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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

Page 8

by Michael Reynolds

  "A lot of the personal excitement evaporates when a person publicly puts on a performance. I prefer to peep in private!"

  PSYCHOSEXUAL ANNOTATION: Mathilda has a similar attitude as others of the female voyeurs. They thrive in secrecy and relish the self-knowledge that they are peeping without the other's awareness. This means everything to them. There may be some modifications, as we shall see in succeeding chapters, but the basic urge of the female voyeur is to peep in private!

  CHAPTER SEVEN - Mate Swappers: Female Peeping Parties

  "We had moved into this new community after my husband got his job transfer. We had no friends and felt kind of lonely. I met a nice woman in the supermarket and she told me it might be fun if a few of us couples got together for a Saturday night party game. Out of lonely desperation, I made a date for my husband and myself. It sure was a swinging party.

  There were two other couples. We played games for swapping! I got a kick out of another man (performing cunnilingus) while my husband was (sodomizing) another wife. But I got a real big thrill out of pepping on the others. It was like a Roman orgy and I was watching it all. It sure is kicky to peep on others who make the scene. like a stag movie come to life."

  -Diana, age 23, suburban wife

  Many a female peeper finds a bizarre satisfaction out of watching several couples, especially when one person is her husband, in the act of perversion. Psychosexually, many a woman peeper has a strange sadistic compulsion. She-likes to see her husband participate in an unnatural act which he finds repulsive. It is a form of psychic castration. Its basis may be a form of sexual disagreement in their married life.

  Diana is married to a successful young advertising man, Andrew R. She says she is sexually mature but, from several brief discussions, she appears to have some sexual guilt-caused complexes.

  Here is a short excerpt of a psychoanalytical meeting with Diana: DOCTOR: How often do you and Andrew have intercourse, Diana?

  DIANA: I would say about three to five times a week.

  DOCTOR: Do the two of you practice any other types of sexual gratification?

  DIANA: (Somewhat cautiously) There are times when Andrew wants me to uh ... uh ... take his ... member ... in my mouth.

  DOCTOR: Do you want to do that?

  DIANA: Not especially. I don't care to do that to a man. But to keep him happy, I do it.

  DOCTOR: Does he perform mouth-vagina love to you? That is, does he perform cunnilingus?

  DIANA: No, Doctor. He says that it's dirty-that only queers do it and he doesn't want to be considered queer. Yet he thinks it's great if a woman does it to him. I even have to ... swallow it ...

  (COMMENT: Many females feel it is degrading to perform fellatio upon a man, yet they would be most gratified to have a man perform cunnilingus or oral stimulation of their privates. This may be considered a form of self-directed sexual desire. The sexual instinct seeks an orgasm as its outlet and the female is concerned with her own orgasm ... much as the male is concerned with his own orgasm.)

  DOCTOR: You could refuse to participate in an act if it is distasteful to you, Diana.

  DIANA: Yes, I have done so many times. But Andy-likes variety and if I don't ... do it with my mouth ... then he takes me ... in the back way. It hurts and I don't like it.

  DOCTOR: You mean, if you don't perform fellatio, then Andy sort of punishes you by anal coitus, or sodomy, is that it?

  DIANA: That's about it.

  As a voyeurist, Diana has few of the compulsive urges as evidenced in the other case studies interviewed for this scientific, documented and well-researched work on the subject of female peepers.

  Yet, when she was at the wife swap party, she derived a strange form of gratification out of peeping into another room where her husband was being pulled (she says "dragged is more like it") over to a naked wife-her husband had been with Diana.

  It all began when the three couples had a party game and then swapped mates. Diana was somewhat shy and rather inhibited about it all. But she felt a familiar tugging of her libidinal impulses and curious about swapping, she said, "Let's have some fun, Andy. Maybe you'll get another wife to (perform fellatio) and that'll make you feel real good, won't it?"

  The others laughed while Andy appeared red-faced and embarrassed to have his intimate desire so boldly revealed.

  He did agree out of sexual longing. "Okay, but we gotta have privacy. I don't like doing it right out in front of a crowd."

  Another wife laughed as she began to undress. "That's okay, but part of the swap party rule is for all of us to get bare bottom in front of each other. So, after you strip down naked, you big stud, you can go off with your swap partner and have a mouth-watering good time."

  Amidst raucous laughter, the three couples began to divest themselves of their clothes. Naked, the three wives were symbols of young virility. They have enviably good breasts but it was Diana who had uptilted, firm breasts. The nipples were poking forth like lipstick tubes and as red as her tongue. She patted her upraised pudenda.

  "Who wants to have a feast?" she laughed.

  Naked, some of their reservations had melted. The young husbands sported gleaming, moist erections. Diana's husband had no foreskin which made the other young men feel different and this led to their jibes.

  "Hey, Andy, did your wife suck off your skin?"

  "Bet you jack off so much you just wore away your skin, eh?"

  Andy was shy and lasciviously aroused at being nakedly inspected. "Yeah, I sure got a big one and it's good to eat, too. Better'n your long skins, boys."

