Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969) Page 5

by Michael Reynolds

  "Our school has a rule that boys must swim naked in the pool. Lots of them are so shy, they have erections when they're on the poolside. The swimming coach laughs and humiliate them and makes motions with his hand (to indicate masturbation) and tells the boys to do it at night to 'cool off.' I think it's cruel of him to say such things. A twelve or thirteen year young boy has an erection because of naked shyness and to ridicule him while he's naked in front of the others only makes it worse. But I can't say anything. But it sure is thrilling to peep into the swimming pool and see those young, virile bodies splashing around. Many of the boys will masturbate one another under the water. It's true. I've watched and I get hot by watching."

  COMMENT: Frieda is only worsening her own sexual problem by this compulsive peeping. She is married to a man who is becoming impotent and hates her because they were forced into it by her unexpected pregnancy. But instead of trying to resolve this problem, she uses peeping as an outlet and she soon will face a double problem: her sexless marriage and her compulsive peeping.

  SUMMATION: The schoolteacher is a peculiar innovation, so to speak. Since she is surrounded by symbols of virility, she can become quite frustrated. Peeping is but one deviation to which she succumbs. Often, she may seduce young boys. Else, she may become a lesbian. Peeping is one symptom of the female who wants to remain young and virile. She associates herself with the naked virility of the unsuspecting victims and has a fantasy-illusion about being desired. In effect, she is alienating herself from what could be a normal sexual adjustment because of solitary and lonely peeping.

  CHAPTER FOUR - Female Peepers at Honeymoon Resorts

  "A paradise for Peeping Janes is the typical honeymoon resort. I work as a chambermaid at the biggest one in (name of state has been deleted to preserve privacy) and I sure see plenty. The young couples today are real perverted when it comes to sex. They use their mouths, they do it the 'back way' and there was one couple that had brought in a bellhop and asked him to get undressed and masturbate while watching the couple in a 'rear end' act! That was a real eyeful for me. I get all excited when I peep on unsuspecting couples. I work for low pay as a chambermaid but it's okay because I sure see lots going on in the honeymoon suites."

  -Lottie, age 39, widow.

  There are more Peeping Janes at honeymoon resorts than is actually known. The reason is that, as Lottie says, the young couples are "real perverted" which is somewhat of a lewd exaggeration. Suffice it to say that the young and newly marrieds are excessively sexually tense and they are uninhibited and willing to practice any aberration as long as it provides a sensation. Many of these honeymoon couples will continue in their sexual degradation and eventually participate in swap parties, orgies, troilism (sex for three) and other abnormal actions. Still, many more young couples will eventually face up to their guilt feelings and find their marriage falling apart.

  In this chapter, several interviews were conducted amongst resort maids, chambermaids, social directors and others who were known Peeping Janes. The names and places have been changed, as they originally appeared in the private documented files of social-medical-legal practitioners, so as to avoid further embarassment to the Peeping Janes and to the couples (who are probably reading this volume) who would feel disturbed over knowing they have been peeped upon in their intimate debauchery during the honeymoon.

  Here are several reported case studies.

  FEMALE PEEPER: Lottie. She is close to forty, has been a widow for many years and forced to earn her own way. She has one grown daughter whom she rarely sees. It is believed the daughter is a runaway hippie type and an aggressive lesbian. Lottie does admit:

  "My daughter had a few drinks too many at one time when she invited a few boys and girls to our basement rumpus room. We had our own home then, before taxes and the mortgage took it all away. I heard lots of giggling and sneaked down to have a peep.

  "There was my daughter, flesh naked, with her thighs parted, pushing her (orifice) to another girl and saying 'Go down on it. Lick me ... lick me and make me go off!' The other girl had her blouse off, and her big breasts were being sucked by a boy. And that boy was naked, too, and there was another boy who was dressed, who was going to kiss this naked boy's rod. It was sticking straight out. A real queer orgy. I almost blew my stack.

  "I wanted to burst right in and break it up, call the cops or something. But peeping made me so fascinated, I watched my daughter in this queer orgy as she was being sucked by a mannish-looking lesbian while a boy was also being given a 'mouth job' by a queer boy.

  "They looked like they were having a real ball. Maybe the drinking did it. I don't know, but they sure looked good. That was when I felt I had been wasting my years, working hard, trying to make ends meet, while those kids were having hot sex and fun!"

  Afterwards, she and her daughter drifted apart until the latter took up with a pot smoking and LSD crowd of long-haired, guitar playing hippies. "It's her life, let her live it!"

  Lottie works at this very large honeymoon resort. After having lost her home and being driven to financial desperation, she sought work in the menial class because it was all she knew.

  But after some questioning, it was learned that she had a knack for hotel management and could have obtained more lucrative work, but she remains here because it satisfies her overwhelming urge to peep.

  She tells of one honeymoon couple: Barry W., and young Lisa had checked in, after the car boy drove away their "just married" sign-plastered roadster to the parking lot. As soon as Lottie saw them go to their honeymoon cabin, she felt a tremor and scintillating desire.

