Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969) Page 4

by Michael Reynolds

  The boy was oblivious to the peeper. He was about to try on the jock strap when his organ swelled. He looked ill at ease and nervous.

  Peeping Carol saw him give an aimless shrug, then he cupped his now-rigid and upstanding erection and started to slide his wet hand up and down the steel-like shaft.

  "He's...,playing with himself!" Carol was moaning as she watched what was ordinarily a most intimate scene. "He's going to do it right here. ... " She was never before so excited. She watched as the excited boy continued sliding his moist paw-like fist over his rigid protuberance. "He looks so ... excited, so red-faced," she said to herself.

  It was a bizarre peeping scene that thrilled Carol to the point where she would have masturbated except that she had inserted a tampon within her orifice and it would be difficult to fondle herself under such circumstances. This added to her frustration. She could only satisfy herself by peeping but not by masturbation. "He's going off ... . "

  She watched as the boy ejaculated onto the floor; it took several spasms as his hard-muscled buttock cheeks contracted with the rhythmic sensations. Then, he slowly grew flaccid.

  She watched as he wiped off his organ, then proceeded to try on the jock strap and other athletic gear, as if nothing had happened.

  Carol W. liked to peep upon unsuspecting persons. She related once having peeped upon a storeroom boy and a girl he brought into the hideaway.

  "They thought they were alone, and when they saw me, waved and said, 'Wanta see a free show?' They laughed as the girl pulled down her panties, and the boy opened his pants. He had a big erection right from the start. He hugged the girl; all the time they looked back at me, getting their kicks by my watching. Then, as the girl leaned back over a crate, with her feet on the floor, but from the waist up she was flat on a crate top, the boy stuck his erection into the soft, murky depths of her snatch. They both went at it like a pair of mules!"

  Carol says that she was not especially thrilled by this peeping. "It's the forbidden that I like. It's less of a thrill if they know I'm peeping and put on a show for me."

  Carol W. prefers peeping upon girls since this offers her a form of lesbian gratification. But her sexual activities are not fixated at the peeping level.

  "Sure, I groove with girls. I use my mouth or they can tongue me, too. But I get a big charge if I can peep on a girl. Still, I don't have to have peeping."

  This is inconsistent with her later activities. She was once peeping upon two lesbians in a basement and that was how she was caught. The lesbians ran out before the watchman could nab or identify them. Carol W. however, at this time, had been fondling her privates, with her working pants pulled down around her ankles. This made it most embarrassing.

  "That dirty old man of a watchman ... he forced me to let him (an oral-vaginal act) or else he wanted to tell on me. I had to let him. Ugh. It was disgusting to have his tongue all over me. I don't like men at all. But I had no choice."

  After that, Carol exercised greater caution. She occasionally peeps through the windows of all-girls hotels or special athletic clubs for girls. She has an emotional block that precludes permitting men to have satisfaction at her expense, so to speak. This leads to her lesbian compulsion.

  It is hoped that she will be able to ease her peeping, and make a heterosexual adjustment after being able to self-understand her fears of being hurt based upon her early anal-sodomizing experiences.

  SUMMATION: The female homosexual or lesbian seeks to emulate men on every level. They will frequently display such mannish sexual perversions as sadism and voyeurism. In an effort to be like men, they will invade the so-called all male world of all male perversions. It is the purpose of this report to create a self-understanding of the masculine drive behind peeping that is responsible for female voyeurism.

  CHAPTER THREE - The Peeping Schoolteachers

  "In our coed school, I peep upon boys in the shower room and girls in their locker room. I get my thrills that way. I have to suffer being surrounded all day with virile, young boys and girls while I have no sex life of my own. I've had a few disappointing sex experiences. Also, I've had to support my mother and invalid sister, ever since I can remember. I never had time for dates or fun, like other girls. Now, I feel bitter and lonely. Peeping is about all I can do to get some kind of thrill. There's no harm in it. I didn't bother the boys or girls, did I?"

  -Dotty W., schoolteacher, age 34.

  When she was apprehended, this prim, proper and rather bookish looking young schoolteacher gave the above as her reason for peeping.

  As for having caused "no harm," this is an invalid reason because several of the boys and girls who knew they were being peeped upon, were later given various emotional tests, (that is, tests designed to ferret out any emotional disorders) and found to have increasing desires at exhibitionism and frustration.

  Peeping is an invasion of privacy and it is an immoral, illegal and sexually degrading perversion.

  Dotty W. had very little social life, as she already reported. She was always a hard worker and would study hard to become a teacher. This involved long evenings at the library, and even later hours at home to study for tests.

  "Once, I was in the library bathroom and was able to stand up on a stool and look through an air vent, right into the men's room. It was not too pleasant since I don't especially like to see any man doing natural functions. But it made me grow excited. If I couldn't have it, at least I could look at it, I reasoned."