  They feinted grabs for one another's sex organs and to Diana, seeing this while in the same room, it was dizzying in sensual arousal. She could feel herself grow rigid with desire.

  She had a secret wish to have all three of them perform coitus and make her feel jubilantly thrilled over the excitement.

  "Come on, come on," another husband stopped, grabbed Diana by the wrist and then inserted his palm between the upraised mounds of her fleshy buttock cheeks. "I got something more important to do."

  "Oh yeah?" laughed his wife who had taken Andy and was cupping his testicles while he was inserting his fingers into her vaginal orifice. "I'm gonna do something, too. I sure like the 'clean cut' type of boy." She made a lewd noise with her mouth to indicate audible fellatio. "Let's all go and swing ... "

  "Mine are swinging all right," he laughed, indicating his genitalia as he was being pulled to an adjoining bedroom.

  Peeping Diana later said, "It was quite a sexual charge for me to be naked as well as to see so many hot and horny naked people. But I'll confess that it was not as exciting as peeping in secret which I did, a little later on."

  She and her swapped partner went into a bedroom, and then he began to rouse her, stimulate her physical urges, and he was soon performing oral arousal.

  "I love it, I love it," Diana kept moaning as she snaked her firm, lyre-shaped hips around the man's head and thrust up her steaming cauldron of female sex. "Go on, stick your tongue all the way ... oooo..."

  Diana experienced one head-slamming shock after another as she felt the eventual eruption.

  She thought she would explode from the sheer heart-pounding heat that had enveloped her. She poked her breasts to the man who was bent between her splayed thighs. "Play with my nipples," she half-screamed. "Ohhhhh, that's good ... twist my nipples while you suck my-"

  There was a tooth scraping abrasion as the man nibbled on her clitoris.

  A shock of colorful pleasure tore through her groin.

  "Ooooooo ... OOOOOOO!! ! " Little yelps of pleasure-pain streamed through her loins as she felt the pleasurable and voluptuous swelling that kept slamming like jungle tom-toms in her vulvar groove. "Ohhhhh..."

  The man was licking his lips which (Diana later recalled) may have looked strangely fascinating at that time, but eventually filled her with a sensation of revulsion. It was somewhat disgusting.

  "But," sh
e told the psychoanalyst, "I loved being (having oralism on her vagina to the point of orgasm) and I just went wild over it."

  The man now pushed his rigid member toward her mouth, but when she demurred, he said, "All right, it goes where my mouth was..."

  Diana had a slight pain as the rigid column imbedded itself in her still throbbing orifice. She reared up and made a grimace.

  "Easy, oh, please, it hurts, it hurts..." She raked his back with her nails. "Ohhhhh..."

  "This sure is a tight squeeze, tighter'n my wife and she's with your big stud man in the next room. Bet they're having a ... oooooo..."

  His handsome bronzed face now twisted up into a strange pleasure-pain countenance. "Oh, baby, oh, baby, oh, baby..." His muscles stood out etched on his sweating body.

  He gripped her breasts. He pushed his mouth on hers and Diana felt repulsed that the same mouth that had just oralized her vagina was now being put on her lips. But in the heated frenzy, she obliterated her personal feelings as she felt his thick wedge going deeper and deeper.

  She rose up and matched his frenzied pace.

  "Give it to me!" she found herself screaming. "Take me! OOOO..."

  When the man reached his climax, he mashed himself so deeply that the male scepter almost ripped her apart. She felt a release when his ejaculation told her that he had reached his pinnacle.

  Exhausted, the two lay nakedly together but spoke comparatively little.

  (COMMENT: It has been noted in most situations of sexual debauchery, there is rather little of personal or emotional feeling. The participants are solely concerned with release of their physical lusts. This absence of emotional outlook tends to warp their sexual urge which is best served by a fusion of mind and body.)

  "I wonder what that husband of mine is doing?" Diana roused herself. "I'll be right back," she told the now flaccid and rather inert man who just lay on his back, breathing heavily.

  She peeped through the keyhole and this gave her more of a jolt. She saw her naked husband and the two other men-they were forcing him down on his knees, and between the sprawled woman. "What the--? "

  Diana then heard one man say, "You better (cunnilingus) this broad 'cause your wife is getting a mouth treatment from her husband. It's part of the swap game."

  "I ... I don't ... "

  Diana peeped, fascinated to see the way the two men were actually forcing her husband's head between the anxious woman's thighs.

  "He's going to..." She felt jealous because her husband never wanted to do that to her. Yet she also felt increasingly stimulated by peeping and seeing him perform compulsory cunnilingus to the wife of the man who had just both oralized her and also used her in coitus. "I've got to see this through..."

  The husband disliked his enforced cunnilingus but another man clamped his hand on the nape of his neck. The next thing Andrew knew, his lips had enveloped the fetid female orifice.

  He gagged.

  They laughed.

  He continued moving about in an effort to get free, but this only served to further whet the wife's lascivious response.

