Love's Truth

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Love's Truth Page 18

by C. A. Popovich

  “I’m glad she has you to help.” Barb took Jen’s hand and squeezed gently.

  “As far as I’m concerned, she’s my daughter. I’d never refuse to help her. I’m going to head home for a while, but I’ll be back later to check on her. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Sounds good, and thanks again, Jen.”

  Jen waved as she left, and Barb went to check on Lyn. “How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m kind of groggy but I think I remember I owe you an answer. It’s no.” Lynette shifted a little and closed her eyes.

  Barb had no idea what Lyn was mumbling about, but she wasn’t going to press her for anything while she was so woozy. She looked so vulnerable, and Barb’s heart ached for the terrifying ordeal she’d gone through. She lightly stroked her cheek before leaving the room.

  Barb unpacked her suitcase and hung a few items in the spare bedroom closet. She added her toothbrush and some toiletries to the collection on the bathroom counter and retrieved a towel from the small bathroom closet. She gazed at herself in the mirror and reflected on the past three weeks. She’d enjoyed a relaxing vacation, met an incredible woman, helped save her from a crazy cult, and now she was standing in Lyn’s bathroom wondering if she should stay or go home. It wasn’t like Jen couldn’t take care of Lynette just fine. But she couldn’t bring herself to go.

  She took a quick shower and put on clean clothes before going in search of something to make for them to eat. She was rummaging through the cupboards when Jen knocked on the front door. She let her in and swooned at the delicious scent from the box she carried.

  “I brought pizza. I know Lynette loves it, if she’s up to eating, and I hoped you did, too.”

  “Oh, yes. I was just looking for something to make. This is perfect. Thank you.”

  “How’s the patient?” Jen set the pizza box on the table.

  “She was sleeping when I peeked into her room a few minutes ago. I’ll go see if she’s hungry.”

  Jen followed her to Lyn’s room. Lyn was sound asleep, and Starr lay with her head resting on her leg.

  “Let’s let her rest,” Jen whispered. “We’ll save her a couple pieces for later.”

  Barb led the way back to the kitchen and put plates and napkins on the table. “Thanks again for thinking of this.” She took a bite of pizza.

  “I’m really glad you were able to stay longer. Do you have a deadline to be back to work?”

  “I need to call my chief and let him know how much longer I’ll be, but I wanted to see how Lyn was progressing before I do that.”

  “I see.” Jen swallowed her bite of pizza and remained quiet.

  “I plan to stay as long as she needs me,” Barb said softly and rested her hand on Jen’s arm. Apparently, her subconscious had made the decision for her. So be it.

  Jen smiled and looked relieved. “That’s good. That’s very good.”

  “Get some rest tonight. I’ll be sure to call you if something changes with Lyn. And thanks for the great chart you made. It’ll help me keep track of things.”

  After Jen left, Barb reviewed Jen’s chart and sorted the medication. She set the alarm on her phone as a reminder to give Lyn her antibiotic in an hour and checked on her before turning on the TV and settling on the couch.

  She woke to the dinging of her phone. She took a glass of water and Lyn’s pills to the bedroom, pleased to see her awake and talking quietly to Starr. “I have your antibiotics for you,” she said from the door.

  Lyn rolled to her side and sat up on the side of the bed. Her huge grin indicated she was pleased with herself at the accomplishment. “I can’t swallow those lying down.”

  “I’m glad to see you feeling better. How’s your back feel?” Barb knew changing the dressing was next on her list of items to do. It wasn’t exactly the way she’d imagined seeing Lynette without her top on the first time.

  “It’s sore, which is better than painful like it was.” She swallowed her pills and finished the glass of water.

