Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969) Page 6

by Michael Reynolds

  "What...." His words were trembling. He was rather shy and inhibited. His rigid pole was being fondled and inspected by the aggressive wife. "Are you...? "

  Peeping Emma felt her heart pound. Simultaneously, she felt a strange oral-respiratory sensation.

  (COMMENT: A physical examination showed that she had a respiratory condition. It further showed that she had allergic tendencies. Psychiatry suggests that Emma has compulsive fellatio-cunnilingus desires in a bisexual curve. She does not satisfy these, and the symptoms erupt in physical causes.)

  Peeping, she felt a surge of desire in her groin. She inserted one hand under her dress and fondled her crotch. She used another hand to insert in her mouth. She was going to suck two fingers in a form of pseudo-fellatio!

  "I'm not letting the other bride (coitus) with you," said this one. "I'll let her tongue you to cool you off so you won't have ... what do they call it? Oh yes, premature ejaculation. That's it. The first time, you go off in her mouth and cool down. The second time, you go off in my. ... " She patted her groin. "That's the best cure for a quick male-work him over with your mouth."

  Before too long, the other couple joined them. Here, the man was the swinger while his young bride was shy. They were both naked.

  "Hey, how you like my bride?" This second groom patted her on the rump, inserted his hand between her rear thighs, laughingly made her cry out as his finger twisted her pubic mound and imprisoned her groin and she wiggled and danced in embarrassment. Her breasts were conical shaped with enormous flush-red aureoles that were almost half-breast cups. "Wanta give this stud," he nodded to the rigid groom who was lewd with his ramrod erection, "a cool mouth loving?"

  "I ... I guess so. ... " She was shy about it but in a few more moments, as the two couples swapped, all on the enormous triple bed that was typical in a honeymoon lodge, she was an obscene fellatrice.

  Peeping Emma almost burst forth in her own climax as she watched the way the young husband cradled his head in his bent arms, stretched flat on his back as the swapped wife oralized him.

  She saw the other couple-but this was a reverse, so to speak.

  The other couple called for the wife to stretch out and command to the swapped husband. "Go on, give me a mouth loving."

  He, too, performed aggressive cunnilingus and all the while, he kept looking at the way his wife was mouthing the other husband's rigid member and then nibbling and chewing until the obvious climax was a shattering blow to their sexual libidnal lusts.

  Peeping Emma jolted at their climax.

  She told this analyst: "I like to watch mouth scenes. I suck my fingers while I watch. It's exciting."

  (PSYCHOLOGICAL COMMENT: It is obvious that Emma, too, derives carnal satisfaction out of peeping upon an abnormal scene. While she frequently enjoys normal coitus, she says it is not as satisfying as "mouth" or "rear end" jobs. Sometimes, she will bring along a candle or any phallic-shaped object and either suck on it, or insert it into her anus and thereby identify with the perversion being peeped on.

  She is slightly retarded and unable to freely communicate with others. This has made her severely introverted and passive. She has no sexual outlet other than peeping and self-stimulation. Treatment may be useless.)

  (SUMMATION: The young marrieds are symbols of excessive sexuality and the female peeper considers them choice in any selection of sex objects for secret watching.)

  CHAPTER FIVE - Housewives Who Peep

  "With my husband gone most of the day, and often he has to go on business trips, I'm left by myself. After the kids are away at school, or when they're in bed at night, I get this awful horny feeling. I don't know how I started peeping, but it happened once when I was coming in from the garage at night, and glanced in our neighbor's house. The bedroom was all lit up. The shade was partially drawn. I couldn't resist. I tiptoed up and looked in. There was this older housewife who I had known briefly. She was with a young boy. I recognized him as a delivery boy. She was laughing as she said she was going to make a man out of him as she pulled down his pants."

  -Marcia, Housewife, age 30.

  The average housewife is often a creature of ambivalent sexual emotions. In the case study of Marcia, we find an average housewife who lives in a smart suburban housing development, is married to an affluent executive type, belongs to approved social clubs, yet she has apparent sexual "hang ups" as the phrase goes.