  "That Barry was a horny young guy. He had those tight pants and he was showing off his (erection) right there. He sure had a big one. That Lisa had a pair of breasts that bounced like rubber balloons. Little tease wasn't even wearing a bra," recalls Lottie. "Could see her nipples poking through. They looked real hot. I had to peep!"

  She had tiptoed up to the rear window of the small cabin and when she stood atop a telephone cable box attached to the wall, she had a good view. She was careful not to come too close to the window, lest she be seen. Since it was dark outside, she would be indistinguishable, considering that the snug cabin was lit.

  Barry had just come out of the shower, naked and broad-shouldered. "Okay, honey," he reached for his half-naked bride with a laugh, "now you'll see what kind of a man you married."

  Young Lisa shivered and it was plain to see that she was not as sexually mature as her ramrod-stiff husband of a few hours. Her eyelashes fluttered as she saw the enormity of his gleaming phallus and the huge scrotum that nestled on his crotch, in its soft cushion of tufts of dark brown pubic hair. She felt fear.

  "You-you'll hurt me ... no ... don't pull my nipples," she swallowed a choked sob as she tried to push his hands away. "Stop ... please, you said you'd be gentle. ... "

  Barry's hands massaged Lisa's soft breasts while his lips nibbled and bit, then sucked on a juicy good red crest. He sucked hard and then said rasply, "It'll hurt the first time. After that, it'll be real good."

  Peeping Lottie felt her heart pound with dizzying excitement. "I sure wish," she whispered to herself, "I had that young stud! I'd take that rod and drain it out. Wowie! What a bull! Wish I had his tongue on my. ... "

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Many female peepers have a subconscious desire to be in the position of the girl having sex with the male. As the female peeps, she envisions herself as the partner of the male and satisfies her wish fulfillment. It is this emotional gratification that is behind the compulsive desire to peep.)

  The young bride was forced out on the bed, her lean limbs and her fulsome hour-glass figure now turned into a sexual plaything for young Barry.

  "I'll get you so hot, it'll make your pills come out," he laughed as his wet mouth began to lick and suck, from the magnificent satin-like breasts, down to the sucked-in midriff, and when he reached the thatch of her pubic mound, he inserted his tongue. There were several la
scivious sounds that could have been vulgar under other circumstances. "How do you like that?"

  Lisa was still rigid. She moaned and then she twisted her fingers in his hair as she felt the stab-stab-stab of his penis-like tongue in her labia majors.

  "Oh, Barry ... take me ... like that...."

  She was moaning, sobbing as her gnarled nipples were seized and as Barry twisted them like knobs. "Go on ... more ... more. ... "

  Peeping Lottie was getting hot and tingly with excitement. She could feel the same rising heat and the same threatening approach of a voluptuous orgasm. "Go on, stud, take her!" she whispered. She was getting perspired and hot. "I sure want to see her bounce up and down when she goes off!"

  Barry raised his head, then eased up and his flushed face was on hers. "Nix, honey, that's for later. We do it the straight way ... this sure will make the pills worthwhile. ... " He straddled her, the gleaming knob-head of his member poised at the entrance to her vulvar groove. "Now. ... "

  That was when the frightened and constricted young bride blurted out, "I didn't take the pills."

  "What?? " The young groom looked angered and frustrated. Every muscle in his Apollo-like body was tense. His rigid member looked like a parody in his angry condition. "I thought you had a whole bottle and ... I told you that we can't have any kids just yet!"

  She was sobbing. "B-but they make me sick ... I don't like the pills. I wanted a diaphragm but you said it hurt you and ... you didn't bring any. ... (She used a coarse term to describe a male prophylactic.)

  "I hate those damned fish skins," he snapped and the roll of his biceps on his bronzed arms indicated he would have hit her if just given a moment more. "Damn you. ... "

  "Please, Barry, let's just...." But she, too, felt frustrated. "I don't know...."

  (COMMENT: It is believed that Lisa was somewhat frigid, a symptom of many new brides, and that she purposely omitted taking the pills to help avoid an unwanted coitus. If Barry had been mature enough to know that she needed cultivation to correct her fears, it might have been a more successful marriage.)

  Peeping Lottie now felt frustrated. She strained her eyes to see the naked Barry now stretch out beside his big-breasted wife. "What'll he do now? That horny stud ain't going to sleep! Maybe she'll give him a jack off to cool him down. Damn! That sure ain't worth the price of peeping!"

  Barry was pulling his bride up, then saying, "Straddle me!" in a harsh tone. 'That's it, get up on my groin."


  She was still sobbing as she mounted him. "What do you. ... "

  He used a lewd term to describe fellatio.

  Peeping Lottie felt a jolt. She whispered, "Hot dawg! That's what I call a real surprise. He's gonna make her mouth job him! Real good. I go for the queer sights."

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Most of the interviewed female peepers said they were sexually stimulated by secretly watching abnormal sex. It offered gratification to their already abnormal urges. Few preferred watching normal coitus, but since peeping offers surprise, the female consoles herself with the sexual thought that she never knows what will happen. It is this surprise that whets her perverted appetite, so to speak.)

  "N-no, I ... I...." She looked disgusted.

  "Please, let's just...."