  “I’ll refill your water glass and be right back to change the dressing on your back.” Barb stepped out of the room and leaned against the wall. Lyn’s beautiful blue eyes had lost the pain-filled haze and sparkled when she smiled at her. They were going to have to talk. Barb had feelings for Lyn far beyond friendship and knew it would be a struggle to keep them to herself. Her need to keep her safe and care for her warred with her desire to gather her in her arms and profess her feelings. She’d nearly lost her, and that thought shook her to her core. She took a deep breath and concentrated on the task at hand. She washed her hands, collected what she needed, and returned to find Lyn lying on the bed face down. She’d removed her pajama top, and Barb gazed at the soft swell of her breasts as they pushed against the bed underneath her. She mentally slapped herself. Lyn didn’t need her lusting after her.

  “I’m going to remove this bandage now.” She pulled back the dressing and carefully removed it. The skin was rubbed raw, but there were no deep lacerations. Most sections were scabbed over, and the healing process had begun. She used the antibiotic cream the hospital had provided and covered the abrasions with a sterile dressing.

  “This looks pretty good. You’re healing already.” She couldn’t stop herself from lightly caressing Lyn’s bare shoulder before taking the supplies away. This was going to be harder than she thought.

  Chapter 39

  Lyn put her top back on when Barb left the room, and she trembled slightly from the gentle sweetness of Barb’s touch. She pushed herself off the bed, noting where things hurt and where they didn’t. The places where Barb had been felt distinctly nicer.

  Barb returned with her full water glass, and Lyn stood next to the bed bracing herself with her hand on the wall.

  “You must be feeling better.” Barb smiled and stood close.

  “I had to see if I could do something besides lie in bed all day.”

  “No dizziness?” Barb asked.

  “No. And thank goodness my head doesn’t throb anymore.” She sat back down on the side of the bed. “I’m hungry, though. All I could keep down in the hospital was some awful soup.” Lyn stepped slowly toward the kitchen.

  “You stay here. Jen brought some pizza. Think you could handle a piece?”

  “Please.” Lyn sat back on the bed and rested her hand on Starr’s back. “I’m so glad to be home.” She allowed the tears to flow as the memory of what had happened replayed once again. Gray walls, flashing lights, and a face full of hatred made her weak inside.

  “Here you go.” Barb returned with the pizza and handed Lyn the plate. Their fingers brushed, and the contact felt like a jolt of electricity radiating up her arm. Barb sat next to her on the bed and gently wiped away a tear from her cheek. “Are you all right?”

  The need to be held was hampered by her sore shoulder, so she set her plate on the nightstand and kissed her. Her lips were warm and soft and welcoming. She whimpered when Barb deepened the kiss and ran her tongue over her lower lip, then whined when she pulled away. “Why did you stop?” She tried to slow her ragged breathing.

  “I don’t want to stop, sweetheart. I just can’t keep kissing you and feeling you everywhere and then be sent away. It’s tearing me apart.” Barb stood and ran her hand through her hair.

  Lyn had sent her away to protect her. Had she lost her now that she was free? “We need to talk.” She took a bite of her forgotten pizza and swallowed before speaking. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. Exactly what happened was what I was afraid of. It could have turned out very differently, and I could’ve been trapped again. What if you had been here and they’d hurt you to get to me? I couldn’t take that chance, and I care too much about you to put you through that.” She rested her hand on Starr and took a deep breath. “But if the threat of Brother Matthew is over, will you forgive me and stay?”

  Barb gathered her in her arms and Lyn’s fear dissolved. “Finish your pizza, and I’ll get you a cup of hot chocolate

  “Is that a yes?”

  Barb took her hand and kissed it. “I have to check in with work in a couple of days, but I’m not going anywhere right now except to get your food.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed Barb again before she could leave. “Is there more pizza?”

  Barb chuckled. “I’ll bring two pieces.”

  If her back wasn’t so sore she’d flop back on the bed. She settled for practicing standing and sitting a few times. Starr watched her every move but didn’t jump off the bed. Her vision was clear, and the horrendous headache was gone. She’d heal, and soon she’d make an appointment with her therapist. She closed her eyes and allowed the delightful feeling of being called sweetheart by Barb to wash over her.

  “Here you go.” Barb walked in carrying a tray with a plate of pizza slices and two cups of hot chocolate. “I thought I’d join you. This is probably dinner unless Jen brings something else. Oh, I almost forgot. Claudia might stop by tonight.”

