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Maverick: Rogue Enforcers Novel

Page 8

by Liberty Parker

  “Take what you need from me, Maverick.” Her voice changes octaves; it’s lower, more authoritative. My fangs elongate and I lean down then lick over the mating mark.

  My claim.

  My mate.

  I strike fast and hard, eliciting a moan from her. I drink until my body comes to life. Standing up with her still in my arms, my teeth firmly lodged in her neck, I walk us to our bedroom. Using my tongue, I seal the puncture wounds on her neck closed.

  “I want you,” I whisper into her ear.

  “I’m here for your taking, Maverick,” she proclaims as her lower region grinds on mine. My wolf howls in triumph as my vampire surges forward with his dominance. Now that he’s had her life force coating our mouth, he needs to claim her in another way. Feeding is very sexual, and brings forth his entity, he’s harder to maintain and control with this intense frenzy. This is his show, wolf and I are bystanders in this instance.


  I should be disgusted by this after all I’ve been through, but this is my mate, my love, my everything. I find myself more turned on by this than anything else. My core is pulsating, my breathing picks up and my heart is beating with excitement. Our clothes come flying off, it’s a whirlwind of activity. I’ve never been so turned on in my life, I can feel wetness coating the inside of my thighs, there’s no need for foreplay; him drinking from me was enough to induce my womanly desires to surface. “Please, Maverick.”

  “Please what, love?”

  “Don’t play coy, mate. I need you,” I rasp out, wrapping my legs around him to pull him closer to me. His eyes are hooded with desire, causing me to be that much more determined to feel him stretching me to my limits, with his endowed manhood. He slides inside of me and groans out my name as his hips pull out and slam back in. My wolf makes her presence known as my nails grow into sharp, deadly points. I dig them into his back, he arches, hisses, then picks up the pace. He grabs my thighs with his hands, pulls them up to where my knees are next to my ears, then swivels his hips before changing the pace once again. My eyes roll into the back of my head in ecstasy as I beg him to make me come. “More,” I chant over and over again until finally he’s frustrated with this position. He pulls out, and I whimper in protest from the loss of him. Then, using his strength, he flips me over pulling my hips up higher into the air.

  “Head down, love.” I comply with his demand, lowering my upper half. “Play with your clit, Connelly.” I feel myself become further soaked from his authoritative tone. Reaching down, I feel my engorged clit calling for attention; I begin to circle the bud. As pleasure takes hold, I find myself pushing my hips back as he pushes his forward. I feel his balls slapping against my fingers as he roughly takes what he needs from me. He’s conquering me, owning me, and this action causes my wolf to release a howl from deep within. I clench down on him as an orgasm takes hold. Once it’s subsided he hisses out, “Again.” His hands grab a hold of my shoulders as he relentlessly pounds inside of me. It’s a dance, he pulls out until just the tip rests inside of my opening, before slamming full-force back in. I feel him lean over me and sharp fangs pierce my skin. It’s not on top of the mating mark of his wolf, it’s on my other shoulder. I can tell the difference, this is his vamp marking me for himself.

  “Oh fuck!” I shout as stars begin to dance behind my lids. The pleasure is so fulfilling that I fear I’m going to black out from the sheer intensity alone.

  “More,” he proclaims as he pumps through my release.

  “C-can’t, no more, too much,” I whimper, not knowing how much more my body can withstand.

  “It’s never too much between us, love. It’s always the perfect amount.” His hands are now positioned at my hips as he pulls me back into him, burying himself deeper than ever before. “We’re perfection, feel me, love.” And I do, I feel him to the depths of my spirit. He’s stolen my essence; it no longer belongs to me. He owns me body, heart and soul. His vampire is proclaiming ownership of me. The sexy vixen inside comes to life as I reach back and grab the cheeks of his ass with my fingers. “You. Are. Mine,” he grits out between each thrust of his hips.