  Lisa's sweaty hands gripped Barry's rigid member and she began to slide his foreskin up and down and also titillate his scrotum. "There ... I'll do it until you. ... " She swallowed down her tears. She felt his spasms and tremors as she began to slide his slippery penis flesh up and down. "My brother does it to himself ... I know ... it cools him off...."

  Barry whacked away her hands. He was screwed up with sexual tension. His well developed chest was alive with sinews. His pectorals gleamed like a Roman breastplate. His naval was a wink on his washboard abdominals.

  Peeping Lottie liked the roughly built physical males and she derived a carnal thrill out of seeing them naked.

  "Go on ... put your mouth on it! That's gonna be your punishment for forgetting the pill!

  Each time you forget it, you either do that or in ...

  Peeping Lottie was jolted as she saw Barry stick in several fingers right into Lisa's anus and make her jump and cry out.

  Lisa moaned, "No, don't use me that way ... I'm no animal!" Tears of frustrated humiliation streamed down her face. "Please. ... "

  "Go on. ... " (Barry used lascivious words to describe fellatio to the culmination of ingestion of his seminal discharge.) It's time you learned that man is the master!"

  After considerable conflict, Lisa bent her head, and her groom seized her heavy hanging breasts, stroking the silky soft underside, while another hand reached to her crotch and fingers played a masturbation-tease to keep her aroused.

  Peeping Lottie was thrilled as she watched Lisa perform oralism on her ardent and super-sexed young husband. She watched Barry's handsome face become twisted in a grimace of carnal ecstasy. His lower lips went slack. His eyeballs rolled around in their sockets. His nostrils flared. Every muscle was rigid.

  Lisa felt his hard squeezing of her twisted nipples. She mouthed the member, obeying his groaning command to use her tongue in the most degrading manner. She felt a shudder, then she felt the eruption.

  A copious flood filled Peeping Lottie as she recognized the obvious signs of the young groom's ejaculation. She was filled with a similar reaction as if she, herself, were performing fellatio on him.

  "That's it," she said to herself, "go on ... you've got a hot and hard man there, make the most of him!"

  Lisa almost erupted herself from the strange way of marital initiation. She mouthed him until she felt the receding spasms and his command:

  "Oooo, that's all ... lemme out ... whew ... I'm pooped ... ooo, is that good ... I almost went crazy. ... whew!"

  Lisa hurried to the bathroom, her buttocks bouncing up and down, the narrow gorge nakedly revealed. Her breasts were enviously well-formed, and her red crested nipples were like mashed strawberries that formed bottom cups. Bluish streaks of veins emphasized the whiteness of her breasts. She was a sensual bride.

  In the bathroom, she became sick.

  Peeping Lottie pulled herself away. She later said, "I didn't care to see more. It was over with. Strange, after the couple make the scene, it's as if I had my climax, too."

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: In this particular situation, Lottie, the patient, does not masturbate while peeping. She transfers herself to the female who is the recipient of sexual pleasure and, emotionally speaking, in her dream-fantasy, she experiences a climax and also has a pseudo-satisfaction as if she were the actual partner in the coitus being peeped on.)

  Lottie says that she-likes to peep on perversions rather than "straight sex" because it's "more fun" that way. It is obvious that she has an obsession about perversion and has a secret desire to practice them. She envies her daughter, the lesbian hippy, for sexual freedom that she, herself, never had.

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL PROGNOSIS: Lottie is aware of her compulsive peeping and she appears infrequently for therapy. A problem here is that she is close to forty, and after having lived so many years without sex, would appear to be unresponsive if she had an opportunity with a man. She is not promiscuous and has not had any intimacies since her husband passed on. Treatment will be difficult since she has to establish a sexual outlet which, for the time being, is confined to female voyeurism.)

  Case Study: Emma, age 23, somewhat dull-witted, resort maid.

  "There were these two young couples," she says in halting terms, since her speech is not as free flowing as among mature people, "who had a double wedding. They made reservations for connecting rooms. That made me excited. I figured I'd get a peeping eyeful," with a strange laugh. "I'll tell you what I saw."

  The two couples had gone to their individual rooms, but the connecting door was unlocked.

  They were unaware that Peeping Emma had positioned herself in still another adjoining room to a vacant suite. She had l
ocked this door so there was no chance of someone opening it and catching her at the keyhole.

  She watched and listened. ...

  The first couple had gone down to their underwear. The young husband looked shy and somewhat embarrassed. His erection poked through his tight jockey shorts. His bronzed chest was heaving up and down with nervous anxiety.

  The young bride was a typical swinger in her flesh-colored panties and naked breasts. She poised and said with a wicked sideswipe of her tongue, "Okay, honey, now we'll have some fun." It was apparent that she was the aggressor. "Here, let's see what you've got."

  He laughed nervously as his bride pulled down his jockey shorts and grasped the rigid pole. He quivered at her inspection. "Can't we ... alone, I mean?" He swallowed hard.

  "Hey, this is too good to keep for one session," she was fondling his heavy hanging testicles. "I'm glad you're 'clean,' honey. That'll make it better for the other gal to (fellatio). "


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