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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

Page 10

by Michael Reynolds

  EDNA: Well, he stood up as the two girls started to undress him, and then they started to peel off their clothes. Soon, they were all naked. The guy had a real big (erection) and the biggest balls on a white boy that this black gal ever did see.

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Edna, the black peeper, has a sensual thrill out of seeing the sexual privates of a white man. Furthermore, seeing a white erection appears to give her a sense of interracial equality!)

  DOCTOR: What did you feel when you saw the naked white man?

  EDNA: I sure felt hot and tingly all over, more than I ever felt. I started to open my robe, then I put my hand on my nipples and pulled on them to get them hard. I sure wish I could have been there with that white man.

  DOCTOR: Did you masturbate?

  EDNA: Unh, not really. I just liked to look.

  DOCTOR: Tell me what happened next, please.

  EDNA (giggling): You sure get a kick out of listening to all this, don't you, Doctor--?

  DOCTOR: Let me say that I listen to hundreds of patients tell me about their private sexual problems, Edna, and after a while, they become as routine as if I listened to datamatic computer reports. Now, please continue because I have another patient waiting.

  EDNA: Oh, all right. Where was I? Oh yes, the white man stood up there as the two white girls started to play with his big rod. They had real nice boobs, nice and white and such pink nipples. I sure would like to be strawberry pink and white. One was a real blonde girl. She had blonde hair, all over her you-know-what. The other ... would you believe it, Doc?

  DOCTOR: I can believe anything!

  EDNA: She had shaved off her snatch hair and it was as smooth as a baby's. Oooo, you could see the smooth lips and the way it opened. I sure got hot lookin' at it and I ain't no queer gal.

  DOCTOR: Of course not. Now, will you kindly continue on? I would suggest you give me your personal reactions to what you felt while you peeped. This is of more help than knowing what the trio did.

  EDNA: Sure thing, Doc. The guy stood there like some king of a harem or somethin'. The blonde girl moved against him, let him suck on her nipples while she held onto his balls down below. He sure acted like he was in his glory. He was all hot and perspired. Then the other girl knelt below and she took his big poker right in her mouth. It was real wild. Here he was, sucking on a girl's boobs while she's playing with his big balls down below ... and he's sticking his fingers into her blonde (vagina). And then the other girl is kneeling and she's giving him a mouth treatment. It sure turned him on. After a couple of minutes, he went off like a dynamite blast. When it was over, he just about collapsed on the couch.

  DOCTOR: What did you feel (patiently) while peeping, Edna?

  EDNA: It got me so hot, I started to stick my fingers in and out of my (vagina) and twisted myself so hard before I had my 'shots' that I had an achy feeling down there for a few days. But I had to do it or else I'd go crazy.

  DOCTOR: That was all you saw?

  EDNA: Nah. That big stud was just getting worked up. He then had the two girls do a queer act while he watched it. Those two girls acted like real dykes, sticking tongues all over their (genitalia) and their (anal regions) until they had their big explosions. All the while, the guy was getting hard again. Me, too.

  DOCTOR: Did anything else happen?

  EDNA: Wasn't that enough? (A raucous laugh.) Well, a half hour later, the girls started taking turns to (perform fellatio) to get him red hot again. It took a while and there was his big rod sticking up again. Now, he took one girl in the rear en; while the other watched. I guess he got a kick out of letting a girl look while he (performed sodomy or anal rape) on the other. I kind of liked that, too.

  (COMMENT: Afterwards, the three washed up and then they left and that ended the peeping session. Edna says that she especially thrills to seeing whites in copulation. She says she would not be especially stimulated to see normal coitus. But she would like to watch a black-white scene in which a black girl is (cunnilingus) by a white man. Apparently, this wish is a form a degradation that black Edna wishes to instill upon a white man. It has been noted by this interviewer and many others that oralism as well as analism is considered humiliating and that many a black girl wishes to degrade a white man by having him perform cunnilingus upon her. Many a black man has a desire to perform sodomy or analism on a white girl to humiliate and degrade her and ease his own feelings of humiliation at being black.)

  (SEXOLOGICAL SUMMATION: Edna appears to resist treatment of her peeping. She has progressed from peeping into this one apartment to looking in parked cars while feigning to take a walk; other times she will hide herself in fitting rooms and peep at partially clad women. She is more of a scoptophiliac in that she-likes to watch sexual acts amongst naked white folks. No doubt, her early maltreatment at the sexual hands of white boys in the South has made her a compulsive peeper. It is hoped that she will be able to reconcile herself to her situation.

  Treatment is aimed at helping to restore her self-confidence and dignity as an equal human being. If this is successful, then her peeping compulsion may be eased. Basically, her peeping upon naked whites is a means of avenging herself for having been degraded by whites in the early years in the South.

  Case Study: Rowena, age 45, unmarried, part-time domestic worker, a black woman from South Carolina.

  Rowena lives in a rather sparsely furnished attic room of a ramshackle house in a large city in South Carolina. She supports herself by working as a part-time domestic in the homes of well-to-do Southerners.