  “Great. I’d love to see her.” Lynette took a huge bite of pizza and swallowed before sipping her hot chocolate. “Yum. Thank you. This is perfect.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling so good. If you’re up to it after we eat, we can put your arm sling on and sit on the couch and watch the news. Jen will be over later.”

  “I’d like that. I’m pretty sick of being in bed.” Lynette hoped Barb would call her sweetheart again. She set her plate and cup down and stood. “Am I supposed to wear that sling thing all the time? Because I’m going to the bathroom.”

  Barb retrieved the sling and she slipped her arm into it, surprised at how much pressure it took off her shoulder. “It feels pretty good, actually. I’ll be back.” She kissed Barb quickly before grabbing some clean clothes and walking out of the room.

  “I’ll be right outside the door. Call if you need help,” Barb said.

  The view in her bathroom mirror surprised Lynette. She had bruises on her arms, legs, and right cheek. Her shoulder was swollen, sore, and bruised, and her hair was a mess. She hoped to be able to wash it but couldn’t get under a shower with her back bandaged. She settled for brushing it, sponge bathing, and putting on clean clothes. She felt more human when she walked out of the bathroom. “I’m pretty beat up, aren’t I?”

  Barb smiled and stroked her cheek. “Yeah, but you’re tough. You’ll heal.”

  “Yes, I will.” She took advantage of Barb’s strength and leaned on her as they went to the living room. She eased onto the couch and Barb left to let Starr outside and feed her.

  “Claudia gave me some muffins earlier. Do you want one now, or with coffee tomorrow?”

  Lyn looked at her incredulously.

  She grinned and shook her head. “Okay. I’ll get them now.”

  “Hello. I’m coming in,” Jen called from the door.

  Lynette rose gingerly to greet her. “Look how good I’m doing.” She hugged her with her good arm, and a sense of rightness washed over her. She had Barb here, and her aunt and Starr. Gratitude filled her heart.

  “You are. I brought a casserole for you guys and some fresh zucchini bread.” Jen put her foodstuff in the refrigerator.

  “Tea?” Lynette asked.

  “Thank you, dear. But I can make it.”

  “I need to prove to myself that I’m healing and able to do more than sit around.”

  “Fine. I’ll go say hello to Barb.” Jen left the room shaking her head.

  Lynette managed to make a cup of tea for her aunt and carry it out to the table next to the couch. “See what I can do?” She settled next to Barb, unwilling to admit how tired she was, and her dull headache had returned.

  “I got a call from Claudia while you were making tea. She’s going to stop by tomorrow, if it’s okay with you. She worked late tonight.”

  “I hope she’s not overworked without me there. Maybe I’ll feel up to going—”

  Barb and Jen spoke in unison. “No.”

  Lynette tried to keep up with the conversation, but Barb felt so warm and soft, and her arm around her shoulders begged to be cuddled into. She closed her eyes for only a moment.

  Chapter 40

  “Are you absolutely certain?” Barb asked her brother, needing the information he gave her to be true. He’d called to see how Lynette was feeling, and he had news about the cult.

  “I am, sis. My lieutenant confirmed it for me, and you’ve met her. She doesn’t mess around. She talked to an FBI agent and the Department of Corrections as well as the prosecuting attorney. The cult woman goes by the name Ruth, and she had no ID on her. They couldn’t find her prints in the system and suspect she might’ve been born in the cult. Her appointed attorney is working out a plea deal in exchange for information. Anyway, she’s in prison with a lighter charge for the felony of kidnapping Lynette across state lines. You already know the feds raided the cult compound. They tried to take the leader into custody, but he shot at them with an automatic weapon, so they killed him. They found an arsenal in a storage room. The surviving adults and children were taken away for questioning, but a few of the adults were found dead. They think it was suicide. I’m not sure what will happen to the survivors. I suppose they’ll be free to go wherever they want if there was no abuse proved.”

  “How did your lieutenant get all this information?”

