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Hard Sands: Warlords of Atera

Page 6

by Kyle, Celia

  A handful of Hard Sands warriors sat among the human females, large males leaning close and whispering soft words. Some seemed uncomfortable with the close attention—moving further away from the males—while others laughed and smiled. Those appeared to enjoy the attention of the strong, handsome Ateran males. He did not doubt that the males at the human-occupied table had already found their kodes in the group of aliens.

  Just as he had.

  He saw it in their eyes, their posture, and the way they bowed their heads submissively, eager to please their females and attend to their needs. Thankfully, some of the human females were enraptured by their newfound warriors.

  He wondered if his warriors struggled like he did, fighting to understand the humans’ ways. Kalinda did not appear to be one of the humans enjoying her time in the dining hall. Her head remained lowered and she avoided eye contact with everyone in the room—including Nakan.

  He forced himself to maintain a stoic, an unreadable expression as he moved through the great hall and toward his table. He took his traditional position at the head of the room. He could not show any signs of weakness to his warriors and sit in any other place no matter how much he wished to sit beside Kalinda. He already struggled to maintain their loyalty and faith. It was a grueling time for his people—the death of his sire weighing heavily on them all. Now he strived to be a beacon of hope for his people, to be the leader they needed. He did not believe they had truly accepted him and if they knew his kode debated rejecting him, they would take it as a sign that he was not worthy to lead them. It would cast doubts among the Aterans of the Hard Sands and there was little Nakan could do to prevent a challenger from attempting to take his position as warlord.

  For now, he would avoid the subject of his mate. Kalinda did not wish for him to announce their bond and they had not completed the mating ritual. It seemed wise to respect her desires. He held hope in his heart that she would agree to the mating once she had become used to her new circumstances. Surely, he would win her heart once she saw him as a strong and worthy warrior, anxious to tend to her needs. Once they were truly bonded in the eyes of the goddess, he would present her to their people. Then they would see him as a strong and virulent leader worthy of their loyalty and devotion.

  Aarom already occupied his seat at the table—positioned at Nakan’s right. The older male saw too much when he stared at Nakan, the paladin seeing right through his attempts to hide his emotions.

  Aarom leaned close and whispered to Nakan. “It seems things did not go as planned with your kode.”

  Nakan grumbled under his breath. He should have known he could hide nothing from his paladin. Aarom had known Nakan since he was a young one, before he was even strong enough to lift a blade. Nakan hoped no one else could read him the way Aarom could.

  He scanned his surroundings to make sure no one else was within listening distance, and then spoke in a quiet voice. “Kalinda needs time to acclimate to her new circumstances.”

  “She has rejected you,” Aarom countered.

  “No,” Nakan ground his teeth. She had not truly rejected him. “She is a stranger to our ways. She needs time to better understand our customs and traditions. We will announce our bonding when she is ready.”

  “That is a mistake.” Aarom shook his head. He scanned the room, gaze flitting over the gathered warriors. “Many whisper about your ability to lead our people into the next age. You are young with no great victories to your name. You still have not honed your Stone Sense to locate the all-important deahmid mines. You need a victory—a symbol of your strength—to unite the people behind your leadership. Your new kode is the perfect opportunity.”

  “Opportunity?” Nakan frowned, not liking the way in which Aarom spoke of Kalinda. “I will not share the truth that Kalinda and I are not yet bonded. I will avoid the subject. No one needs to know the truth.”

  Aarom snorted. “It is already known throughout the city. Rumors spread of the human female—the gift from Eana—who has stirred the warlord’s blood.” Aarom shot him a narrow-eyed stare. “Did you truly believe such a thing could remain hidden? Thankfully there is much doubt about whether she is truly your kode. Many question whether it is possible for one who is not our people to bond to an Ateran, let alone to the warlord.” The paladin’s expression turned calculating and harsh. “If you make the announcement with her at your side, it will be viewed as a miracle. You will be seen as blessed by the goddess. Everyone will speak of how Eana herself sent this female to you from beyond the stars. It is a sign of the goddess’ favor. A sign of strength and power. It is what you need, Nakan.”