  She is not a compulsive peeper but she has virtually no other sexual outlet. She does feel that she is poor, downtrodden, and looked down upon because she is black. "I never did like those uppity whites, but I say nothin' 'cause I got to work for them.

  "I never had time for my own social life. Been workin' ever since I was 'bout fifteen or sixteen. Some of the white boys and even one white husband where I worked, would fool with me. They'd (intercourse) and then go off and that's that. Never really cared much about my feelings. White men are like that even with their white women. So I never had much of anything. Now, I'm in my middle forties and ain't much to look at. So when I am able to peep on a couple who make it, I kind of like to imagine that I'm the girl.

  (COMMENT: This same recurring pattern is noted in the vast majority of female peepers. They have sexual frustrations of their own and wish to resolve them by projecting themselves in the position of the woman being sexually serviced in the peeping scene.

  These female peepers would be unable to sexually respond to the same degree as the person being peeped upon. The reason is that the female peeper has her own sexual problems which act as a block to normal fulfillment.

  Peeping serves as a SUBSTITUTE for the real sex act.)

  Rowena then tells how she once was dusting around in a parlor and heard some noises from an adjoining room. She tiptoed, peeped through the keyhole.

  Inside the adjoining bedroom was the white woman who owned this house. Rowena says she was in her late 40's, same as herself.

  The older woman had a very young boy whom Rowena recognized as a delivery boy from the local market. The boy had his pants pulled down to his ankles and the laughing older woman was pulling down his briefs.

  Rowena felt aroused to be able to see this rather bizarre scene. She could hear the boy saying in his adolescent tone, "I hope we don't get caught, ma'am."

  "We won't, darling Teddy. My husband is away and we're alone in the house. The maid is somewhere off today." She cupped the boy's testicles and then she began to stroke his rigid erection, making him wince, moan and half-yelp from the nerve-drenched sexual tensions. "Ahhhh, you young studs are hot when someone just touches you."

  "It feels good," the boy had a pair of spindly legs, but he was precociously developed in that his genitalia were completely mature. He had an enviously thick erection and heavy testicles that seemed out of harmony with his thin thighs and his very narrow waistl
ine. He had thick tufts of dark pubic hair that formed a base for his organ. "Will you pull it up and down, ma'am?"

  She was laughing. "I won't waste it that way. But I'll let you put it into my..."

  She worked herself out of her clothes. Naked, she was pendulous and heavy and did not present an image of especial sexual desire. But in most situations when an older woman has a younger boy for debauchery, there is little personal selectivity.

  The older woman purposely wants a young boy who Will be immature and all-physical and would not know that she is unattractive. To a thirteen or fourteen year boy, debauchery is a thrill for itself and if the woman is ugly, old or degrading, it means nothing to him. That is the prime purpose for the rise in seducing the young.

  Rowena felt her heart pound with desire but she says she felt no localized sexual arousal. "I don't feel too much down there. I just like to look. That white woman took the skinny boy with that big (erection) and those real heavy (testicles) and she let him (a series of thrusts that indicate fornication) until he went off. He sure was one excited little boy."

  Rowena watched it until it was over, feeling hot and tingly. "But as I say, I didn't feel no big thrill down there, and just got a kick out of peeping on the white woman and seein' how wicked she was with that nice white boy who was hardly more than fourteen or so."

  In later psychoanalytical sessions, Rowena says that she is somewhat envious of the white women having sexual fun, while she must continue working at menial jobs to support herself.

  "I guess I wish it was me, having all that fun," she sighs.

  (SUMMATION: She continues peeping whenever she finds the opportunity but she does not deliberately seek sites for peeping. Un-like other female peepers, she does not have the compulsive urge to find sex orgies; rather, she is passive and just peeps whenever she is able to do so. She has phantasies in which she transposes herself to become the white woman in the scene. Treatment is apparently difficult and may be useless since Rowena has virtually no sexual outlets or desires.)

  (COMMENT: Black peeping may be on the increase as the black girl seeks to rise above their so-called sexually inferior status.)

  CHAPTER TEN - Couples Who Peep

  "I was working as a girl social director in this very plush summer resort. The lifeguards used to fool with me and we had a good time. Then there was Ronnie, an athletic lifeguard who once took me into a poolside bath house and showed me some holes in the wooden partitions. He pulled down his trunks, told me to play with his rod-those were his exact words-and to jack him off while he peeped through the hole at a girl in the next booth. I was curious, and while I kept sliding his prepuce up and down, feeling his member grow rigid and hard, I peeped to the next both. I saw the naked girl, applying lotion to her real big breasts, then patting her groin, and rubbing oil on the insides of her thighs. It got me so hot that I had to (oralize) the lifeguard while we both peeped. I never felt so excited before in my life. Now, I don't care too much for peeping, but if you do it with someone and have a jag while you do, it can really turn you on!"