  She says that there were several times that male homosexuals would loiter around the bathroom. "I liked to peep as two of them made contact. A few times, I watched as a male homosexual would kneel before another male and then take out his erection and (perform fellatio). It was exciting. But I don't have to peep upon sexual activities. Just to see nakedness, while the others are unsuspecting, is thrill enough for me!"

  COMMENT: There is little doubt that Dotty's almost Spartan upbringing and sexless environment made her bitter and frustrated. She says that she would occasionally masturbate while looking at pictures of naked boys and girls in a smuggled-in nudist magazine, but that this was too "solitary." She was examined by a gynecologist (a physician who specializes in female problems) and according to electroencephologic tests, found to have a very low sexual curve. Her clitoris is very recessed and covered with a thick hood. In addition, she has very flat, almost boyish, breasts. She reports having had a few sexual experiences with males.

  "One was a janitor at a private library. He was in his late twenties, very good looking, but he was something of a dullard. I think he was retarded. He talked to me, then he took me to a little store room or something. Here, he pulled out his penis and asked me to play with him. I felt repulsed, but I was so sexually starved, I was willing to do anything.

  "I liked to touch that muscular member, to play with him while he moaned and winced. Men may be big brutes, but they're sensitive down there. I liked holding it in my hand and then playing with his testicles. They were as big as baseballs."

  Later, she let him perform intercourse on the floor. She had lifted her dress and slithered out of her panties. There was some pain but she said she was willing to endure it. She felt a slight tremor which she interpreted as an orgasm. "I felt cheap and sordid, after it was over," she says, "but I had to do it or go crazy!"

  There was another situation when a young cab driver flirted with her and then drove her to a cheap hotel. This, to use her own words, made her "feel like some dirty whore" but she went through with it, in desperation.

  "This time, the young cab driver made me feel better. I'll admit that. He undressed me, then played with me. It's so much better when both of you are nude, don't you know?

  "I was excited over his body, explored it, played with his genitals. He laughed and said it felt good to have a girl fool with him.

  "Then he licked and kissed me all over, and told me to do the same. When I said it was disgusting, he looked unhappy. He said it was the '
in' thing. Also, if I would take his thing in my mouth, he would twist his body around and take my (vagina) in his. That it was a terrific sensation to do it at the same time with your mouth."

  (COMMENT: This refers to the practice known as soixante-neuf or "69" as it is called.)

  Dotty says she succumbed to the temptation. "I took his thick rod in my mouth and felt choked. But the feel of his heavy hanging testicles against my jaw, and then the shock-pleasure of feeling a wet mouth on my vagina was just-ohhhhh, it was just great!"

  She felt the tingle of pre-coital orgasm sweep through her loins. The most pleasurable sensation overtook her loins. Every nerve was screaming. She felt a hammer slam at the nape of her neck.

  "Ohhhhhh, here it ... OOOOOOhhhhhhh!! ! ! "

  The young cab driver's body was ramrod stiff like that of a young athlete. He pounded the young schoolteacher, making guttural moans and grunts. "Oh, damn ... this is great ... yeeee ... ahhhh. ... " His handsome face was contorted in a rather bizarre tortured expression. Hs gasping lips planted themselves on Dotty's groin and his tongue caressed the tickling roof until the two erupted with a cataclysmic power. "OOOOOO

  It was the most provocative sensation that she could recall. The cab driver pulled himself wearily up and now he embraced her. His pounding and heavy breathing was tantamount to that of a speed racer.

  "Whew! You sure had it saved up," he gasped as his strong palms caressed her sweaty sides and then patted the raised mound of her womanhood. "Sure was a load. ... "

  She felt strangely displeased.

  "So did you. ... "

  She later recalls:

  "When I felt his ejaculation in my mouth, it was somewhat acrid and fetid. It made me feel so ... dirty and degraded! But the feeling of having him (perform cunnilingus) eased the feeling of being some cheap streetwalker. Still, it was something that did not add up to my dream of perfect love-satisfaction."

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Many female peepers are victims of a strange and immature dream-idea of a perfect mate. They are still dwelling in the undeveloped canyons of their pubertal minds. They want perfection in their mates and this creates frustration since it is impossible to find a mate to fit your dream-illusion. Thus, they seek a partial satisfaction out of voyeurism in that they can gaze upon nudity and sex activities, without any interference and with self-satisfaction that is interpreted as egotistic dream fulfillment.)

  Dotty says that she liked the cab driver and might have wanted to have more sessions with him and perhaps find a normal method, but the shock of discovering he was married soured her attitudes.

  "To make it worse, he told me that his wife was pregnant and he was so 'hard up' that he had to have a girl, any girl! I had to bite down my tears and hide my choked emotions. Is that all he thought of me? As a ... mouth on his (penis) to make him have an orgasm? I almost broke down and cried. I felt cheap and sordid! He said, as he drove me home, that he could have gone to a whore but liked regular girls. He said that he didn't care to (perform coitus) because he didn't want to risk getting a girl pregnant and getting himself in trouble!

