she still feels more excited if she can peep and masturbate. It is apparently a fixated physical sensation that has been the result of several years of pattern behavior. Treatment is aimed at helping her share the sexual experience instead of its becoming self-directed.

  PROGNOSIS: The peeping may be eased. The lesbianism may require more intensive therapy. The outlook is fair.

  * * *

  CASE STUDY FEMALE PEEPER: Carol W., age 19, a stockroom clerk.

  Young Carol had several rather bitter experiences with boys; when she was about sixteen, she went on a date with two boys who then forced her to submit to anal intercourse, saying it was "safe" and gave them "queer kicks." They were eventually apprehended by the authorities and sent away to a reformatory for a year. Through others, Carol learned that the two boys were forced to submit to anal intercourse under knife point by other prison inmates. This made Carol feel avenged. But at the same time, she dislikes all males.

  "I was sent away to a rest home where another girl had been sent because she was an alcoholic," says Carol. "The girl was a real swinging dyke. She taught me the book. Said the greatest thrill was making a girl 'come' in her mouth. She worked me over with her mouth, then made me use my tongue on her, too.

  "It was a groovy feeling. It sure beat having some ape of a boy stick his big thing in you and hurt you all the time."

  (COMMENT: In various sessions, it appears that Carol W., has an almost obsessive fear of being sexually hurt. While she was sodomized and her vagina remained untouched, she still has the fear that the same pain of anal intercourse will occur when she is vaginally penetrated. While anal sphincter muscular tissues are more constricted than those of the vaginal orifice, the girl maintains her morbid fear of having a male perpetrate intromission.

urthermore, in her emotional state, the other lesbian (the hardened dyke at the institution) was able to take advantage of her and initiate her into lesbian satisfaction. This created an even deeper psychosis.)

  Carol W., as a stockroom clerk, was curious about peeping. At one time, she overheard a few of the adolescent boys whisper-giggle about several peep holes in certain corridors that permitted voyeurism This alerted her to peeping. She had curious ideas about seeing other naked people.

  At the first opportunity, she hid herself in a very narrow air conditioning duct on the fifth floor of that city's leading department store.

  She was able to prop herself high up, to the ceiling high air vent and thereby peep into a dressing or try on room.

  "Of all the..." She felt the blood pound in her head, and there was a hot sensation that triggered a bullet-like feeling that erupted in voluptuous spasms. "That boy ... he's stark naked!"

  She found herself peeping into what was apparently the dressing or fitting room of an athletic goods department. She saw a well-built young high school boy, completely naked. He was well shaped, with broad shoulders, rippling biceps and a lean torso. She stared at the tufts of reddish-blonde hair that surrounded his pendulous penis and his low hanging testicles that swung impudently between his strong bronzed thighs. Seeing the intimate privates of the boy, the way his phallus grew slightly hard as he was trying on a jock strap, made the peeping Carol grow all hot and bothered.


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