  Nakan’s gaze drifted to Kalinda. She remained with the human females, but a group of Ateran young ones had crept close to investigate their new, strange visitors. Kalinda was talking and playing with the young and, for the first time, Nakan spied a warm smile on her face. She delighted in their energy and exuberance. Several of the young ones had gathered around her, asking questions and showing off.

  Seeing her with the young ones had him sitting up straighter with a sense of pride. She seemed to have a natural instinct with the small ones, and he imagined what it would be like to one day see her filled with his offspring—his young. Just thinking of her swollen with his young one stirred his blood, and under any other circumstances, he would spirit her to his bed right then and there. But these were not ordinary circumstances even though the thought of taking Kalinda to his rooms filled him with undeniable need.

  He forced himself to banish his passionate thoughts. Now was not the time nor the place. Especially since she had not warmed to his affections.

  “You would have me announce her as Lady of the Hard Sands against her wishes?” He did not meet Aarom’s eyes.

  “I ask you to speak the truth,” Aarom replied. “She is your kode whether she wishes to speak of it or not. She does not need to rise as the Lady of the Hard Sands. She is not required to take on the duties expected of your mate. You need to make the announcement to consolidate your power. Surely, she will understand the implications of this situation. She is intelligent. She must.”

  Nakan considered his paladin’s words. The male sounded reasonable and he was certain that, after the meal, he could discuss the situation with Kalinda. She would be understanding. He was not demanding she go to his bedchamber at that very moment. This was merely a formality. A duty of his station as the warlord of the Hard Sands.

  Though he still had his doubts. It might be wisest to speak with her first to get her opinion on the matter. He could reason with her, convince her of the need for such an action.

  While he let the thoughts roll through his mind, his gaze was caught by Chaze’s arrival, a contingent of loyal guards at his back. Chaze glared at Nakan as soon as he entered, pausing in the entry to hold the warlord’s gaze with his hate-filled own. He stared without flinching, almost daring Nakan to comment on Chaze’s presence at the meal.

  Nakan clenched his fist under the table. Under any other circumstance, he would have ejected Chaze from the dinner. After what he had done—had tried to do—it was an insult for Chaze to be present. For the barest of moments, Nakan toyed with the idea of having Chaze dragged away and secured in a cell.

  But he did not. This was a formal meal, a political gathering, and Chaze was a powerful figure in the Hard Sands. From a family with a long line of strong warriors, they had been influential in the Hard Sands for generations. To banish the male from the meal would carry political consequences. That did not even address the thoughts of securing the male in a cave. Chaze would spread his lies to others—that Nakan’s behavior had no cause—and it would cost Nakan a great deal of loyalty from those who looked up to Chaze and his family.

  As distasteful as it was, Nakan would have to be diplomatic and treat Chaze as a welcomed guest.

  He allowed himself to acknowledge Chaze with a shallow nod—a gesture that brought a smirk to the male’s lips.

  Chaze’s gaze then turned to the table of human females,
stare zeroing in on Kalinda, and there was no denying the hunger in his intense stare. While Nakan knew his kode could not have stirred Chaze’s blood, he also knew the male would seek to claim one of the human females as his own for reasons that matched Nakan’s. It would show the people of the Hard Sands that Chaze had the goddess’ favor and would raise him—in the people’s mind—to the status of equal to Nakan. If not greater.

  If the people of the Hard Sands believed the goddess favored Chaze over Nakan, it would be impossible for Nakan to maintain his position of strength over his people. He would be viewed as weak and unworthy. It would only be a matter of time before he was challenged for leadership of the territory.