  “She ‘knows people,’ is all I got out of her.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.” Barb disconnected the call and checked on Lyn. She found her sleeping, so she made herself a cup of tea and ate a muffin while she debated calling her chief or just returning home and talking to him in person. Her future had never been unclear before. Now she knew she wanted it to include Lyn, but how that would work was her dilemma. Lyn was healing well and getting stronger. She wouldn’t need Barb there in a few days, not physically anyway. But she would probably need emotional support for a good while. Barb quit her pondering. They’d talk when Lyn woke up. She took her tea outside to sit on the patio and enjoy the sunshine and blue sky.

  “Good morning.” Lynette sat on the chair next to her, and Starr settled on the ground in front of them.

  “Glad you’re being good and wearing your sling.”

  “It reminds me not to try to use my sore arm too much. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did, but how are you sleeping? I checked on you about midnight and you looked comfortable.” Barb didn’t share her desire to crawl into bed with her to hold her and make all her pain go away. She admitted to herself that was impossible but her desire to try stuck with her.

  “I took a pain pill last night. I don’t like the way they make me feel, but my shoulder ached.”

  “Good. You take them when you need them. You won’t need them forever.” Barb stroked her arm lightly. “I got a call from Brad this morning.”

  “Yeah?” Lyn turned to face her.

  Barb told her all Brad had said and kept her gaze on Lyn’s face to make sure she was handling it okay. She leaned to kiss Lyn and took her hand. “You really are free, sweetheart.”

  “You know,” Lyn looked thoughtful, “Ruth wasn’t a bad person. I tried to talk to her when we were in that van. She just wanted to have more babies for Matthew. She was upset with herself, like it was her fault her body betrayed her. I think I almost connected with her, but she was so programed to believe everything Matthew said that she couldn’t hear me. I offered to take her to my doctor, but she didn’t believe a word I said.”

  “There was probably nothing you could’ve said to her to earn her trust. She was brainwashed by a charismatic narcissist.”

  “Yeah. It’s too bad. I wish…I wish I could have saved her, you know? But she could have gotten away, the same as I did, and I have to remember that.” She swiped at her tears. “I’ll bet my parents were some of the suicides. They would have died for Matthew. He and the cult were their whole life. They wouldn’t have anything else to live for.”

  “I imagine you’ll be notified if the FBI finds their bodies.”

sp; “Maybe so. I’m getting a cup of coffee. You want one?”

  “Yes, thanks.” Barb refrained from offering to help, recognizing the need for Lyn to feel capable of normal activities.

  “Here you go.” Lyn came outside, set Barb’s cup on the table next to her, and went back into the building. “And here’s mine.” She sat back down and sipped her coffee. “It’s nice out here.”

  “I’m glad you’re doing so well.” Barb took a drink of coffee.

  “Me, too. I’m getting good at doing things one-handed, but my shoulder feels much better. So, what’s happening with your job? Are you going to have to go home soon?”

  “I’ll probably call Jake, he’s my chief, tomorrow and see what’s happening. But I wanted to talk to you first.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.” Lyn stood, and Starr went to her side. “I…don’t want you to leave. Come on.” She grabbed Barb’s hand and led her into the apartment and to her bedroom. “Please lay down with me?”

  Barb hesitated but wasn’t going to deny Lyn anything. She pulled her into her arms on the bed and sighed. “I’m not going to leave and never come back. I’m hoping we can figure out a way to be together, and I hope you feel the same way.” She rolled to her side and made sure Lyn’s bad shoulder was protected before she kissed her. Lyn surprised her by pushing her to her back and lying on top of her. Her thigh slid between her legs and pressed against her center, and Barb shivered with need.

  “Oh, sweetheart, wait. I want this more than anything, but I want us both to be healthy because I don’t want to hold back or worry about hurting you.” She trembled and took deep breaths until her body settled.

  “Sorry, love. I got carried away. I just wanted to cuddle and talk.” Lyn moved off her but slipped her arm out of her sling and rested it across her waist. “I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to leave me.”

  Barb held her gently and kissed her again. “I want you in my life forever. Is that what you want, too?”


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