  Helen, age 23, social director

  As has been noted throughout the scientific, documented and well-researched case histories of this volume on the female peeper, most of these feline voyeurists are victims of their own warped and twisted sexual dementia.

  Basically, the female voyeurist has a hang-up about a sex problem and she uses peeping as a substitute-outlet. She may masturbate while projecting herself in the position of the woman who is receiving a form of sex that she, the peeper, secretly wants but won't admit it.

  Or, the female peeper transfers her physical-emotional sex responses and displaces them to the level where she enjoys EYE INTERCOURSE. That is, her eyes create a photo-image on her sexual psychosis and her eyes have a visual-intercourse.

  This is a form of substitute sex that uses peeping as a means of emotional stimulation.

  Or as has been said before, it is a form of MENTAL MASTURBATION or EMOTIONAL INTERCOURSE. It exists solely in the thoughts and dreams. Basically, the female peeper has this personal and intimate problem which is treated as a means of easing her voyeuristic compulsions.

  But, as we noted from the statement made by Helen G., at the start of this chapter, many a girl is a peeper as a means of stimulating herself so she can then have intimacy with a partner.

  Yes, there are couples who peep!

  SEX PERSONALITY: Helen G. is an attractive and intelligent girl of twenty-three, who comes from an average middle-class family who saw to it that she received a good education. She and her sister, who is a few years younger, had some lesbian-incest, and it is possible this has made her somewhat introverted.

  She does admit, "I was once reading one of those hot paperbacks and it turned me on, something fierce. Usually, I don't get especially stimulated by reading. (COMMENT: It is true that females remain unmoved by salacious photographs or literature; males, on the other hand, are physically aroused by external stimuli such as sex movies, books, photos. Females are more emotionally stimulated by internal methods such as fondling and lovemaking.) But I was so hot, I had to do something.

  "I sneaked up to my room, took out a candle and then spread out on my bed. I was wearing shorts and a halter-it was a warm day-so it was easy for me to peel down. I like being all nude when I'm having sex.

  "So I was shoving this candle up and down in my (vagina) and rubbing my nipples and bouncing up and down on the bed. The silk bedspread was so fleshy-feeling, it made me hotter than a rut bitch dog in heat!

  "I really went off! I mean, when I had my climax, it was like a bomb exploding in my innards. Then, I settled down and felt better about it.

  "That was when my sister came into the room."

  Helen says that she, herself, was red-faced with hammering shame at having to be discovered masturbating by her younger sister.

  "But I was caught with half of the candle poking out of my (groin) and what else was there for me to say or do except that I just couldn't help it?"

  The sister said that she didn't always masturbate, but if she wanted "kicks," then she'd

  "groove with another girl from school."

  Before the day was over, the two sisters had cunnilingus in an abnormal incestuous lesbian affair.

  Helen recalls, "It was good to feel wet lips and a mouth on me; also, I kind of flew to the top when I put my wet tongue on my sister's--.

  It really made me hot. But ... I mean, it just isn't normal for two sisters to do it. I think my sister is a lesbian because she hardly ever has dates at school. But that's her private life.

  "Of course, our folks don't know about it. They're strait-laced about such things. They'd hit the ceding. But you can't expect them to react any other way. Still, I don't dig the lesbian scene, anyway."

  (COMMENT: It is possible that this initial sexual experience had a decisive and warping influence on Helen's sexual development. She keeps insisting that she is able to make a normal and natural adjustment and has demurred from future incest or lesbian scenes. But we do know that she has some incest fears and this renders her somewhat incapable of enjoying complete sexual fulfillment.

  (She has a long history of almost chronic masturbation; she appears to have self-directed sexual desires in that she is basically concerned with her own satisfaction. In other words, Helen does not have the normal desire to share the sexual experience. She prefers her own release.

  (Apparently, prolonged masturbation . has further re-directed her sexual desires to become sexually introverted. This, together with the incestuous lesbian affair and the following peeping-oralism affair, have twisted what might have been a normal sexual development.)

  Helen then related this particular bath house peeping scene that further warped and twisted her libido into a perverted craving: Helen had been lured into the adjoining wooden stall by Bruce R., a young college athletic supervisor at the sprawling and rather exclusive resort.

  He was in a pair
of tight white latex trunks that he deliberately favored because it outlined his genitalia. He said, "I like to 'put out' for the old bags who come here. I catch them looking at my rod and I know they get the hots for it. I make extra money that way. Sometimes, I do it with a few queers but I don't care for that. I like the old dames."

  Helen was in her bathing suit; she is a long "edgy with over-developed (if they could be so described!) breasts that were soon being fondled by Bruce, making her squeal and giggle.

  She was fondling his poking erection and exclaiming, "You sure have a lot of good stuff." She cupped his hirsute scrotum and hefted his testicles in her hands. "I wish I had something like this."

  (COMMENT: Penis envy is a common symptom among lesbians as well as women who are compulsive peepers.)

  "You can have it, baby, if you want to (then he used lascivious words to describe fellatio) cause we're too cramped up here to do anything else. But first ... "


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