  When interviewed, Marcia G. was slightly embarrassed about having been seen by a nocturnal neighbor who was unable to sleep. He looked outside and saw her standing near a rear bedroom window with a pair of binoculars, no less. A frantic call to the police and Marcia was summarily hauled before the authorities.

  Fortunately, as Marcia explained, "my husband is very influential and he managed to hush it up. Not a word appeared in the newspapers or on record. But they thought it would be best if I underwent therapy so here I am. It's a compromise. I'm glad that my youngsters didn't know about it."

  Here is a partial transcript of one of a series of consultations with Marcia G., the 30 year old housewife peeper:

  DOCTOR: Did you become sexually stimulated when you peeped upon your neighbor and saw her with the younger boy?

  MARCIA: Of course! It was one of my first peeping experiences. I saw this lovable little boy, hardly more than 14. He had just come out of the shower. He was a doll, with such lovely curly brown hair, such white skin, and then where a boy becomes a man (she made a child-like giggle) was his--. It was so enormous. And those heavy hanging balls! Goodness, with hardly much pubic hair, he looked like one of those statues of the ancient Greeks, with such a virile member and such an innocent little boy virgin. (A rash of giggling.)

  DOCTOR: Would you kindly explain what happened when you peeped? That is, what happened to your own sexual libido, please?

  MARCIA: My what?

  DOCTOR: (Patiently) Your libido or your sexual urge. How did you feel when you saw this precocious ... that is, prematurely developed lad ... boy with the older woman?

  MARCIA: Oh, yes. It made me get so excited that if I had been there, I would have (performed fellatio) on the little fellow. He was so sweet, so shy, so rigid, like a bridegroom-a virgin bridegroom. Anyway, he just stood there, not knowing what to do. The older woman just squealed with delight. She had gotten out of her clothes and wanted him to play with her breasts.

  DOCTOR: Did he?

  MARCIA: Not really. At 14, a boy is often more undeveloped about that but he was sure overdeveloped about more important things. Anyway, he played a little with her breasts while the woman started to lick his lovely smooth body. She kissed and licked and went all over. The boy was so red faced. He was almost in a state of shock when she opened her wet mouth and then took his gorgeous 'thing' and held his heavy smooth balls while she (performed aggressive and rather audible fellatio). Honest, the boy almost shot to the ceiling. It was the first time that anybody had ever seen or touched or (oralized) his gorgeous (erection). He was almost sobbing. It took a few minutes and he went off (ejaculated) like a ton of dynamite. It was wonderful. The woman later hugged him, held him like a doll, wanted him to stay all night-I think she's a widow-but he had to leave. He had the sweetest little bottom you ever did see. I'd even kiss that!

  DOCTOR: Did you personally feel any sexual response from peeping?

  MARCIA: Yes. I wish I could have had that boy.

  DOCTOR: I meant-physical response.

  MARCIA: Well, if you must know, I went home and into the bathroom where I took a smooth handled hairbrush. I stuck the long handle into my (vagina) and pulled my clitty-the clitoris-and masturbated while I kept visualizing the two of them. I often think of myself having a sweet young boy-and sometimes, I think of having one as a sex doll, if you know what I mean. A living sex doll stud-a boy slave.

  PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: In later episodes, it was revealed that Marcia was undergoing an unnaturally premature menopause and the hormonal imbalance was obviously respon
sible for her emotional derangement. Furthermore, she confessed to having bizarre dreams in which she was a prize choice of a harem filled with pubertal young boys. This almost phenomenal desire to have young boys with absolutely no pubic hair is symptomatic of many menopausal females who are suffering from anxieties of waning youth. They often hope to cling to their youth with a captive boy stud. Treatment was concurrent with a gynecologist who administered regulated hormones, estrogen and progesterone. This helped normalize her endocrine balance and ease her emotional condition. Psychoanalysis was then utilized.