  Nakan rose, standing tall at the head of the cavern. The gathered Aterans watched with wide eyes and fell quiet. Most stood out of respect, stares on their leader as they waited to hear the words he would share. Chaze and his contingent, however, glared at him with faces overflowing with disdain. Chaze stood with his arms crossed and chin raised, posture filled with defiance. Some of the others seemed to notice, giving the other male sidelong glances while they wore uncertain expressions. They were unaccustomed to seeing someone stare at their leader with such disrespect. During the time of Nakan’s father’s rule, such an act would not be tolerated. Ever.

  Now many of the Aterans appeared curious, as if they waited to see how the power struggle would be resolved.

  “Blessed be the goddess.” Nakan’s voice rose and echoed through the cavern. “And blessed be Her children.”

  “Blessed be,” the gathering repeated, even Chaze and his cohorts. The human females held bemused expressions, unfamiliar with their traditions.

  “We enter a new era for our people,” Nakan spoke again. “You have all heard of the vessel from beyond the stars. Of the gifts from Eana that were discovered when the vessel crashed.”

  He gestured to the human females and many shifted in their seats as all Ateran eyes fell onto them. Kalinda’s gaze collided with his, curiosity evident in her expression. He did not know her thoughts, but she appeared fixated by his words.

  “Our people have a long and proud tradition, one my family has been part of for many generations. After the loss of my father to the skirmishes to the east, it has been my honor to guide our people into the future. But with this new blessing from the goddess, it is clear that our future—the future of Atera—is at the dawn of a great change.”

  Mumbling broke out throughout the crowd, but Nakan continued, not allowing himself to be interrupted.

  “Today, we the Ateran people, welcome our guests from beyond the stars.” He once more gestured to the human females. “We stand united with them as is the will of the goddess. She sent them to us to usher in this new age. They have brought with them knowledge that surpasses our own. Of great vessels that travel between worlds. Of connecting with the people of those worlds as our hovertrains connect distant cities. I believe it will be our destiny to travel to these other worlds, to find our place among the stars, and to meet other children of Eana from beyond our own world.”

  More mumbling, more of the Aterans now staring at the humans. The human females squirmed and exchanged glances with one another but remained quiet—only exchanging near silent whispers. Kalinda stared at Nakan with a deep frown and he only allowed himself the briefest of glances before pulling his eyes away. He could not allow himself to be deterred.

  “I am sure you have many questions.” He quirked the corner of his mouth up slightly. “And doubts. But fear not.” He raised his arm, fingers in a tight fist. “We know that the goddess has chosen this path for us. There can be no doubt that these are fated times, that Eana has sent us these gifts for a great purpose.” He swallowed hard and hoped he was not making the biggest mistake of his life. “I know this because…”

  Nakan glanced at Kalinda, meeting her eyes. They stared at each other for one beat and then two, until realization dawned, and shock crept across her features. She gave a small shake of her head to deny him, but Nakan did not stop.

  “…because one of the human females—Kalinda of Earth—is my kode.”

  Chapter Nine

  Kalinda ground her teeth together, fists clenched beneath the table while she fought not to pick up her bowl and fling it at the alien warlord. She glared at Nakan even as the gathered Aterans shouted and banged their fists on the wood planks. Some of the guards positioned throughout the room clattered their swords against the stone-hard scales on their forearms. Scanning the gathering, she couldn’t tell of the aliens celebrated the mating or if they protested their leader being tied to a woman from a distant world.

  Personally, Kalinda wanted to voice a protest. A big one. How dare he announce their status as mates when he promised her that he would keep it quiet? He was going to give her time. Standing up in front of everyone and claiming she was his kode was not “giving her time.” If they weren’t surrounded by his people, Kalinda would have hurled her full bowl at the stupid alien’s scaly head and then followed that up with a well-placed kick or two.

  “Is it true?” one of the other human women leaned close and lowered her voice. “Did you… did you sleep with him?”

  “What?” She jerked away from the other woman and shot her a glare. “No.”