  “Yours, yes, always only yours, Maverick.”


  She’s submitting to me so beautifully; my vampire is at one with me for the first time in my life. I’ve never felt so controlled, so empowered as I do in this moment. The contentment surrounding me, wrapping around me, has me feeling settled, hungry for life. The world is no longer flanked in black and white; it’s immersed in color. As this realization takes hold, my release wracks my entire being as I empty my seed inside of my mate; my love. I can’t get enough of her. Losing all feeling in my limbs, I collapse on top of her back. “You are my soul, Connelly. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You’ve made me want to be a better man; my life is lived for you.”

  “I know what you mean, not the man part of course.” She releases a giggle. “You consume my thoughts; I can’t get enough of you. When you are out of my sight for even a millisecond, I freak out. I love you, Maverick.”

  “I love you too, Connelly.” If I’d known sharing those words with her would’ve taken the weighted boulder off of my chest sooner, I would’ve already proclaimed my love to her. I know it’s only been a few days since we’ve met and mated, but according to Paxton, love is instantaneous for our kind. Rolling over, I pull Connelly with me, still embedded inside of her. I feel drained, sleepy, but am not willing to let my mate leave my side. “Sleep, love.” I snuggle into her back as she pushes her body further into mine. We doze off to the beating of our hearts. Synchronized, just as our souls are.

  I startle awake with a loud, piercing sound vibrating throughout the house. “What the hell?” I state as I jump up and grab my discarded clothes. I quickly dress as Connelly mumbles about shutting the annoying noise off. I don’t have time to admire her in her slumbered state, I must find out what is happening in my home. Rushing out of the bedroom, I’m met with Esmerelda as she is looking into a crystal ball… no pun intended. “What’s happening?” It’s meant to come out as a question, but my irritation is at an all-time high, so I shouted it, causing them all to jerk back from my roar.

  “We’ve been breached. Esmerelda is trying to locate where so we can stop them before they make it to us,” Paxton answers.

  “I can help,” a sleepy Connelly announces before a blank stare takes her over. I walk up to her, fear consuming me, and wave my hand in front of her face. Nothing, no reaction whatsoever.

  “Love?” I whisper, not wanting her to come out of her state in shock.

  “Amazing,” Charisma states.

  “What? What’s amazing? She’s in a coma-like state. Help me understand, my wolf and vamp are highly upset, Charisma.”

  “She’s conversing with the animals in the forest, Maverick. She’ll have their position locked down quicker than Esmerelda can.” Turning around, I look at my mate; now it all makes sense. That blank stare reminds me of myself when I’m lost in a trance.

  “They’ve breached the north side. They’re heading this way quickly; the animals are going to attempt to slow them down. They’re here for me, Maverick, I can feel it deep down in my bones.”

  “They won’t touch you.” The words sound menacing to my own ears, so I know that everyone feels the wrath of my statement.

  “Damn straight they won’t,” Landry hisses, her panther trying to take control. “No one hurts one of our own and lives to talk about it.”

  “That’s my mate,” Paxton proudly states, his panther barely holding himself at bay. I understand how he feels, knowing that danger is on the horizon with your mate close by, makes you eager to feel your victim’s blood coat your tongue. Both of my entities begin fighting for control, both of them desperately wanting to be the one to protect our mate. I gain control and push them both back. I am the one who needs to be in control at this time. This calls for a level head, not hot headedness. Neither one of them are known for control, nor having an even temp
erament, especially when it comes to Connelly and her safety.


  The room is filled with tension. Violence, mayhem coats the air making it hard to breathe. I reach out and touch my mate, he instantaneously calms, somewhat. He’s not as tightly wound as he previously was, but he’s still ready to snap at a moment’s notice. “Maverick, it’s going to be okay. We have a team of extraordinary people on our side.”

  “Be wary of Desmond, he is unpredictable and deadly.” Charisma has rolls of fear and doom penetrating from her words. “I fear he’ll be the one we will be in the most danger from.”