  The main point of psychoanalysis was to ease her fears of losing youth and the "bored and sexually useless housewife" image that prompted the peeping compulsion. Progress is good and an eventual halting of her compulsion is to be anticipated.

  CASE STUDY: Wilma A., age 33, housewife.

  SITUATION: She has had innumerable bisexual experiences and until she married Fred A., she was living with a notorious lesbian who almost killed her before she was released from this homosexual bondage. Wilma has a history of performing all forms of deviations. She refrains from masturbation. In her own words:

  "I don't have to play with myself. It's kid stuff and it's not much fun when you have to do it alone to yourself. I like having a man or a woman work me over. I get a terrific kick out of seeing others in the raw sex act. No, I don't care too much for seeing just nude people. I don't like to see a guy with his (genitals) hanging down. I don't care much when I see a girl with her big boobs and her (female orifice) just walking around a bedroom. It's no kick for me.

  "I like to see them in action, any type of action, and I like to see it real close."

  It was this fervent desire to witness an "up close" sex scene that led to her eventual apprehension.

  Here are some related experiences as told by Wilma A., with regard to her peeping experiences:

  She had taken a late evening walk, allegedly to air her dog, but the prime purpose was an excuse to peep in parked cars along lovers' lane regions.

  In one such car, positioned behind a huge tree, she peeped into the window. Fortunately, the car's dashboard was illuminated. From her hiding place, with her small pocket telescope, Wilma saw two young boys with a girl. She could hear them talking.

  "Take me first, Suzie. Just move over and let me stick it in your (vagina) and Bobby will try to stick his (erection) into your mouth."

  "I ... I don't know. What if someone sees us ... ooooo ... Bobby, your finger ... it feels so good when you wiggle it all the way up my ... ooooOOOOOO ... push it in and out ... oooo."

  Bobby, apparently, was the one who said, "Want me to lick it and get you hot? I'll do it to you if you'll do it to me."

  "I ... don't know..."

  Now, peeping Wilma pressed closer. She could see the distinguishable forms of two erections and ... she was due for a surprise to see that the girl, hardly more than fifteen or sixteen, was absolutely naked!

  She saw that it was early dusk. No doubt, they had all gone swimming that day and coming back in their trunks, could easily get undressed. It was a trick of many such young couples who wanted a "quickie." They'd wear trunks or briefs that could be pulled on and off in a cramped car in a matter of moments. Now, Wilma saw that one boy was half crouching.

  "Damn! Too cramped," he was saying. "Ouch! Hit my head." In the dim light, his slim nakedness was revealed. He had a big, thick erection in his pubic hair mound. "Here, Suzie, just take it in your mouth and play with my (testicles) and I'll stick my finger in your. ... "

  The other boy was somewhat heavier as peeping Wilma saw him move and in some bizarre juxtaposition, was able to penetrate Suzie's groin.

  "Ooooooo..." The three of them moaned in erotic ecstasy as they formed this bizarre consummation of fellatio and intercourse as well as finger penetration of the girl's spread anus. "Ooooo..."

  Pressing closer, Wilma A. focused her telescopic binoculars on the trio of youngsters and saw how that "cheap harlot of a girl" was oralizing one "disgusting boy" while the other was performing coitus.

  She watched with mounting excitement until she heard familiar moans.

  "I'm gonna ... ohhhhhhh, Suzie ... roll your tongue around it. Yeah, yeah, yeah ... Ooooo..."

  She saw the boy being oralized as he was in the throes of ecstasy. He was twisting his groin and mashing against Suzie's mouth. The girl clutched onto his skinny buttocks and played with his testicles. When he erupted, the muscular contortions were obvious of his power. Peeping Wilma felt a simultaneous twitch and a strange flow of some moisture in her groin. It was almost as if she had ejaculated while secretly peeping!

  Then she saw the other boy as he ejaculated in Suzie. The three of them soon fell off in a slump as they split.