  Then she quickly shot a look around their immediate surroundings to make sure none of the Aterans heard her. Not that they could understand English, but as angry as she was with Nakan, she didn’t want anyone to witness her contradicting him. She wasn’t sure how the aliens would react if they heard her calling their leader a big, fat, lizard-liar. For all she knew, they could become violent. She shuddered. She’d had enough violence for the day.

  “But he said—”

  “I don’t care what he said,” she sliced her hand through the air with her harsh words. “I haven’t done anything with him.”

  Not that she hadn’t thought about it, though.

  “So, you’re not his… his whatever he just said?”

  Several of the others leaned closer, curious expressions on their faces.

  Kalinda opened her mouth to speak and then snapped it closed again. She didn’t know how to explain what was going on. Not when she didn’t understand it herself. And she sure as hell wasn’t prepared to sit in the middle of the crowded hall and explain all she’d learned about Ateran biology. Specifically, that they could only be aroused by one woman in their entire life. Then there was the fact that she’d gotten Nakan all hot and bothered. She’d “stirred his blood,” as he put it.

  Admitting her effect on him would just give the others the wrong idea. It was embarrassing enough to sit there and have everyone in the room think she had mated with him. She wasn’t going to add to it by talking about how she had aroused Nakan without even trying.

  Yet, at the same time, she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to deny it. It wasn’t as if she was guiltless. She had thought about doing things with him. Naughty, dirty, delicious things with the lizard-like alien. There had been a few moments in his private quarters… Moments when she thought about what it would be like to be stripped by him. Stripped and held close in his strong, scaly arms. What it would be like to be ravished by an alien warlord—taken, claimed, consumed. There was something wicked about being claimed by the alien male. Something primal and raw. She was half-tempted to give in—let those urges take over and experience what it would be like to let go.

  She banished those thoughts with a shake of her head. “Look, I don’t want to talk about this.”

  She turned away, diverting her gaze and refusing to meet anyone’s eyes. She struggled to sort through her thoughts, different variations of her options spinning through her mind.

  A thick, strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled, drawing her from her seat. A small yelp escaped her lips and she struggled against her captor as she turned her head to get a good look at whoever had laid hands on her.


  That quickly the fight left her, accepting her fate for the next few
moments and willing herself to go along with whatever came next. But just wait until they were alone.

  Just wait.

  He pulled her toward his table, allowing her feet to touch the ground to walk at his side, but not letting her wander from him. He drew her to his table at the head of the room and stopped at his seat, another chair appearing out of nowhere for her. Unfortunately, he wasn’t ready to release her. Instead, Nakan grinned down at her and caressed her cheek with his free hand. The gathering continued with their shouts and cheers, the banging near deafening in its volume.

  “My kode,” he raised his voice enough so that she could hear him over the crowd.

  Kalinda pressed her lips together and swallowed everything she’d love to say to him at that moment. She reminded herself—again—that she couldn’t rail at him in front of his people. Now wasn’t the time for a big scene. That would come later. When they were alone and had a thick door between them and anyone who might overhear their fight.

  Because it would be a fight. She had a lot of pent-up words she wanted to get out—loudly.

  Nakan looked as if he’d say something else, but before he uttered a word, another strong pair of hands drew her away from the warlord. She tensed, ready to fight her assailant, but the one holding her didn’t attack. The figure put his arms around her in a fierce hug.

  “Congratulations.” A gruff voice filled her ears and she recognized the speaker—Aarom. He squeezed her for a long moment before releasing her to stand on her own once more. “This is a time for celebration. The Hard Sands welcome our leader’s new mate. You are to be honored and celebrated, Kalinda of Earth.”

  Aarom was Nakan’s paladin, his second. If she could voice a protest to anyone, it had to be him. Right? Except one harsh look from the paladin had her snapping her mouth closed. The male’s expression urged her to play along. She was sure he could see how upset Nakan’s announcement made her, but he seemed to have a better read of the room and the gathering than her. If he wanted her to keep quiet, she would settle and keep quiet.


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