  "There again-it was himself that he thought of, not of the girl or me. He even said that while his wife was pregnant, if he got the hots, she would either masturbate him or take it in her mouth but she did not like to do that."

  Dotty felt like slapping him, but she had to keep her emotions down. It just would not do to lose her temper. The nerve! she thought. His wife wouldn't suck him, but it's all right to make me do it!

  For days afterward, she retreated into her sexual shell and became introverted. Gradually, she again emerged and then started to peep upon the naked boys and girls.

  One afternoon, several of the boys (age group from eleven to fifteen) were in the shower room. She had a secret hiding place so she could get a real good view.

  "The boys were in their glorious nudity," she says with rising desire. "There's something so sensual to see the twelve and thirteen-year-old boys with hardly any pubic hair. So virile. Such symbols of innocent sex. A few have such long organs and such developed testicles, even though they're so timid and shy.

  "I get a special thrill out of knowing that I am looking at the nakedness of the same boys that I teach in my class. In fact, whenever a new boy comes into the school, I find myself wondering how he looks naked. Then when I do see him, it gives me such a feeling of power."

  (COMMENT: Here it is obvious that Dotty seeks a form of sexual mastery and she does this by sublimating her urges into secret voyeurism. It is as if she is MENTALLY RAPING the boy and thereby asserting her mastery over him through naked humiliation.)

  "As for looking at the naked girls, it's a different reaction. They're usually more subdued than boys. They're shy. They don't strut about, showing off their sex organs as do boys at their discovery age. Rather, they're giggly and bashful and make little jokes about their budding breasts and their groins.

  "Sometimes, a girl will play with another in a lesbian act, but this is most rare. I think I would like to see nude girls have a lesbian session. It would be something unusual and exciting."

  She-likes the very young girls who symbolize virginity and purity because of no pubic hair.

  "One girl who has a big pair of prematurely developed breasts, and a baby face, also has a still-smooth vulva. Hardly a hair on it. I can see her clitoris and her labia majora as if it were right in front of me. I even have strange fantasies about seeing one of those hairless girls with a hairless boy, making it with each other. That sure would be something to see."

  She says she once saw a fourteen-year-old boy with a huge erection, still innocent about it (some male youths are emotionally puerile and still regard an erection as a natural phenomenon, unassociated with sex) walking around the locker room.

  "A few older boys," says Dotty, "jeered and laughed and one even grabbed the frightened boy's rigid member, and as another held him back, the first boy masturbated him. That's right. It must have been his first sexual experience and the boy was being publicly masturbated. I watched right through the entire scene as the ejaculation went all around. The nakedness of the hot and sensual youths was so overwhelming, that it made me almost weep in my lonely frustration. But I have to peep, don't you see? It's my only outlet."

  PSYCHOSEXUAL PROGNOSIS: Dotty W. was noticed by other teachers for having sneaked off to peeping sites and this led to her apprehension. She was recommended for emotional treatment. This is directed at first removing her rather dislike of actual sex. She is having her sexual urges redirected from peeping-passivism to actual participation with a normal male. It is encouraging to see that she is willing to respond and eventually it is believed that believe that she will be cured.

  CASE STUDY Frieda L.: age 25, high school coed teacher.

  SITUATION: Frieda L. is married and has one child. Her husband is not an especially amorous type. Further investigation revealed he is at least twenty years her senior and that they married because Frieda met him at a convention and in a wild moment, she gave in to him. Becoming pregnant, she was forced into the marriage. Her husband feels that he was trapped into it. This attitude plus his approaching middle age has created a form of impotence. Frieda is therefore forced to live a rather sexless life.

  "We may have sex every other week, but it takes him long to get an erection. He hardly plays with me or kisses me. I guess I can hardly blame blame him because we were both forced into this marriage and now we can't divorce because of our child. But I'm trying to make the best of it. Why doesn't he?"

  Frieda is a school teacher at one of the better areas of the country in the West Coast. Her school has healthy young people and they are as virile and erotic as young people anywhere.

  "I never thought much about peeping, except that I once overheard several of the male teachers laughing when they said they looked through a ventilator or some other outlet and saw some of the girls naked in the locker room.

  "They were talking about 'big boobs
' and about 'young snatches' and how they'd sure like to 'plow' a virgin girl. A few said they'd give anything to be able to take a girl with a hymen. They made all kinds of dirty jokes about the girls and laughed at having been able to peep without the girls knowing it."

  This gave Frieda an idea. She, too, decided to peep and when she saw the nude boys and even nude girls, it made her so hot that she fashioned a dildo (an artificial penis, made out of any objects that simulate the real male member) and would use it for masturbation while she watched. She especially liked seeing very young, naked boys who were shy about being nude.


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