  "Whew! That sure felt good," said Bobby as he stuffed his still rigid erection into his bathing trunks. "It sure beats whacking at it and my oV man caught me once and beat the-out of me for doin' it. Said it's dirty and disgusting. Nah! He'd sure have a fit if he knew what I did now!" Suzie was laughing. "Well, I stole my sister's diaphragm, so it's safe to-me. And it sure is safe to suck on a boy 'cause I can't get pregnant that way!"

  Peeping Wilma could feel herself growing "flaccid" in a strange sex sympathy with what had happened. It was as if she too had had her orgasm.

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Many female peepers are warped to the level where they have an obsessive and neurotic identification with the scene they secretly peep upon. This is a driving reason why they are determined to witness actual perversion or coitus since they project themselves in the position of the participants and have a pseudo-sexual orgasm.)

  That was when her dog began barking and the car's orgiasts looked outside. There were some hoots and yells and in a matter of moments, the car had sped off.

  Wilma was terrified lest a policeman come and apprehend her. "Oh, shut up!" She tugged at the dog's leash as she hurried away. "You almost got me in trouble."

  In succeeding peeping situations, Wilma located a town swimming hole.

  "It was a typical rural swimming hole where the boys would go naked into the pool. I really didn't care for it because all I saw were twelve and thirteen year old boys with partially developed genitals. They had (erections) but they just joked and kidded about them. I once did watch as a fifteen year old made a twelve year old kid take his erection in his mouth while the other nude swim kids looked on. The little boy (fellatio) and even swallowed it! I wasn't too excited since I don't like the queer scene."

  There was one occasion when she saw two girls and a boy go nude swimming.

  "That was really exciting. It was a moonlit night. They laughed happily. It was so exciting to see the two naked girls with their big breasts and raised (pudenda) without any hair-they were that young. They played with each other (lesbianism) and then they licked the boy's penis and got him ramrod stiff.

  "It made me so hot that I sure wish I could have joined the party.

  "That boy was hung! He had a thick, big rod and it was 'clean' or circumcised. It really showed all. He had swinging balls, too, that the girls rolled around in their palms.

  "The kid kept moaning, 'Come on, take me quick before I (ejaculate). Come on...' The girls took turns in (oralizing) him. Since he was young, after he shot off, he could then (intercourse) with the two girls. What a hot stud he was! I watched it all. I kept sticking fingers into my (orifice) and kept jacking off.

  "I loved that orgy. It was like something you read about in the newspapers or scandal magazines or about a stag, underground movie."

  In other episodes, Wilma was a peeper in a movie balcony.

  "Saturday afternoon or evening, those kids turn real queer. I sat in a rear balcony row one night and saw three boys go down on a girl. She was real high! She pulled up her miniskirt. Little tramp wasn't wearing panties. She let the boys stick fingers into her (orifice) and pull apart her (genital flaps or lips) and suck on her (labia major and minora) and then (masturbate) her unti
l she was all pooped out."

  The girl, according to peeping Wilma, also performed fellatio on several of the boys until the usher flashed a light and it was all broken up.

  "Worse thing," she laments, "is that none of them even cared about being told to get out. This snoopy usher flashed the light on a girl who was taking a boy's 'rod' in her mouth and licking and sucking all along! What a cheap little (coarse language for a female oralist) to do it like that! I bet she got her charge out of letting others watch!"

  When asked if she, herself was sexually stimulated by this act, she replied, "I sure was. I sure wish I could have had one of those boys myself. I'd make a real man out of him." She declined to say exactly what she would do.

  PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Wilma A. is a confirmed voyeur in that she becomes physiologically stimulated by watching an actual act of debauchery. Her emphasis on wanting to see perversion stems from her own warped life with a lesbian. She shows symptoms of resistance against normal, heterosexual activities with her husband. She firmly insists that she has put aside her lesbian desires, but from her almost phenomenal urge to see debauched sex in peeping is an indication that she still wants to practice perversions.


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