  “Then he’s the one we must take down first,” Maverick insists.

  “It would be in our best interest for survival,” Charisma agrees.

  “Connelly, what animals are out there right now?” Paxton asks me.

  “A few bears, some deer, and a few birds of prey,” I reply. “Why?”

  “Jasper’s out there as well,” Maverick murmurs. “Fuck, I don’t want him hurt.”

  “I will put a protection spell on them all,” Esmerelda states. She immediately raises her hands and I watch with fascination as brightly colored orbs fly from her hands and out through the windows. She’s chanting and there’s a blue aura that surrounds her. Fucking phenomenal, but frightening at the same time. I watch as the color slowly fades and she sits, her eyes closed but still chanting. “It’s done,” she finally announces. “Now, we need to get ready. I don’t think they’ll be satisfied just talking, so all of you need to be prepared to shift. Oh, and I put protection spells on all of you as well. Just don’t lose your heads.”

  “Damn, Esmerelda, now is not the time to talk about beheadings, it’s not funny in the slightest,” Paxton all but hisses at her.

  “A little humor in the face of danger never hurt anyone, Paxton,” Esmerelda states with a smile coating her face. “Now, let’s go whoop some damn vampire ass. No offense, Maverick, Charisma.”

  “They’re the worst of our kind; evil, so no offense taken, my friend,” Charisma states. “But I need to learn what you were doing when we have some free time.”

  “I’ve felt the magic in you, Charisma, so yes, once this threat is banished, I will teach you what I know,” Esmerelda says. “Especially since we have another threat on the horizon. I can use all the help to protect our family.”

  I feel Maverick’s befuddlement at Esmerelda’s words and smile. She’s right; it may be a bit unorthodox, but we’ve formed a family of sorts.

  “Can we make it through today before planning tomorrow?” Maverick’s annoyance with the two is said in a way that can’t be mistaken for his impatience.

  “I have to say, I agree with Maverick on this one. You two are impossible to keep focused when you’re together,” Landry disappointedly sighs as she shakes her head.

  “Child, do not scold me.” Esmerelda waggles her finger in Landry’s direction. “Now, shift, children.” It takes everything in me to not laugh at her change in direction. She’s like a child who has ADD on speed. It’s hard to keep track with her train of thought at times. We all begin to remove our clothing and allow our animals to take hold. Maverick is a sight to behold, you can tell that he’s having a hard time with which entity to take on, so he basically takes on traits of both. I’ve never seen such a scary, yet mesmerizing creature in all of my life. He has the body of a wolf, yet he has both the fangs of his vampire and the blood red eyes. Yet, his wolf’s canines are clearly present as well. He makes one helluva scary counterpart. I’m happy he’s on my side and not on the opposition’s. These vampires have no clue what they’re up against.


  This is a first for me, usually, it’s either side that wins over the other one for control. Having both of them share a form with me makes me feel invincible. I see my friends transform into their panthers and grin. But when I see my mate turn into the sexiest she-wolf I’ve ever seen; I throw back my head and howl in appreciation. Charisma’s fangs have elongated and Esmerelda’s blue glow that she gets is radiating a power unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Because the four of us are in animal form, we can no longer speak, but I have faith that Esmerelda and Charisma will handle that with their usual flair.

  “Come, children,” Esmerelda says, walking to the door. Before we go much further, I feel something and suddenly, I can hear her in my head.

  I’ve put a communication spell on all of you so that we can speak to each other, even with all of you in animal form.

  How cool is that? Landry asks, rubbing against Paxton.

  Can we keep this, Esmerelda? Connelly questions, her paw rubbing my head.

  No, child. All of you will eventually have your own telepathic bond, Esmerelda replies. Now get serious, children. We have work to do. We cannot keep losing focus, there is a battle to win here, folks.

  That fucking witch is nuts, my wolf huffs.

