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The Nameless Slave 2

Page 9

by Vitaly Zykov

  The animal jumped up and hammered with his paws, uttering a joyous squeak. He ran around and bustled. He plunged into the thick bush, ran between the lying dead bodies, nuzzled in a pool of blood under one body, and snorted in indignation, startling some flies which had settled there. Finally, the animal ran up to one of the trees and just buried his nose between the roots. It smelled with blood of the Big… It should not be! The beast barked something like a fox and like an arrow rushed there where the Big felt incredibly close…


  Oleg was walking across the stone sidewalk slowly. The breeze cooled his face pleasantly. The heat was simply inconceivable, but the proximity of the sea gave some freshness and let one breathe. Though it was unbearable to sit at home anyway.

  Home! Two rooms in the attic of a two-story house for five silver kelats per two weeks. While his educational scholarship was only two farlongs! Although for the capital of Nold it was quite a reasonable price. One aging lady leased out the rooms and lived on that money only. Oleg remembered her face when he came drunk at night the day before yesterday, and tried to climb upstairs to his attic. Were she a mage, her eyes would have incinerated him on the spot.

  These recollections reminded him about the state in which he was on the following morning. Ugh! It was just creepy to remember that. Oleg could not move his fingers, and opening his eyes was a simple torture. His listlessly stirring thoughts did not fit inside his head, causing the fear that it could burst.

  – Drink this! You'll feel better – it was a suspiciously familiar voice over his ear.

  Oleg could not think straight yet, only that could explain the fact that he opened his mouth and took a sip from a cup which was near his lips. All the gods of the world! What a drink that was! The bitterness of bile, the taste of manure, the flavor of ammonia! He made only two sips and was thrown almost to the ceiling, then a shiver shook him, his teeth began clattering nastily, and a terrible sneeze attacked him…

  Finally he calmed down a little and wiping his watery eyes, turned to his so-called benefactor.

  – What kind of poison is this?!

  – An indispensable thing after a booze in honor of the end of the year of training… No matter if it is the first year or the tenth… – it was the same voice. Oleg still saw all surrounding objects double, and could not discern his guest.

  He shook his head, and at this moment realized that the terrible hangover had disappeared.

  – That's the thing! – He said heartily. – Who are you and how did you get here?

  – Wow, you haven't recognize me! – The stranger laughed briefly.

  Oleg squinted and looked at him.

  – Irung? Lir Irung?! But what a…

  – Well, why are you so formal. Now I am a student like you. – Irung snapped his fingers. – But of the higher courses.

  Oleg shook his head:

  – I'm sorry, but I'm not quite awake. What higher courses?

  – To become a magician, you have to pass ten courses, and then another three circles, each of them a year long. From the first to the fifth year you are a student. A younger student! From the sixth to the tenth course – a senior student. Ten years in total. After each course you pass exams, and after the tenth course – the graduation work, if you pass it successfully – you become a magician of the fourth rank. If you have some potential, you may enter the third, the second and the first higher circles, which are much more serious, with the other terms of training: three, five and seven years long. I am learning in the third higher circle. – Irung chuckled and said sarcastically by the royal order they had taken the ship from me and sent me here. When I finish the third circle, I'll get the third rank and will be sent into the Wings.

  – But any magician can enter the Wings…

  – Not me, they will take me only if I'm the third rank… Well, let's leave it. I didn't come for that…

  – What for? – Oleg interrupted leaning on a pillow.

  – You see, every magician of the highest circles should take a younger student under his patronage. I have studied for a whole year and still have no student, it's wrong. So I decided to offer you to become my student. – Irung smiled a little. – Like me, you have finished the first year, and even managed to wet this event. So it's time to think about the summer internship.

  – But internship is only after the third year – Oleg who wanted a good rest this summer began to protest. He planned to go to Nastya, to breathe the air free from learning.