  "Go on, suck on it!" she cried out in carnal anxiety as she locked both of her thighs around his head, rolled wildly, cupped her breasts as she moaned to another man, "Suck my nipples while he's sucking my-" She was wild with desire. Her body was bathed in her woman sweat. "Go on ... oooooo..."

  One man remained as a master to force Andrew to continue his cunnilingus. He pressed one hand as firm as an iron clamp on Andrew's neck. Then he dug his bent knee into Andrew's spinal column and another hand forced his shoulders down.

  But the other available husband was orally greedy. "I'll bite those juicy nubs off!" He nibbled, bit hard until the wife screamed but in their carnal embraces, pain was as desirable as pleasure.

  Andrew oralized the wife until she erupted. But his punishment was insufficient.

  Peeping Diana watched as he was gripped tightly in a wrestling hammerlock as one man forced him flat on his stomach.

  "Now, I'll get myself a 'woman' the way a man is the same."

  That was the other husband who had not had his outlet. He straddled on the small of Andrew's back. A moment later, he gripped Andrew's muscled buttock cheeks, pried them apart as the latter winced from the sharp pain and the horrible realization of what was going to happen to him.

  "No ... don't ... don't ... use me like a woman!" was all he could blurt out. Hands covered his mouth.

  Peeping Diana watched with morbid fascination as she saw her masculine husband being sodomized! The other husband had penetrated Andrew's anus and was now punishing him with painful intromission.

  Peeping, it gave Diana a strange feeling of thrill to see this abnormal and bizarre act upon the husband who would perform cunnilingus to another woman but not to herself.

  She later said that Andrew was morose and gloomy for a long time afterward.

  "But it soon worked itself out and we went back to our usual lovemaking," she said. "Still, he wouldn't want to use his mouth on my you-know-what. And ... he still insisted that I do it to him."

  Diana says that she would like to go to other swap parties but that Andrew refuses. After the sordid experience in which he was sodomized by a man, one can hardly blame him.

  "I like peeping," she says. "Now, I even like to peep through someone's back window and maybe I can see what I'm not supposed to see."

  (COMMENT: Again, we see this puerile desire to see the forbidden which becomes sexually stimulating basically because it was forbidden!)

  Diana says further, "I don't especially care to be in a room with naked people as there's not too much excitement that way. I like peeping in private. I never told Andrew that I saw what happened to him. But I sure would like to see it happen to him again!"

  This apparently stems from her desire to see him punished-castrated because he has forced her to perform oralism while he would not perform oralism upon herself.

  (COMMENT: This woman has increasing desires to peep and it may create an emotional block in her marriage unless she is able to make a normal adjustment. Therapy is aimed at helping to remove her guilt feelings of fellatio. This may help establish a balance.)

  Swapping is performed for the purpose of practicing an abnormal act that might ordinarily be shunned. The excuse is that when one swaps, one has no choice but to pay the penalty as a loser in some game. This is just a soul-searching excuse that gives license to the act of performing a taboo sex act. Peeping is one such perversion practiced in swapping.

  Another interviewed female had this to say: "I like to go to those swap singles parties. No, I'm not married. I don't mind if a man has me, and I'm willing to go all the way, but I get the weirdest kick out of looking, in secret, on what people do at a swap party."

  She manages to hide herself or otherwise make herself inaccessible at swap parties.

  Then she watches the various debaucheries. "I once saw two women whip a naked man on his back-they used real raw leather whips. Bull whips, I think. They really punished him and then they strapped on a dildo and sodomized him.

  The guy had welts on his broad back from the whipping. He kept hollering and screaming as the women each sodomized him in turn. But I think he liked it. As for myself, I got so hot and tingly while I watched, I had to masturbate. I don't think the thrill would have been so great if I had stood next to them, as did the others."

  SUMMATION: Peeping may be on practiced perversion at swap parties but it still has to have its air and cloak of secrecy to add to the depraved pleasure. Female peepers often display sadistic tendency toward men and derive an abnormal emotional gratification when seeing a man carnally abused by women. This further adds to the female voyeuristic perversion.

  CHAPTER EIGHT - The Nurse Who Peeps

  "As a nurse, I have many opportunities to see nudity in the small and exclusive private sanatorium-hospital where I practice my profession. But I get a strange thrill when I see a naked male or female witho
ut their knowing that I watch. I don't have much opportunity to see actual intercourse, but I derive sufficient satisfaction when I see nudity."

  -Barbara T., age 39, single.

  Barbara T. is a rather intelligent looking woman with good grooming. She has had a good education and is able to obtain medical work with some of the leading physicians. She says that she has had innumerable sexual affairs but this appears to be an exaggeration.

  Barbara has made several admissions that when she was young, she found herself attached to another woman and formed a lesbian relationship.

  "Her name was Rita and she was a student nurse. She was kind of masculine and had a rather flat chest. Her breasts were small but firm. We shared the same room. Rita was always saying that men were disgusting creatures and it was better to look than to have! At least, there were no repercussions."


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