  She is that indeed, vampire agrees wholeheartedly.

  I internally roll my eyes, she has so much room to talk about losing focus on our task at hand. We manage to get out onto the porch and I immediately feel the power surrounding my house. I feel the evil as well and both my wolf and my vampire want to attack the individual who is emanating the malevolent stench. Since Charisma and Esmerelda are the only ones who can physically speak, I wait to see what is said.

  “We want Charisma and the she-wolf,” the black-garbed vampire says, his fangs elongated.

  “We can’t always get what we want,” Esmerelda states. I notice the blue surrounding her become more vibrant as she raises her hands. “Now, I suggest you leave before we make mincemeat out of you.” Great, another idiom to research because mincemeat is not made from supernatural beings!

  I notice that animals have crept out of the woods and are now surrounding the group of vampires. I can feel their animosity toward the strangers and know that Connelly has called them forth. Before the man who I suspect is Desmond can say another word, a nut comes flying from the roof and hits him square between the eyes. Jasper! I glance upward to see him as well as what looks like a small squirrel army with more nuts on my roof than I can count. They continue to pelt the vampires with nuts and I feel my face split into a grin. I know it looks demented in wolf form, but right now, what the squirrels are doing is fucking hysterical.

  “Cease!” At the stranger’s bellow, everything stops. I don’t like the shift in power that I feel and rub against Connelly to calm both myself and her.

  “You have no power here,” Esmerelda states before flinging a blue ball in the vampires’ direction. I watch as it expands and each vampire is flung to the ground. “Leave or face our wrath.”

  The growls and hissing coming from my mate and my friends has me answering in kind. The animals that surround the vampires begin to growl as well and I feel the power shifting in our direction. Stepping forward, I continue to growl and snarl. The fear that emanates from several of the vampires makes me glad that the people at my back are on my side.

  “It’s true, Rowina’s child lives!” One of the vamps points an accusatory finger in my direction. “He must die, Desmond. We can’t have this abomination continue to exist.” The growl that emanates from my mate has my fur standing on end. I end up glancing in her direction in time to see her shake her head in the direction of the speaker. I watch in amusement as he flies through the air and hits a tree. She continues flinging the others in the group around until all but the man who is apparently Desmond stands there. Still, the nuts keep flying, pelting the downed vampires with such force that I hear each indrawn breath when it makes contact with their skin.

  I’ve placed a spell on the others so they won’t interfere. We must cut the head off the snake. Once he is defeated, the others will scatter. He has them enthralled right now. Esmerelda’s voice echoes in my head and I nod, as do my friends. I don’t quite understand what she means and make a mental note to get clarification. I wonder if it’s similar to what I used to do when I had to feed, and am curious about how she m
anaged to enthrall all of them. Well almost all of them, since Desmond still stands while the others are incapacitated.They seem to follow his lead, even without any words, so maybe he’s communicating with them the same way that we’re talking.

  Stalking toward Desmond, I feel the presence of my mate, as well as Paxton and Landry, at my back. The power flowing from each of us, as well as what Esmerelda and Charisma are emitting has me jutting my muzzle up in pride. For someone who has been alone the majority of his life, I’m amazed at the support surrounding me. Us, actually, as I look over at my mate. She senses my look and moves closer to lick the side of my snout. Then she grins at me and while the sight is a bit terrifying, I smile back.

  “You cannot continue to live, you are an abomination to our kind,” Desmond bellows. “And you,” he snarls, pointing at Charisma, “will be dealt with for your betrayal to our coven.”

  Charisma laughs and it sounds so sinister that I feel myself cringe slightly. “Not a chance of that ever happening, Desmond. You know what the prophecies say. Maverick is here to unite us with the humans. Everyone, hybrid or not, has a right to live in peace.”

  “The prophecies need to be changed, there’s no way I’m gonna sit idly by and watch him destroy us all,” Desmond states.


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