  Irung raised his eyebrow and said sarcastically:

  – And you're ready to push a pen in the Academy up to the tenth year? And maybe you even have decided to leave the Academy after the fifth year, and remain a junior student? And work all your life as the fifth helper of the tenth assistant?! Then I'm disappointed in you!

  Oleg sighed and scratched the back of his head.

  – What does it have to do with the duration of my learning and the fact that you will be my tutor?

  Irung leaned back in his chair and said:

  – I looked at your grades, test results, talked with teachers – all of them speak in more than flattering terms of you. They say you show interest in learning… – Irung leaned the whole body forward, looked into Oleg's eyes and said: – Well, I can help you to make a quality shift, engaging with you on additional program. How is this prospect to you?

  Oleg scratched the stubble on his face, sat down on the bed and looking up at Irung with eyes full of mock indifference asked:

  – I've heard that such proposals are usually made to especially gifted students. Those who have potential of a True magician… Am I right?

  – I knew that I like to work with you – Irung laughed. – So, do you agree?

  – One question!

  – What question?

  – I understand that there are some rules, regulations, etc… But there is one thing. If a proposal like this was made in a formal situation, in the office of the dean, for example… But here, at home. – Oleg shrugged and glared at Irung. – Hey, what's in it for you personally?

  The eyes of his interlocutor flashed and extinguished immediately. Irung paused for a moment, then shook his head and clapped his hands.

  – Bravo! Bravo, the young student! I am absolutely satisfied with the progress of your thoughts. – Irung clapped his hands again.

  – So what's your benefit? – Oleg had already noticed the feature of local magicians to hush up some points.

  – You are a stranger here. You have nothing behind, and you need soil to strike root here. I'm in similar situation. I'm single, and I think that I overplayed a little bit with that. I need a collaborator and a colleague, the one who can help me. And if we take into account your talent, after a couple years of intensive training you can achieve the rank of a senior student, and that alone will already be of good value. Then we'll talk more specifically.

  Oleg looked in the whirlpools of Irung's eyes and said two words:

  – I agree!

  Now, walking along the streets of the Seven Towers, he cursed himself for carelessness. What should he do with Nastya? The permanent studies will eliminate even those short meetings they used to have before. The conversation was promising to be quite heavy.

  Nastya has finished the first year in the University of Culture and should come to the Seven Towers today. The University was located in Muar, so Oleg was very surprised by the fact that she did not allow to meet her at the carriage station and arranged their meeting in some restaurant, by sending a letter yesterday.

  «Yeah, that's it! – Oleg stopped in front of a colorful signboard on which with flowery font was written that this was the restaurant „Fat Byhdook“. – Seriously, could not they have chosen a more decent name?!»

  Obtuse irritation was rising in his soul. For some reason he felt that Nastya would say nothing good. Oleg opened the beautifully carved door and entered inside.

  «Not bad!» – He thought, looking round the soft twilight of the room. The mos
aic floor was depicting scenes from tales of Elves, the wall panels were made of expensive wood, a stucco ceiling, some statues in the corners and niches, a fountain murmuring somewhere with fish splashing in it. A private orchestra was playing a nice melody, and a blond diva with languid voice sang something in old Elven.

  A man dressed in a green suit emerged from somewhere:

  – Does master wish a table?

  – A lady should be waiting for me.

  – Do you deign to say me your name, master?

  – I'll deign! – Oleg said a little rough, he was getting bored with all this grandiloquence and equivocation already. – Oleg, a junior student of magician.

  – Oh, master student of magician, you are expected indeed. Let me show you the way. – He walked slowly into the interior of the hall, Oleg followed him.

  Nastya chose a table near the window overlooking a small square. Oleg pulled out a chair and sat down.

  – Hi. – For unknown reason he felt awkward and uncomfortable.

  – Hi. – The voice of usually cheerful Nastya was quiet and even sad today.

  Oleg gave his girlfriend a watchful gaze. A slinky silver dress accented her figure, a necklace of the seven stones burning with magical lights, a ring and earrings matching the necklace, a high strict hairstyle and skillful makeup gave to her such familiar face the appearance of a socialite.

  – You've changed! – Oleg said with undisguised admiration, somehow ashamed of his own not too impressive appearance.

  He was wearing his best suit, but for some reason just now he remembered that it had been sewed in a cheap tailor shop near his house. All young people of his age who were not burdened with weighty wallets or relations, in short, most students of his batch dressed the same way. But everything is relative… Near Nastya, he looked like a poor relation, a man of other circle.

  – Do you like it? – She smiled sadly.

  – Of course! You look like a true lady!

  – Thank you. You have changed too. You look younger?! You strongly resemble a student – Nastya laughed.

  – And I'm a student actually, – Oleg chuckled.

  At this moment, a waiter came up to them and offered menus.

  – You order – Oleg gestured, ashamed that he had to mentally count the coins in his purse. He would be lucky to have ten kelats left from two gold farlongs of his scholarships.

  – Let's just sit and drink wine… and talk. – Nastya smiled sympathetically.

  Oleg felt his ears going red. It seemed that there was nothing to be ashamed of, but…

  – Please, bring us the young Fior wine – Nastya said after Oleg's consenting nod.

  – You have become an expert in all these things. I've never heard about this wine…

  Nastya laughed softly:

  – All diplomats are taught things like this. Or have you forgotten that I study at a diplomatic faculty?

  – No, I have not forgotten it – Oleg said in an obtuse voice.

  At this point, the waiter brought a bottle of wine. While the waiter was pouring wine into the glasses, they were silent. They were silent again when they were drinking the wine in small sips…

  – I think you've already guessed that our relationship… how do I put this, is undergoing some changes – Nastya started with her usual directness. – Our interests have become too different, and the circle of friends has changed. In addition, I will already graduate in four years, while you are going to study for another nine years. And then you will not belong to yourself: you will do what your Lodge will order you…

  She paused briefly.

  – But a year ago, you did not mind that – Oleg began.

  – You said it yourself. That was a year ago! Now we have settled down, got used to everything… – Nastya breathed. – Look, I can't wait another nine years. I need the local society. Now only a narrow slit has opened for me, but that alone has infatuated me. You're a great guy, you will achieve a lot, but it will not be soon! Sorry.

  Nastya said the last words, biting her lip and turning away. Oleg was silent, leaning back in his chair and looking thoughtfully at his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend.

  – Well, why are you silent?! Tell me something at least! – Her voice sounded a little offended.

  Oleg twitched his cheek:

  – What can I say? You said everything right. We have different interests now. It seems to me, Archimagus foresaw all this from the beginning…

  – What all?

  – The fact that we will not stay together. You study at the University of Culture where only white bones and nobles study. It's natural that someone has enticed you… Am I right? Do you have someone there? Someone who buys you a chic dress and trinketry which smells of protective magic. This is individual work. It can't be bought in a merchant store. He's a magician? – Oleg asked glancing at the girl.

  – Yes! He is a True magician and an assistant of ambassador in Gartash. And he really loves me – she said defiantly.

  – Do you love him? – Oleg asked quietly.

  – I do! – Nastya said just as quietly, but firmly. – Our wedding is in eight weeks.

  – Well then I wish you happiness! – Oleg raised his glass.

  – Thank you, – Nastya whispered, came to Oleg and kissed his cheek. – Goodbye!

  Her heels rattled to the exit. And it became light and safe in Oleg's soul.

  «Whatever happens, happens for the better. Everything led to this. Just a little bit, and I would have had to start the same conversation… But it's strange not to break up, but to be broken up. An unpleasant feeling I can say. It bites your pride. – He finished wine in his glass, and thought for some reason: – The wine she had chosen was very good!»

  Oleg sat leaning heavily against a sun-warmed stone. The rays of the summer sun were burning the white skin of his face. The sun was shining quite strongly, but the young man did not even think to hide – after years of hard apprenticeship he wanted as soon as possible to get rid of the pallor of a scientific rat. Oleg spit out a piece of grass, which he kept in his mouth. In that faraway Earth-world he could rarely stay quietly on such a hot, even scorching stone of a high windswept cliff. When at the bottom there were rumbling waves, happily screaming gulls, and he was lying and feeling unity with the whole world. And what was most important – there was not a single soul around…

  A light breeze brought the sounds of the Seven Towers Port, which was located in a couple of miles from the cliff, where Oleg was now. The young man winced.

  «It's interesting, why did Irung set up the meeting exactly here?! Unclear. It's just great here, of course, but in a tavern it would not be too bad either. – Oleg blinked. – Although it's beautiful here!»

  The apprentice of magician opened his eyes, chose a stone of medium size and focused on it. A moment of concentration, and a thin stream of the Force flowed from the man to the stone. It trembled and smoothly soared at elbow height. Another impulse – and Oleg watched the cobble flowing into the blue expanse of the sea… Oleg sighed. It's just a magic trick. Even on the Earth there are men who can do the same. This is the simplest demonstration of the Gift, however, he needed a year of hard work in order to wake it up.

  Oleg remembered the lessons. Meditation, theoretical lessons, then meditation again – four days in a row. Then, several practical trainings, so short that you simply don't notice them, a couple days of rest, and everything repeats again. He understood now why the end of each school year and the beginning of vacation was always celebrated with nightmarish booze.

  Oleg sighed and shook his head again. But what miracles could be demonstrated by full magicians, those who have graduated the Academy. He could only envy.

  There was a crackle of small pebbles. Oleg jumped on his feet and turned toward the sound. It was Irung.

  – Well, there is no need to be so nervous! Though on the other hand, we should never relax. – Irung's voice sounded mocking. – Have you been waiting for long?

  – Yes. Bu
t I just came early. I wanted to sit under the sun, to breathe…

  Irung smiled knowingly:

  – I also love to be in the nature. Away from crowds…

  – You don't like people? – Oleg asked.

  – No… I just like freedom, and the city feels squeezing. The walls press, closing over your head and sucking you in like a quagmire.

  – I hear you…

  The young people were silent.

  – Have you finished your private affairs? – Irung broke the silence.

  – Yes, – Oleg said calmly. Maybe a little too quiet.

  – Well. So you're ready for work.

  Oleg braced like before a jump.

  – Why are you so tense? – Irung laughed. – You will be ready for real work not too soon. Now we will deal with your education… Do they teach you something besides general subjects such as history of Toarn, mathematics, laws of magic, basics of meditation and minimum practical training?

  Oleg quickly scrolled it in his mind, and said:

  – No! But that's enough, isn't it?

  – Yes, just enough! – Irung laughed again. – It's enough for an ordinary magician, who never sticks his nose outside his laboratory!

  – But, as they told us, the curriculum is verified and approved by the Council of Masters… – Oleg drawled in surprise.

  – Yes! Verified! But if I remember correctly, you have the top score in history? – Having received an affirmative nod, Irung continued violently – when was the last time Nold fought? Not took part in an ordinary conflict but was fighting tooth and nail? Huh?

  Engrossed with the puzzle, Oleg quickly rummaged in his memory and said confusedly:

  – It turns out that Nold has not fought since its foundation. Since the Wars of the Fall.

  – That makes two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven years ago? Right? – Irung was just boiling. – The war has gone from our blood. I have no access to classified information, but according to my assessment, now we have no more than a thousand of magicians-practitioners and only few hundreds have real combat experience, those who serve in squadrons of the Punishers. – Uttering the name of the elite forces of Nold, the vengeance hand of Nold, Irung lowered his voice slightly. – There, on your Earth, how long has your country not fought?


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